Saturday, December 7, 2013

911 Timeline

The Most Comprehensive Minute By Minute Timeline On 911

by Mark R. Elsis,, September 9, 2002
The "Summary of Facts" will set the foundation to support Plaintiff Counts as set forth herein.
However, a complete highly researched timelines of "911" by American Citizen Mark R. Elsis
( and ) who has agreed to testify to his research on behalf of Plaintiff, and believed to be one of the "most comprehensive minute by minute accounts of the events of "911".

The Beginning Of The Declaration Of Independence
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men [and women] are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Preamble Of The Constitution Of The United States
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

This 911 Timeline Is Dedicated To The Following:
This timeline is dedicated to the (3052 or 3056) people who lost their life on 911. It is especially dedicated to the highest act of love one human can show to another. It is for the 343 Bravest from The New York City Fire Department and the 60 Finest from The Port Authority and The New York City Police Forces, who lost their life, in the hope of saving the life of others.
It is also dedicated to John O�Neill who died on his second day on the job as head of security for the World Trade Center (WTC). Strangely, before his new job at the WTC John O�Neill resigned as the chief of the FBI Terror Task Force responsible for the investigation into al-Qaeda and Usama bin Laden. He resigned the FBI in disgust because he was not allowed to do his job in going after al-Qaeda and Usama bin Laden.
Read more about John O�Neill at:
It is also dedicated to Scott Shuger, who was the only mainstream or alternative media writer, beside myself, who had the courage to write about the elementary mathematical facts (that the two United States Air Force (USAF) F-15 fighters ordered to intercept United Airlines Flight 175 and the two or three USAF F-16 fighters ordered to intercept American Airlines Flight 77 were flying at only 25.8% and 27.4% of their top speed) of the NORAD Press Release of September 18, 2001. Scott�s article is called IGNORAD The Military Screw-up Nobody Talks About. Scott Shuger astonishingly died in a scuba diving accident on June 15, 2002.

Read IGNORAD by Scott Shugar:

What The Press Isn't Covering WNYC Interview With Scott Shugar:
Finally, this timeline it is dedicated to all of us who search and expose the truth, with a special thanks to one of the most courageous Americans, Meria Heller. Meria was the only person in the media (I asked all mainstream and alternative) who would allow me to talk about what really happened on September 11, 2001.

Please listen to and support The Meria Heller Show:

When reading this 911 Timeline, be particularly aware of the parts that deal with the September 18, 2001 NORAD Press Release about the response times of the United States Air Force. Also please keep the four following significant pieces of information in mind.

NORAD Press Release:

AP Article On NORAD PR:
1) The United States Government will spend more on the military in fiscal year 2003, than all the rest of the countries on Earth combined. Current expenditures are 437 billion and our past obligations are 339 billion, this equals 776 billion. Forty-Six Percent Of Our Taxes Go To The Military:
This figure doesn�t even account for all of the off-budget, black projects, nor the 40+ billion the United States will spend on intelligence in 2003.
2) The United States Air Force is the most technologically advanced, and the most dominate military force ever known to man.
3) New York City and Washington D.C. are far and away the top two cities in the United States that would be targeted by terrorists.
4) In the over one hundred year history of steel high-rises and skyscrapers there has never been a single one, which has collapsed due to fire. On September 11, 2001 there were three such structures, which fell, World Trade Center Buildings Numbers One, Two and Seven.
5) Stand Down
Exposing NORAD's Wag The 911 Window Dressing Tale
by Mark R. Elsis

6) What Would You Do?
Listen And Read The Lyrics To This Great Song About 911
by Paris

The Complete 9/11 Timeline
by Paul Thompson

8) 911 Timelines Direct Action
Please eMail, Call, Fax Or Write
The U.S. Government's 911 Commission

9) Shunned: My 911 Work
September 11, 2001 - September 11, 2003
by Mark R. Elsis

For Easier Reading The Four Flights Are Color Coded
American Airlines Flight 11: A Boeing 767-223ER -- Seating Capacity 181 -- Fatalities 92
United Airlines Flight 175: A Boeing 767-222 -- Seating Capacity 181 -- Fatalities 65
American Airlines Flight 77: A Boeing 757-223 -- Seating Capacity 200 -- Fatalities 64
United Airlines Flight 93: A Boeing 757-222 -- Seating Capacity 200 -- Fatalities 44

The Seating Charts For The Boeing 767 And 757

911 Timeline

The Most Comprehensive Minute By Minute Timeline On 911

Many sources for the 911 Timeline are found in the more than 600 articles on:
All times are Eastern Daylight Time.

The supposed code name for this operation was The Big Wedding.

1) 12:00 a.m.: The United Nations International Day Of Peace Begins.
2) 12:45 a.m.: Willie Brown, the Mayor of San Francisco gets a call from what he described as his airport security advising him that Americans should be cautious about their air travel on September 11th. Mayor Brown was scheduled to fly from San Francisco to New York City on September 11th.
3) 6:00 a.m.: A van occupied by Middle Eastern men pulls up to The Colony Beach and Tennis Resort on Longboat Key, Florida. They state they have an interview with Bush. They are turned away for not having an appointment.
4) 6:30 a.m.: Bush goes for a four mile jog around the golf course at the Colony Beach and Tennis Resort.
5) 6:45 a.m.: Two hours before the first attack, two workers at the instant messaging company Odigo receive messages warning of the WTC attack. This Israeli owned company has its headquarters two blocks from the WTC.
6) 6:50 a.m.: Mohammed Atta and Abdulaziz Alomari's flight from Portland, Maine arrives on time at Boston's Logan Airport.
7) 7:45 a.m.: Mohammed Atta and Abdulaziz Alomari board American Airlines Flight 11.
8) 7:59 a.m.: American Airlines Flight 11 a Boeing 767-223ER with a maximum capacity of 181 passengers and 23,980 gallons of fuel, lifts off from Logan International Airport in Boston, Massachusetts, bound for Los Angeles International Airport in Los Angeles, California. Take-off was scheduled for 7:45. There are supposed to be 92 victims on board American Airlines Flight 11, yet when you add up the official death manifest list that was published on, there are only 86 victims.
The same goes for the other three flights of September 11th. Add up the passenger and crew lists from all 4 flights of 911 and you have officially 266 people on board. Yet when one adds up the 4 official death manifest lists published on, there are only 229 names. Somehow 37 people are missing from the 4 official death manifest lists, including all 19 of the hijackers. There is not even one Arabic name there. Why?

One other thing; says there are 45 fatalities on United Airlines Flight 93, others say there are 44. This would make 36 missing, and 265 deaths for all 4 airliners.

The 4 airliners of September 11th, 2 Boeing 767�s and 2 Boeing 757�s had a total passenger seating capacity of 762 people. There are only 229 passengers and crew members on the four death lists, so, how could these flights possibly be 70% empty?

Boeing 757 Seating Charts:

Boeing 767 Seating Charts:

