Wednesday, October 23, 2013

As many as 90 police officers have been caught subscribing to child pornography sites

just like the "priests"  where do you find the "predators"   hid~in IN plain site !!!           you just don't wanna C it ! 

Cops, Teachers and Social Workers Busted in Child Porn Investigation

By JG Vibes | October 22, 2013 |

As many as 90 police officers have been caught subscribing to child pornography sites

InternetUK (INTELLIHUB) — Hundreds of state employees that hold positions of authority and deal with children have been identified as “extremely high-risk” pedophiles, after their child pornography habits were discovered in a massive undercover investigation.
Among the hundreds of state employees implicated were social workers, teachers and a disturbingly large number of police.  Nearly 100 police have been implicated thus far.
The US investigation, Operation Avalanche, was set up by the United States Postal Inspection Service, which investigates online porn. The most recent investigation began in Texas and has identified more than 75,000 people worldwide.
The website in question was run by Thomas and Janice Reedy, a married couple in Fort Worth, Texas, who are both now in prison for distributing child pornography.
John Carr of the Children’s Charities’ Coalition for Internet Safety (CHIS), which represents all major children’s organisations, including the NSPCC, NCH and Barnardos, told The Guardian: ‘It’s very distressing to learn that so many policeman are being arrested for these sorts of offences. It undermines people’s confidence in our ability to deal with it at all.’[1]
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Harry Fletcher, deputy general secretary of the probation union Napo, said: ‘There has been growing evidence over the past 10 years that paedophiles have infiltrated careers that put them in direct contact with children. This latest evidence suggests we have to be even more vigilant.’

[1] Child porn swoop nets 90 police  - Guardian

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