Warning : Major Spoilers Ahead!
Kingsman: The Secret Service is a modern take on classic spy movies that feature slick Englishmen saving the world. Like most spy movies, Kingsman tells a convoluted story that’s taking place on an international level, complete with high-stakes politics and high-tech gadgets. Contrary to James Bond flicks, however, Kingsman takes a more youthful, “urban” approach in order to reach that critical crowd. The main protagonist, named Eggsy, is indeed a young, pub-dwelling Londoner from a rough neighborhood, a tough character with whom younger generations can identify, the exact crowd the occult elite is looking to shape, mold and influence. And, behind all of this gadget-ridden, tailored-suits-with-skinny-ties crap, the movie slickly communicates a flurry of messages to its viewership, effectively outlining the elite’s philosophy, its modus operandi and its long-term Agenda. Of course, everything is sugarcoated in a sexy spy package with a lot of violence to make all of these things easily digestible for viewers.
From start to finish, Kingsman jumps from one propaganda message to another, culminating in nothing less than a massive “cleansing” of the world population, a gigantic genocide that would kill everybody except a few chosen elite. If you’ve read other articles on this site, you know that this is the occult elite’s favorite story to tell the masses.
Right from the start, the movie gets into war propaganda territory as we see two Arabs getting killed by a helicopter.
movie starts with high tech military gear killing two Arabs men. Why?
It doesn’t matter. They are Arabs, so they’re probably up to no good.
Their screams of pain are blended with the cool rock music in the
then see a shot of a Middle-Eastern palace being attacked by
helicopters. As rumbles from that roll towards the camera, they morph
into the names of the production companies that produced the movie. It
is a symbolic way of saying that, from the ruins and exploitation of
weaker civilizations, the occult elite (and its media companies) gain
more power.
Inside the palace, three Kingsman execute an Arab guy. Why? It doesn’t matter, he’s Arab so he probably did something bad.
The actual plot revolves around a high-powered and extremely wealthy “eco-terrorist” named Richmond Valentine (played by Samuel Jackson), who is looking to drastically reduce the world population using microchips embedded in cellphones. The hero of the movie ultimately saves the world but, through the action and explosions, a clear message is sent: Kingsman and Richmond Valentine are two sides of the same clan – the occult elite. Kingsman, with its classy agents and its medieval-inspired lore, represent the mythical side of the occult elite, a fictional and heroic facade that entertains the masses while inspiring awe and respect. Richmond Valentine is the true, ugly, and evil side of the elite, as he works actively with the world’s most powerful people to abuse, deceive and annihilate most of the human race – which is considered to be a virus that is killing Earth. While Kingsman and Valentine are portrayed as enemies in the movie, there are enough connections between the two sides to understand that they are two faces of the same coin.
Let’s first look at how Kingsman are a romanticized version of the occult elite bloodlines.
Kingsman: How the Elite Wants You to Perceive Them
Simply by dissecting the name of the secret service, we understand that Kingsman are the king’s men. They exist to protect the interests of the world’s royalty, the elite bloodlines who have been in power for centuries.The code name “Kingsman” is taken from the legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, an ancient myth that still captures imaginations today. However, most people do not realize that occult circles attribute an esoteric meaning to the King Arthur story, as its symbolism reflects the thinking of secret societies.“In the personality of Arthur is to be found a new form of the ever-recurrent cosmic myth. The prince of Britain is the sun, his knights are the zodiac, and his flashing sword may be the sun’s ray with which he fights and vanquishes the dragons of darkness or it may represent the earth’s axis. Arthur’s Round Table is the universe; the Siege Perilous the throne of the perfect man. In its terrestrial sense, Arthur was the Grand Master of a secret Christian-Masonic brotherhood of philosophic mystics who termed themselves Knights. Arthur received the exalted position of Grand Master of these Knights because he had faithfully accomplished the withdrawal of the sword (spirit) from the anvil of the base metals (his lower nature). As invariably happens, the historical Arthur soon was confused with the allegories and myths of his order until now the two are inseparable. After Arthur’s death on the field of Kamblan his Mysteries ceased, and esoterically he was borne away on a black barge, as is so beautifully described by Tennyson in his Morte d’Arthur. The great sword Excalibur was also cast back into the waters of eternity – all of which is a vivid portrayal of the descent of cosmic night at the end of the Day of Universal Manifestation. The body of the historical Arthur was probably interred at Glastonbury Abbey, a building closely identified with the mystic rites of both the Grail and the Arthurian Cycle.In Kingsman, the leader is of course named Arthur, and Eggsy, the young hero, aspires to become the new Lancelot.
The mediæval Rosicrucians were undoubtedly in possession of the true secret of the Arthurian Cycle and the Grail legend, much of their symbolism having been incorporated into that order.”
– Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages
At one point, agent Galahad, Eggy’s mentor, explains the origins of Kingsman, a story that directly refers to elite bloodlines. At first, he states that Kingsman began as tailors for the elite.