9) 8:01 a.m.: United Airlines Flight 93 a Boeing 757-222 with a maximum capacity of 200 passengers and 11,489 gallons of fuel, rolls from the gate in Newark International Airport, Newark, New Jersey with 44 people aboard bound for San Francisco International Airport, San Francisco, California. United Airlines Flight 93 will sit on the ground for 41 minutes before taking off. There are supposed to be 44 victims on board, yet when you add up the official death manifest list that was published on, there are only 33 victims.
10) 8:13:31 a.m.: American Airlines Flight 11 last transmission from Boston Air Traffic Control: AAL11 turn 20 degrees right American Airlines Flight 11 responds: 20 right AAL11.
A few seconds later the Controller asks: AAL11 now climb maintain FL350 [35,000 feet] Controller: AAL11 climb maintain FL350 Controller: AAL11 Boston. There is no response from American Airlines Flight 11.
11) 8:14 to 8:20 a.m.: American Airlines Flight 11 goes off course and is hijacked.
12) 8:14 a.m.: United Airlines Flight 175 a Boeing 767-222 with a maximum capacity of 181 passengers and 23,980 gallons of fuel, lifts off from Logan International Airport in Boston, Massachusetts, bound for Los Angeles International Airport in Los Angeles, California. Take-off was scheduled for 7:58. There are supposed to be 65 victims on board, yet when you add up the official death manifest list that was published on, there are only 56 victims.
13) 8:17 a.m.: American Airlines Flight 11 passenger Daniel Lewin, who belongs to the Israel Defense Force Sayeret Matkal, a top-secret counter-terrorist unit is either stabbed or shot to death. Quite the coincidence he would be onboard.
14) 8:20 a.m.: American Airlines Flight 11 transponder signal stops transmitting Identification, Friend or Foe (IFF) beacon signal.
If a pilot loses their transponder the controllers console immediately alerts him to this fact since he no longer has the transponder code and altitude. This causes the controllers a great deal of trouble and very shortly the pilot also has trouble. The pilot is instructed to stay below 3,500 feet and return to the airport. The reason for the concern is the pilot is a hazard to navigation. Now imagine the situation in the Air Traffic Control Center.
The northeast corner of the United States is the busiest airspace on the planet. Each controller has a wedged shaped sector that he is responsible for. His airspace is also bounded by altitude limits. Commercial flights are always under positive control, they must constantly be in communication with the controllers in order to maintain legal separation. If one of these heavies loses its transponder, it causes instant problems for more than one controller since altitude information is lost.
The controllers still have a skin paint, or passive echo from the airframe, but the blip now shows up on all consoles for that sector, not just the original one that was handling the altitude range of the flight. If that same flight loses communication with the controllers as well, the controller workload takes another giant step upward. Keep in mind that this is in an area that is normally stretched to the breaking point with controller overload. This flight is now a hazard to air navigation, and the controllers primary function of separating the planes is in jeopardy.
The procedure for lost communication emergencies is simple: follow your last clearance. If the flight under discussion follows its last clearance, the controllers can predict where it will go and can still keep other flights out of harms way. If in addition to losing communication and transponder the flight starts to deviate from its last clearance, the whole system is in an emergency condition. Alarms all over the country would be going off. One interesting piece of information is the recording of controller and pilot conversations. These tapes are a matter of public record and are written over after a few days unless something interesting happens. These tapes would show the response of the system. Why did the FBI confiscate all of these tapes between the controllers and these four flights?
The air traffic control system would be in panic mode within two to three minutes of the initial events. We know that Otis Air Force Base is only about seven minutes from Manhattan by F-15. Also, there is an Air Defense Intercept Zone just off shore for the entire Atlantic Coast. This zone is constantly being patrolled. In general fast movers would not need to be scrambled. They can be diverted from routine patrol and training flights for the intercept.
The odds are that many flights would be on patrol just off shore. It would be most improbable that even one commercial flight could go more than ten minutes without being intercepted. The intercepting plane would slowly close from the left and take station slightly above and ahead of the errant heavy. At this point he would rock his wings and expect the other plane to do the same as a form of non-verbal communication. After this he would perform a gentle turn to the left and the intercepted plane is required to follow. If this does not occur, there are many actions short of firing the fighter can take to prevent the commercial jet from harming either itself, any other plane, or any ground structure.
15) 8:20 a.m.: American Airlines Flight 77 a Boeing 757-223 with a maximum capacity of 200 passengers and 11,489 gallons of fuel, lifts off from Dulles International Airport about 30 miles west of Washington D.C. and the Pentagon, bound for Los Angeles International Airport in Los Angeles, California. Take-off was scheduled for 8:01. There are supposed to be 64 victims on board, yet when you add up the official death manifest list that was published on, there are only 56 victims.
16) 8:21 a.m.: Betty Ong, a flight attendant on American Airlines Flight 11, calls Vanessa Minter at American Airlines reservations from the seatback phone. "She said two flight attendants had been stabbed, one was on oxygen," said the manager on duty. "A passenger had his throat slashed and looked dead and they had gotten into the cockpit." She identifies the seats of the hijackers and confirms that the plane is descending.
17) 8:22 a.m.: Amy Sweeney another flight attendant on American Airlines Flight 11, calls American Airlines ground manager Michael Woodward and speaks calmly to him until the plane crashes.
18) 8:24:38 a.m.: The pilot of American Airlines Flight 11, John Ogonowski, or one of the hijackers activates the talk-back button, enabling Boston air traffic controllers to hear a hijacker say to the passengers: "We have some planes. Just stay quiet and you will be OK. We are returning to the airport. Nobody move." Apparently, one of the hijackers confused the aircraft's radio with its public-address system. Air traffic control responds, "Who's trying to call me?"
19) 8:24:57 a.m. from American Airlines Flight 11, "Everything will be OK. If you try to make any moves, you'll endanger yourself and the airplane. Just stay quiet."
20) 8:25 a.m.: Boston air traffic control notified several air traffic control centers that a hijack is in progress with American Airlines Flight 11. Boston air traffic control first lost communication with American Airlines Flight 11 more than 11 minutes ago. What took them so long to start to implement procedure? Why didn�t they also notify North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) at this time?
If they did follow procedure and notify NORAD at 8:25 and NORAD followed protocol and ordered the 102nd Fighter Wing of the Otis Air National Guard Base in Falmouth, Massachusetts to scramble at say 8:26 � two F-15�s would have been airborne by no later than 8:32 � these F-15�s would have had at least 14 minutes and 26 seconds to reach the WTC before American Airlines Flight 11 impacts the north side of the North Tower (1 World Trade Center) at 8:46:26. If these two F-15�s were flying at top speed, 14 minutes and 26 seconds is exactly twice the amount of time need to reach the WTC. These two F-15�s could have been at the WTC in just over 7 minutes, or as early as 8:39. Even a spokesperson for Otis said that their F-15�s could reach the WTC in 10 to 12 minutes, which would have them there at 8:42 to 8:44.
These two F-15�s could have easily intercepted American Airlines Flight 11. If only Boston air traffic control, which notified several air traffic control centers that a hijack is in progress with American Airlines Flight 11 at 8:25, had also notified NORAD. Why didn�t they? Or did they follow procedure, and notify NORAD, and NORAD is lying about it. Let me state that it is NORAD�s job to know every inch of the skies over North America, so they must have known that American Airlines Flight 11 was hijacked somewhere between 8:14 and 8:20.
21) 8:26 a.m.: American Airlines Flight 11 is heading westnorthwest, its location is between Albany and Lake George, New York, when it suddenly makes a 100 degree turn to the south and starts heading directly toward New York City. American Airlines Flight 11 finds the Hudson River and follows it all the way south till it impacts the north side of the North Tower of the WTC.
Almost 40 miles north of the WTC on the Hudson River is by far the number one terrorist target in the United States, Indian Point and its 3 nuclear power stations, 2 of which are online. These 3 nuclear stations have accumulated 65 years worth of stockpiled highly radioactive waste. Indian Point is only 24 miles north of the New York City border. It is surrounded by the densest concentration of population in the United States, the northeast corridor. Why did American Airlines Flight 11 fly directly over the number one terrorist target in the United States, Indian Point nuclear power stations, and not hit it? (See 8:39 a.m. # 28)
22) 8:32 a.m.: Bush�s motorcade leaves The Colony Beach and Tennis Resort on Longboat Key, Florida for Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota.
23) 8:33:59 a.m.: Another transmission from American Airlines Flight 11, "Nobody move please. We are going back to the airport. Don't try to make any stupid moves."
24) 8:36 a.m.: Flight attendant Betty Ong on American Airlines Flight 11 reports that the plane tilts all the way on one side and then becomes horizontal again. Flight attendant Amy Sweeney also reports on her phone that the plane has begun a rapid descent.
25) 8:36 a.m.: A NORAD spokesman, Major Mike Snyder, has been reported to have said, that the FAA notified NORAD of a hijacked aircraft, American Airlines Flight 11, about 10 minutes before it impacted into the World Trade Center.
26) 8:37 a.m.: Flight controllers ask the United Airlines Flight 175 pilots to look for the lost American Airlines Flight 11, about 10 miles to the south. They respond that they can see it. They are told to keep away from it. This incident is not included in The New York Times flight controller transcript. Why?
27) 8:38 a.m.: Boston air traffic center notifies NORAD that American Airlines Flight 11 has been hijacked.
28) 8:39 a.m. American Airlines Flight 11 flies directly over the number one terrorist target in the United States, Indian Point nuclear power stations. Indian Point has 3 nuclear power stations (1 is offline and the other 2 have been online since 1973 and 1976), which are only 24 miles north of New York City.
If American Airlines Flight 11 hits Indian Point correctly in any of three different ways, they could have caused a meltdown and a release of vast amounts of radiation. There are also a cumulative 65 operating years worth of highly radioactive waste stored at Indian Point. Casualities could possibly be upwards of 20 million people prematurely dieing from radiation poisoning. The whole northeast corridor from New York City to Boston would instantly become a wasteland for thousands of years.
Why did American Airlines Flight 11 jeopardize their mission by flying another 7 plus minutes (when they could and should have been intercepted by the USAF) down the Hudson River to hit the WTC between the 94th and 98th floors where they ended up "only" killing less than 3,000 people when they could have hit their enemies� number one target?
The mastermind behind these "terrorists" hijackers would have soon figured out their best and only shot against the strongest military foe in the world would have been to hit them first and hit them as hard as you can. Why didn't they hit Indian Point?
If the terrorists were targeting the WTC, don't you think they would have waited until around 11:00 when these buildings were full with 50,000 plus people? And of course, to cause the most deaths and destruction isn't it elementary to strike these buildings as low as possible, which would have been around the 25th to 30th floors?
So, why did this well planned "terrorist" attack kill only 3,000 people when they could have easily killed ten times that many? This reasoning also goes along with the Pentagon attack. Why was the Pentagon hit on the so-called "peaceful" west side which was mostly under construction as opposed to the command center east side of the Pentagon?
If one plane didn't do the job at Indian Point, two planes most definitely would have done the job. United Airlines Flight 175 flew very close to Indian Point; it was literally within a couple of minutes flying time.
29) 8:40 a.m. Nasty and Duff are the code names of the two F-15 pilots from the 102nd Fighter Wing of the Otis Air National Guard Base in Falmouth, Massachusetts who would scramble after United Airlines Flight 175. Nasty says that at this time, a colleague tells him that a flight out of Boston has been hijacked, and to be on alert. They put on their flight gear and get ready.
30) 8:40 a.m.: The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) notifies NORAD that American Airlines Flight 11 has been hijacked. Even NORAD officially admitted that the FAA told them about the hijacking of American Airlines Flight 11 at 8:40.

NORAD Press Release:

AP Article On NORAD PR:
31) 8:41:32 a.m.: United Airlines Flight 175 last communication with the New York air traffic control: We figured we'd wait to go to your center. We heard a suspicious transmission on our departure from BOS [Boston] sounds like someone keyed the mike and said everyone stay in your seats.
32) 8:42 a.m.: United Airlines Flight 93 a Boeing 757-222 with a maximum capacity of 200 passengers and 11,489 gallons of fuel, lifts off from Newark International Airport in Newark, New Jersey bound for San Francisco International Airport, San Francisco, California. Take-off was scheduled for 8:01. There are supposed to be 44 victims on board, yet when you add up the official death manifest list that was published on, there are only 33 victims.
33) 8:42 a.m.: An air traffic controller says of United Airlines Flight 175, looks like he's heading southbound but there's no transponder no nothing and no one's talking to him.
34) 8:43 a.m.: The FAA notifies NORAD that United Airlines Flight 175 has been hijacked. NORAD has officially admitted that the FAA told them about the hijacking of United Airlines Flight 175 at 8:43.
35) 8:44 a.m.: Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, talking about terrorism at the Pentagon says, "Let me tell you, I�ve been around the block a few times. There will be another event."He then repeats it for emphasis, there will be another event."
36) 8:46 a.m.: NORAD orders the 102nd Fighter Wing of the Otis Air National Guard Base in Falmouth, Massachusetts to scramble two of their F-15 fighters. This is from the 102nd Fighter Wing's mission statement of September 11, 2001. "Our aircraft and their crews are on continuous 24-hour, 365-day alert to guard our skies. The 102nd Fighter Wing's area of responsibility includes over 500,000 square miles, 90 million people, and the major industrial centers of Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C."
NORAD, by their own account, held on to this most vital information of these two hijacking for at least 6 minutes before ordering Otis to scramble. NORAD may have held on to the vital information of American Airlines Flight 11 for perhaps 8 minutes, maybe 10 minutes (see 8:36 a.m. # 25 statement by NORAD spokesman, Major Mike Snyder), possibly up to 26 minutes (see 8:20 a.m. # 14 American Airlines Flight 11 transponder signal stopped transmitting its IFF beacon signal) and let us not forget that the last transmission of American Airlines Flight 11 with Boston air traffic control occurred at 8:13:31, so maybe NORAD had over 32 minutes before they notified Otis to scramble their two F-15�s.
How could NORAD possibly hold on to the 8:40 information of the American Airlines Flight 11 hijacking, and not immediately scrambled Otis? How could NORAD possibly hold on to the 8:43 information of the United Airlines Flight 175 hijacking, and not have immediately scrambled Otis? How could NORAD, by their own account, hold on to the most vital information of both of these hijackings for three and six full minutes before notifying Otis to scramble?

NORAD Press Release:

AP Article On NORAD PR:

Two New York Times articles apologetically describing this:

Pentagon Tracked Deadly Jet But Found No Way to Stop It

Chronology of Plane Crashes: Orders, at the Time of Impact

37) 8:46:26 a.m.: American Airlines Flight 11 impacts the north side of the North Tower (1 World Trade Center) of the WTC between the 94th and 98th floors. American Airlines Flight 11 was flying at a speed of 490 miles per hour (MPH).
When American Airlines Flight 11 struck the North Tower, "it set up vibrations which were transmitted through the building, through its foundation, and into the ground," says Lerner-Lam. Those vibrations, as indicated by seismographs at Lamont-Doherty and other locations, were the equivalent of a magnitude 0.9 earthquake, one too small to be felt.
People in the floors below the 94th of 1 WTC start to evacuate. Officials in the South Tower (2 WTC) tell people shortly afterwards by megaphone and office announcements that they are safe and to stay in their offices. Some people don't hear it, others ignore it and evacuate anyway.
Between 8:47 and 10:29 a.m. many people trapped by fire and smoke in the upper floors of both World Trade Center towers, jump to their deaths. One person at street level, a NYC Firefighter is hit by such a jumper and also is killed.
38) 8:46 a.m.: United Airlines Flight 175 transponder signal stops transmitting IFF beacon signal.
39) 8:47 a.m.: NORAD informed of American Airlines Flight 11 striking the World Trade Center.
40) 8:47 a.m.: NYC Fire Battalion Chief Joe Pfeiffer from the 7th Battalion puts out an emergency call stating that American Airlines Flight 11 impacting the north side of the North Tower (1 World Trade Center) was no accident. The plane's impact was clearly a deliberate attack an intentional act of mass death and devastation.
As the small video crew (who shot the only video of American Airlines Flight 11 impacting the WTC � the fireman video) and firemen that had eye-witnessed the first plane hit the WTC were racing to the location, Chief Pfeiffer sounded red alerts over the radio and phone; specifically stating that what they witnessed was a "direct attack" and that the airliner was clearly being directed straight at the WTC and the incident was definitely not any kind of accident.
41) 8:48 a.m.: The first news reports appear on TV and radio that a plane may have crashed into the WTC.
42) 8:49 a.m.: United Airlines Flight 175 now deviates from its assigned flight path.
43) 8:50 a.m.: Rich Miles, a manager of United Airlines Chicago system operations center, receives a call from a mechanic at an airline maintenance center in San Francisco that takes in-flight calls from flight attendants about broken items. The mechanic says a female flight attendant from United Airlines Flight 175 just called and said, "Oh my God. The crew has been killed; a flight attendant has been stabbed. We've been hijacked." Then the line went dead.
44) 8:50:51 a.m.: American Airlines Flight 77 last radio communication, about 285 miles west of the Pentagon.
45) 8:51 a.m.: Bush arrives at Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida for a photo op with 16 second graders. He is there to promote his administration's new bill on education.
46) 8:52 a.m.: Two F-15 Eagles have scrambled and are airborne from the 102nd Fighter Wing of Otis Air National Guard Base in Falmouth, Massachusetts. An F-15 has a top speed of 1875+ MPH. According to NORAD, Otis is 153 miles eastnortheast of the WTC.
47) 8:53 a.m.: A flight controller says to other airplanes in the sky about United Airlines Flight 175, "We may have a hijack. We have some problems over here right now."
48)8:55 a.m.: Barbara Olson, a passenger on American Airlines Flight 77, "allegedly called" her husband, Solicitor General Theodore Olson at the Justice Department. He is watching the WTC news on TV. She tells him, ''they had box cutters and knives. They rounded up the passengers at the back of the plane.'' She asks him, "What should I tell the pilot to do?" She gets cuts off; he calls the Justice Department's command center to alert them of the hijacking. She calls back and says the plane is turning around. She appears to have been the only person on American Airlines Flight 77 to call someone on the ground. Why is she the only person who "allegedly called" from American Airlines Flight 77?"

