Saturday, March 2, 2013

For the World is Hollow ... and I Have Touched the Sky!
By Richard C. Hoagland
© 2010 The Enterprise Mission

One of my favorite all-time "Star Treks," from my long-departed friend Gene Roddenberry's imaginative mind, is an episode (toward the end of the "third season") that captures perfectly this haunting theme--

It was from Rik Vollaert's evocative, 42-year-old script, of how "the Enterprise discovers a '200-mile-wide errant asteroid' in deep space," which the crew soon determine "is on direct course toward a deadly collision with 'Daran V' -- an inhabited planet supporting almost 4 billion unsuspecting souls ...."
Of course, "the Enterprise must stop the impending catastrophe ... by altering the asteroid's deadly course; barring that, Kirk intends to simply destroy the threatening space rock ...."
He discovers that the asteroid is also inhabited ... and has been artificially "hollowed out" and set upon "a centuries-long, interstellar survival journey ... by a long-extinct civilization, the Fabrini ...."
The Enterprise further discovers that the descendents of the Fabrini -- the "people of Yonada" (as the child-like asteroid-inhabitants have named their tiny "planetoid" ...)--
Have NO idea they have been born ... and have died ... generation after generation -- inside "a hollow, artificial world ...!"
Or, that their small, wandering "ship" -- after a 10,000-year-old journey -- is now, in the last remaining hours of its millennial-long voyage, on a fatal collision course with a major, inhabited world ....

It was vintage Star Trek ... a classic Roddenberry commentary on "the unseen confines" of our own, carefully-constructed "realities" ....
Well, tonight (as I write this), Gene's "resonant reality of Star Trek" -- of a limitless, human future ... where Earth ultimately joins "a grand galactic Federation ... and discovers ... 'new life and new civilizations ...'"--
Is about to become Real!
For, tonight, "sources" have strongly suggested to Enterprise -- through a series of in-depth, "no holds barred" conversations ... stretching over the last several days -- that the European Space Agency (ESA) has, as of tonight, finally, painstakingly, confirmed the existence of precisely such "an artificial, hollow world."
Accessible to current human space flight technology ... in this solar system.
And ... after lengthy deliberations and consultations with other "space faring nations" on this planet -- ESA has decided to, indeed, formally announce this staggering discovery ... to the entire world.
The only serious remaining question being -- "when?"

* * *

For those Enterprise readers not familiar with our methodology when undertaking this type of investigation and Report, here's a brief summation:
We do NOT accept as "unconditionally valid," information gained SOLELY from "inside" (i.e. official government) sources; our policy is to only accept "inside" information as potentially valid ... if it can be corroborated with independent, physical evidence -- a "planetary image" ... or, "a spacecraft science instrument reading," etc., etc.
What we are about to present in this Report is a mixture of these two methods of investigation -- political "sources" ... and scientific "evidence."
And, the evidence now supports the reality that our human "source" is ALSo reporting ... that "the human race has, indeed, confirmed its first, clearly artificial, relic world--
A bona fide "ancient spaceship" ... called Phobos--
The inner moon of Mars ....
One of two "tiny space rocks" (>15 miles across ...) -- discovered circling Mars in 1877, by Asaph Hall.
Phobos is the inner of Mars' two infinitesimal natural satellites ... the slightly larger ... and is shaped a bit like "a battered hamburger." It orbits Mars every (tetrahedrally-significant) seven hours, 39 minutes ... whipping around just under "four thousand miles" above Mars' reddish sands ... from west to east ... three times each Martian "day."
It also orbits closer to its primary than any other "natural moon" in the entire solar system ....
So ... is it?
A "natural" moon, that is ...?
According to our "informed ESA source" (for this part of this developing, extraordinary story ...) ESA (the European Space Agency) IS "in the process" of assembling this stunning set of "multi-disciplinary science data on Phobos" -- testifying to the artificial nature of this enigmatic "moon" -- for a "formal presentation and announcement ... sometime later this year."

Or, paraphrasing the words of another now-departed, long-time friend ... Sir Arthur C. Clarke--
2010 ... could be, indeed--
"The Year We Make Contact."

