UPDATE: Las Vegas – Saudi Assassination Attempt and More
The tangled web surrounding the Las Vegas massacre and the upheaval in Saudi Arabia have a common thread that just got yanked.
Below is the continuation into the connection on both sides of our globe following the money, the oil and the blood trail.Saudi Arabia’s King to ‘stand down and hand power to son after purging’ rivals
KING Salman is reportedly preparing to make his son Prince Mohammed bin Salman the ruler of Saudi Arabia in a shock move following a corruption purge, reports claim. – Express.coNews of the purge came in the early hours of this morning after King Salman decreed the creation of an anti-corruption committee chaired by the 32-year-old Crown Prince, who has amassed power since rising from obscurity less than three years ago.
The new body was given broad powers to investigate cases, issue arrest warrants and travel restrictions and freeze assets.
“The homeland will not exist unless corruption is uprooted and the corrupt are held accountable.” the royal decree stated.The news comes after the US promised to aid Saudi Arabia in neutralising “Iran’s destabilising influence” and battle extremism in the Middle East, the Pentagon has announced.
The President tweeted: “I have great confidence in King Salman and the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, they know exactly what they are doing some of those they are harshly treating have been ‘milking’ their country for years.”
Our previous ADN article: Saudi Arabia Arrests 11 Princes and Dozens of Former Ministers details the takedown of those in the Saudi heirarchy that are suspected of corruption and more.
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman: “No one is above the law, neither prince nor minister”
Saudi Arabia aims to seize £610 BILLION from elite in corruption crackdown
Its latest purge has seen leading businessmen and over 60 princess, officials and high-profile Saudis arrested so far. The kingdom’s central bank has already frozen a huge number of accounts as it bids to bring cases against some of those arrested. By today, over 1,700 bank accounts have been frozen, up from just 1,200 on Tuesday.
Need to Know: Arrested Saudi Prince OWNS America
Alwaleed bin Talal the Saudi prince who controls the investment firm Kingdom Holding is considered by many to be one of the wealthiest people the world worth $20 million is known as “the Warren Buffet of the Gulf”. Citibank, News Corp, Lyft, Coca-Cola, Pepsi Co Inc, McDonald`s Corp, Apple Computer Inc., Motorola, AOL Time Warner, Saks Inc., EuroDisney, Walt Disney Company, and… BARACK OBAMA all have one thing in common – Alwaleed bin Talal. Kingdom Holding, of which he owns 95 percent, first invested $300 million in Twitter in 2011, two years before the company went public. In 2015, he invested another $50 million to increase his ownership in Twitter and, as of last year, remained one of the company’s largest shareholder. – AmericanTruthSeekersMohammed Bin Salman: The Unlikely Anti-Oligarchic Bolshevik?
In the heart of petro-capitalism, a revolution is not being televised. – TheDuran
The young leader devised a brilliant strategy to capture the corrupt
Saudi elite and potentially seize billions of dollars’ worth of their
assets in an historically unprecedented transfer of wealth from private
pockets to public socio-economic programs on the centenary of the
Russian Revolution.What happened over the weekend in Saudi Arabia wasn’t just a “deep state” coup or counter-coup (depending on one’s angle), but a brilliant plan straight out of the movies where an up-and-coming young leader disrupts the entire power structure in his country by jailing its top oligarchs and then redistributing their wealth to the masses via ambitious socio-economic programs.
Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman had to make sure that all of the targeted individuals were in the capital at the same time, which would ordinarily be very difficult to do considering that most of them likely have foreign penthouses and other better priorities than to come together on a random occasion for a cup of tea in the Kingdom.
Considering that he was dealing with oligarchs, however, Mohammed Bin Salman knew that the best way to get them all in one spot was to appeal to their inner greed, and that’s exactly what the recent tech-investment forum in Riyadh accomplished.
In the course of just a few hours, untold billions of dollars effectively landed in Mohammed Bin Salman’s lap, which can be seen as either the world’s largest-ever robbery or its most renegade act of populism, but regardless of the interpretation, the presumed billions that the Crown Prince will likely end up seizing for his government will probably be reinvested in the country through Vision 2030 projects.
Now lets return to Las Vegas and see how this may have started… Continuing ADN article on this series: Was Las Vegas a Saudi Crown Prince Salman Assassination Attempt? we asked the question…
Was Las Vegas a COUP Assassination Attempt Cover UP Gone Wrong?
so lets revisit what we know and look at another interesting hole in the cover story.On Oct 1st,the largest modern massacre on American soil happened on the strip at a country music festival. But new evidence and educated hypothesis are leading us away from the lone wolf gunman theory and into the realm of foreign political figures and the struggle for power and wealth spilling the blood of American citizens. That fateful night, hundreds of innocents were caught in what is believed to be a crossfire between warring factions of Saudi Arabian struggles for control of that countries highest appointment.
The below topic has been a point of contention among those providing the cover story and those seeking the truth. With the help of superb investigators like Jo Anne Moretti, Ann Rose Laurence and countless others, the picture is becoming clear that this is much much more than We the People have been told.
Las Vegas flight records reveal well-planned air assault and elaborate getaway extraction all possible

The three Airbus EC130 helicopters registered to Mustang Leasing LLC (N-numbers N854MH, N848MH, and N858MH) were all taking off on the fateful night between 9:40 and 9:41pm according to FAA flight records.
Rotocraft Registration (Screenshot via FAA.gov)

N848MH hover location (Screenshot via FlightRadar24)
To give you a better feel for where the helicopter was (along with 2 others) a map of the MGM-owned property is provided below.