911 Planes Exceeded Their Software Limits / Cell Phone Calls Could Not Have Been Made

Ghost Riders In The Sky An Alternative 9-11 Scenario
by A. K. Dewdney

Operation Pearl
by A. K. Dewdney

49) 8:56 a.m.: American Airlines Flight 77 transponder signal stops.
50) 8:56 a.m.: American Airlines Flight 77 goes off course and starts making a 180 degree turn over southern Ohio / northeastern Kentucky.
51) 8:57 a.m. The FAA formally notified the military that American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the WTC. Until then, the two F-15�s fighters from Otis did not know the plane had crashed -- Yet at 8:47 a.m. NORAD had been notified. Why does it take over 10 minutes to inform the two F-15�s of this, especially when United Airlines Flight 175 is headed directly for New York City?
52) 8:59 a.m.: American Airlines Flight 77 completes its 180 degree turn over southern Ohio / northeastern Kentucky and starts heading directly back to Washington D.C. and The Pentagon, 330 miles away.
53) 9:00 a.m.: United Airlines systems operations transmitted a system wide message, warning its pilots of a potential "cockpit intrusion". United Airlines Flight 93, flying over Pennsylvania replies "Confirmed".
54) 9:00 a.m.: Last radar reading on United Airlines Flight 175 is observed at an altitude of 18,000 feet, descending, with a ground speed of 480 knots.
55) 9:00 a.m. The FAA starts contacting all airliners to warn them of the hijacking.
56) 9:00 a.m.: The Pentagon moves its alert status up one notch from normal to Alpha. It stays on Alpha until after American Airlines Flight 77 hits the Pentagon.
57) 9:01 a.m.: Bush later makes the following statement. "And I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV was obviously on, and I used to fly myself, and I said, 'There's one terrible pilot.' And I said, 'It must have been a horrible accident.' But I was whisked off from there -- I didn't have much time to think about it." Bush could not have possibly seen the first plane (American Airlines Flight 11) hit the WTC, because the only video showing this was not shown on television till later in the day. So how could he have possibly seen and said this?
58) 9:02:54 a.m.: United Airlines Flight 175 impacts the south side of the South Tower of the WTC between the 78th and 84th floors at a speed of over 500 MPH. Parts of the plane including an engine leave the building from its north side, to be found on the ground up to six blocks away.
When United Airlines Flight 175 struck the South Tower, "it set up vibrations which were transmitted through the building, through its foundation, and into the ground," says Lerner-Lam. Those vibrations, as indicated by seismographs at Lamont-Doherty and other locations, were the equivalent of a magnitude 0.7 earthquake.
NORAD says that when United Airlines Flight 175 impacts the WTC at 9:02:54, the F-15's from Otis are still 71 miles away. This means their average flight speed was only 23.9% of their top speed in trying to intercept United Airlines Flight 175.
Otis is 153 miles from WTC. F-15's have a top speed of 1875+ MPH. Minus 71 miles left from 153 miles equals 82 miles covered in the 11 minutes from 8:52 take-off to 9:03. 60 minutes divided by 11 minutes equals 5.45, times this by the 82 miles covered, equals 447.3 MPH. divided by 1875 MPH equals 23.9% of their top speed. How could these two F-15�s possibly be going less than one quarter of their top speed in trying to intercept United Airlines Flight 175?
The following passages are from a BBC article published on August 30, 2002. Two of the pilots patrolling northeast America told the programme how they struggled to get to New York as fast as possible after the first plane had hit the World Trade Center. Pilots "Duff" and "Nasty" recalled they were only minutes away when the second plane hit the towers. Pilot Duff said: "For a long time I wondered what would have happened if we had been scrambled in time. "We've been over the flight a thousand times in our minds and I don't know what we could have done to get there any quicker." Perhaps if they flew a little faster than 23.9% of their top speed is how.

US Considered 'Suicide Jet Missions'

The F-15 pilots flew ''like a scalded ape,'' topping 500 MPH but were unable to catch up to the airliner [United Airliners Flight 175], Maj. Gen. Paul Weaver said.

National Guard Fighters Raced After 2 Airliners
Now the only airliner left in the sky with its IFF transponder signal off which has just made a 180 degree turn over southern Ohio / northeastern Kentucky and has been heading directly back to Washington D.C. and The Pentagon since 8:59 a.m. -- is American Airlines Flight 77. Why didn�t these two F-15�s that were 71 miles from NYC and the WTC, immediately redirect to intercept the only dangerous airliner in the sky, American Airlines Flight 77?
These two F-15�s had 34 minutes to reach Washington D.C. before American Airlines Flight 77 hits the Pentagon at 9:37 a.m. The mission of these two F-15�s from the 102nd Fighter Wing of the Otis Air National Guard Base is to protect the skies from Washington D.C. to the north. The F-15 has a top speed of 1875+ MPH, so they could have closed the 300 or so miles from their current position to Washington D.C. in just about 10 minutes. At top speed they could have been at the Pentagon 24 minutes before American Airlines Flight 77 hits it.
Even if they were flying at the same speed NORAD says that they covered in the last 71 miles till they reach the WTC (532.5 MPH or only 28.4% of top speed) they would have beat American Airlines Flight 77 to the Pentagon. Why didn�t these two F-15�s directly fly to intercept the only known airliner still in the sky that is hijacked, and heading directly for the nations capitol?
Still, much worse, why didn�t these two F-15�s upon reaching the WTC at 9:11 and now knowing that American Airlines Flight 77 has been heading dead on for Washington D.C. for 12 minutes, finally try to intercept? The WTC is about 250 miles from the Pentagon. They still have 26 minutes to intercept American Airlines Flight 77 before the Pentagon gets hit at 9:37. All they have to do is to fly only 576.9 MPH or 30.8% of their top speed to beat American Airlines Flight 77 to the Pentagon. What do we pay these guys to do?
Still, unbelievably worse, these two F-15�s could have waited in New York City till 9:26 before heading down to protect Washington D.C. and the Pentagon. By 9:26 American Airlines Flight 77 has now been heading directly back to Washington D.C. for 27 minutes. American Airlines Flight 77 is the only airliner in the sky with its transponder signal off, and off course. If these F-15�s were flying at top speed, they could be at the Pentagon in under 10 minutes. They can leave New York City at 9:26 and still beat American Airlines Flight 77 to the Pentagon by one minute. Why didn�t these two F-15�s leave at any time between 9:03 and 9:26 to intercept American Airlines Flight 77, the only airliner in the sky with its transponder signal off, and also off course? Why, NORAD?

NORAD Press Release:

AP Article On NORAD PR:

Two New York Times articles apologetically describing this:

Pentagon Tracked Deadly Jet But Found No Way to Stop It

Chronology of Plane Crashes: Orders, at the Time of Impact

There is a very important video of what looks very much like an F-15 streaking by the WTC just as United Airlines Flight 175 impacts the South Tower of the WTC. Why isn�t anyone talking about this video?

Take a look for yourself at:

59) 9:03 a.m.: Boston air traffic control center halts traffic from its airports to all New York area airspace.
60) 9:05 a.m.: Andrew Card walks up to Bush while he is listening to a Goat Story with 16 second graders in Sandra Kay Daniels�s class at Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida. Card whispers in his ear "A second plane has hit the World Trade Center. America is under attack." Bush (commander-and-chief?) keeps listening to this Goat Story with these children for at least 7 minutes, and perhaps as long as 18 minutes. Why didn't he excuse himself from these children right away, and immediately address this national emergency, is totally unexplainable.
There is no way this should have happened. What of course should have happened, was as soon as the secret service found out about United Airlines Flight 175 impacting the WTC (now knowing it was a "terrorist" act), they would have immediatly grabbed Bush and brought him to an undisclosed location. There is no way the secret service leaves Bush in a place (Emma E. Booker Elementary School) where everyone knows he is. Stand Down.
61) 9:05 a.m.: West Virginia flight control notices a new eastbound plane entering their radar with no radio contact and no transponder identification. They are not sure it is American Airlines Flight 77. Supposedly they wait another 19 minutes before notifying NORAD about it.
62) 9:06 a.m.: Order to halt traffic is expanded to include the entire northeast from Washington to Cleveland. FAA's air traffic control center outside Washington D.C. notifies all air traffic facilities nationwide of the suspected hijacking of American Airlines Flight 11.
63) 9:06 a.m.: The FAA formally notified the military that United Airlines Flight 175 had been hijacked.
64) 9:08 a.m.: FAA orders all aircraft to leave New York area airspace and orders all New York-bound planes nationwide to stay on the ground.
65) 9:10 a.m. to 9:20 a.m.: United Airlines Flight 93 was hijacked.
66) 9:11 a.m.: The two F-15 Eagles from Otis Air National Guard station in Falmouth; Massachusetts finally make it to NYC and the WTC. So it takes these two F-15�s, which have a top speed of 1875+ MPH, 19 minutes to cover the 153 miles from Otis to the WTC. This means their average flight speed from Otis to the WTC was only 483.2 MPH or just 25.8% of their top speed.
67) 9:12 a.m.: The FAA formally notified the military that United Airlines Flight 175 had crashed into the WTC.
68) 9:15 a.m.: American Airlines orders no new takeoffs in the United States.
69) 9:16 a.m. to 9:20: The FAA notifies NORAD that United Airlines Flight 93 has been hijacked. (Reported as 9:20 a.m. in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette) No fighters are scrambled in specific response, now or later. There is the possibility the fighters sent after American Airlines Flight 77 later headed towards United Airlines Flight 93. NORAD's own timeline inexplicably fails to say when the FAA told them about the hijack, the only flight they fail to provide this data for.
70) 9:17 a.m.: The FAA shuts down all New York City area airports.
71) 9:20 a.m.: United Airlines orders no new takeoffs in the United States.
72) 9:21 a.m.: New York City Port Authority orders all bridges and tunnels in the New York City area closed.
73) 9:23 a.m.: Bush talks privately with Cheney, his National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, the head of the FBI, Robert Mueller and Governor George Pataki of New York. Why does Bush wait from 9:05 (when Andrew Card tells him of United Airlines Flight 175 hitting the WTC) till 9:23 to finally call? He still does not give the authority to the fighters to shoot down any hostile airliners. What is he waiting for?
9:23 a.m.: A sonic boom occurs, which was picked up by an earthquake monitor in southern Pennsylvania, 60 miles away from Shanksville. This was most likely caused by a fighter jet breaking the sound barrier.

74) 9:24 a.m.: The FAA notifies NORAD that American Airlines Flight 77 has been hijacked. The FAA lost contact with American Airlines Flight 77 when the transponder signal stops at 8:55 a.m. -- Why does it take 29 minutes for the FAA to tell NORAD that American Airlines Flight 77 has been hijacked?
75) 9:24 a.m.: NORAD orders the 1st Fighter Wing from Langley Air Force Base in Hampton, Virginia to scramble two, possibly three F-16 fighters. This time NORAD does not sit on this vital information for six minutes before notifying Langley AFB. Langley is 130 miles south of Washington D.C. and the Pentagon. The F-16 has a top speed of 1500 MPH.
Why wasn�t Langley AFB scrambled at 8:20 or 8:40 or 8:46 or at the very least at 9:02:54? How could NORAD possibly have waited the 21 minutes from the time United Airlines Flight 175 hits the South Tower of the WTC at 9:02:54 before finally scrambling Langley at 9:24? Waiting these 21 extra minutes to finally scramble Langley is the real smoking gun that no one can get around.
76) 9:25 a.m.: Air traffic controllers inform the US Secret Service as American Airlines Flight 77 approaches Washington D.C.
77) 9:26 a.m.: The FAA halts takeoffs nationwide. All airborne international flights are told to land in Canada.
78) 9:26 a.m.: American Airlines Flight 77 - Passenger, Barbara K. Olson again calls her husband, Solicitor General Theodore Olson at the Justice Department to tell him about the hijacking and to report that the passengers and pilots were held in the back of the plane. Again she is the only person who makes a call from American Airlines Flight 77. Isn�t it very strange that is she the only person to call, not once but twice?
79) 9:28 a.m. United Airlines Flight 93 -- An open microphone aboard reveals someone in the cockpit saying, "Get out of here!"
80) 9:28 a.m.: United Airlines Flight 93, "there are the first audible signs of problems, in background cockpit noise." Air traffic controllers hear the sound of screaming and scuffling over an open mike. They then hear hijackers speaking in Arabic to each other. Yet this is at least 8 minutes and probably at least 12 minutes after the hijackers had taken over the cockpit and done something to cause the FAA to notify NORAD of United Airlines Flight 93's hijacking.
81) 9:29 a.m.: United Airlines Flight 93 - Jeremy Glick, a passenger, calls his wife and describes the hijackers and is informed about the attacks in New York City.
82) 9:30 a.m.: Two maybe three F-16 Fighting Falcons code-named Huntress take off from Langley AFB headed at first toward at NYC. A couple of minutes into their mission, according to General Haugen "A person came on the radio and identified themselves as being with the Secret Service" and said, "I want you to protect the White House at all costs." The F-16�s laid in a new course and vectored to Washington D.C.

