METAPLANETARY WARFARE ~ hehe sum~thin is 'go~in' ON ...out there ???
Star Wars was not a futuristic war in pace, but a war that happened a longtime ago in a galaxy far, far away.
Then in the 1980’s as I was just out of high school, the public was made aware of a program that took its name from the Lucas film.
The Strategic Defense Initiative or Star Wars program was an armed nuclear missile system that combined ground-based units and orbital deployment platforms. It was first publicly announced by President Ronald Reagan on 23 March 1983.
The controversy and conspiracy at the time was that this program would be in violation of agreements we made in the 1960’s with Russia.
Despite a 1967 agreement by the US and Russia expressly banning the use of antiballistic-missile weapons in space, the Outer Space Treaty has been largely ignored since 2002, when President George W. Bush withdrew to deploy interceptor missiles that would protect the United States from “rogue” attacks by enemy countries like North Korea.
In 2007, China angered the space community after sending a missile to blow up one of its defunct satellites, leaving a debris field of over 3000 pieces to float in space like garbage.
In 2013, they struck again, launching a rocket that reached 6,250 miles into orbit.
There are often many hardcore skeptics over the years that have harassed, and threatened me whenever I choose to talk about the secret space program. They love to jeer an cajole my efforts in bringing the information to you about the secret programs because most guests I have had on my show say that this secret space program had its beginnings before the Mercury and Apollo programs.
History tells us that the Mercury program began as far back as 1959. The quest was to put a man in orbit and eventually the program evolved and the idea of putting a man on the moon was the challenge brought forward by President John F. Kennedy.
However, the secret space program arguably had its beginnings just before the end of World War II. An especially dark corner of the rumors of the secret space program were the beliefs that the Nazis created viable flying saucer technology toward the end of World War II that was later discovered and suppressed by allied intelligence.
Many ex-Nazi scientists were brought to the United States through Project Paperclip and were hired by the various jet propulsion companies, to develop rocketry and to allegedly back engineer “saucer technologies” allegedly brought forth through occult alien contact in order to conquer space.
Russia also had their own “paperclip” type import of Nazi scientists working on various space-related projects as well.
We also can not overlook the occult aspects of the secret space program in the United States. Jack Parsons, the inventor of the rocket fuel that eventually took us to the moon was a genius in technological terms, but his strange interests in Satanic occult ritual are often overlooked in rocketry history.
Parsons began his research into rocketry at Cal Tech in the 1930s, where he and his coworkers were nicknamed the “Suicide Squad” because of the frightening explosions they were causing on campus. When World War II began, the U.S. military asked for their help in developing a way to propel planes into the air in places without adequate runways. His eccentric working group eventually morphed into the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Meanwhile, Parsons became enraptured with the writings of Aleister Crowley, and joined the Los Angeles-based Agape Lodge of Crowley’s Ordo Templi Orientis. Parsons was seen to be a potential savior of their movement, and he began donating nearly all his salary to the upkeep of his lodge brethren.
The FBI and the Air Force investigated Parsons after he was stripped of his security clearance for slipping classified documents to the newly established government of Israel.
In the Air Force report, Parsons was said to belong to a religious cult “believed to advocate sexual perversion” and that “broadly hinted at free love” and that Parsons’ Pasadena home had been described by an unnamed source as “a gathering place of perverts.”
That Parsons had been cavalier with confidential files was one thing, but that Parsons as an occultist and possible sexual deviant had been granted a Top Secret clearance to begin with was seen as being utterly beyond anyone’s comprehension.
So we see the infancy of our space program being run by ex Nazis like Werner Von Braun and Satanic occultists like Parsons.
We also are aware that Parsons along with L. Ron Hubbard conducted a sex magic ritual in the desert called the Babalon Working in 1947, where both had claimed contact with entities from outer space.
Coincidentally in the same year, an alleged crash of an alien space craft took place in Roswell, New Mexico. The debate is whether or not a Nazi saucer was being tested at that time or that aliens arriving and eventually dying in the desert was a signal that the space race had to begin or else planet Earth would become a target of strange creatures from space.
The known birth of the Space Age following the Soviet launch of Sputnik came out of the confluence of two seemingly incompatible developments. From the end of World War II, the Soviets made rockets their most important military asset. By the mid-1950s, they were ready to test their first intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). In 1957, the International Geophysical Year was launched, a multinational effort to study Earth on a comprehensive, coordinated basis.
To highlight the effort, organizers had urged the United States and the Soviet Union to consider launching a scientific satellite. On Oct. 4, 1957, a seemingly routine test launch of a Soviet ICBM, now known as the R-7 rocket carried the first artificial satellite to orbit.
Sputnik’s launch had dramatic repercussions for both the Soviets and the United Sates.
After reaping the first political dividends from military rocket technology, the Soviets continued to pursue a highly classified military-industrial approach in developing its space program, while we were told through various venues of propaganda that our intentions in space were purely peaceful.
People tend to put into the cosmic memory hole what the real objective was in space and it had nothing to do with astronauts playing golf and high fiving each other in the Sea of Tranquility.
Both Russia and the United States gave primary emphasis in their space efforts to a combination of national security and foreign policy objectives, turning space into an area of active competition for political and military advantage.
The military part of NASA had priority over the civilian public relations program that the public saw when Neil Armstrong put his foot into gray regolith on national television.
