Sunday, January 27, 2013


Posted by George Freund on January 27, 2013 at 9:15 AM

They say a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. What about a lot of knowledge? Of course it is a far more dangerous thing; but if the truth of the knowledge sets us free, then it is dangerous to the purveyors of evil and liberating to the rest of us. Prepare for the ride of your CONSPIRACY life. I have increased my knowledge base over the weekend. I have dusted off my time capsule and put two things together. Do not fear. Maintain your faith. It is a sinister world until we accept truths and master them. Master the movie Cypher. It left me breathless.

In this film the lead character, Morgan Sullivan, accepts an industrial espionage job with a major corporation called Digicorp. He is given a new identity and sent to spy on other companies. It is all a cover story. In time as he is conditioned to accept his role, he is drugged and then subjected to intense mind control. He is brainwashed to permanantly assume his new identity. Under the effect of a drug he and all the others are converted to their new lives. It is all science fiction except for one small detail we have the technology. We will of course post the movie in the movie section. We stand in awe of the abilities of mind control. We see in this 2002 film released in 2005 certain predictive programming traits. We know and understand very unique facets of 9/11 truth. We see an answer to one of the most deeply seated unanswered questions. If 9/11 was a CONSPIRACY and the passenger aircraft were replaced with military ones, what happened to the people? The answer was always known to me. I have it in my time capsule. It wasn't well known in 2001. It was called RENDITION.
There were well founded rumours that Flight 93 was diverted to and landed at Cleveland, Ohio. The media reported Flight 93 landed under the guise of a bomb threat. It was a 767 originating from Boston. The story was amended to Delta Flight 1989.
At 11:43 a.m. the morning of 9/11, the following Associated Press news bulletin appeared on the Web site for Cincinnati ABC affiliate station WCPO, Channel 9: "A Boeing 767 out of Boston made an emergency landing Tuesday at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport due to concerns that it may have a bomb aboard, said Mayor Michael R. White. White said the plane had been moved to a secure area of the airport, and was evacuated. United identified the plane as Flight 93."...

A KC-135 NASA aircraft called 'Flight X' was also grounded there. It may very well have assumed the identity of Flight 93. The overwhelming Conspiracy opinion was that nothing really crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. In fact the marks in the ground were surveyed by the USGS in 1994! Watch the video at the link from a citizen reporter. Therefore, it stands to reason if nothing crashed, Flight 93 landed at Cleveland. The passengers were removed to NASA Glenn. The total number matched the number on all the 9/11 flights.

So we all get that far. We get the passengers to Cleveland. They disembark and enter the realm of NASA which is a deep, dark government entity by the way. Then they are lost. In George's time capsule exists the story of another flight. It was a RENDITION flight before the name was more commonly used. It originated in the United States. It was chartered by the US Immigration & Naturalization Department. It took 113 people to Guyana on Novemver 12, 2001. They had no identification. The citizen reporter was quick understand his history. If the CIA ever had a capital city devoted to blackops, it was in Guyana. It was called Jonestown after the mind control expert Jimmy Jones a cult leader. Congressman Leo Ryan led a delegation there to look into the abuses. He was murdered outright. The victims of the mind control were forced to commit suicide. Our reporter highlights there were about 465 unidentified bodies from the mass death. They would be available still to be victims of identity theft. Guyana has all the necessary cover to continue with advanced mind control techniques. Guyana is not high on the travel list for Congress. What if the movie Cypher, continued en route to Guyana? In one classic scene people board an aircraft. They are drugged and RENDITIONED in a flight to altered identities. It's easy when you know how. Believe me. They know how.

November 18 (9/11 in reverse), 1978 915 people used in mind control experiments are rendered ineffective
Those who conveniantly forget their history always chime that the government would never commit an atrocity or do something evil. Any research into government shows they always do. We just refuse to accept the facts or the truth if it deters from the ways our minds have been programmed. We know about the Kool Aid at Conspiracy Cafe. We don't drink it. We report it. The government made you believe that a plane crashed into a pre-existing hole. They made you believe there was a mass school shooting in Newtown. They can make you believe anything. On November 12, 2001 113 people landed in Guyana without papers in a RENDITION flight carried out by Phoenix Air Group. They were observed. A 1959 Grumman G-159 Gulfstream FAA number N198PA was observed making the landing. They make other landings off the radar. They are accused of transporting non human primates for Novartis for experiments. Or is that just a cover story?

You see evil has no bounds unless we decypher their plans and expose them. In the film Cypher, we see how far they have gone beyond our wildest nightmares.

Passengers in a RENDITION flight in CYPHER
Fasten your seatbelts. It is the ride of your life.

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