Why were these fighters headed to NYC when American Airlines Flight 77 has been headed directly for Washington D.C. for the last 31 minutes, and with their communication and transponder turned off for 34 minutes? There are no airliners headed for NYC or anywhere else with their communication and transponders turned off. Also, at 9:25 air traffic controllers have already informed the US Secret Service in Washington D.C. that American Airlines Flight 77 is approaching them very fast. So why are these F-16�s first flying toward NYC?
83) 9:30 a m.: Bush, speaking to the nation from Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida, says the country has suffered an "apparent terrorist attack" and "a national tragedy." He would chase down, "those folks who committed this act." Bush also said, "Terrorism against our nation will not stand." It was an echo of "This will not stand," the words his father, George H. W. Bush, had used a few days after Iraq invaded Kuwait in August 1990-in Bush's opinion, one of his father's finest moments.

Also, during this address to the country Bush promised a full investigation into the attack. Well here we are one year later and there is still no investigation. Matter of fact he has done everything in his power so there will not be any investigation into 911. Why?
This address to the country should have been said at least 15 to 20 minutes earlier. But of course he had much more important business to attend to, he was listening to the Goat Story with the 16 second graders from 9:05 till at least 9:12 and possibly as long as 9:23. Watch the video of Bush addressing the country from Emma E. Booker Elementary School.

84) 9:30 a.m.: The Secretary of State Colin Powell in Lima, Peru abruptly ended his breakfast with the Peruvian president after getting word of the second strike on the trade center and made plans to return to Washington. "Get the plane," he told an assistant. "Go tell them we're leaving." He had a seven-hour flight, with poor phone connections, ahead of him.
85) 9:30 a.m.: United Airlines begins landing all of its flights inside the United States.
86) 9:32 a.m.: Secret Service agents burst into Cheney's White House office. They carry him under his arms -- nearly lifting him off the ground -- and take him to the security of the underground bunker in the White House basement.
87) 9:32 a.m.: The New York Stock Exchange closed.
88) 9:33 a.m.: According to The New York Times, American Airlines Flight 77 was lost at 8:56 when it turned off its transponder, and stayed lost until now. Washington air traffic control sees a fast moving blip on their radar at this time and sends a warning to Dulles Airport in Washington. Is it conceivable that an airplane could be lost inside United States air space for 37 minutes? One doesn't need a transponder signal to get a radar signal. If this is true, why did the FAA warn that the plane was headed towards Washington at 9:25?
89) 9:35 a.m.: United Airlines Flight 93 goes off course near Cleveland, Ohio where it makes a 135 degree turn, and is now headed to the southeast. United Airlines Flight 93 is 375 miles from Newark, New Jersey and 280 miles from where it was now headed, Washington D.C.

Also reported about United Airlines Flight 93: ABC News has learned that shortly before the plane changed directions, someone in the cockpit radioed in and asked the FAA for a new flight plan, with a final destination of Washington. This should have been a big red flag, a problem aircraft usually diverts to the nearest field. Did the Pilot do this to signal Air Traffic Control?
90) 9:35 a.m.: American Airlines begins landing all of its flights inside the United States.
91) 9:36 a.m.: Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport instructs a military C130 aircraft that had just departed Andrews Air Force base to try to identify American Airlines Flight 77. The C130 reports it is a 767 and it is moving low and very fast.
92) 9:37 a.m.: American Airlines Flight 77 is lost from radar screens and impacts the western side of the Pentagon. The section of the Pentagon hit consists mainly of newly renovated, unoccupied offices. The Pentagon says American Airlines Flight 77 hits them at 9:37. Other published reports have American Airlines Flight 77 striking at 9:40 to 9:43; The New York Times even published 9:45 (see 9:24 a.m. # 75).
NORAD says the F-16�s from Langley were still 105 miles and 12 minutes away. This means their average flight speed was only 14.3% of their top speed in trying to intercept United Airlines Flight 175. If these F-16�s flew at top speed, they would have been there just after 9:37.
Langley is 130 miles from the Pentagon. F-16's have a top speed of 1500 MPH. Minus 105 miles left from 130 miles equals 25 miles covered in the 7 minutes from 9:30 take-off to 9:37. 60 minutes divided by 7 minutes equals 8.57, times this by the 25 miles covered, equals 214.3 MPH. divided by 1500 MPH equals 14.3% of their top speed. How could these two F-15�s possibly be going one seventh of their top speed in trying to intercept American Airlines Flight 77? Even the story about first flying to NYC does not account for this unbelievably slow speed because they got the message to redirect to Washington D.C. within a couple of minutes of take-off, and NYC and Washington D.C. are almost exactly the same direction (north) from Langley.

NORAD Press Release:

AP Article On NORAD PR:

Two New York Times articles apologetically describing this:

Pentagon Tracked Deadly Jet But Found No Way to Stop It

Chronology of Plane Crashes: Orders, at the Time of Impact

93) 9:38 a.m.: United Airlines Flight 93 completes its 135 degree turn and is headed directly towards Washington D.C.
94) 9:40 a.m.: United Airlines Flight 93 transponder signal stops.
95) 9:40 a.m.: Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta, summoned by the White House to the bunker, was on an open line to the Federal Aviation Administration operations center, monitoring Flight 77 as it hurtled toward Washington, with radar tracks coming every seven seconds. Reports came that the plane was 50 miles out, 30 miles out, 10 miles out-until word reached the bunker that there had been an explosion at the Pentagon.
Mineta shouted into the phone to Monte Belger at the FAA: "Monte, bring all the planes down." It was an unprecedented order -- there were 4,546 airplanes in the air at the time. Belger, the FAA's acting deputy administrator, amended Mineta's directive to take into account the authority vested in airline pilots. "We're bringing them down per pilot discretion," Belger told the secretary.
"Fuck pilot discretion," Mineta yelled back. "Get those goddamn planes down."
The FAA stops all flight operations at U.S. airports and orders all planes in the air to land at the nearest airport. No civilian aircraft are allowed to lift off. This is the first time all commercial flights in the U.S. have been suspended. Only military and medical flights are allowed to fly.
96) 9:42 a.m.: United Airlines Flight 93 passenger Mark Bingham calls his mother. "Mom, this is Mark Bingham," he said, nervously. "I want to let you know that I love you. I'm calling from the plane. We've been taken over. There are three men that say they have a bomb."
97) 9:45 a.m.: Bush's motorcade leaves the Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida headed for Air Force One at the Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport.
98) 9:45 a.m. to 9:48 a.m.: The Capitol and the White House are evacuated.
99) 9:45 a.m. to 9:58 a.m.: United Flight 93 passenger Todd Beamer tries to call his family but gets patched through to a Verizon supervisor. He said that the pilot and copilot were apparently dead, 2 hijackers were in the cockpit, one was guarding first class and another was guarding 27 passengers at the rear of the plane. He said that they have voted to storm the hijackers and the supervisor hears before he hangs up "Are you guys ready? Let's roll."
100) 9:45 a.m.: Tom Burnett calls his wife Deena for the third time. She tells him about the crash into the Pentagon. Tom speaks about the bomb he'd mentioned earlier, saying, "I don't think they have one, I think they're just telling us that."
101) 9:47 a.m.: Commanders worldwide were ordered to raise their threat alert status four notches to "Delta", the highest level, to defend United States facilities. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld raised the defense condition signaling of the United States offensive readiness-to DefCon 3, the highest it had been since the Arab-Israeli war in 1973. U.S. officials also sent a message to the Russians, who were planning a military exercise not far from Alaska, urging them to rethink their plans.
102) 9:49 a.m.: The F-16�s from Langley AFB finally arrive over Washington, D.C. to perform Combat Air Patrol over the city. It takes these F-16�s 19 minutes to reach Washington D.C. from Langley AFB which is about 130 miles to the south.
If these F-16�s were flying at top speed it should have taken them just over 7 minutes to reach the Pentagon. They should have been there at about the same time the Pentagon is hit by American Airlines Flight 77, at 9:37.
By arriving in Washington D.C. at 9:49, that would mean these F-16�s average flight speed was only 410.5 MPH. This means their average flight speed was only 27.4% of their top speed in trying to protect our nations capital. Langley AFB is 130 miles from the Pentagon and F-16's have a top speed of 1500 MPH. 60 minutes divided by 19 minutes = 3.16 x 130 miles = 410.5 MPH divided by 1500 MPH = 27.4%.
These F-16�s took-off at 9:30, this is 43 minutes after American Airlines 11 impacts the North Tower of the WTC and 27 minutes after United Airlines Flight 175 slams into the South Tower of the WTC. Knowing this, these F-16�s fly at only 27.4% of their top speed in trying to intercept American Airlines Flight 77 and protect our nations capital, Washington D.C. How could that possibly be?

Why were all of these ultra-sophisticated fighter jets averaging flight speeds only one quarter of their top speed when sent to intercept hostile aircraft and protect New York City and our nation's Capital, Washington D.C.? What exactly is the purpose of these fighter jets being able to go 1875+ MPH and 1500 MPH, yet when the United States is being attacked and needs them the most they are only somehow capable of doing one quarter of their top speed?
The United States Air Force is the most technologically advanced, and the most dominate military force ever known to man, and yet we didn�t have any other fighters on routine patrols or training missions anywhere within 1000 miles of New York City or Washington D. C. that morning? I have talked to a few people in the Air Force, and this totally impossible. There are always fighters up on routine patrols or training missions. So where were they?
And lastly, why didn't the Air Force follow procedure and immediately scramble a recon aircraft or two to monitor any of these 4 flights like they did for the late great golfer Payne Stewart when his Lear jet went off course? This is not Oshkosh, Wisconsin we are talking about protecting here, it is New York City and the Capital of the United States, Washington D.C., and its air defenses were left total unguarded for almost an hour and a half by the same country who have the greatest air superiority by far ever known. What type of a preposterous wag of the NORAD tale is this?
Both of these groups of fighters, the F-15�s out of Otis, and the F-16�s out of Langley were put in the air merely as window dressing. To make the public actually think they were valiantly trying to intercept these 4 hijacked planes. There is only one explanation for this -- our Air Force was ordered to stand down on 911.