* * *

The startling scientific evidence backing up this "coming chain of events," begins with the best high-resolution imaging of Phobos ever achieved ... taken March 7, 2010.
Here (below) is the geometry of that recent Mars Express close-encounter with Phobos ... and the set-up for our first Enterprise Mission imaging enhancement (see full description later in this Report ...) of one of these new ESA images, from the most recent Mars Express Phobos Closest fly-by.
It is a close-up of the north (and "orbit-facing" hemisphere) of Phobos -- which travels around Mars in what is technically termed "a tidally-locked orbit" (meaning, "the same side always facing 'orbital front'"). In this graphic (below), that "front-facing side" of hamburger-shaped "Phobos" is also facing the spacecraft camera ... as it was looking down on the "northern hemisphere" of Phobos, at about a 30-degree angle, on the March 7th pass ....

The original Mars Express image itself (from which this enhanced version has been produced - below) was taken from a distance of approximately 60 miles; the smallest objects discernable in the full image (when properly enlarged) are about 15 feet across--
On a 15-mile-wide "moon" .....

Note all the redundant, right-angle geometry ... parallel "layering" ... and sheer non-random Organization!
Here (below) are the "global" coordinates and orbital vector for this ESA Phobos image -- as prepared by Enterprise Associate, Greg Ahrens ....

And this (below) is a more distant view -- acquired from an earlier Mars Express fly-by image series; the illuminating sun angle is opposite our previous images -- here, coming from the right.
Notice in all these images that "the front" -- the side of Phobos always "facing the apex of its orbit around Mars" (here, directly facing the spacecraft camera) -- is also the side with "all the surface debris blown off!"
Exposing now--
An extraordinary, geometric, clearly artificial, fractured 3-D surface ... lying just beneath the veneer of "battered, ancient asteroid stuff" that Phobos presents from most other viewing angles -- all now stunningly revealed (below) ... in this high-resolution Mars Express Phobos "face-on" image!

And Phobos -- "the artificial moon" -- in close-up ....

A shift in perspective (further to the left and down - below), reveals an even more stunning geometric view -- with thousands of regular "right-angle formations" visible all across the "orbit facing side" of this small "moon," at this particular sun angle -- compelling indications, indeed, of "an ancient, battered but manufactured world ...."

Thirty-nine years ago (twice "19.5" ...) -- in 1971 -- NASA's "first Mariner 9 orbital reconnaissance of Phobos" (managed by JPL) began ... with this low-resolution, too-high-contrast TV photograph (below)--

Just five years later, the baffling mystery of "the weird grooves on Phobos" would be discovered ... by the vastly improved cameras aboard Viking Orbiter 1 (below).
So ... what are these obvious (see below) "grooves of Phobos?"

This fascinating mystery ... evident in the Viking images (above) as "a series of obvious, long, narrow and mysteriously-straight striations ..." -- running parallel across almost the entire visible width of this ~15-mile-wide moon -- was eventually interpreted by NASA as merely "crater-chains of secondary meteor impacts ... caused by Phobos intersecting [running into] such meteor streams ... blasted-out across Phobos' orbit ... as fragments from primary asteroid or comet impacts down on Mars' surface ...."
Now, from this latest Mars Express ultra-high-resolution imaging ( below) -- the REAL cause of these mysterious "grooves on Phobos" is readily, geometrically apparent--
Phobos -- as a clearly "artificial moon"--
"Is literally ... Coming Apart at the Seams!"
Because of the increasing, shearing gravitational forces -- caused by its slow "death spiral" into Mars--
Because of the inevitable--
"Tides ... of Mars."

So yes, what you are staring at (probably, in shock at this point ...) is, in fact ... nothing less than what we've been saying all along ... since trying to educate the first Bush Administration on this data, in 1989 (see below):
That Phobos is, in fact--
An "ancient ... ex terrestrial ... very battered ... 15-mile-long"--
Exactly like ... "Yonada."
Which now (according to our European sources -- backed up by the actual Mars Express data itself, which you will see more of - below) ESA is about to officially ... publicly announce!
Possibly -- even before President Obama's up-coming ... suddenly-called ... STILL super-secret "Space Summit"--
Which is scheduled to take place, within a few days, at the Kennedy Space Center -- personally hosted by the President of the United States of America -- in the middle of an on-going shuttle mission--
Which, turns out to be ... the 33rd Space Shuttle Mission ... to the Space Station ("ISS").
Can you say "the Fix is in" ... for "something?"

