Friday, December 6, 2013


Posted by George Freund on December 3, 2013 

While this is not as extensive a Google doodle as the Maria Calles one, the Carlos Finley doodle has ominous overtones. Carlos was a Cuban physician born on December 3rd 1833. He was a renowned researcher in the field of Yellow Fever. He studied in the U.S., Paris and Havana. He was the first to understand the mosquito as a disease vector for the disease after research from the 1870's until the early 1900's. This understanding was the basis for further work in combatting the disease. Ten per cent of the workers on the Panama Canal died of it and malaria.


In the CONSPIRACY genre the invention of DDT was touted as one of the greatest discoveries to eradicate the malarial and other disease bearing mosquitos. The inventor, Paul Hermann Müller, won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1948 for it. It has been claimed to have saved more lives than any other discovery. In 1962 Rachel Carson wrote a book called Silent Spring which claimed DDT killed numerous birds and must be banned. The eco-Nazi plan this was a soft focus genocide of the poor. Millions died as a result of the cessation of spraying of DDT. This one environmental ecocide has been one of the great success stories of riding the planet Earth of its useless eaters.

It might be safe to imply that the crime of ecocide will continue unchecked in this doodle. Perhaps they have weaponized Yellow Fever or added it to the toxic brew of an aid package. It is a topic of conversation that Paul Walker's charity projects were being used to supply victims with a birth control additive to the food and medicine. It is understood he found out. As in the pirate's lore, dead men tell no tales. The post crash burning alive was a warning to others to be wary of their fate.

The doodle specifically shows the letters Gge. One of the most popular acronyms is Gasoline gallon equivalent Gge. Considering Paul Walker was burned alive that is pertinent. The 'l' is a palm tree he hit.

A victory for ecocide the mosquito becomes the ultimate weapon of mass destruction 3 billion and counting.

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