NORAD Press Release:

AP Article On NORAD PR:

103) 9:49 a.m.: Pittsburgh International Airport flight tower is evacuated.
104) 9:55 a.m.: Bush arrives at the Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport and boards Air Force One.
105) 9:55 a.m.: Inside his White House bunker, a military aide asks Cheney, "There is a plane 80 miles out. There is a fighter in the area. Should we engage?" Cheney immediately says, "Yes." As the fighter gets nearer to United Airlines Flight 93, he is asked the same thing twice more, and responds yes both times.
106) 9:58 a.m.: Confrontation with the hijackers and the passengers begins aboard United Airlines Flight 93. Emergency dispatcher in Pennsylvania receives a call from a passenger on Flight 93. The passenger says: "We are being hijacked!"
107) 9:58 a.m.: A frantic male passenger onboard United Airlines Flight 93 called the 911 emergency number, he told the operator, named Glen Cramer, that he had locked himself inside one of the toilets. Cramer told the AP, in a report that was widely broadcast on September 11th, that the passenger had spoken for one minute. "We're being hijacked, we're being hijacked!" the man screamed into his mobile phone. "We confirmed that with him several times," Cramer said, "and we asked him to repeat what he said. He was very distraught. He said he believed the plane was going down. He did hear some sort of an explosion and saw white smoke coming from the plane, but he didn't know where. And then we lost contact with him." This was the last cell phone call made from any passengers on any of the hijacked planes.
108) 9:59 a.m.: Air Force One Departs Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport, Sarasota, Florida bound for Washington D.C. Air Force One departed with no extra military protection, even though 2 of the 7 military air stations we had on full alert to protect the continental United States that day were based in Florida. Homestead Air Station in Homestead is 185 miles and the Tyndall Air Station in Panama City is 235 miles from Sarasota.
These two air stations should have been ordered to scramble their fighters at 8:20 or 8:40 or 8:43 or 8:46:26 or 9:02:54 or at the very least, at 9:24. Flying at top speed, both of these air stations fighters could have been in Sarasota in about 20 minutes to protect Air Force One. Where were the fighters from both of these air stations? Did both of these air stations have something better to do that day than protect Air Force One? Please, this just does not happen.
Also, is the place to be in the air when there are still hundreds of airliners in the air, and who knew then how many of them were hostile or not?
We have captured and saved the video of Bush as he arrives at Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport, and the take-off of Air Force One.
Go to:
Also, please take a look at the August 30, 2002 BBC article which states: In the immediate aftermath of the terror attacks US fighter planes took to the skies to defend America from any further attacks. Their mission was to protect pResident George W. Bush and to intercept any hijacked aircraft heading to other targets in the US.
109) 9:59:04 a.m.: The south tower of the World Trade Center suddenly collapses, plummeting into the streets below. A massive cloud of dust and debris quickly fills lower Manhattan. It is later explained (disinformation) that the collapse was not directly caused by the impact, but the intense heat caused by the fire fueled by the jet's fuel weakening the steel support beams of the concrete floors. The WTC towers were built to withstand a 707 being flown into them. A 767 carries almost the same amount of fuel as a 707.
Seismographs at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in Palisades, New York, 21 miles north of the WTC, recorded very interesting seismic activity on September 11, 2001 that has still not been explained.
While the aircraft crashes caused minimal earth shaking, significant earthquakes with unusual spikes occurred at the beginning of each collapse. The Palisades seismic data recorded a 2.1 magnitude earthquake during the 10-second collapse of the South Tower at 9:59:04 and a 2.3 quake during the 9-second collapse of the North Tower at 10:28:31.
The Palisades seismic record shows that -- as the collapses began -- a huge seismic "spikes" marked the moment the greatest energy went into the ground. The strongest jolts were both registered at the beginning of the collapses, well before the falling debris struck the earth.

These unexplained "spikes" in the seismic data tends to lend credence to the theory that perhaps a massive explosion(s) in the lowest level of the basements where the supporting steel columns of the WTC met the bedrock caused the collapses.
A "sharp spike of short duration" is how seismologist Thorne Lay of University of California at Santa Cruz told AFP an underground nuclear explosion appears on a seismograph.
The two unexplained spikes are more than twenty times the amplitude of the other seismic waves associated with the collapses and occurred in the East-West seismic recording as the buildings began to fall.
In the basements of the collapsed towers, where the 47 central support columns connected with the bedrock, hot spots of "literally molten steel" were discovered. Such persistent and intense residual heat, 70 feet below the surface, could explain how these crucial structural supports failed.
Peter Tully, president of Tully Construction of Flushing, New York, told AFP that he saw pools of "literally molten steel" at the World Trade Center. Tully was contracted on September 11 to remove the debris from the site.
Tully called Mark Loizeaux, president of Controlled Demolition, Inc. (CDI) of Phoenix, Maryland, for consultation about removing the debris. CDI calls itself "the innovator and global leader in the controlled demolition and implosion of structures." Loizeaux, who cleaned up the bombed Federal Building in Oklahoma City, arrived on the WTC site two days later and wrote the clean-up plan for the entire operation.
AFP asked Loizeaux about the report of molten steel on the site. "Yes," he said, "hot spots of molten steel in the basements." These incredibly hot areas were found "at the bottoms of the elevator shafts of the main towers, down seven [basement] levels," Loizeaux said. The molten steel was found "three, four, and five weeks later, when the rubble was being removed," Loizeaux said. He said molten steel was also found at 7 WTC, which collapsed mysteriously at 5:20 on September 11th.
Construction steel has an extremely high melting point of about 2800� Fahrenheit (1535� Celsius). Asked what could have caused such extreme heat, Tully said, "Think of the jet fuel."
A way to prove that explosives had blasted the supporting steel columns of the Twin Towers would be to examine fragments from them among the debris for evidence of what metallurgists call "twinning". While steel is often tested for evidence of explosions, despite numerous eyewitness reports of explosions in the towers, the engineers involved in the FEMA-sponsored building assessment did no such tests.
The WTC debris was removed as fast as possible and no forensic examination of the debris was permitted by the FBI or any other government agency. Almost all the 300,000 tons of steel from the Twin Towers was sold to New York scrap dealers and exported to places like China and Korea as quickly as it could be loaded onto the ships, thereby removing the evidence.
The magazine Fire Engineering, a respected journal of firefighting for 125 years, which publishes studies of catastrophic fires, criticized the American Society of Civil Engineers and FEMA investigations as "a half-baked farce." Fire Engineering editor WiIliam A. Manning wrote in the January issue: "...the structural damage from the planes and the explosive ignition of jet fuel in themselves were not enough to bring down the towers." Why is such there disparity in opinion within the ranks of the fire-engineering community?
The immense clouds of dust and apparent disintegration of the 425,000 cubic yards of concrete of the World Trade Center cause me to question the MIT account of events. Describing the ruins, television evangelist Dr. Robert Schuller said that "...there was not a single block of concrete in that rubble." One observer described the scene "as if some high-energy disintegration beam or laser had been focused on the towers and pulverized the concrete into minute particles of ash and dust." The 110-ten-story World Trade Center reduced to dust by jet fuel?
Dr. Michael Baden, New York state's chief forensic pathologist and an expert in pathology said in September that most of the victims' bodies should be identifiable, because the fires had not reached the 3200�F for 30 minutes necessary to incinerate a body. At a November press conference, Dr. Charles Hirsch, the chief medical examiner, told grieving relatives that many bodies had been "vaporized." Are we to believe that the people killed on 9/11 were "vaporized" at 1700� F?
The World Trade Center smoldering pits of molten steel burned for exactly 100 days, despite the constant spray of water being applied. The fires were finally reported extinguished on December 19.
Also, the collapses of the south tower at 9:59:04 took only 10 seconds while the collapse of the north tower at 10:28:31 took only 9 seconds, this is only slightly more than a free fall from the same height, indicating that there was very little resistance. Yet the floors themselves are quite robust, each one is 39" thick; the top 4" is a poured concrete slab, with interlocking vertical steel trusses underneath. This steel would absorb a lot of kinetic energy by crumpling as one floor fell onto another. So how did both of the towers fall so quickly?
In a newly release audio, two of New York City�s Bravest are heard to have made it up to where United Airlines Flight 175 impacted, the 78th floor. Their voices where calm, they explain what was needed to help the many causalities and to put out the two small fires that they discovered. The type of fire that these two NYC Firemen describe does not seem to jive at all with the inferno that is blamed for melting the support beams and bringing down the first steel high-rise or skyscraper ever.
Also, Louie Cacchioli 51, another NYC firefighter, assigned to Engine 47 in Harlem, has stated on September 11, 2001: "We were the first ones in the second tower after the plane struck. I was taking firefighters up in the elevator to the 24th floor to get in position to evacuate workers. On the last trip up a bomb went off. We think there were bombs set in the building. I had just asked another firefighter to stay with me, which was a good thing because we were trapped inside the elevator and he had the tools to get out."
"There were probably 500 people trapped in the stairwell. It was mass chaos. The power went out. It was dark. Everybody was screaming. We had oxygen masks and we were giving people oxygen. Some of us made it out and some of us didn't. I know of at least 30 firefighters who are still missing. This is my 20th year. I am seriously considering retiring. This might have done it."
When cameraman and Jules Naudet arrived at WTC tower one along with other crews of NYC Firemen and entered the building's ground floor lobby, they were to a one completely puzzled, actually astonished, to find significant and widespread damage to the entire lobby area; although not of a deep, structural kind. Moreover, nowhere was there any indication whatsoever of an incendiary-type explosion or any kind of fire in this area.
Yet the incredible number of blown-out windows and other extensive though rather superficial damage throughout the lobby area was profoundly perplexing to these experienced professional firefighters in relation to the impact of the plane eighty stories above. As one put it: "The lobby looked like the plane hit the lobby!"
Other reports, from firemen, have said that the FBI�s offices in NYC that were on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th floors of the north tower of the WTC were totally destroyed, presumably by bombs.
The Twin Towers Were Deliberately Demolished: /
110) 10:00 a.m.: Bill Wright is flying a small plane when an air traffic controller asks him to look around outside his window. He sees United Airlines Flight 93 three miles away - close enough to see the United Airlines colors. Air traffic control asks him the plane's altitude, and then commands him to get away from the plane and land immediately. Wright saw the plan rock back and forth three or four times before he flew from the area. He speculates that the hijackers were trying to throw off the attacking passengers.
111) 10:00 a.m.: The NRC tells all nuclear power stations to go to the highest level of alert.
112) 10:01 a.m.: The FAA orders F-16 fighters to scramble from Toledo, Ohio. Although the base has no fighters on stand-by alert status, it manages to put fighters in the air 16 minutes later, a "phenomenal" response time - but still 10 minutes after the last hijacked plane has crashed.
One interesting aspect is that NORAD has explained that it didn't scramble fighters from bases nearer to the hijacked planes because they only used bases in the NORAD defensive network (a mere 7 bases in the entire US). Yet this Toledo base wasn't part of that network, so why weren't planes in this base and other bases scrambled an hour or more earlier? Could it be that they were scrambled earlier, and that it was one of these F-16's that tailed Flight 93? While it hasn't been reported in the media yet, note this recent claim by a seismologist that there was a sonic boom in Western Pennsylvania at 9:22. Could that have been a fighter tracking United Airlines Flight 93?
113) 10:02 a.m.: After a review of radar tapes, a radar signal of United Airlines Flight 93 is detected near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
114) 10:03 a.m.: An unconfirmed report of a fire at the State Department in Washington D.C. -- Later confirmed not true.

