
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

FBI Eliminates Training Material That Is “Offensive” To Muslims

The Federal Bureau of Investigation seems to be undertaking a massive effort to re-write history by eliminating things in the agency’s anti-terror training materials that officials think might be “offensive” to Muslims.
Government watchdog Judicial Watch has found hundreds of pages showing how the FBI has altered its training documents.
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton recently released a statement saying:
“The FBI is rewriting history in order to help al Qaeda. This shows that the law enforcement agency is in need of serious top-to-bottom reform. As we recently learned from the Boston Marathon terrorist attack, the country is less safe when we allow radical Muslim organizations to tell the FBI how to train its agents and do its job. The FBI’s purge of so called ‘offensive’ material is political correctness run amok, and it puts the nation at risk. The Obama administration needs to stop putting the tender sensibilities of radical Islamists above the safety of the American people.”
Judicial Watch found the materials in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.
Judicial Watch also found that the FBI took a meeting with Muslim groups where the federal agency promised to be more responsive to their needs.
(Read More: DOJ Warns Anti-Muslim Comments on Social Media Can Be Considered Felony)
Fox News’ Todd Starnes recently reported that,
During the February 8 meeting, Mueller reportedly assured the Islamic groups in attendance that the agency had ordered the removal of presentations and curricula on Islam from FBI offices around the country that were deemed “offensive.” As reported by NPR: “The FBI has completed a review of offensive training material and has purged 876 pages and 392 presentations, according to a briefing provided to lawmakers.”
Some of the demands by Muslims included the following:
  • “Article is highly inflammatory and inaccurately argues the Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist organization.”
  • “Page 13 inaccurately states that AQ [al Qaeda] is responsible for the bombing of the Khobar Towers and that AQ is ‘clearly linked’ to the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.”
  • “The overall tenor of the presentation is too informal in the current political context.”
  • “The Qur’an is not the teachings of the Prophet, but the revealed word of God.”
  • “Remove references to mosques specifically as a radicalization incubator.”
  • “Remove sweeping generality of ‘Those who fit the terrorist profile best (for the present at least) are young male immigrants of Middle Eastern appearance’”
  • “author seems to conflate ‘Islamic militancy’ with ‘terrorism’ and needs to define the difference and use it in their analysis”
(Read More: Terrorist Who Beheaded British Soldier Arrested For Trying To Join Al-Qaeda In 2010)
Well, here is the Islam the FBI claims that we need to be more sensitive about: : Saudi Writer Says That Men Should Sexually Molest “Women Who Work”.

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