“Since 1849, Kingsman tailors have clothed the world’s most powerful individuals.”The fact that Kingsman began as tailors is extremely symbolic. By dressing up the world’s most powerful people, they symbolically drape the elite in noble and beautiful garments, effectively “covering them up” and disguising them in something beautiful. In the movie, Kingsman glorifies the elite bloodlines and their philosophy by “draping them” in spy agency heroics.
Galahad then explains how from tailors, Kingsman became a powerful actor on the international scene.
“By 1919, a great number of powerful individuals had lost their heirs to World War One. That meant a lot of money going uninherited. And a lot of powerful men with a desire to preserve peace and protect life.This origins story cannot better describe the occult elite. Backed by the incredible fortune of a few elite families, Kingsman operates on a level that is “above” democratically-elected government, and acts in total secrecy (you will notice that, throughout the movie, there is absolutely no respect for democratic governments). Like the occult elite that decides world policies at secret meetings such as the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg conference, Kingsman operates on that above-government level. If Kingsman had evolved in the “real world”, their major contributors would mostly likely be the Rothschillds, Rockerfellers and Duponts, bloodlines of extreme wealth who shaped the world using a level of power that goes way beyond national governments and political parties.
Our founders realized that they could channel that wealth and influence for the greater good. And so began our other venture: An independent, international intelligence agency operating at the highest level of discretion, above the politics and bureaucracy that undermine the integrity of government-run organizations.”
The concept of “bloodline” is extremely important for the Kingsman. When Arthur discusses the death of a Kingsman agent with Galahad, he says:
“But he wasn’t exactly one of us, was he?”This implies that the Kingsman that died was an “outsider” and not a descendant of the “privileged” bloodline that makes up Kingsman. Is this why these agents appear to have special powers?
Even if Eggsy comes from a poor neighborhood, his father was part of the bloodline, meaning that he is part of the bloodline as well. He therefore does not have to live like the other poor saps in his neighborhood – he is a privileged one.
Eggsy gets arrested for stealing a car, he calls the secret number on
his pendant and provides the secret password that was given to him by
Galahad. Shortly after, Eggsy is released from police custody and
Galahad welcomes him personally outside of the police station. Being
part of the bloodline means that you are above the law.
one rowdy Londoner threatens Eggsy inside a pub, Galahad gets up and
beats the crap out of everybody there using high tech gadgets. Bloodine =
good. Regular people = bad. During the end credits, we see Eggsy (who
subsequently became a full-fledged gentleman) beat the crap out of the
same people again, in the same pub. He became part of Them.
“The lack of a silver spoon has set you on certain path, but you needn’t stay on it. If you’re prepared to adapt and learn, you can transform.”In other words, Eggsy, who grew up in poverty, is fortunate enough to be part of the bloodline that gives him to opportunity to “ascend” to an elite level. He must however “transform” and be initiated to the elite. Like in occult secret societies, initiation to Kingsman involves an oath of secrecy under the penalty of death. In fact, Kingsman recruits are each given a bodybag to symbolically represent their fate if they break their oath.
The training of the recruits was filmed at Wrotham Park – a gigantic mansion that was built in 1754.
fact that the Kingsman train at Wrotham Park, which is the type of
country house built by the elite for the elite, further reinforces who
they are connected to.
The Freemasons’ cult of reason and admiration for the laws of geometry found its expression, as well as fulfillment, in the Italian architecture of the late Renaissance, with the works of Andrea Palladio (1508-1580). The English Freemasons played a significant role in popularising his cult. It was thanks to the members of the Great Lodge of London that Palladio’s style became dominant in England, and later also in the United States.
– Mikołaj Gliński, The True Face of Freemasonry
one point during the movie, we see a nice shot of the top of the
mansion which prominently features Poseidon holding his trident. A great
number of building and monuments built in the 18th and 19th century by
the occult elite prominently feature Poseidon – maybe because he was the
king of Atlantis – the sunken island from which the occult mysteries
are said to originate from.
During his training, Eggsy also learns that the elite does not use media to reveal – but to conceal.
Gallahad are the covers of newspapers the day after he accomplished
something major for Kingsman. None of them mention him and all of them
are about pointless, sensationalist news. Media is used to distract the
masses while they are kept in the dark from the truth.
To complete his initiation as a Kingsman, Eggsy is asked to shoot the dog he was asked to care for since it was a puppy.
Kingsman embody the mythical side of the occult elite, draped in ancient lore. The same way tailors drape their clients with lush fabrics, Kingsman drape the elite class with heroics. However, they then face off with the other side of the elite, the ugly, dirty, evil, sadistic, violent, manipulative and power-hungry side that controls world politics and perceives the masses as a wild herd. This side is embodied by villain Richmond Valentine, whose nefarious agenda is perfectly matches the occult elite’s Agenda.
