Friday, December 6, 2013

US Spy Satellite Logo Not At All Subtle: Octopus Enveloping The Earth

from the nothing-is-beyond-our-reach dept

Over the past few months, I've certainly wondered quite a bit about just how bad the NSA seems to be at recognizing how the public feels concerning what it's doing. This week's revelations about tracking mobile phone locations was incredible because folks at the NSA must have known that information about this program was in Snowden's collection, and yet when they were asked about collecting location info a few months ago, they made statements that would clearly look bad, when put next to the truth:
“We don’t get any cell site or location information as to where any of these phones were located.” -- Keith Alexander
These phones. Under this program. But under this other program we collect pretty much everything. Beyond that, the various "code names" the NSA uses are somewhat revealing as well. Lots of people commented on the insanity of calling the giant database FASCIA. But, at the very least, you could argue that the NSA never expected those code names to be made public. And with the misleading statements, they were still holding out hope that maybe, just maybe, a meteor would magically flatten Glenn Greenwald, Barton Gellman and Laura Poitras before the info got out. View image on Twitter

But... how about when the US intelligence community actually does something publicly. Like live tweeting the launch of a new spy satellite. Apparently, they slap the most unsubtle logo on it that you can imagine.
You may not be able to see the logo used on the rocket, but here's a closeup.
Yes, it's an octopus, with tentacles reaching all over the globe. And the tagline is "Nothing is Beyond Our Reach."

Sure. They're spies. This is what they do. But, somehow, you'd think that maybe, just maybe, someone with a tiny bit of sense back there at the office of the director of national intelligence would think that, "gee, a lot of people around the globe are pretty fucking angry at us for all the spying we're doing right now. maybe we shouldn't be spitting in their faces, mocking their concerns, and reminding them that we're blatantly evil people who really don't give two shits about their privacy."

Of course, that would take some actual recognition of what anyone thinks of them, and that doesn't seem to be part of the way that the US intelligence community operates.

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