10:03 a.m.: According to the FBI, the cockpit voice recorder stops and United Airlines Flight 93 crashes near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, in Somerset county, about 80 miles southeast of Pittsburgh.
116) 10:04 a.m.: Johnstown-Cambria County Airport reports United Airlines Flight 93 is 15 miles south.
117) 10:06:05 a.m.: According to seismic data, United Airlines Flight 93 crashes near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, in Somerset county, about 80 miles southeast of Pittsburgh. This is also 124 miles or 15 minutes away at 500 MPH from Washington D.C. An eyewitness reports seeing a white plane resembling a fighter jet circling the site just after the crash.
The F-16's from Langley AFB arrived in Washington D.C at 9:49 a.m. The F-16 has a top speed of 1500 MPH. After the Pentagon gets hit by American Airlines Flight 77 at 9:37, there is only one airliner left in the sky with its transponder signal off, and once again heading directly for Washington D.C., and that is United Airlines Flight 93. Flying at top speed these F-16�s could have intercepted United Airlines Flight 93 within 5 to 8 minutes depending on when they would have left. Why didn�t these F-16�s try to intercept United Airlines Flight 93?
Listen to what a former Pentagon air traffic controller says "All those years ago when I was at the Pentagon, this wouldn't have happened. ATC Radar images were (and are) available in the understructures of the Pentagon, and any commercial flight within 300 miles of D. C. that made an abrupt course change toward Washington, or turned off their transponder and refused to communicate with ATC, would have been intercepted at supersonic speeds within minutes by fighters out of Andrews AFB. Why there were no fighters from Andrews AFB up baffles me. If we could get fighters notified, scrambled, and airborne within about 6 minutes from Andrews AFB then, we could now."
Shortly after 911, a flight controller in New Hampshire ignores a ban on controllers speaking to the media, and it is reported he claims "that an F-16 fighter closely pursued Flight 93... the F-16 made 360-degree turns to remain close to the commercial jet, the employee said. 'He must've seen the whole thing,' the employee said of the F-16 pilot's view of Flight 93's crash."
Numerous eyewitnesses see and hear United Airlines Flight 93 just before its crash:
1) Terry Butler, at Stoystown: he sees the plane come out of the clouds, low to the ground. "It was moving like you wouldn't believe. Next thing I knew it makes a heck of a sharp, right-hand turn." It banks to the right and appears to be trying to climb to clear one of the ridges, but it continues to turn to the right and then veers behind a ridge. About a second later it crashes.
2) Ernie Stuhl, the mayor of Shanksville: "I know of two people -- I will not mention names -- that heard a missile. They both live very close, within a couple of hundred yards... This one fellow's served in Vietnam and he says he's heard them, and he heard one that day." He adds that based on what he has learned; F-16's were "very, very close."
3) Laura Temyer of Hooversville: "I didn't see the plane but I heard the plane's engine. Then I heard a loud thump that echoed off the hills and then I heard the plane's engine. I heard two more loud thumps and didn't hear the plane's engine anymore after that" (she insists that people she knows in state law enforcement have privately told her the plane was shot down, and that decompression sucked objects from the aircraft, explaining why there was a wide debris field).
4) Charles Sturtz, a half-mile from the crash site: The plane is heading southeast and has its engines running. No smoke can be seen. "It was really roaring, you know. Like it was trying to go someplace, I guess."
5) Michael Merringer, two miles from the crash site: "I heard the engine gun two different times and then I heard a loud bang"
6) Tim Lensbouer, 300 yards away: "I heard it for 10 or 15 seconds and it sounded like it was going full bore." Accounts have the plane flying upside down.
7) Rob Kimmel, several miles from the crash site: He sees it fly overhead, banking hard to the right. It is 200 feet or less off the ground as it crests a hill to the southeast. "I saw the top of the plane, not the bottom."
8) Eric Peterson of Lambertsville: He sees a plane flying overhead unusually low. The plane seemed to be turning end-over-end as it dropped out of sight behind a tree line.
9) Bob Blair of Stoystown: He sees the plane spiraling and flying upside down before crashing. It�s not much higher than the treetops. Accounts of a sudden plunge and more strange sounds.
10) An unnamed witness says he hears two loud bangs before watching the plane take a downward turn of nearly 90 degrees.
11) Another unnamed witness sees the plane overhead. It makes a high-pitched, screeching sound. The plane then makes a sharp, 90-degree downward turn and crashes.
12) Tom Fritz, about a quarter-mile from the crash site: he hears a sound that "wasn't quite right" and looks up in the sky. "It dropped all of a sudden, like a stone," going "so fast that you couldn't even make out what color it was."
13) Terry Butler, a few miles north of Lambertsville: "It dropped out of the clouds." The plane rose slightly, trying to gain altitude, then "it just went flip to the right and then straight down."
14) Lee Purbaugh, 300 yards away: "There was an incredibly loud rumbling sound and there it was, right there, right above my head � maybe 50 feet up... I saw it rock from side to side then, suddenly, it dipped and dived, nose first, with a huge explosion, into the ground. I knew immediately that no one could possibly have survived."
15) Linda Shepley: She hears a loud bang and sees the plane bank to the side. She sees the plane wobbling right and left, at a low altitude of roughly 2,500 feet, when suddenly the right wing dips straight down, and the plane plunges into the earth. She says had an unobstructed view of Flight 93's final two minutes.
16) Kelly Leverknight in Stony Creek Township of Shanksville: "There was no smoke, it just went straight down. I saw the belly of the plane." It sounds like it is flying low, and its heading east.
17) Tim Thornsberg, working in a nearby strip-mine: "It came in low over the trees and started wobbling. Then it just rolled over and was flying upside down for a few seconds ... and then it kind of stalled and did a nose dive over the trees."
What sense can be made of all these different accounts? Some say it was flying a couple thousand feet up and suddenly plunged down, some say it was flying extremely low. Turns, climbs, strange noises, flipping, etc. While many of these accounts conflict, virtually all support a missile strike, because of the common theme of noises and a plane struggling to rise and stay in the air. The plunge doesn't seem to be a deliberate thrust of the plane towards the ground, but instead the result of engine failure. Other passenger planes hit by missiles continued to fly for several minutes before crashing. For instance, two Russian missiles hit a Korean Airline 747 in 1983, yet it continued to fly for two more minutes.
118) 10:06 a.m.: and after "Lee Purbaugh is one of at least half a dozen named individuals who have reported seeing a second plane flying low and in erratic patterns, not much above treetop level, over the crash site within minutes of United Airlines Flight 93 crashing. They describe the plane as a small, white jet with rear engines and no discernible markings."
Susan Mcelwain saw a small white jet with rear engines and no discernible markings swooped low over her minivan near an intersection and disappeared over a hilltop, nearly clipping the tops of trees lining the ridge. She saw this less than a minute before the United Airlines Flight 93 crash rocked the countryside.
Dennis Decker and Rick Chaney, Decker speaking: "As soon as we looked up [after hearing United Airlines Flight 93 crash], we saw a midsize jet flying low and fast. It appeared to make a loop or part of a circle, and then it turned fast and headed out." Decker and Chaney described the plane as a Lear-jet type, with engines mounted near the tail and painted white with no identifying markings. "It was a jet plane, and it had to be flying real close when that 757 went down. If I was the FBI, I'd find out who was driving that plane."
Jim Brandt and Tom Spinello both report seeing a small plane with no markings stay about one or two minutes over the crash site before leaving. The FBI later says this was a Fairchild Falcon 20 business jet, directed after the crash to fly from 37,000 feet to 5,000 feet and obtain the coordinates for the crash site to help rescuers. The FBI also says there was a C-130 military cargo aircraft flying at 24,000 feet about 17 miles away, but that plane wasn't armed and had no role in the crash. Was the unmarked jet some kind of reconnaissance plane, and the C-130 a cover story for sending fighters in the area?

For more information on United Airlines Flight 93:
119) 10:07 a.m.: A NYC Police helicopter sends an urgent message over the radio that the North Tower is leaning and in imminent danger of collapse.
120) 10:08 a.m.: Secret Service agents armed with automatic rifles are deployed into Lafayette Park across from the White House.
121) 10:10 a.m.: The FAA orders all planes to land at nearest airports.
122) 10:10 a.m.: The FBI headquarters evacuated.
123) 10:10 a.m.: The Pentagon "E Section" collapses.
124) 10:13 a.m.: Almost 12,000 people are evacuated from The United Nations.
125) 10:15 a.m.: The Palestinian group Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) reportedly takes responsibility for the crashes, but this is quickly denied by a senior officer of the group.
126) 10:15 a.m.: 2,000 planes have landed in the U.S. since the 9:40 FAA order was issued telling all planes in the air to land at the nearest airport.
127) 10:17 a.m.: Two F-16�s from the 180th Fighter Wing in Toledo, Ohio take off, heading east.
128) 10:22 a.m.: In Washington D.C., the Justice and State departments are evacuated, along with the World Bank.
129) 10:24 a.m.: The FAA reports that all inbound transatlantic aircraft flying into the United States are being diverted to Canada.
130) 10:28:31 a.m.: The North Tower of the World Trade Center collapses. The fact that the northern tower withstood much longer than the southern one is later attributed to three facts: the region of impact was higher, the speed of the airplane was lower, and the affected floors had their fire proofing upgraded.
Exactly at the beginning of the collapse of the north tower there was a seismic event that was the equivalent to a magnitude 2.3 earthquake. This unexplained "spike" in the seismic data tends to lend credence to the theory that perhaps a massive explosion(s) in the lowest level of the basement where the supporting steel columns of the WTC met the bedrock that caused the collapse (see 9:59:04 a.m. # 109).

The Twin Towers Were Deliberately Demolished: /
131) 10:32 a.m.: Cheney called Bush on Air Force One, on its way from Florida to Washington, to say the White House had just received a threat against the plane. The caller had used its code word, "Angel," suggesting terrorists had inside information. Card was told it would take between 40 minutes and 90 minutes to get a protective fighter escort up to Air Force One.
Bush told an aide that Air Force One "is next." He was in an angry mood. "We're going to find out who did this," he said to Cheney, "and we're going to kick their asses."
132) 10:35 a.m.: Washington D.C. Police are reportedly alerted about a bomb in a car outside the State Department. Later reports claim that nothing happened at the State Department.
133) 10:41 a.m.: Air Force One was still en route to Washington when Cheney called again. This time, he urged Bush not to return. "There's still a threat to Washington." Rice agreed, and had told Bush the same thing.
There was little debate or discussion. Cheney was worried the terrorists might be trying to decapitate the government, to kill its leaders. Bush agreed.
134) 10:43 a.m.: Air Force One banks suddenly and sharply to the left, its course now westerly toward Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana. It was within easy range, and once there food and fuel could be loaded and the president could have access to its more sophisticated communications systems.
135) 10:45 a.m.: All federal office buildings in Washington D. C. are evacuated.
136) 10.46 a.m.: U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell cuts short his trip to Latin America to return to the United States.
137) 10.48 a.m.: Police confirm the crash of a large plane in Somerset County, Pennsylvania.
138) 10:50 a.m.: Five stories of the Pentagon collapse due to the fire.
139) 10:53 a.m.: New York's primary elections scheduled for today are postponed.
140) 10:54 a.m.: Israel evacuates all diplomatic missions.
141) 10:57 a.m.: New York Gov. George Pataki says all state government offices are closed.
142) 11:00 a.m.: Evacuations are ordered at the tallest skyscrapers in several cities, and major tourist attractions are closed, including Walt Disney World, Philadelphia's Liberty Bell and Independence Hall, Seattle's Space Needle and the Gateway Arch in St. Louis.
143) 11:02 a.m.: Giuliani urges New Yorkers to stay at home and orders an evacuation of the area south of Canal Street (see 1:02 p.m. # 159).
144) 11:08 a.m.: Canada shuts down all airports.
145) 11:15 a.m.: There were reports that the F-16�s over Washington had shot something down. There was no later confirmation of these reports.
146) 11:16 a.m.: CNN reports that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are preparing emergency-response teams in a precautionary move.
147) 11:17 a.m.: American Airlines reports it has lost two aircraft. American Airlines Flight 11, a Boeing 767 flying from Boston to Los Angeles, had 81 passengers and 11 crewmembers aboard. American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757 en route from Washington's Dulles Airport to Los Angeles, had 58 passengers and six crew members aboard.
148) 11:26 a.m.: United Airlines reports that Flight 93, en route from Newark, New Jersey, to San Francisco, has crashed in Pennsylvania, southeast of Pittsburgh.
149) 11:40 a.m.: Air Force One arrives at Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana.
150) 11:45 a.m.: From Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana, Bush made a brief and informal initial statement to the effect that terrorism on U.S. soil would not be tolerated, stating that "freedom itself has been attacked and freedom will be protected."
151) 11:53 a.m.: United Airlines confirms that Flight 175, from Boston to Los Angeles, has crashed with 56 passengers and nine crewmembers aboard.
152) 11:55 a.m.: The border between the U.S. and Mexico is placed on highest alert, but is not closed.
153) 12:02 p.m.: The Taliban government of Afghanistan denounces the attacks.
154) 12:04 a.m.: Los Angeles International Airport, the destination of American Airlines Flights 11 and United Airlines 175, is evacuated.
155) 12:15 a.m.: San Francisco International Airport, the destination of United Flight 93 is evacuated and shut down.
156) 12:15 p.m.: The Immigration and Naturalization Service says U.S. borders with Canada and Mexico are on the highest state of alert, but no decision is made about closing the borders.
157) 12:16 p.m.: The FAA says all aircraft ordered to land at 9:40 have landed.
158) 12:30 p.m.: The FAA says 50 flights are in U.S. airspace, but none are reporting any problems.
159) 12:36 p.m.: Bush finally appeared on television from the Barksdale Air Force Base conference room, it was not a reassuring picture. He spoke haltingly, mispronouncing several words as he looked down at his notes. He says that all appropriate security measures are being taken, including putting the United States military on high alert worldwide. He asks for prayers for those killed or wounded in the attacks and says: "Make no mistake, the United States will hunt down and punish those responsible for these cowardly acts."
When he got to the last sentence, he seemed to gain strength. "The resolve of our great nation is being tested," he said in even tones. "But make no mistake: We will show the world that we will pass this test."
His remarks were fed by the media pool to the networks, causing a short delay before the nation could see them. The entire statement consisted of just 219 words, and Bush took no questions from reporters.
160) 1:00 p.m.: At the Pentagon, fire crews are still fighting fires. The early response to the attack had been coordinated from the National Military Command Center, but that had to be evacuated when it began to fill with smoke.
161) 1:02 p.m.: New York Mayor Rudolph Guiliani orders an evacuation of Manhattan south of Canal Street (see 11:02 a.m. # 141).
162) 1:27 p.m.: Mayor Anthony A. Williams of Washington, D.C., declares a state of emergency; the National Guard arrives on site.
163) 1:44 a.m.: The Pentagon says five warships and two aircraft carriers (USS George Washington and USS John F. Kennedy) will leave Norfolk, Virginia to protect the East Coast from further attack and to reduce the number of ships in port.
164) 1:48 p.m.: President Bush leaves Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana aboard Air Force One and flies to an undisclosed location. He flies to the Strategic Air Command (SAC) bunker at Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska where there were secure facilities that would allow the president to conduct a meeting of his National Security Council in Washington over a video link.
On the plane, Bush expressed his irritation over being away from the White House. "I want to go back home ASAP," he told Card, according to notes of the conversation. "I don't want whoever did this holding me outside of Washington."
Some aides recall Bush saying he would return to Washington later in the day, unless there was some extraordinary new threat. The senior Secret Service agent aboard Air Force One told Bush the situation was "too unsteady still" to allow his return. "The right thing is to let the dust settle," Card said.
165) 2:00 p.m.: Senior FBI sources tell CNN they are working on the assumption that the four airplanes that crashed were hijacked as part of a terrorist attack.
166) 2:15 p.m.: Bush onboard Air Force One en route to the (SAC) bunker at Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska talks to Cheney again and schedules a 4 p.m. meeting of his national security staff -- He also talks to New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Gov. George Pataki. "I know your heart is broken and your city is strained and anything we can do, let me know," Bush says.
167) 2:30 p.m.: The FAA announces there will be no U.S. commercial air traffic until noon EDT Wednesday.
168) 2:30 p.m.: Senator John McCain characterizes attack as an "act of war."
169) 2:36 p.m.: En route to Offutt, Bush reached his father on the phone. His aides left him alone in the cabin. "Where are you?" Bush recalled asking his father. The former president said he and his wife, Barbara, were in Milwaukee, on their way to Minneapolis. "What are you doing in Milwaukee?" "You grounded my plane," the former president said.
170) 2:49 p.m.: At a news conference, Giuliani says that subway and bus service are restored in New York City. Asked about the number of people killed, Giuliani says, "I don't think we want to speculate about that -- more than any of us can bear."
171) 2:50 p.m.: Before leaving Air Force One, Bush repeated to his lead Secret Service agent, "We need to get back to Washington. We don't need some tinhorn terrorist to scare us off. The American people want to know where their president is."
172) 2:51 p.m.: The Navy dispatches missile destroyers and other equipment to New York and Washington.
173) 3:06 p.m.: Air Force One landed at U.S. Strategic Air Command at Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska. Bush was driven the short distance to the U.S. Strategic Command headquarters and was ushered into the secure command center, a cavernous room with multi-story video screens and batteries of military personnel at computer terminals hooked into satellites monitoring activities around the globe. As Bush arrived, they were tracking a commercial airliner on its way from Spain to the United States. It was giving out an emergency signal, indicating it might be hijacked.