Richmond Valentine – The True Side of the Elite
Simply put, Valentine is an agent carrying out the elite’s Agenda and the scapegoat on which people can ultimately blame everything. For this reason, he is the exact opposite of the mythical side of the elite portrayed by Kingsman. He is a Black American guy who dresses in street wear, who is kind of cowardly and, to top it off, speaks with a goofy lisp. While Kingsman look to the past with Arthurian references and traditions, Valentine is all the future. He is about the elite’s agenda today, about using mass media and technology to accomplish his plans.
sidekick Gazelle wears bladed prosthetic legs – the symbol of
transhumanism. As stated several times before on this site, selling transhumanism
is an important part of the elite’s Agenda. To make sure you get the
picture, Gazelle uses her special legs to literally cut a Kingsman in
half, proving that an “augmented” human is superior to a regular human.
Richmond is live on SKY News to promote a movie about his rise to power. You cannot be more in mass media.
“When you get a virus, you get a fever. That’s the human body raising its core temperature to kill the virus. The planet Earth works the same way. Global warming is the fever. Mankind is the virus. We’re making our planet sick. A cull is our only hope. If we don’t reduce our population ourselves, there is only one of two ways this can go. The host kills the virus or the virus kills the host. Either way … the result is the same. The virus dies. Sometimes a culling is the only way to ensure this species survives.Notice that Richmond uses the word “cull” to describe his plan, which is defined as: “selective slaughter of wild animals”. In animal breeding, culling is “the process of removing or segregating animals from a breeding stock based on specific criteria. This is done either to reinforce or exaggerate desirable characteristics, or to remove undesirable characteristics from the group.”
I am inviting you to be a part of a new world.”
“Culling” therefore precisely describes the mind set of the elite: They view the masses as a wild animal breed that spun out of control and that needs to be brought down and selectively slaughtered. Guess who will be “selected” to survive? Not you!
keeps a list of the people he wants to save by keeping them safe in his
remote base while the world collapses. Notice that the list is more
about titles than it is about names.
make sure his microchips are spread around the world, Valentine offers a
free phone (embedded with a chip) to everyone. Of course, people line
up in stores to get their free thing.
tells the President to “open his f*cking ears”. The elite has no
respect for government officials, they are their puppets.
after Richmond gives orders to the US President, we see a shot of the
White House. Then, the camera pans up to a shot of the toilet bowls at
the Kingsman HQ just as some guy is about to go number two. It is a
subtle yet strong image describing how the elite literally craps on
“democratic governments”.
In the movie, the South Glad Mission Church is a hate group based in Kentucky that Valentine uses for his own nefarious purposes. We then see a greasy-haired preacher talking about everything but Jesus.
“Our filthy government condones sodomy, divorce, abortion. And, yet, there is still doubt this is the work of the antichrist! You do not have to be a Jew, a n*gger, a whore or an atheist, science-loving evolution spouter….”The movie makers made the preacher as awful and offensive as possible to make the viewers hate him and, by proxy, hate Christians in general. Galahad, who has been sent to that church, does not agree with what he is hearing and gets up. He then tells a woman:
“I’m a Catholic whore whose currently enjoying congress out of wedlock with my black Jewish boyfriend who works in a military abortion clinic. So, hail Satan and have a lovely afternoon madam”.Then Galahad proceeds to kill every single person in that church, in a long, dragged-out, extremely gory scene as cool rock music plays in the background.
Galahad stands in the church surrounded by all of the people he killed. This was one big Illuminati orgy scene.
Richmond finally manages to gather his elite guests in a secret underground location where they all chill out and have drinks while the world collapses.
Valentine then gives a speech to his guest that reflects the mind state of the occult elite:
“I just want to remind you that today is a day of celebration. We must put aside all thoughts of death and focus on birth. The birth of a new age. We mustn’t morn those who give their lives today. We should honor their sacrifice and their role in saving the human race.Notice how Richmond refers to Noah’s Ark to describe what is happening. As I stated in several other articles, the elite loves the story of Noah’s Ark as it also refers to a “cleansing” of humanity (see my articles on the movies 2012, Noah, etc.). Valentine is also comparing himself to God because he started the second “cleansing”.
We must put aside doubt and guilt. You are the chosen people. When folks tell their kids the story of Noah’s Ark, is Noah the bad guy? No! Is God the bad guy? No!”
Richmond then activates the switch. We then see a shot of regular people walking around with their phones, taking selfies and insta-tweeting (or whatever the kids do these days). They quickly turn into animals.
The microchips inside phones causes people them to lose their minds and start killing each other around the world.
In Conclusion
For comedic spy movie that does not take itself too seriously, Kingsman: The Secret Service is nevertheless symbolically heavy and charged with several layers of messages. The movie sums up everything the occult elite is about as a showcase for the mythical aura that has been cultivating for years, while also revealing the elite’s darker plans through a hip-hop villain.In the end, the movie is an “Elite 101” course, an exposé of everything they want the viewers to absorb. While the elite’s plans are embodied by the bad guy in the movie, they are nevertheless there for the viewer to see and internalize. So, while you believe you are being entertained, you are also getting a hefty dose of predictive programming, which contributes to shape your attitudes and opinions towards specific issues. What else would you expect from the king’s men?
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