I ended this multi-part blog on the missing Malaysian airliner, Flight
370, with the following versions of the story of the murder of a
Malaysian diplomat in Madagascar, who was apparently assisting the
Malaysian government's recovery and investigation of the flight's
alleged debris, which is allegedly washing up on the shores of
Madagascar from... well, from "somewhere" but we're to this day not
really sure. Here's those story links once again:
For the purpose of this blog, we'll take the Daily Mail version of the story as being the "seed article", and concentrate on that. The narrative it outlines is clear enough:
A diplomat probing the doomed MH370 flight has been shot dead amid claims he was about to deliver newly-found parts of the jet to Malaysian investigators.Zahid Raza, Honorary Consul of Malaysia, was gunned down in Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar, off the southeast coast of Africa, last week.There is speculation that he was already a marked man and may have been assassinated over claims he was involved in a kidnap conspiracy in 2009.But US lawyer Blaine Gibson, who has been retrieving suspected pieces of the doomed Malaysian Airline's jet washed up on the shores of Madagascar, said Raza had been due to deliver newly-found items to Malaysian investigators when he was killed.
You'll note that the Daily Mail's
review of the various theories includes all but the "just went poof
theory" which is the most outlandish of them all, but does a fairly
decent job of reviewing the others, including their most recent
morphologies. Additionally, it gives a helpful review of the more
significant debris found thus far, where it was found, when it was
found, and so on. In reading this review of the debris, I was struck by
one consistent pattern: the use of qualifiers such as "almost certainly"
or "most likely" such and such a piece was from Flight 370.
Precisely: the idea of a salted debris field is not
being considered. In only one instance is a piece said to be
"confirmed" to be from Flight 370, but were not informed in the article
how this confirmation was made.
But all
of this brings us to high octane speculation number one: Assume for the
sake of argument that this is debris from the missing flight; indeed,
there is no good reason to assume it is not. Then why assassinate a man
delivering pieces of the flight to the Malaysian government, if indeed
his assassination is linked to Flight 370,which, again and for the sake
of speculation, we assume it to be? The presence of an American lawyer
suggests one reason immediately: there is some connection between the
disappearance of the flight and the USA, and as we saw yesterday, the US
military was quick out of the gate with generals on television channels
offering bizarre explanations, which suggests involvement or at least
knowledge of what happened at some level. A
lawyer would represent the Malay, American, and Chinese clients in any
legal action to be pursued. But such legal action would require firm
evidence of negligence, or deliberate action, having been taken, and
this would show up in certain pieces of debris; the debris constitutes a
kind of pathology of the flight's demise which an "autopsy" would
reveal: was this death accidental? or was it the result of murderous
intention? But why assassinate the ambassador delivering debris?
Here it gets more murky, but one has to assume that he is the one individual who has seen the whole catalogue of delivered pieces, and should any pieces go conveniently missing, or be altered
in any way, he would be presumably the one individual who could testify
that when he saw such-and-such a piece, it looked different. One can
only presume that the Malaysian government has also taken the precaution
of photographing each piece from multiple angles, inventorying it, both
prior to and upon conclusion of, delivery. But in any case, if the
unfortunate Mr. Raza's murder is connected to Flight 370, then it is
because he knows, or saw, something, and perhaps that something was
evidence that (1) the debris was not genuinely from flight 370 and thus
was being salted, or (2) that the debris showed an unusual mechanism of
destruction or (3) the debris showed or indicated who possibly may
ultimately have been behind the demise. Indeed, there many more
hypotheses that might be advanced here, and your guess is as good as
mine, but these three grabbed my attention, and particularly the first of my enumerated possibilities, which brings us to what is, I must admit, one of my craziest high octane speculations ever.
it should be at least considered simply for "completeness's sake"
because the media coverage of the story appears not to even want to
consider such ideas, and to stampede us into another direction (that,
namely, of "this is real flight 370 debris"). So let's speculate on the
hypothesis that Mr. Raza saw or discovered something that made him doubt the debris that he was delivering was from flight 370.
so, then presumably Mr. Raza would have shared the observation with
someone connected to the investigation whom he could trust. The sharing
itself was either intercepted by parties implicated by the discovery, or
the parties with whom he shared it were already compromised. If Mr.
Raza had concluded or seen evidence suggesting falsified debris of any
fashion, then the hypotheses of what happened to the airliner, including
the most exotic ones such as my initial "it just went poof" theory, and
my corollary suggestion of the involvement of a very exotic phenomenon
and/or technology, are still in play(and incidentally, they may be
different technologies than I originally envisioned).
on the other hand Mr. Raza had seen evidence of (2), some evidence of
an "unusual mechanism of destruction", implying that it was genuine
debris, then again, he would have shared it with trusted associates,
and been silenced, while the evidence itself can either be tampered
with, or removed completely and any official debris inventories adjusted
accordingly. A similar chain of argument results if option (3) is
considered. And of course, there can be combinations of two or even all
three options (if one really thinks hard about it).
Which brings me to my ultimate speculations: what if Flight 370's disappearance, and the recent Fitzgerald and John McCain incidents
are all connected? If one assumes, as I have, that a technology might
exist that can reach in, perhaps by remote electromagnetic intrusion, or
that actual computer chip hardware with radio-entry backdoors, or
software with backdoors, was utilized by "someone" to cause the strange
ramming incidents we have seen, then the cyber-jack scenario of MH 370
looms even larger. The problem here, of course, is that we lack an
explanation of motive and opportunity, and thus, of who would be willing
to send such messages by the destruction of a civilian airliner? And
there's another problem: faulty Chinese computer chips have been
proposed for the Fitzgerald and McCain incidents, as well as faulty crew training. But these explanations fail in the case of the Donald Cook,
since the USA does not buy computer chips from Russia, and in the case
of this incident, it was thus by process of elimination a purely remote
electromagnetic interference with the ship's systems (unless, of course,
the Chinese are sharing their faulty chip secrets with the Russians!).
way, perhaps some similar sort of technology was involved with Flight
370. But then, that raises the issue of why Russia or China would do
such a thing? There's no good motive for them to do so (and I argued the
same in the cases of the Fitzgerald and the John McCain incidents). We might thus be looking at some extra-territorial entity again with access to advanced technologies.
finally, there is that disturbing, off-the-end-of-the-twig speculation,
that 370 did, indeed, just simply 'vanish' only to reappear elsewhere
with sudden displacement, with the displacement itself perhaps causing
the disintegration of the aircraft, the result perhaps of some bizarre
natural phenomenon, or some extremely exotic technology. Such
"displacements" have been reported by pilots over the years (see, for
example this intriguing book Beyond the Bermuda Triangle: True Encounters with Electronic Fog, Missing Aircraft, and Time Warps
by Bruce Gernon and Rob MacGregor), but usually under conditions of
very intense and sudden storms over water. We know of no such
developments during Flight 370. Which, if this "vanish-displacement"
hypothesis is to be entertained, leaves an exotic technology, and
someone sending messages.
Regardless of
what hypothesis one adopts here, however, I suspect that the bottom
line is that the mystery of flight 370 will only grow more acute, for we
have, as yet, no agreed upon official narrative or explanation. And
that is, in incidents of this sort, in and of itself highly unusual.
yes, I know today is the 16th anniversary of 9/11. And no, today's
blogs were not just accidental. And yes, I believe there may be
connections between today's blog, and that event 16 years ago.
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