* * *

Regardless of these "politically symbolic numbers," the primary reason we can be increasingly confident about the outcome of these coming "ESA revelations" -- is because of the strength and depth of the published scientific evidence that stands behind these findings and conclusions; not only the stunning, obviously "artificial Phobos" now seen in the Mars Express close-ups (above) -- but the still-to-be-discussed results of two other key scientific experiments, carried out by Mars Express during these same fly-bys:
The "Phobos tracking" gravity/mass interior distribution experiment ... and the "MARSIS interior of Phobos" imaging radar experiment.
Spacecraft are usually monitored (tracked ...) by means of their broadcast radio transmissions; if the carrier frequency of the on-board radio system on the spacecraft is observed to vary ... as it is received by the ground stations here on Earth ... the major reason is usually a change (detected via a radio phenomenon called "the Doppler Shift") in the spacecraft orbit.
This orbit-change can be pre-planned -- the result of an on-board commanded thruster firing -- or (in the case of the close-in Mars Express Phobos observations), due to the slight gravitational field of the ~15-mile-wide moonlet itself being detected -- actually altering (very, very slightly ...) the expected (predicted) orbital trajectory of Mars Express around Mars ... during those super-close Phobos passes.
By extremely careful measurements of the actual "radio frequency drift," recorded during these Phobos "close-approaches," and by then plugging that data into sophisticated ESA computer models of Phobos interior mass distribution, each varying slightly, and designed according to "Newtonian and Einsteinien Laws of Gravity" ... the ESA folks expected to not only be able to measure accurately the overall MASS of Phobos far more precisely than ever before ... but, even more importantly--
For the first time, resolve"how" that detected mass was arranged -- INSIDE -- as measured against the Mars Express "gravity tracking data."
Normally, even the first results of such a delicate experiment would "wait weeks before it was posted ... if it ever was"; ESA this time posted the "early Doppler results of this 'super close' Phobos March 3rd pass" ... on March 9th--
Barely one week after the fly-by itself!
And then -- described in detail, the science behind the published radio-tracking graph (below):

“ ... The Mars Express Radio-Science team, led by Martin Pätzold (Cologne University), has performed a preliminary analysis of the radiometric data recorded during the evening of closest approach, 3 March 2010 ...
"The grey line in the image [above] shows the frequency change due to Phobos during a 20-minute window, centered on the closest approach. Before closest approach, the effect of Phobos on the spacecraft is negligible. Then there is a clear jump in frequency at closest approach. This is Phobos slightly changing the orbit of Mars Express.

"The blue line is the expected frequency change assuming the mass of Phobos, as measured during a previous flyby, is evenly distributed throughout the moon’s interior. There are clearly small differences between the blue and grey lines. The challenge now for the Radio-Science team is to dig into these small differences to pries out information on the mass distribution. “The real work starts right here,” says Pätzold.“It may take a few weeks for the extraction of precise information on the interior of Phobos,” says Tom Andert, from Munich University [emphasis added] ...."

One of the responders to this post, on the official ESA "Phobos Blog," shrewdly observed--

Posted by: Daniel Fischer • Thanks for sharing these data! • reply
09-03-2010 • 17:37:42
Thanks to the Cologne people and ESA for sharing these hot non-imaging data, even without vertical scales - a clever (and accepted) way in showing success without compromising scientific details.
Though, as the total mass of Phobos and C/A distance are both known, reconstructing the 'missing' Hertz residuals scale in the 1st plot should be possible for any physicist, right [emphasis added]?
By putting out the actual raw "gravity tracking" data this early, ESA was (apparently) "hedging its bets"; if it WAS planning to release ALL the data, from ALL the experiments carried out during this unique "dozen Phobos fly-by orbit sequence ..." -- revealing that it IS an "ancient, manufactured object" (as I was beginning to seriously suspect ...), this was a MAJOR, additional step in signaling that ultimate intention ....
Providing the perfect segue into what came next--
The Phobos Blog -- published on March 25th ... posted this "little bit of 'tracking news'":