“According to the data, “SWA4119” was originally scheduled to depart Tulsa (TUL) at 14:10 (2:10 p.m. PDT) and arrive in Las Vegas (LAS) at 15:00 (3:00 p.m. PDT) but was somehow delayed for over 7-hours giving “SWA4119” a new arrival time of 22:22 (10:22 p.m. PDT) which doesn’t make sense because the craft was headed north and was too close to the airport to be aligned with any of the runaways at the time.
You see, the aircraft that was displaying the call sign “SWA4119” between 10:21 and 10:22 p.m., which had first emerged on radar at 10:21, absolutely can not be a passenger jet because the actual flight data confirms that the aircraft slowed to a stop then changed its course abruptly to a due north heading before proceeding to hover over the Delano in a very specific spot for approximately one-minute (i.e. the craft in question was, in fact, a helicopter because jets simply cannot hover or change speed and course with such intensity.) This means that the operators of the craft were intentionally transmitting a fictitious call sign before going dark (invisible) from radar altogether.” states Intellihub writer Shepard Ambellas on October 30, 2017.
Also the Oct. 1 flight data for Southwest Airlines “WN4119” is showing inconsistencies. The following screen-capture of the the aircraft’s flight history shows that “SWA4119” landed at 10:22 p.m. at (LAS) despite the fact that a transponder was pinging from the rooftop of the Delano at that exact same time.

Not to mention, the tail number listed for that exact flight is “N227WN” and not “WN4119” as the transponder was emitting in real-time suggesting that the plane on the tarmac that “landed” was “N227WN” which is a different aircraft entirely. ………….. Flight history for Southwest Airlines flight WN4119. (Screenshot via FlightRadar24.com)
The following image shows the position of where the mystery aircraft was when it was in a solid hover for one-minute.
The red arrow points to the exact location where the helicopter was captured on flight radar hovering between 10:21 and 10:22 p.m. Note that it is directly over the Delano Hotel’s southwest rooftop to the foot. (Screenshot via Google Maps) (modified)
An aerial view of the possible getaway Delano Hotel reveals the exact EXFIL site, based on FAA data.

The appearance of a strategic coordinated plan of the seven aircraft departing just minutes before at 10:12pm is suspect.

Intellihub continues; “The seven choppers were flying southward at the time in a perfect line formation and that’s when the aircraft that was masking itself as “SWA4119” with its transponder off at the time that was hovering above the Delano may have made a covert merger and inserted itself directly into the line of seven other choppers which were on their way back to base in order to mask its return. At that point there would presumably be a line of eight Mustang Leasing LLC helicopters, seven of which were captured on radar headed back to base where they all landed a few moments later.”
The N-numbers of the seven helicopters with active transponders at the time are as follows: N858MH, N853MH, N848MH, N868MH, N821MH, N854MH, and N816MH. Were these decoy helipcopters that masked the escaping helipcopter in its midsts? Screenshot via FlightRadar24.com
Shockingly, video footage captured on a GoPro camera during the shooting coincides with flight data and reveals what appears to be multiple muzzle flashes coming from several different elevations in the sky between the Mandalay Bay and the Delano Hotel.

DBarg asked “Does anyone know whether it’s legal or standard practice to turn off your transponder when flying? I would think that it would be an FAA requirement to keep the radar transponder on for any commercial flight, but i have no idea about such things.” and SWener responded: “Re: transponders. It’s complicated but the short answer is, for the area they were flying in (near a large commercial airport), the transponders are required to be on.”
FAA records indicate that there is nothing should be in the airspace beyond the two buildings during that time. There is no structure beyond the buildings which would warrant shooting from that elevation (i.e. the flashes are occurring in free air.)
Could the choppers have been lurking back there, beyond the hotels, for the entire 20-minutes? At 6:47 – 7:00 in the video, what appears to be muzzle flashes can be seen at different levels in the sky. (Screenshot via Arch Angel Studios/YouTube)
The video: Las Vegas Shooting – Detailed Analysis of Helicopter Flights – Vegas Investigation Part 20 (starting at 11.18 miutes) shows much of the information listed above and several other key pieces to this puzzle.
Another video about the Las Vegas shooting and the Helicopters flying above: Helicopters Involved In Vegas Shooting Vol 2. Stephen Paddock/Multiple shooters. And another video this time from a taxi driver in front of Mandalay Bay: Las Vegas Shooting (did anyone notice this?)
This video: Las Vegas Shooting WHO is this guy being escorted OUT of the Tropicana Hotel UPDATE TAKE 3 sources the original filming of our Las Vegas VIP being escorted thru the Tropicana (starts at 7.30 minutes) with massive firepower. Please watch and decide for yourself if the LV VIP is the one and only Crown Prince Mohhamed bin Salman. And if so, were the helicopters an escape route for the shooters, an attempted assassination and emergency evac for the crown prince, or news and police copters as we have been told?
Jo Anne Moretti summarizes:
“The Al Waleed mercs could do a near touch and go on that roof at Mandalay, in a small chopper., if these were trained Saudi mercs. There was a team in the air, the Mandalay Bay and other teams shooting it out on the ground at the assassination attempt on the King. Salman was whisked away and the mercs & guards shot it out on the ground. Why there were shootings in crowd. The king’s bodyguards and the mercs were chasing each other and shooting. The spotlight on the country music venue was also a part. A spotlight made the venue the focus. At first, the police were called there. That busied them up so they were slow to respond to the assassination attempt down the street. This was all across the street from the airport where the private jets were. That is why there was shootings reported at the airport and fuel tanks.This was definitely a military style operation.”
“They had to keep it silent from us.. If they had said anything it would have tipped everyone off. We are watching the response to it go down . Everyone is being arrested, or killed. From Al Waleed to the bin Laden family . All planes grounded, assets frozen, bank accounts and passports seized. Most families are imprisoned at the Ritz Carlton. in Riyhad. They aren’t just taking down suspects. They are taking down their whole families.” – JAM
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