Very bizarrely, Warren Buffett, (reported to be the second richest person on Earth), has a golf outing for top Corporate CEO�s, at the same Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska. What is the likelihood of that happening?
174) 3:30 p.m.: Bush convened the day's first meeting of his National Security Council; the others were piped in by secure video links from various command centers in Washington.
CIA Director Tenet reported that he was virtually certain Usama bin Laden and his network were behind the attacks. A check of the passenger manifests of the hijacked flights had turned up three known al-Qaeda operatives on American Airlines Flight 77, which had struck the Pentagon. Please check out the passenger name manifest list (there are no Arabic names on the list).
One of them, Khalid Al-Midhar, had come to the CIA's attention the previous year, when he traveled to Malaysia and met with a key al-Qaeda suspect in the 2000 terrorist bombing of the USS Cole. The FBI had been informed about Al-Midhar and he had been put on a watch list, but he had slipped into the United States over the summer and the bureau had been looking for him since. Tenet said al-Qaeda was the only terrorist organization in the world that had the capability to pull off such well-coordinated attacks. And, he said, intelligence monitoring had overheard a number of known Usama bin Laden operatives congratulating each other after the strikes. Intelligence monitoring also found five Mossad agents congratulating themselves after the strike. Israel is the only terrorist state in the world that had the capacity to pull off such a well coordinated strike and pin the blame on others. He said information collected before September 11 but only now being processed indicated that operatives had expected something big. But none of it specified the day, time or place of the attacks in a way that would have allowed the CIA or FBI to preempt them.
"Get your ears up," Bush told Tenet and the others. "The primary mission of this administration is to find them and catch them." Cheney voiced concern that more hijacked planes could be out there. Tenet said that since all the attacks had taken place before 10 a.m., that was probably it for the day but there was no way to be sure. FBI Director Mueller expressed concerns that investigators still did not know how the terrorists had penetrated airport security. Tenet said it was essential to know this before flights resumed.
"I'll announce more security measures, but we won't be held hostage," Bush insisted. "We'll fly at noon tomorrow," he said, although it took three more days for commercial flights to resume and then only on a reduced schedule.
Someone mentioned that New York officials had asked whether they should urge people to go back to work the next day, particularly those working in banks and the financial markets. "Terrorists can always attack," Rumsfeld said. "The Pentagon's going back to work tomorrow." People in New York should go back to work, the president said. "Banks should open tomorrow, too."
Bush asked about coming back to Washington, although he had already told his traveling party that he would fly back immediately after the video conference. Cheney suggested the president return and make a statement at Andrews, but the Secret Service still insisted that it was not safe. "I'm coming back," Bush said.
As the meeting was ending Bush said, "We will find these people. They will pay. And I don't want you to have any doubt about it."
In the course of this NSC videoconference, CIA Director George Tenet fed unconfirmed information to Bush. Tenet stated, "He was virtually certain that Usama bin Laden and his network were behind the attacks."
175) 3:55 p.m.: Karen Hughes, a White House counselor, says the pResident is at an undisclosed location, later revealed to be an Air Force base in Nebraska, and is conducting a National Security Council meeting by phone. Vice President Dick Cheney and National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice are in the underground bunker at the White House. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is at the Pentagon.
176) 3:55 p.m.: Giuliani now says the number of critically injured in New York City is up to 200 with 2,100 total injuries reported.
177) 4:00 p.m.: CNN National Security Correspondent David Ensor reports that U.S. officials say there are "good indications" that bin Laden is involved in the attacks, based on "new and specific" information developed since the attacks.
178) 4:06 p.m.: California Gov. Gray Davis dispatches urban search-and-rescue teams to New York City.
179) 4:10 p.m.: Building 7 of the World Trade Center complex is reported on fire.
180) 4:20 p.m.: U.S. Sen. Bob Graham, D-Florida, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, says he was "not surprised there was an attack (but) was surprised at the specificity." He says he was "shocked at what actually happened -- the extent of it."
181) 4:25 p.m.: The American Stock Exchange, the Nasdaq and the New York Stock Exchange say they will remain closed Wednesday.
182) 4:30 p.m.: NORAD releases a statement that denies it had anything to do with shooting down Unites Airlines Flight 93.
183) 4:36 p.m.: The president leaves Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska aboard Air Force One to return to Washington D.C. -- Air Force One now has an F-16 guarding it, off a wing.
184) 5:00 p.m.: The first national television feed of United Airlines Flight 93 crash site -- A long shot, showing a 20 foot wide smoldering hole in the ground. Why does it take almost 7 hours to get anything on the television from this crash?
185) 5:15 p.m.: CNN Military Affairs Correspondent Jamie McIntyre reports fires are still burning in part of the Pentagon. No death figures have been released yet.
186) 5:20:33 p.m.: World Trade Center Building 7, a 47-story skyscraper, collapses. The evacuated building is damaged when the twin towers across the street collapse earlier in the day. The CIA (secretly) and the United States Secret Service had offices in this building. How and why World Trade Center Building 7 fell is still quite the mystery.
The Twin Towers Were Deliberately Demolished: /