General , Science 25 March, 2010 17:21
Radio science result from 2008 Phobos Flyby now accepted for publication
I’ve just heard that the technical paper discussing the mass and density of Phobos, as determined during the 2008 flyby, has been accepted by Geophysical Research Letters. The abstract is:
We report independent results from two subgroups of the Mars Express Radio Science (MaRS) team who independently analyzed Mars Express (MEX) radio tracking data for the purpose of determining consistently the gravitational attraction of the moon Phobos on the MEX spacecraft, and hence the mass of Phobos. New values for the gravitational parameter (GM=0.7127 ± 0.0021 x 10-³ km³/s²) and density of Phobos (1876 ± 20 kg/m³) provide meaningful new constraints on the corresponding range of the body's porosity (30% ± 5%), provide a basis for improved interpretation of the internal structure. We conclude that the interior of Phobos likely contains large voids. When applied to various hypotheses bearing on the origin of Phobos, these results are inconsistent with the proposition that Phobos is a captured asteroid [emphasis added] ....

No ... this was NOT "the rest of the radio-tracking results" from the March 3rd fly-by, that we were all eagerly anticipating ....
But rather--
A nominal announcement of "scientific journal (peer-reviewed) publication" ... of earlier Phobos "gravity-tracking" results--
From data acquired two YEARS earlier by Mars Express ... back in 2008!!
Another major clue that ... the political goals of the current, ultra-close Phobos "fly-by campaign" were predicated on the provocative results discovered earlier ... in the 2008 fly-bys ....
Which, quoting from the just-published abstract--

" ... provide meaningful new constraints on the corresponding range of the body's [Phobos'] porosity (30% ± 5%), [and thus] provide a basis for improved interpretation of the internal structure. We conclude that the interior of Phobos likely contains large voids. When applied to various hypotheses bearing on the origin of Phobos, these results are inconsistent with the proposition that Phobos is a captured asteroid [emphasis added] ..."

"Inconsistent ... that Phobos is a captured asteroid ...?"
There ... the "ticking time bomb to Disclosure" --
For, Phobos IS -- according to these officially-published ESA 2008 Mars Express tracking measurements--
Precisely the same result ... as the Soviets reported from their own "mysteriously lost" Phobos-2 Mission -- back in 1989 (below)!
Which, of course, is how we at Enterprise have KNOWN about "the reality of an artificial Phobos ..." since "Bush 1" ... for 21 years--
From correctly interpreting official Soviet spacecraft findings at Mars, in 1989 -- data published openly in "the most prestigious science journal in the world," Nature -- of the observed, artificial nature of the evidence transmitted back from the Soviet's first "Phobos Mission" ... Phobos-2 ... before it "disappeared."
Findings which now -- from ALL the political clues and "dots' we've been publishing here at Enterprise on "real disclosure," for months on end -- are about to be openly confirmed by ESA ....

For, a Martian moon that is demonstrably "1/3 hollow" ... as measured by two totally independent space programs, and separated by ~20 yars ... under ANY likely astrophysical formation scenario CANNOT EXIST ... as just a "natural" moon!
It simply can't.
As the MARSIS radar imaging experiment -- according to our "inside" ESA source, again -- also, separately (but no less dramatically), has now experimentally confirmed--
Which he recounted as "a Phobos' interior filled with 'cavernous, geometric rooms ... right-angle walls ... and floors -- detectable via the semi-regular 'structure of the returning, interior radar echoes ...' as they were impressed upon the reflected MARSIS signals ....'"
MARSIS was physically seeing (via this radar) a three-dimensional, totally artificial, interior world ... within Phobos; and a "reflection void interior geometry" ... which correlated eerily with the earlier (lower-resolution) Phobos "interior gravity tracking data ...."
Our main info source in ESA -- an academic, very closely connected with the MARSIS Radar Team (by way of two interpreters!) -- began using some really interesting phrases to describe what the computer radar images were revealing, phrases like "it's an interior firmament ..." (foundations ... of buildings?); and of seeing... "not just solid rock" (NOT an asteroid!)... and noting, that it's also "not a bunch of rocks" (a collection of "little asteroids" ...).
Imagine our surprise (followed by immediate satisfaction), when -- right after our "source" tipped us to "the real 'off-scale' nature of the incoming Phobos radar data (above)" -- ESA published on the official Phobos Blog site (March 22nd) "a raw plot of one of the MARSIS radar return channels ... on 'day seven' of the recent fly-by series ... (below)!"

