Friday, October 4, 2013

Congress Gives Standing Ovation To DC Cops For Executing Unarmed Mother (Video)

Friday, October 4, 2013 6:10

Essentially, lawmakers were expressing gratitude for the cops protecting them from the deadly threat posed by 34-year-old Connecticut resident Miriam Carey, a dental hygienist who the media is now trying to demonize as mentally unstable yet whose boss Dr. Brian Evans said was a “happy” and “stable” individual. Friends described her as “friendly and dedicated.” Her former boss Dr Steven Oken said she was “always happy,” while neighbors said Carey was “a nice young lady, stable.”
As the mainstream media portrayed the incident as some kind of dramatic gun battle and car chase involving a deadly terrorist who had attempted to attack the White House, the truth began to emerge. Carey’s worst crime appears to have been driving erratically and freaking out at a checkpoint when police aimed guns at her head.
Contrary to initial media reports that Carey had somehow tried to breach sensitive White House property, the checkpoint was a temporary “outer perimeter” fence, making it quite possible that Carey was confused and frightened as to why she was being stopped in the first place. The temporary checkpoint may have been part of a drill that was running simultaneously.
Makes sense right?  Friends and family are contradicting the official story and thereis absolutely nomotive for her actions which also says to me that this is some tragic accident played out on national TV.   Absolutely the DC police should nothaveshot that woman to death,it is suppose to be the duty of all police to serve and protect, not shoot now ask later.  If she was unstable, if was their job to protect her as she was out of her mind therefore there shouldnt have been no deaths.  Shoot out her tires, make her surrender, they had her dead bangif she tried anything but no, tey just open up on her, kill her only to find out her baby is in the backseat and she was totally unarmed.  What killed this woman was the police state and their likely will be no real investigation. -Mort

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