Declassified KGB Nazi Maps Confirm the Existence of Subterranean Breakaway Civilizations ~ & NOBODY TOLD ME
The Nazis continually shipped men and material to the South Pole throughout the war years and defeated a “post WW2” attack by Allied forced in 1946, led by Admiral Byrd, who retreated in disgrace after suffering substantial damage and casualties (see Operation Highjump). U.S. Admiral Richard Byrd, upon his return from a massive military expedition to Antarctica in 1947, stated it was: “necessary for the USA to take defensive actions against enemy air fighters which come from the polar regions”.
Many researchers have also published material about Operation Highjump and Admiral Byrd’s journeys where extremely advanced airships (disc shaped UFOs) were seen flying around and even engaging him militarily.
The possibility that the earth is
hollow, and that it can be accessed through the North and/or South
poles, and that ancient secret breakaway civilizations flourish within
it, has spurred the imagination of people for many years following the
official end of World War Two. These recently declassified maps have
added fuel to the existing speculation.
We have also come across a letter, supposedly written by Karl
Unger, who was aboard the German U-Boat 209, commanded by Heinrich
Brodda, in which he states that the crew had reached the interior of the
Earth and that they did not consider coming back.
The official Nazi instructions to reach Agartha by Submarine:
And here is the translation in English:
The stories above are backed up by maps made by famous cartographer and artist Heinrich C. Berann for the National Geographic Society in 1966. In this map, the Antarctic continent can be observed without its thick layer of ice.
But the most intriguing detail are the presence of underwater passages spanning across the entire continent and seem to converge at the exact location which is identified as the opening towards the Hollow Earth or Inner Earth.
Hitler was obsessed with mysticism and ancient history, and many of his followers knew that and supported him. The possibility that the earth is at least partially hollow, and that it can be accessed through the North and South poles, and that secret civilizations flourish within it, has gained popularity in recent years. It might just turn out to be true after all, that somehow, and somewhere, there is an access which leads to a completely different world, one that has been kept in secrecy for reasons that are just now coming to light.
The medium Maria Orsic was leader of the ‘Vrilerinnen’, the beautiful young ladies of the Vril Gesellschaft. In pre-WWII Germany, the sisters of Vril (light) conducted research into psychic phenomenon, advanced propulsion technology and saucer-shaped aircraft (vimanas).
Ancient Greeks, Tibetan Buddhists and Christians all located their
iterations of hell in caverns under the mantle. Pilgrims used to journey
to Station Island off the coast of Co Donegal where they believed there
existed an entrance to Purgatory, while the old legends of Mexico
describe a mountain cave near Ojinago inhabited by devilish creatures
from “the way-down-deeps”.
The 18th-century Astronomer Royal Edmond Halley believed that
unusual compass readings could be explained by the fact that the planet
was composed of a hollow shell.
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