
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Obamacare to Come: British Patients Die in Hospital Waiting for Care

get ready America've ALLOWED this to HAPPEN !!!                   

Obamacare to Come: British Patients Die in Hospital Waiting for Care

Britain is ahead of us in many ways. Not in good ways but in ways that foreshadow where we are headed. Here is a perfect case: In Britain a man died while in the hospital waiting for his government healthcare to begin.And his isn’t a lone case. Get ready for Obamacare, folks, because here it comes.
A married father of two went to Gillingham, England’s Medway Maritime Hospital complaining of stomach pains. He was placed in a hospital exam cubical where he sat for six hours, eventually dying from what ailed him.
The Brits have government-controlled healthcare. This, folks, is where America is headed with Obamacare.
Stewart Fleming, 37, went to the emergency room in Gillingham complaining of flu-like symptoms. He sat for six hours as the virus he had began to attack his heart and lungs. Despite that he was transferred to another hospital Mr. Fleming died.
This is only one of hundreds of stories of Brits dying while waiting for attention while in the hospital.
(Related: Was Chief Justice Roberts Blackmailed Into Supporting Obamacare? Maybe.)
In another case, a 91-year-old grandmother was left lying on a gurney for 16 hours until she died without ever having been seen.
In another case, a 52-year-old chambermaid went to the hospital with severe headaches. She was slumped in a waiting room chair for six hours, then spent three more hours in an exam cubical. She then died from a brain aneurism.
Folks, this is what we will see when government takes over our healthcare completely thanks to Obamacare. It’s no wonder why Americans already have an deep distaste of Obamacare.
It’s bad enough, of course, if a for-profit hospital fails a patient–and they sometimes do, to be sure. But in that case those institutions are open to lawsuit. Further, for-profit hospitals have a built-in reason not to mistreat patients.
Government, on the other hand, has no reason at all to care about you or your loved ones. And don’t you just know that if they haven’t already, soon they will change the rules so you won’t be able to sue murderous government doctors when they kill you or your loved ones.
We are already seeing the lies Obama has foisted on the nation about Obamacare. Insurance rates, for instance, are already about to go up 140% despite that Obama claimed that his healthcare law would make healthcare “affordable.”
Absurdly, we are seeing our federal politicians pleaded for more money to implement Obamacare… as if they haven’t soaked the American people enough already.
Worse, we’ve already found out that Obamacare will cost twice as much as Obama claimed.
And remember, all of this mess is before the first doctor sees his first patient under Obamacare. How much worse will it get once that all starts? Look to Britain for the “death panels” it will bring us.
What do you think of Obamacare? Tell us below.

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