The Deep Politics of God Revisited
by Paul David Collins ©, March 31st, 2008
crime scenes are so grisly and gruesome that they beggar description.
One such scene was discovered on March 4th, 1998 by a young teacher at
the residence of Father Alfred Kunz (Kennedy 150). Father Kunz was
discovered face down in a pool of his own blood with his throat cut
(150). While the culprit was never found, there is a body of evidence
that suggests Satanism was involved in the murder. A mutilated calf was
discovered on a farm fifteen minutes away from Kunz’s dead body
(150-151). The calf had its throat slit and its blood drained into a
milk pail (151). The calf’s genitals had also been cut off (151). Cult
experts consider calf mutilations to be “the calling card or ‘signature’
of Satanists” (151). Kunz’s slit throat was also significant. The oaths
of many secret societies include throat slicing as a penalty for
revealing a group’s closest secrets (152-53). Was Kunz exposing the
operations of a cult? Kunz’s friend and associate, former Vatican
insider Malachi Martin certainly thought so. Six weeks after Kunz’s
murder, Martin appeared on a radio show claiming to have inside
information that Kunz’s murder was carried out by Luciferians (153).
Luciferians are not your garden variety devil worshippers, but they are
devil worshippers nonetheless.
Kunz’s murder came shortly after he made it known that the format of his hour-long radio show called Catholic Family Hour was going to be modified (151). Malachi Martin, a former Vatican insider and expert on deviant sex rings within the Catholic Church, had become a regular guest on the show (151). The night Kunz was murdered was the exact same night that Kunz’s friend, Father Charles Fiore, took over the Catholic Family Hour show (151). Fiore planned to begin exposing satanic pedophile rings within the Catholic Church (151-52). Fiore was in a perfect position to collect intelligence on deviant sex rings both inside and outside the Catholic Church because of his participation in the Council for National Policy (CNP). Fiore had been on the CNP’s Board of Governors in 1982, and had been a CNP participant in 1984 and 1988 (“Council for National Policy: Selected Member Biographies,” no pagination). Fiore had also been a member of fellow CNP participant Ed McAteer’s Religious Roundtable Council (no pagination).
The CNP is a religious engineering project launched by Nelson Bunker Hunt, a board member and financier of the John Birch Society (JBS) (Aho, no pagination). JBS claims to be an organization opposed to the power elite and elitist machinations such as the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. However, upon closer inspection, one discovers that the JBS is actually connected to the very elitist machinations it claims to be fighting. For instance, JBS members such as William Grede, William Benton McMillan, Robert Waring Stoddard, J. Nelson Shepherd, and Spruille Braden were either directly or indirectly associated with the CFR (no pagination).
The CNP was created with the remnants of the domestic surveillance/intel-gathering arm of the JBS, the Western Goals Foundation (no pagination). Again, Nelson Bunker Hunt, who was also a principal character at Western Goals, provided the starter-up money for the CNP (no pagination). Hunt would go on to serve as the CNP’s president from 1983 to 1984 and also served on the CNP’s board of Governors (no pagination). As was the case with the JBS, the CNP was presented to the American public as an alternative to the CFR. ABC’s Marc J. Ambinder has even characterized it as “the conservative version of the Council on Foreign Relation” (no pagination). However, the CNP first Governing Board had three CFR members sitting on it: George F. Gilder, Dr. Edward Teller, and Guy Vander Jagt (Aho, no pagination). Later members of the CNP who were also CFR members included J. Peter Grace and Arnaud De Borchgrave (no pagination).
Several CNP participants have been close to or involved in deviant sex rings that litter the American political landscape.
Another possible link between the CNP and organized groups of perverts is CNP participant Jack Abramoff and former Congressman Mark Foley. Foley became embroiled in scandal back in 2006 when it was discovered that the former congressman was sending questionable and sexually explicit e-mails to a sixteen year old former congressional page (Shwartz and Sauer, no pagination). The scandal led to the congressman’s resignation (Ross and Sauer, no pagination). A retired intelligence agency official with multiple Capitol Hill sources told investigative journalist Tom Flocco that federal agents linked Foley to GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff and GOP reporter/former male prostitute Jeff Gannon (no pagination). Flocco’s intelligence insider informed him that the sex / spy ring at the Watergate, Ritz-Carlton and Sheraton hotels in Washington, DC were operated by Abramoff (no pagination). The insider also told Flocco that Gannon and Abramoff acted as facilitators for the poker parties and an elaborate prostitution ring of pedophiles and extortion-friendly homosexuals-in-the-closet serving factions of the Republican leadership (no pagination). If Flocco’s sources are correct, the CNP is directly tied to network of deviant sex rings. Abramoff has been a member of the CNP (Council for National Policy: Selected Member Biographies, no pagination). Abramoff has collaborated with other CNP members, one being Grover Norquist. In June 2006, the Senate Indian Affairs Committee released an investigative report charging that CNP member Grover Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform provided a channel for money to “surreptitiously finance grass-roots lobbying campaigns” (Schmidt and Grimaldi, no pagination). According to E-mails, Norquist’s organization retained a small percentage of these funds (no pagination).
