Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Listen To This Ed Smith Interview From 2010, Maybe This "Daisy" Thing Is Real After All  sshhhhh  be wery ,wery, wery quite? sshh !!!         bigtoes,weres,vamps ,goblins ,trolls under the bridge lit oll  Lep's   running around, looking fer their gold coins? fucking E.T.  probing us up the ass ?  Toyko  hehe the way where the fuck is GODZILLA  ?  NY ?   um oh yea  NEVER forget fucking  PREDATORS !!!! mud,mud?   ..MUD !   MUDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!    sum bitch  IS there anything  THAT  doesn't get us? ..shit did that noise come from under the bed?  ...closet? ... oh fuck the attic ,basement ???   hey ,hey  I think it's in the TV ???  ..Holy Water, wheres my Holy Water. shit  ..fuck  Mummy's ? where the hell did they come from? ..........I say we commandeer the Alien space craft.   who's with me?   

Listen To This Ed Smith Interview From 2010, Maybe This "Daisy" Thing Is Real After All

Two years ago, Jeff and Lem, host of the Bigfoot Field Guide Radio Show, sponsored by the Mid-America Bigfoot Research Center, conducted a radio interview with Ed Smith, the person who received a memo from Team Quantra about a captured Bigfoot named "Daisy". In the following radio interview from October 2010, Ed talks about a 3 hour documentary and mentions how it's contracted to a network and that the network has two more years to air the video. He also talks about capturing a live Bigfoot and tells us he's not too wild about the idea. The interview leaves little doubt that he is well connected to Team Quantra or the group is going to catch or kill Bigfoot.

Click here to listen to the interview: 10/22/2010 09:00 PM EDT - EPISODE 48 - Ed Smith Speaks

Bigfoot Evidence reader, PaulGT3, sent the following email explaining to us what he learned about Ed Smith and Team Quantra after listening to the interview:

Shawn, this is what I got from these two radio shows. ED is NOT an outcast member. He sounds like THE member. They were a group of friends in 1995. They started brainstorming and testing equipment and just figuring out what worked and what didn't. They tested stuff from Wal-Mart all the way to Cisco Telecommunication company. They started using NV equipment and started having success in 2002. This last talk was on Oct 22 2010. They figured out real quick that they had to remove the human presence and use technology to get close. Then they started using seismic equipment from prisons to find out where things were walking and what they were quadrapeds or bipedal. They could tell where they were walking and their paths. They started using sound towers and cameras and got enough evidence that they were contracted to do a documentary with a network. The network (not disclosed) has two years to show the video and then the group can put out a DVD (This would be around now in time). The one documentary is not enough. When the first one comes out they will start the second documentary. There will be three. They have enough data to produce more than three two hour films. The problem with this methods they are using is this takes ALOT of manpower to man the trailers they use to bring back all the data from the fields they are using. They are very directed by methods that they documented and recorded. They write down procedures and follow those procedures. The group is a gentlemen's agreement that these friends agreed to back in the mid 1990's. Up to and including late 2010 Ed Smith talks as though he is a main member, NOT someone who was dismissed and got an email by accident. IN 1995 he disclosed to his group of friends that he had several incidents of encounters with BF including a hunting trip where BF was banging on his camper he and his dad where in when he was 6. Later he walked into a sleeping area of BF that he doesn't like to talk about. All the methods he talked about are in that post that you have, Shawn. He said in his group of friends that there was another guy who had had an encounter so while they were talking about it they saw a docudrama about a group of scientists that went to Canada to research the BF. But it was hokey. So they talked amongst themselves about doing that but doing it RIGHT, with the RIGHT equipment.

He says he is not a conspiracy guy but when they finally put out their equipment on the land they leased they knew had targets, someone on a separate piece of land shone lights on to their land almost blinding their scientific equipment, their night vision and thermal cameras. SOME department of the government tried immediately to BUY the land they were leasing and ED thinks they were trying to stop their efforts. AT this time in 2010 ED is frustrated with the fact that even they have ROCK SOLID date including close to 100 videos of night vision and thermal that are obvious that they are BF. Their equipment is so accurate they can follow targets along bushes and then later go get hair and blood along where the BFs were walking. They used a lot of different attractants to get BF to show up. ED said that BF BIGGEST weakness is its curiosity. They ATTACK BF's curiosity. They set up fake camp sites with manikins and played different audio tapes of languages and the most successful language was Japanese! Anyway ED was VERY frustrated in Late 2010 with the criticism they felt they were going to get even though the documentary will be rock solid backed up with their evidence that he thought the ONLY way to CONVINCE science was to TRAP a live individual or kill one. He was NOT pro kill. In this last audio tape I listened to he talks about how to pick up evidence with biological test kits used by labs down to how to pick up a drop of blood.

Shawn, this is all on the MABRC forums. It sounded like to me in 2010 October they were already talking about how to do a trap. From any of these shows including another show:

You can tell that Ed Smith is not a fringe member of this group, he IS THE member of this group. The documentary are to recoup their costs for using the best equipment they could. The group did not buy all the most expensive equipment but what they believed to be the BEST equipment and all the land they used was land they knew were lands in SE Oklahoma that had encounters before.

Shawn, this guy is not some guy that was outside the group, but the main guy. He didn't find out about the trap by accident, he was probably the guy who DESIGNED the trap. That's how much he is involved. Having said that, someone could have listened to these things like I did then decided to make this trap stuff up.

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