Which confirms (to a technical "eye") everything our source had revealed earlier ... regarding the astonishingly "artificial" (officially published) nature of the interior Phobos' radar scans (above)!
The official ESA commentary, released with this raw MARSIS radar plot, is also fascinating:

"... after the ground-processing of science data, it was found that the radar worked successfully during the flyby. The figure above shows echoes reflected by Phobos as the highest peak in the signal, clearly above the noise level. Scientific analysis of the results is still ongoing. The main quest is the determination of the origin of detected echoes: are they reflections from various surface features of Phobos, or have they been produced by the internal structure of the moon ...
The scientific analysis of existing and future data will provide us with new and unique insights on the nature of Phobos’ interior [emphasis added] ...."

Apparently, taking a cue from the newly-published internal Mars Express gravitational map (from 2008) -- the ESA scientific paper which now states, plainly, that "the interior mass distribution inside Phobos is NOT uniform ..." if one were to look at the separate "radar echo delays" (in the above graph) -- in the same way ... as potentially due to "deep internal, non-uniform structure"--
Then -- striking confirmation for that artificial model ... -- now obvious in the newly-published, official ESA Phobos radar data just posted on the ESA website!
Including -- a "huge" asymmetrical radar echo (+ ~33 dB) ... amid a picket fence of equally deep, sharp radar absorptions ( - ~35 dB) -- from some "symmetrical, internal, geometric source" ... starting about "50 microseconds in" (below).


Which will allow any competent electronics or radio engineer "out there" to actually calculate -- using this official, MARSIS published data -- precisely "how big" the internal reflection "structures" inside Phobos have to be ... to appear as they do (above), as "wildly varying, multiple radar echoes (and absorptions), separated by "tens of microseconds" in the radio echoes coming back from inside Phobos ..." on this first official graph ....
Answers in those signals to questions like, "how large is the volume which forms the 'super big peak'?" (above) -- corresponding to "about 14 microseconds in echo-width" -- where ... the signal abruptly rises "straight up" ~ 47 dB (!) -- before falling back to the previously "low," 47dB below that peak intensity ...?
~200 feet wide ....
Obviously -- some kind of "uniquely-shaped, right-angle internal corner reflection" ... part of a much larger "90-degree cavern or room ..." (hence, the relatively "huge" signal strength ...) from deep inside Phobos.
Which, according to the verbal description coming from our ESA source, is divided into "three ... or four, major, quarter-to-half-mile-wide geometric chambers ... distributed tetrahedrally inside a denser, partially-hollow RF-translucent interior structure ...."
And -- the echo ranges displayed by this same data ....
The variability of reflected "echoes" (the vertical axis of the above graph) -- compared to that expected "from an ordinary solid space rock" -- is literally off-scale; again, the echo return from the Phobos-ranging spanning over 60 dB in total energy amplitude ...
Equivalent to a "sound volume" change--
[Check it out ... at one of the many on-line "dB (decibel) calculators" (ah ... the endless "wonders of the Net" ...).]
No natural "space rock" could possibly possess such an enormous range of "natural radar absorbers and reflectors"; nothing "natural" could reflect (or absorb) EM energy ... that way ... across so many orders of magnitude.
Nothing, that is--
"A non-natural ... artificially-designed ... selectively-absorbing, manufactured 'stealthy' EM material ...."
In other words -- the MARSIS radar reflections being officially published on the official ESA Phobos website (again) ... contained explicit scientific data, from multiple perspectives, which strongly "supported the idea that this is what radar echoes would look like, coming back from inside 'a huge ... geometric ... hollow ET spaceship' ...!"
After getting an inkling of the "clearly artificial implications" of the enormous intensity-ranges represented by the published Phobos graph (above), I also saw for the first time that these "enormous MARSIS power variations" -- between the deep radar absorptions and bright reflections -- were not only huge--
They were also, distinctly, "geometrically non-random!"
In fact, they were the primary source of the decidedly "internal, 3-D geometric-looking" radar signature (below) ....

The concurrence of all three of these independent Mars Express experiments -- "imaging" ... "internal mass distribution" (tracking) ... and "internal radar imaging" -- ALL now agreed that "the interior of Phobos is 'partially hollow ... with internal, repeating, MAJOR geometric "voids" inside it ....'"
Meaning that--
Phobos IS "artificial!"

Or, as our ESA source commented to our intermediary at the end of the "conversations"--
"Your friend (meaning me ...) must be crazy too -- for both of you to show up here ... now."
Stay tuned ....


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