Wednesday, January 2, 2013

AMERICA: FACE REALITY OR DIE             I got this at L.A. Marzulli's blog.  end of blog.....could it be said any better?


In closing todays post:  America is sick.  We’ve lost our way.  Our leaders are clueless.  Our pulpits silent.  Our schools turning into battle fields.  Our youth have no idea of the principles in which our country were founded on.  You can feel the angst in the malls, at the gas-pump, at kid’s soccer games.  People push, shove and trample each other to claim their $20 dollar toaster-oven.  The ASPCA runs two minute commercials showing cruelty to animals, while late term abortion continue unabated and women demand abortion on demand.  We as a nation, save the whales, dolphins and the spotted owl, but kill as many babies as we can.
We have 800 military bases world-wide and this is the fulfillment of President Eisenhower’s warning,  the threat of an out-of-control, military-industrial coplex.  We engage in wars without Congressional approval and our constitution is ignored by politicians who have sworn to uphold it.  What is happening in this country was unthinkable 50 years ago.  Our politicians believe more taxes is what is needed to cure our ills,  higher taxes and an ever expanding government to regulate all phases of our lives.   Like the Titanic there’s not enough life boats to save everyone as we’ve hit the financial and moral iceberg and the wound is deep.

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