
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

DOJ Warns Anti-Muslim Comments on Social Media Can Be Considered Felony

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution says “Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the free of speech. . . .” This right is, perhaps, the one that Americans cherish most and that distinguishes America from all other countries in the world. To which Obama’s Department of Justice says “Blow it out your ear. Free speech? We don’t need no stinkin’ free speech.”
Two top U.S. Department of Justice officials in Tennessee have announced that saying mean things about Muslims on social media (i.e., Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.) may violate Muslim civil rights and open the way for the federal government to prosecute the person who made the post.
According to The Tullahoma News, a local Tennessee newspaper, the American Muslim Advisory Council of Tennessee is hosting a special meeting to raise awareness of the fact that just because an American is a Muslim does not automatically mean that the American is a terrorist. (And we most certainly agree with that statement.)  The speakers at the event will be Bill Killian, U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Tennessee, and Kenneth Moore, special agent in charge of the FBI’s Knoxville Division.
The paper goes on to report that the U.S. attorneys will make a special point of addressing social media postings:
Killian and Moore will provide input on how civil rights can be violated by those who post inflammatory documents targeted at Muslims on social media.
“This is an educational effort with civil rights laws as they play into freedom of religion and exercising freedom of religion,” Killian told The News Monday. “This is also to inform the public what federal laws are in effect and what the consequences are.”
In the interests of political correctness, the attorneys will also assure Muslims that terrorist acts committed in the name of Islam are no different from the rare non-Islamic terrorist attack in America:
Killian said the presentation will also focus on Muslim culture and how, that although terrorist acts have been committed by some in the faith, they are no different from those in other religions.
He referred to the 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing in which Timothy McVeigh, an American terrorist, detonated a truck bomb in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building on April 19, 1995. Commonly referred to as the Oklahoma City Bombing, the attack killed 168 people and injured more than 800.
It was the deadliest act of terrorism within the United States prior to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and remains the deadliest act of domestic terrorism in U.S. history. Terry Nichols was also charged and incarcerated as a coconspirator.
Killian also referred to the Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting on Aug. 5, 2012, when Wade Michael Page, an American white supremacist, fatally shot six people and wounded four others in a mass shooting at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wis. Page committed suicide by shooting himself in the head after he was shot in the stomach by a responding police officer.
“Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were both Christians as was the guy who shot up the Sikh temple,” Killian said. “Sikhs are not Muslim, Many people think they are Muslim, but they split off with the Hindu religion.”
Even Bill Maher cried foul over comparing Muslim and non-Muslim violence. Christianity does not preach violent jihad, although there are violent people who are Christians. By contrast, the Q’uran explicitly mandates that devout Muslims wage war against all nonbelievers.
Aside from making muddled an inaccurate comparisons between Christianity and Islam, the DOJ attorneys are going to make very clear that speech against Muslims can and will be prosecuted. (This incidentally, is a fundamental tenet of sharia law.)
Killian referred to a Facebook posting made by Coffee County Commissioner Barry West that showed a picture of a man pointing a double-barreled shotgun at a camera lens with the caption saying, “How to Wink at a Muslim.”
Killian said he and Moore had discussed the issue.
“If a Muslim had posted ‘How to Wink at a Christian,’ could you imagine what would have happened?” he said. “We need to educate people about Muslims and their civil rights, and as long as we’re here, they’re going to be protected.”
Killian said Internet postings that violate civil rights are subject to federal jurisdiction.
“That’s what everybody needs to understand,” he said.
Killian’s statements are a complete perversion of the Constitution. Free speech means free speech. There are a few recognized limitations: Speech directed at children can be limited (such as TV commercials) and or speech that is an immediate incitement to violence. There is no limitation on speech that offends or insults someone.. That type of limitation on speech exists only in socialist Europe or under sharia law.  In perhaps, sad to say, in Obama’s America.

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