Since then it has been debated that the shots of the first moon landing, even the moon landing itself was a faked public relations stunt to cover up the covert activity that included creating a space war platform, bases and observation centers on the moon, and other military training, mining and extra terrestrial affairs operations on the planet Mars.
It has been a controversial topic on Ground Zero for some time.
The response to the secret space program shows have mostly been positive, however there have been many people who take volatile issue with the subject matter, because their image of a peaceful, by the book history of space travel includes tales of heroism and ticker tape parades that today do not happen, because there is no need to sell the idea of going into space.
We have already made it and now the idea of walking on the moon no longer captures the imagination of the public. The public now is interested in extra-terrestrial contact which provides an excellent distraction from the mounting evidence that Unidentified Flying Objects we see on earth are both piloted alien spacecraft and earthly military war machines.
It seems hard for the public to understand that there exists a secret space program, an enormously complex program in order conquer the nearby solar system with manmade spaceships and to have a military advantage above planet earth and beyond using metaplanetary warfare.
In 2001, British systems administrator Gary McKinnon hacked his way into 97 U.S. military and NASA computers. He intended to find top-secret files regarding free energy but stumbled upon something bigger. McKinnon claimed to have uncovered a spreadsheet containing names and information about “non-terrestrial officers” and transfers between fleets. He cross referenced these names with a database of all U.S. Navy and military personnel but was unable to find any of the officers. McKinnon therefore concluded they were not of this world and labeled them as “Space Marines”.
In an interview with the BBC, he said he had been motivated by The Disclosure Project because “they are some very credible, relied-upon people, all saying yes, there is UFO technology, there’s anti-gravity, there’s free energy, and it’s extraterrestrial in origin and they’ve captured spacecraft and reverse engineered them.”
McKinnon was discovered just as he was examining the image of a UFO stored in a NASA computer in Johnson Space Center’s Building 8. Caught in 2002, he was facing up to 70 years in prison and several million dollars in fines. However, the U.K. never extradited him to the U.S. and McKinnon managed to avoid prison. Some say that he was able to do so because he had amassed sensitive information that he used as leverage.
Here we are some 14 years later and Gary McKinnon’s discovery has long been silenced. The United States government did not prosecute him which may have been the smartest move they could have made.
Can you imagine the publicity it would have created? It would have also generated enough discussion in the general population that the military arm of the space program would have to disclose exactly what was happening in space.
This would have led to full disclosure of extraterrestrial affairs of all kinds and the secret space military apparatus that has been above us since the 1950’s.
Now, after all of the controversy and all of the reporting of the space program and the arguable topic of whether or not these programs are real, the mainstream has now blown the whistle.
Popular Science magazine has now announced that Russia, China and the US are reportedly developing, testing and deploying sophisticated weapons in outer space in advance of a military attack that could see the first great conflict between sparring superpowers in 70 years. Popular Science is calling it “A New Cold War in the Void of Space”.
According to Reuters, Earth’s orbit “is looking more and more like the planet’s surface heavily armed and primed for war”.
At least 1,200 satellites are orbiting Earth for various uses, including navigation and communication. They are also being primed for “planetary surveillance,” Scientific American reports.
The satellites circle the globe communicating messages from the U.S. military, 80 per cent of which is done through civilian satellites.
While the US remains the “undisputed king of space technology” because now they are revealing that we are the “most heavily armed space power”, China and Russia are keen to claim their own territory, working to destroy US satellites and replace them with their own.
These destroyers go by the name of “inspection” satellites, which, according to Reuters, “lurk in orbit, possibly awaiting commands to sneak up on and disable or destroy other satellites”.
But as harmless as these “assassin spacecraft” may look, “with the proverbial flip of a switch”, an inspection satellite, ostensibly configured for orbital repair work, could become a robotic assassin capable of taking out other satellites with lasers, explosives or mechanical claws.
The destruction of these resources can come in many forms, both on the ground and off. From tampering with antennas, destabilizing orbits, or hijacking transmissions.
So powerful are these planetary satellites, its enemies are blasting co-ordinated rockets from warships and ground installations, set on a one-way collision course to destroy “enemy spacecraft”. Many people remember spending their quarters to play the video game Missile Command back in the 1980’s and now the real thing is now becoming part as business as usual in our newly announced military presence in space.
The United States own at least 500 satellites alone, as many as the rest of the world’s satellites combined. It is believed 100 of those U.S. satellites are used for military purposes.
It denies it is placing actual weapons in space, yet Air Force Space Command Commander General John Hyten said during a press conference last year: “We have a responsibility to defend against all threats. That’s what our job is. … There is no doubt we have seen threats appear in the last decade, and we have to be prepared to respond to those threats.
“It’s that simple.”
Russia’s interest in the space race is no big secret, we have pointed out that it was generated by the Cold War.
However, China has emerged as a universal powerhouse, launching 130 spacecrafts and satellites into orbit in recent years. These include spy satellites and plans to launch its own space platform called Tiāngōng in 2022.
So after countless arguments over a possible clandestine space program, there is a sense of vindication that while we may be mounting both an offense and defense in space – the stakes are becoming higher and that while the mainstream has been sitting on the truth about the secret space program for some time, things that don’t look right in the sky, fireballs and the various UFO stories, may just be an indication that metaplanetary war is about to begin.
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