Saturday, May 25, 2013


Posted by George Freund on May 25, 2013 at 9:05 AM

You're out and about for an afternoon stroll and lo and behold you come across the latest cleaver attack and beheading on the street. That's what faced Londoners Wednesday afternoon in Woolwich on Artillery Place. The story unfolds that two men who have been under the scrutiny of the intelligence services for as long as eight years waited near the Woolwich barracks for a serviceman to slaughter. At around 2:20 p.m. they ran into a serviceman wearing a Help for Heroes hoody. They drive a Vauxhall Tigra into him crushing against a sign pole. They drag him to a wall out of view beside the car and carve him up with a meat cleaver and a machete. They triumph Allah Akbar as they nearly complete the beheading. All of it is filmed in stills and movie format. It is a total success at a street drama that will mold the whole island nation into a highly charged catalyst to the war machine and political infrastructure. It was deserving of an Academy Award for best foreign film. Unlike their American allies they didn't leave messy loose ends for bloggers in cyberspace to illuminate.

There are many things wrong with the drama though. They defy logic and common sense and extol raw emotional response to circumstance akin to a mass mind control stimulus. After all London is the home to the Tavistock Institute where theatre of the mind was refined into an art form a long time ago. Imagine yourself coming upon a scene as outlayed by mass media. I've been to one. I know. It was a triple stabbing and hammer attack. There's lots of blood - lots of blood. The human body has about FIVE liters. That's a lot of fluid. If we're using a cleaver and a machete and removing the head, I can assure you you're going to get wet. My guy was only using a carpet knife. His arms and legs were saturated. Our primary characters have blood on their hands but are not saturated.

This photo of one of the culprits, Michael Adebolajo, is very telling. Regular followers of Conspiracy Cafe will remember the video we used on the making of a Manchurian with simple hypnosis. The test subject alerted his handler to his altered state by tapping his index finger to the center of his forehead. Our man is in a totally tranquil state of mind as his face shows. He is not agitated or breathing heavily. Imagine making 20 or 30 devasting blows with the cleaver and dragging a 'dead' weight to the street. There's conditioning for you. He hasn't broken into a sweat. He isn't breathing heavily. There isn't a tense muscle in his face. I strongly suspect he is in a hypnotic trance.

Angels of Woolwich: Are they MK Ultra controllers? I'd say the men in the black suits are the intelligence services. They are seriously over dressed for this neighbourhood.
Peter Kirkham a former Detective Chief Inspector and firearms tactics expert was quoted in the press, "I've never seen anything like this before, or even heard of it happening before. For two suspects to carry out a brutal attack like this then stand around in plain sight waiting for the police is crazy." Yes in the real world that is crazy. In the world of MK Ultra that is a red flag indicator. As we look at other photos we see the handlers giving instruction to the men. They are called the Angels of Woolwich brave women who stood face to face with deranged killers armed with weapons dripping with blood. That seems to be a little bit over the top. Without knowledge of hypnosis and mind control though, you'd think the explanation is reasonable.

Confrontation: Cub scout leader Ingrid Loyau-Kennett, 48, bravely confronts the suspected killer in the street after jumping off her bus
The killer above is Michael Adebowale. You must notice his jacket would reveal blood soaking and splatter I dare say. My stabber was wearing white overalls. They were soaked all the way down both arms and both legs and he didn't kill anyone. The blood pool from the man he attacked with a hammer was as large as a full size Chevrolet Caprice Classic of the era. There is no blood on the street. Admittedly dead persons don't bleed, but they will drain. Severence of the head could allow for a lot of that. In the shot from overhead, there isn't much of a blood trail to the road. Most notably absent are bloody footprints.

There is a 'blood' trail towards the curb. It stops.
The victim was a British soldier by the name of Lee Rigby. He served in Afghanistan. If our fiends actually killed him, then there may have been method to the madness. There were many things going on behind the scenes in the political establishment. Words we never thought we'd ever hear were headlines in the mainstream news. In March of this year CNN opined that Bush and Blair should be charged with war crimes. That must have sent shock and awe waves through the power establishment. Something would have to be done to change the paradigm to win the hearts and minds of those who were set to oppose the atrocities committed by the state.

It was getting even deeper too. Lawyers representing 180 families abused and murdered by the British army in Iraq were pressing ahead with a human rights investigation into mistreatment including forms of torture and sexual abuse. Things were coming to a head. That has all changed. In the Cui bono world the main suspect would be the British government. With one well executed bit of street theatre we could change all that and get the public to tolerate if not demand we do it all over again. That is the brilliance of mind control as developed at Tavistock. We can own the thoughts you believe are yours.
There are a few other photos that make absolutely no sense either. They involve people walking through the set. I mean crime scence.


At least the woman in the upper shot is looking at the weapon. I find it hard to believe they wouldn't take a detour around the block. Most people are terrified about getting hurt. This would be a realistic concern here. Or perhaps they judged the matter safe. They weren't impressed with the actors enough to fear them. Something is rotten in Woolwich.

It is highly unusual a body in the street is not covered until the scene is secured. Is it for dramatic effect? The culprits lie shot in the background. It also seems rather unusual they would be standing in the open while a gunfight just occurred. It was reported that one of the men was armed with a gun as he charged at the arriving armed police. In jihad mode you would think he would have fired the gun. This is an example of gun control at its best too. The killer was armed. The victim and bystanders are prevented from being so. A conealed carry advocate could have been put to good use.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, the expression on Prime Minister Cameron's face here says something worth a million words. I see TRIUMPH! He is victorious. His covert operation succeeded beyond all possible expectations. No one is the slightest bit wise to the depth of the depravity deployed here. We have the people as putty in our hands. Save and except for the Conspiracy man sir. We are masters of the covert arts and sciences too. We see what others don't. We understand the roots of power. We say this was a covert act game changer of the highest order.

The police move in and shoot the culprits. You see the pistol maniac, Michael Adebowale, pointing it at the police. They are not pointing their guns at him. He doesn't shoot them even though he has the perfect shot. He should be sent back to the jihadi training center. Or perhaps it was a scripted bit of street theatre.
Lastly can you remember someone you saw on the street in 2007? The media can. They immediately tagged Michael Adebolajo from a protest in London. As they say in baseball, good eye.

I submit they knew all along in a well crafted street theatre production. All the actors are controlled by the intelligence services. The British have corrected all the mistakes of the Boston bombing and Sandy Hook. The only thing they can't correct is that they always lie. We know how the game is played now. For a finale watch this video on how we make up the wounded.

In the end terror always wins because we allow ourselves to be terrorized.

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