U.S. media silent as Putin declares Russia GMO-free as they prepare to become top producer of organic food

Apparently, the leader of Russia spent years analyzing the dangers of GMO’s and decided they were going to go a different way: small, private rural gardens make up a large part of Russia’s agricultural system with about 40 percent of all vegetable and fruit crops coming from that sector. And so, in an attempt to provide exclusively organic food for itself (and other nations in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia) the Kremlin has been giving away free land to farmers or gardeners who pledge to produce only organic fruits and veggies.
For them, it works. It could work here too but, can you imagine that happening? Me either.
According to Baxter Dmitry, a writer with Yournewswire.com:
“‘A report prepared by the Security Council (SCRF) circulating in the Kremlin today [Janurary 9, 2016] states that President Putin has issued orders that his people must be protected from GMO ‘food’ and Western pharmaceuticals ‘at all costs.’While most Americans view Putin as just a communist tyrant, he’s actually proven himself to be a sharp businessman. By kicking out the west and cozying up to Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, there is money to be made. Something he and his oligarch friends love.
‘We as a species have the choice to continue to develop our bodies and brains in a healthy upward trajectory, or we can follow the Western example of recent decades and intentionally poison our population with genetically altered food, pharmaceuticals, vaccinations, and fast food that should be classified as a dangerous, addictive drug.’”1
“Deep in the Caucasus, downriver from Europe’s highest peak, North Korean women roam Soviet-era hothouses growing what tycoon Vladimir Evtushenkov is betting will be his next big bounty: the T-34 battle tomato.
The plump hybrids, named for the fearsome tank that helped trounce Hitler, are the pride of the Yuzhny Agricultural Complex, a mass of greenhouses the size of 2,300 football fields between the Black and Caspian seas. Watered by melting ice from towering Mount Elbrus, they and other strains of the fruit are grown here by the millions and trucked mainly to Moscow, 18 hours’ journey north.” 2So, while he can’t control US sanctions he can control what Mother Russia does with their estimated 40+ million hectares of rich, idle land (about the size of Iraq) and thanks to his decision, farming is now even more profitable than crude.
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