
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Classmates At Colombia University Think Obama Lied About Going There

Columbia University is rather small by American university standards. Columbia’s class of 1983 had only 700 students. One of them was Wayne Allen Root. He, like Obama, was in the Political Science department, which had only about 150 graduating students in 1983. What perplexes Root is that none of that small body of students has any memory of Barack Hussein Obama, the striking mixed-race black man who hails Columbia as his alma mater.
Writing at The Blaze, Root comments on Obama’s conspicuous absence from the 30th class reunion for his and Obama’s graduating year. It wasn’t just that Obama didn’t show up at the reunion – it was that memories about him weren’t there either:
I thought I knew, or met at least once, (or certainly saw in classes) every fellow Poly Sci classmate in my four years at Columbia.
But not Obama. No one ever met him. Even worse, no one even remembers seeing that unique memorable face. Think about this for a minute. Our classmate is President of the United States. Shouldn’t someone remember him? Or at least claim to remember him?
One of the speakers at the 30th reunion should have reminisced about “my days with the future President.” But no one did. You’d think Obama might have sent a video to tell us all how much he enjoyed his time at Columbia. You’d think he’d have sent at least a letter to be read aloud from one of his former college buddies. Right? But he didn’t. Because Obama has no former college buddies. No one that ever met Obama, let alone befriended him, was in attendance at our 30th class reunion.
Root didn’t leave anything to chance. That is, he didn’t just note an absence of Obama reminiscences from the attending graduates. Instead, he asked every single Poly Sci major he saw whether he or she had ever met, seen, or even heard of Obama during the years from 1981 through 1983. He was met with a chorus of “noes”, with all of the people he questioned responding that, yes, it was strange that none can remember the man who is now president. That they answered this way is even more peculiar given that most of them voted for Obama.
Root is willing to accept as true that Obama registered at Columbia and even graduated. It’s what happened in between that perplexes him:
The question isn’t was he ever registered, or did he graduate. And it’s interesting that one photo, one professor, and one newspaper article exists- just enough to provide a thin cover. But the serious question the media should be asking is…What did Obama do for two full years in-between registration and graduation? Did he ever attend a class? Did he ever have a single friend other than a Pakistani national? Why is the only professor to ever come forward and claim he remembers him a radical leftist who hates Israel? What exactly was he doing when no one met him, saw him, or heard of him? Why are his college records sealed? What has he got to hide?
Add the missing Obama Columbia years to the many mysteries that surround the man. He’s like an android, who suddenly appeared in America, the perfect embodiment of everything Leftist in a politically popular package.

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