Monday, March 25, 2013


By Paul McGuire
March 25, 2013        
One day soon after some global crisis on the level of an Armageddon-like and all-out nuclear war the skies will by be filled with a thousand starships descending upon the Earth… nothing less than an invasion from space. This event will seem cataclysmic to normal, awake, and conscious human beings. As was the case when actor Orson Welles broadcast the Mercury Theater adaptation of H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds, people across the U.S. and the world will experience psychological break downs and post- traumatic stress syndrome as the reality which they once believed in melts all around them.
The 1938 War of the Worlds broadcast created terror and panic across the United States as millions of people tuned in and believed that there was a real invasion of Martians. The broadcast was partially funded by the Rockefeller Foundation through The Princeton Radio Project and guided by the Council on Foreign Relations, evidence that it may really have been a psyops test to create “accidental” and “unfortunate” panic and hysteria throughout the United States.
The Princeton University Radio Project, under supervision of psychologist Dr. Paul F. Lazarsfeld, Frank Stanton (later head of CBS), and Dr. Hadley Cantril, hired Orson Welles to adapt H. G. Wells' fiction book The War of the Worlds for radio in order to study the behavior of citizens under panic conditions.
War of the Worlds was heard by six million people,1,700,000 of whom believed in a Martian invasion, and 1,200,000 of whom were frightened enough to take action… either by running away or by preparing to fight the invaders.
Later Dr.Cantril wrote a paper entitled: "The Invasion From Mars…A Study in the Psychology of Panic." Cantril's study examined the power of the radio broadcast media and its effects upon a population under the direct influence of fear.
Later on Project Blue Beam was developed by NASA, using EMF waves to project visual hallucinations inside people’s minds, and giant holographic images and other technology that could create a simulated alien invasion. Films like 2001: A Space Odyssey, the Star Trek series, Independence Day and Star Wars all deal with invasions from space and the coming together of all nations to repel the invaders.
While the great masses on planet Earth, in a state of mass religious euphoria, will be convinced that the beings on these starships have come to save them there will be other, more analytical people who will question whether or not the event is real or is actually the outcome of a highly sophisticated mind control operation like Operation Blue Beam where those who have perceived the event have been given the electronic equivalent of LSD using EMF waves.
This arrival of alien visitors from the stars or another dimension will be welcomed by most as the long-awaiting arrival of the Messiah. The ancient Pre-Flood civilizations who built highly sophisticated monolithic structures left evidence of a highly advanced and scientific civilization that came from the stars and “seeded” planet Earth with their DNA. These ancient races of god men coming to Earth established the legendary civilizations of Atlantis, Thule, and Hyperborea. The symbols found on the monolithic monuments, including pictures and inscriptions, are evidence of some kind of visitors from another world, who would one day return. This is the theme of movies like Prometheus. I have spent a great deal of time researching this for my new book, “A Prophecy of the Future of America.”
However, there is another element that has to be added to the technology of mass mind control and the ancient legends of god men who came from the stars. The Bible records that the sons of God, or fallen angels, impregnated human women, producing the hybrid race of the Nephilim.
The Nephilim are found throughout Old Testament history and referred to by Jesus Christ when he said, “For the days of Noah will be the days of the coming of the Son of Man,” which refers to the return of the Nephilim. The Nephilim were found throughout the ancient world in such places as Canaan and other regions. Apparently, the builder of the world’s first one world government, with its capital at the Tower of Babel, was Nimrod, who was a Nephilim. David fought Goliath from Gath, and Goliath was a Nephilim.
According to researcher David Flynn, in the apocryphal Book of Enoch it reads, ”And when the sons of men had multiplied, in those days, beautiful and comely daughters were born to them. And the Watchers, sons of heaven, saw them and desired them. And they said to one another, Come, let us choose for ourselves from the daughters of men, and let us beget for ourselves children…And they descended onto the peak of Mount Hermon…”
As we explore the possibilities of a Fourth Dimensional War and the return of the Nephilim we need to examine whether or not this invasion of Earth is a mind control experiment, the invasion of aliens from another world, or an invasion of aliens from another dimension. Again, the words of Jesus Christ should ring true in our ears for He said, “As it was in the days of Noah so it will be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man.” The Biblical record indicates that Lucifer’s fallen angels came to Earth as the sons of God and had sexual intercourse with human women, which produced a hybrid race of god men known as the Nephilim. Theoretically, the Nephilim were destroyed by God with the Flood of Noah.
But apparently some of them, and perhaps entire communities of them, survived the Flood in giant underground caves, which would explain the Nazi legends of the Hollow Earth and Hyperborea. In any case, the Nephilim have returned and are once again impregnating human women. Added to this is the fact that major militaries around the world have embraced a Transhumanist revolution and are actively breeding a new race of supermen and super soldiers, using the DNA from Nephilim, animals, and human beings.

If all this is difficult for you to understand, consider the words of a young woman who attended one of my meetings where I teach this material. She explained to the class that her husband had been attending my meetings for about two years and he would tell her of all my teachings, which seemed for her to go in one ear and out the other. She then said that about a week before she spoke to us she had some kind of strange, supernatural experience where all of a sudden she could see that everything her husband was trying to tell her was true. She said “It was if my eyes were opened and I woke up in some future world of science fiction, except it was all here and now!”
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