187) 5:30 p.m.: CNN Senior White House Correspondent John King reports that U.S. officials say the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania could have been headed for one of three possible targets: Camp David, the White House or the U.S. Capitol building.
188) 6:00 p.m.: Explosions are heard in Kabul, Afghanistan, hours after terrorist attacks targeted financial and military centers in the United States. Afghanistan is believed to be the home of Saudi militant Usama bin Laden, who U.S. officials say is possibly behind Tuesday's deadly attacks. U.S. officials say later that the United States had no involvement in the incident whatsoever.
189) 6:00 p.m.: Iraq announces the attacks are the fruit of "U.S. crimes against humanity" in an official announcement on state television.
190) 6:10 p.m.: Mayor Rudolph Giuliani urges New Yorkers to stay home Wednesday if they can.
191) 6:34 p.m.: Air Force One landed at Andrews AFB. On his way back to the White House, his Marine One helicopter flew over the Pentagon to give him a first-hand look at the damage.
192) 6:40 p.m.: U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld holds a news conference in the Pentagon, noting the building is operational. "It will be in business tomorrow," he says.
193) 6:54 p.m.: Bush arrives back at the White House aboard Marine One and is scheduled to address the nation at 8:30 p.m. The pResident earlier landed at Andrews Air Force Base with a three-fighter jet escort. CNN's John King reports Laura Bush arrived earlier by motorcade from a "secure location."
So, when Air Force One departed Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport at 9:59 a.m. there was no extra military protection (fighter jets) even though there are still hundreds of airliners in the air, and who knew how many of them were hostile or not? Yet, when Air Force One arrives back home at Andrews Air Force Base, there are no airliners in the sky, and now he has a three-fighter jet escort.
Why did every TV station show the fighters protecting him on his way from U.S. Strategic Air Command at Offutt Air Force Base to Andrews Air Force Base, making it seem as if they were always there when they weren't? Why when he needed an escort from the fighters the most they are not there, yet when the skies are empty they are there (see 9:59 a.m. # 108)?
We have captured and saved the video of Bush as he arrives at Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport, and the take-off of Air Force One with no extra military protection.
Go to:
Also, please take a look at the August 30, 2002 BBC article which states: In the immediate aftermath of the terror attacks US fighter planes took to the skies to defend America from any further attacks. Their mission was to protect pResident George W. Bush and to intercept any hijacked aircraft heading to other targets in the US.
194) 7:02 p.m.: CNN's Paula Zahn reports the Marriott Hotel near the World Trade Center is on the verge of collapse and says some New York bridges are now open to outbound traffic.
195) 7:17 p.m.: U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft says the FBI is setting up a Web site for tips on the attacks: He also says family and friends of possible victims can leave contact information at 1 800 331.0075.
196) 7:30 p.m.: The U.S. Government denies any responsibility for reported explosions in Kabul.
197) 7:45 p.m.: The New York Police Department says that at least 78 officers are missing. The city also says that as many as half of the first 400 firefighters on the scene were killed.
198) 8:30 p.m.: Bush addresses the nation, saying, "Thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil" and asks for prayers for the families and friends of Tuesday's victims. "These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve," he says. The pResident says the U.S. government will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed the acts and those who harbor them. He adds that government offices in Washington are reopening for essential personnel Tuesday night and for all workers Wednesday.
199) 9:00 p.m.: Bush met with his full National Security Council, followed roughly half an hour later by the meeting with a smaller group of key advisers who would become his war cabinet.
Powell, back in Washington from Peru, described the immediate diplomatic tasks: dealing with Afghanistan and its ruling Taliban, which harbored bin Laden, and neighboring Pakistan, which had closer ties to the Taliban regime than any other nation. "We have to make it clear to Pakistan and Afghanistan this is show-time," Powell said.
"This is a great opportunity," Bush said, adding that the administration now had a chance to improve relations with other countries around the world, including Russia and China. It was more than flushing bin Laden out, he indicated.
Cheney raised the military problem of retaliating against al-Qaeda's home base, noting that in Afghanistan, a country decimated by two decades of war, it would be hard to find anything to hit.
Bush returned to the problem of Usama bin Laden's sanctuary in Afghanistan. Tenet said they must deny the terrorists that sanctuary by targeting the Taliban as well. Tell the Taliban we're finished with them, he urged.
Rumsfeld said the problem was not just bin Laden and al-Qaeda but the countries that supported terrorism-the point of the president's address that night.
Bush said, "We have to force countries to choose."
200) 9:22 p.m.: CNN's McIntyre reports the fire at the Pentagon is still burning and is considered contained but not under control.
201) 9:30 p.m.: Bush brought together his most senior national security advisers in a bunker beneath the White House grounds. It was just 13 hours after the deadliest attack on the U.S. homeland in the country's history. At the war cabinet, discussion turned to whether Usama bin Laden's al-Qaeda network and the Taliban were the same. Tenet said they were. Usama bin Laden had bought his way into Afghanistan, supplying the Taliban with tens of millions of dollars.
202) 9:57 p.m.: Giuliani says New York City schools will be closed Wednesday and no more volunteers are needed for Tuesday evening's rescue efforts. He says there is hope that there are still people alive in rubble. He also says that power is out on the westside of Manhattan and that health department tests show there are no airborne chemical agents about which to worry.
203) 10:49 p.m.: CNN Congressional Correspondent Jonathan Karl reports that Attorney General Ashcroft told members of Congress that there were three to five hijackers on each plane armed only with knives.
204) 10:56 p.m.: CNN's Zahn reports that New York City police believe there are people alive in buildings near the World Trade Center.
205) 11:00 p.m.: The war cabinet finishes it�s meeting and has decided to embark upon a military strike against Afghanistan, and a prolonged war on terror.
206) 11:00 p.m.: There are reports of survivors buried in the rubble in New York making cell phone calls. These rumors, however, are difficult to substantiate.
207) 11:08 p.m.: Bush at the White House: 'We think it's Usama bin Laden'
After the meeting had ended and Bush had returned to the residence, he and his wife were awakened by Secret Service agents. The agents rushed them downstairs to the bunker because of a report of an unidentified plane in the area. Bush was in running shorts and a T-shirt as he made his way down the stairs, through the tunnel and into the bunker. It proved to be a false alarm, and the Bushes returned to the residence for the rest of the night.
Like his father, Bush tries to keep a daily diary of his thoughts and observations. That night, he dictated: "The Pearl Harbor of the 21st century took place today."
"We think its Usama bin Laden." "We think there are other targets in the United States, but I have urged the country to go back to normal." "We cannot allow a terrorist thug to hold us hostage. My hope is that this will provide an opportunity for us to rally the world against terrorism."
208) 11:54 p.m.: CNN Washington Bureau Chief Frank Sesno reports that a government official told him there was an open microphone on one of the hijacked planes and that sounds of discussion and "duress" were heard. Sesno also reports a source says law enforcement has "credible" information and leads and is confident about the investigation.
209) 11:59:59 p.m.: The United Nations International Day Of Peace Ends.
210) On September 11, 2001 and everyday before and after we have let 35,615 of our brother and sisters die from the worst possible death, starvation. Somewhere around 85% of these starvation deaths occur in children 5 years of age or younger. Why are we letting 30,273 of our beautiful children die the worst possible death everyday?
211) The World Trade Center had been attacked before. On Feb. 26, 1993, terrorists detonated a truck bomb in the basement-parking garage. Six people in the underground levels died and thousands of workers spent hours walking down dark, smoky stairwells to evacuate the buildings; the elevators had shut down.
212) Understand United States History: From the USS Maine being destroyed in 1898 (Spanish American War), to the Lusitania being sunk in 1915 (WWI), to our provoking and allowing Pearl Harbor's attack in 1941 (WWII) (the book "Deceit At Pearl Harbor" lays this out very well), to the Gulf of Tonkin in 1964 (Viet Nam) and the 300 babies slaughtered in their incubators in 1991 by Iraq (Desert Storm). When you have finished the above, check out the newly discovered Operation Northwoods files that was signed off by all five members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1962 (uncovered by James Bamford in his book "Body Of Secrets" about the National Security Agency).
Since 1952, the United States has promoted, financed and participated in over 20 separate wars, killing 8 million people for capitalistic corporate profits.
Also, please read the abundant history there is about the United States government secretly using its own people as test subjects.
There is also another piece of history that is relevant to provoking patriotism in the masses that is akin to September 11, and that is the German Reichstag fire of 1933, which brought in Hitler and the Nazis into power. As Hermann Goering, the commander-in-chief of the Luftwaffe for the Nazis, said: "All you have to do is tell the people they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."
A little history about the Bush family: The grandfather of President George W. Bush (Skull and Bones, 1968) was Prescott Bush (Skull and Bones, 1917), and his great grand father was George Herbert Walker. Prescott Bush and George Herbert (Bert) Walker were directors of the London-affiliated New York banking house of Brown Brothers-Harriman and its various fronts, which funded and directed the military-industrial complex behind Hitler and the Nazi revolution. In 1919, George Herbert Walker had organized W.A. Harriman and Company, which merged with the British Brown Brothers in 1931.
In 1924, Averell Harriman (Skull and Bones, 1913) and Fritz Thyssen, the German industrialist who began funding Hitler in 1923, set up the Union Banking Corp in New York to handle funds supplied to it through Thyssen's Dutch bank for American investment. Prescott Bush, who had been an officer of the W.A. Harriman bank since 1926, was a director of the Union Banking Corp from 1934 through 1943. According to government documents, "all of the shares of the Union Banking Corporation were held for the benefit of members of the Thyssen family.
The federal government did not crack down on the Bush-Harriman / Nazi operation until 1942. After the war, Congressional investigation revealed that Fritz Thyssen's German Steel Trust, Germany's largest industrial corporation [which interlocked with Union Banking Corporation] produced a high percentage of Germany's national output of metal products and explosives. Vesting Orders signed by the Office of Alien Property Custodian, Leo T. Crowley, which were published in obscure government record books and kept out of the news, explained nothing about the Nazis involved; only that the Union Banking Corporation was run for the Thyssen family of Germany and / or Hungary -- nationals...of a designated enemy country.
In October 1942, ten months after entering World War II, America was preparing its first assault against Nazi military forces. Prescott Bush was managing partner of Brown Brothers Harriman. His 18-year-old son George, the future U.S. President, had just begun training to become a naval pilot. On Oct. 20, 1942, the U.S. government ordered the seizure of Nazi German banking operations in New York City, which were being conducted by Prescott Bush. Under the Trading with the Enemy Act, the government took over the Union Banking Corporation, in which Bush was a director. The U.S. Alien Property Custodian seized Union Banking Corp.'s stock shares, all of which were owned by Prescott Bush, E. Roland 'Bunny' Harriman, three Nazi executives, and two other associates of Bush.
By Oct. 26, 1942, U.S. troops were under way for North Africa. On Oct. 28, the government issued orders seizing two Nazi front organizations run by the Bush-Harriman bank: the Holland-American Trading Corporation and the Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation. U.S. forces landed under fire near Algiers on Nov. 8, 1942; heavy combat raged throughout November. Nazi interests in the Silesian-American Corporation, long managed by Prescott Bush and his father-in-law George Herbert Walker, were seized under the Trading with the Enemy Act on Nov. 17, 1942. In this action, the government announced that it was seizing only the Nazi interests, leaving the Nazis' U.S. partners to carry on the business.
These and other actions taken by the U.S. government in wartime were, tragically, too little and too late. President Bush's family had already played a central role in financing and arming Adolf Hitler for his takeover of Germany; in financing and managing the buildup of Nazi war industries for the conquest of Europe and war against the U.S.A.; and in the development of Nazi genocide theories and racial propaganda, with their well-known results.
Read more about the Bush family at:
Both Bush and Cheney personally intervened and asked Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-S.D.) to "limit the congressional investigation into the events of Sept. 11," according to CNN. Bush made the unusual request at a private meeting with congressional leaders on Jan. 29. He asked that the House and Senate intelligence committees look only into "the potential breakdowns among federal agencies that could have allowed the terrorist attacks to occur," rather than conduct a comprehensive inquiry.
Cheney made a similar appeal to Daschle on Jan. 25. "The vice president expressed the concern that a review of what happened on Sept. 11 would take resources and personnel away from the effort in the war on terrorism," Daschle said. "I acknowledged that concern, and it is for that reason that the Intelligence Committee is going to begin this effort, trying to limit the scope and the overall review of what happened."
During the address to the country from Emma E. Booker Elementary School on September 11, 2001 Bush also promised a full investigation into 911. Well here we are one year later and there is still no investigation. Matter of fact he has done everything in his power so there will not be any investigation into 911. Why?
Watch the video of Bush addressing the country from Emma E. Booker Elementary School promising a full investigation into 911.

Privately, the cowards who call themselves Democrats questioned why the White House feared a broader investigation to determine possible culpability.
A forensic investigation into what actually caused the buildings to collapse has not been opened and probably never will because the crucial evidence, such as steel from the building, was quickly removed rather than taken to a metallurgical laboratory to be examined. Fire Engineering magazine, a 125-year old respected journal which publishes technical studies of major fires, criticized the investigation by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as "a half-baked farce."
The journal said it "has good reason to believe that the �official investigation� blessed by FEMA and run by the American Society of Civil Engineers is a half-baked farce, commandeered by political forces whose primary interests lie far afield of full disclosure."
Why isn't the United States government fully investigating each and every detail of what occurred prior to, and on September 11th? When Pearl Harbor was attacked on December 7, 1941 and John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963 there were full independent investigations started within two weeks. Why hasn't there been a full independent investigation on September 11, 2001?
Finally, ask yourself these two simple questions about 911:
Who had the most to gain (follow the money)?
Who had the most to lose?
What happened to our first amendment? Where are all of the free and open debates in the United States Questioning September 11th? I, Mark Elsis will debate anyone or any panel on this issue. Does any formidable opponent dare to debate me about what really happened on September 11, 2001?
"By way of deception, thou shalt do war" The Motto of Israel's Mossad


WTC -- 2819 NYC Medical Examiner / 2823 NYC Police
Pentagon -- 189
United Airlines Flight 93 / Shanksville, Pennsylvania -- 44
NYC Firefighters -- 343
Port Authority Of New York And New Jersey Police -- 37
NYC Police -- 23
Total -- 3052 or 3056

Past September 11th's
September 11, 1922, One of the things that the League of Nations did during its short period of existence was to grant Great Britain a special "Mandate" to establish a homeland for the Jewish people in the territory of Palestine, which had been taken from the newly defeated Turkish Empire. History records that the administration of this mandate effectively began with the swearing into office as High Commissioner and Commander in Chief for Palestine of the Right Honorable Sir Herbert Samuel, in Jerusalem, on September 11, 1922.
September 11, 1922, The final achievement of Brandeis and American Zionism in the post-war period was the passage by Congress on September 11, 1922 of a joint resolution favoring a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The words of the resolution practically echoed the Balfour Declaration.
September 11, 1941, Construction begins on the Pentagon.
September 11, 1941, Charles Lindbergh spoke about the danger of Jewish power in the media and government. The shy 39-year-old -- known around the world for his epic 1927 New York to Paris flight, the first solo trans-Atlantic crossing -- was addressing 7,000 people in Des Moines, Iowa, on September 11, 1941, about the dangers of U.S. involvement in the war then raging in Europe. The three most important groups pressing America into war, he explained, were the British, the Jews and the Roosevelt Administration.
Of the Jews, he said: "Their greatest danger to this country lies in their large ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio, and our government." Lindbergh went on: "... For reasons which are understandable from their viewpoint as they are inadvisable from ours, for reasons which are not American, [they] wish to involve us in the war. We cannot blame them for looking out for what they believe to be their own interests, but we must also look out for ours. We cannot allow the natural passions and prejudices of other peoples to lead our country to destruction."
September 11, 1973: President Salvador Allende of Chile was assassinated and his country taken over by a United States backed coup.
September 11, 1994: A lone pilot crashed a stolen single-engine Cessna into a tree on the White House grounds just short of the President Clinton�s bedroom.

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