THINGS THAT MAKE YOU GO HMMM…:LOCKHEED-MARTIN FORMS NEW ENERGY ... ~ hehe "some~time" in the "near' ....future we wont EVEN rec~con~nize our Oops 
3D Future City (Image credit: Forcg)SOLAR DAILY Lockheed Martin forms energy group
Now, after the commercials that we were all subjected to in this year's Stupor Bowl (for those of you living outside the USA, this is the annual "playoff" in American football, which usually includes massive halftime events featureing plastic patriotism, jingoism, and beer commercials, only this year featured commercials from the USA's military-industrial complex heavy hitters, stating, in effect, that "we" won't believe what's coming, the clear implication being that "new technologies" are just around the corner, ready to be rolled out), this story may be a continuation of the "slow drip" model.
There's a statement here that left me more or less speechless and stunned, for it's a clear indicator that this "energy revolution" and "end of the age of oil" is very really, and fraught with huge military potentials:
"With our broad energy capabilities now under a single organization, we'll focus our business growth strategy, enhance collaboration, advance new technology and ultimately build Lockheed Martin Energy into a true leader in the expanding energy market," he said in a statement.Let that sink in: the US military wants no less than 3 gigawatts of "renewable energy" - read nuclear, solar, fusion, and whatever else they have up their sleeves - to power US military installations.
The Department of Defense has called for the addition of 3 gigawatts worth of renewable energy to help meet the electricity demands of military facilities. The mandate is part of a broader departmental directive to use renewable energy resources for at least 25 percent of its energy consumption.(Emphasis added)
The clear implication is that the military wants to be entirely free of petroleum, and therefore, of any potential interdiction of its energy supplies.
This carries with it the disturbing question of why, and the answer can only be because (1) it is predicting such an interdiction attempt in the near, mid-term, or long-range future, and (2) it needs such a secure energy supply to conduct military operations in the event of a general war.
Or to put it couontry simple: this is a war preparation move, but it is one implying, inevitably, sources of energy rather different than even the big (and targetable) nuclear power plants.
And in this respect, let's recall that it was Lockheed, just a few years ago, that revealed its experimental fusion reactor, and which also announced it wants to put such reactors on the back of trucks....(see, for example,
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