Saturday, March 2, 2013

'Beast Of Tenby,' Mysterious Creature, Found On UK Beach; Experts Weigh In (PHOTO)

Posted:   |  Updated: 03/01/2013 5:22 pm EST
Seriously, what on earth is this?
A mysterious, distorted carcass has been discovered on a beach in Wales, baffling masses.
The bloated body, dubbed the "Beast of Tenby" and the "Beast from the East" by local press, has been widely debated, according to the Western Telegraph.
The beast was discovered over the weekend by local resident Peter Bailey, 27, who came across the creature while taking a walk.
"I was taking my dog for her evening walk across the south beach when she started acting out of character by howling and running round in circles," Bailey told the Western Telegraph. "I ran up to her to see if she was ok and then I came across this hideous looking carcass. I could see it had little hair left on it's decomposing body. Immediately I thought it was a horse but it had claws like a bear and a body of a pig. Surprisingly it didn't smell."
The site posted a picture of the beast on Facebook, where it was shared hundreds of times and widely debated.
The Sun reached out to Swansea University's College of Science professor Dr. Dan Forman, who said while it was "difficult to say," the creature's five toes hinted that it might be a badger. Meanwhile, the Western Telegraph reached out to several animal experts, who suggested it could be either a badger or a dog.
The debate has apparently even reached city government.
“We did get a call on Friday evening to say a Jack Russell had been washed up on Tenby's South Beach but our staff couldn't find it," Pembrokeshire council representative Len Mullins told Wales Online.
The mysterious creature reminds some of the Brooklyn Bridge "monster" discovered in July and the "Montauk Monster," which washed up on a Long Island beach in 2008. That creature appeared to have a beak, claws, and almond-shaped eyes like an alien, according to New York Magazine.
beast of tenby mystery creature
Correction: A previous version of this article incorrectly referred to Tenby as English. Tenby is in Wales.

1 comment:

  1. it's a partially decayed badger. notice the eye visible near the mouth and what looks like an eye further back on the head which is where the ear used to be before it rotted away. the fur has mostly fallen off.

    lovely stuff. must've been a delightful fragrance emanating from it too.