Norquist’s Council of Republicans for Environmental Advocacy was also involved in Abramoff operations. Susan Schmidt and James V. Grimaldi elaborates:
Flocco’s contentions are strengthened by the fact that CNP participant Abramoff’s lobbying team was involved in writing Republican Representative Ralph Hall’s statements on the House floor. Hall’s presentation questioned the claims of a teenage girl purporting to be a victim of the sex trade in the Northern Marianas Islands (Kiel, no pagination). CNP participant DeLay was Abramoff’s strongest Congressional supporter on the Marianas issue, and Hall even accepted money from DeLay while he was still a democrat (no pagination). CNP participant Diana Weyrich was also Ralph Hall’s former staff assistant (Council for National Policy: Selected Member Biographies, no pagination). Evidently, these CNP-aligned parties had a vested interest in obfuscating specific details about the Marianas sex slave trade.
Covenant House also ties the CNP to deviant sex rings. According to John DeCamp, Covenant House was used to acquire children for the purposes of pedophilia. The former Nebraska senator provides the following description:
In 1986, one the Hill and Knowlton’s former employees, Robert Keith Gray, became chairman and CEO of the PR giant after his own firm was bought out by Hill and Knowlton (178). According to DeCamp, Gray is also reportedly a specialist in homosexual blackmail operations for the CIA (178). John DeCamp also reveals Gray’s relationship with two major covert operators, Edwin Wilson and Frank Terpil. DeCamp states:
Cohn is important because of his connection to the CNP. After the mysterious death of Larry MacDonald, Cohn ran Western Goals Foundation for a short time ( “Western Goals Foundation,” no pagination). CNP participant John Singlaub was a joint-founder of Western Goals (no pagination). CNP participant J. Peter Grace had the CNP major funder, Roger Milliken, on the board of Directors of his W.R. and Grace Company (no pagination). One of Western Goals major contributors, Nelson Bunker Hunt, was a CNP participant (no pagination). Two other CNP participants, Daniel Graham and Mildred Jefferson, were also involved in Western Goals (no pagination). As stated earlier, the CNP was created with the remnants of Western Goals. It is also possible the CNP participant Abramoff sex/blackmail ring is yet another continuation of the Cohn/Wilson operation.
Is the CNP some monolithic conspiracy of sexual deviants? Of course not. However, it does seem to be part of a network where a sexually deviant subculture has flourished hiding under a cloak of family values.
Knight of Malta Franz von Papen acted as a frontman for the Nazis when he became German Chancellor in 1932 (“Nazis, the Vatican, and CIA,” no pagination). That very same year, von Papen dissolved the Reichstag and began promoting new elections. When the new election were carried out, the Nazis became the dominant party in the new Reichstag (no pagination). In 1933, von Papen convinced President von Hindenberg to make Hitler Chancellor (no pagination). Hilter rewarded the Knight of Malta with the Vice-Chancellorship (no pagination). That same year, von Papen climbed the ranks of the Knights of Malta to become Knight Magistral Grand Cross (no pagination). One year later, von Papen assumed the role of Hitler’s Ambassador to Austria (no pagination). Von Papen also served as the Nazi Ambassador to Turkey from 1939 to 1944 (no pagination). His punishment for all of this was an acquittal at the Nuremburg trials and a munificent pension from Konrad Adenauer, the Chancellor after the war. Apparently, it pays to be Knight of Malta.
SMOM was also instrumental in establishing the postwar Nazi apparatus. SMOM member and West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer established Nazi chief of intelligence Reinhard Gehlen as the first head of the German secret service, the Bundesnachtrichtdienst (BND) (no pagination). When Otto Ambros, the chemist and Director of I.G. Farben who was responsible for the death of hundreds of people used as slave labor at Auschwitz, required assistance gaining entry into the United States, it was SMOM member and CNP participant J. Peter Grace who came to his aid (no pagination). Ambros went on to become a consultant for Grace’s chemical company, W.R. Grace and Company (no pagination). W.R. Grace and Company also had Friedrich Karl Flick sitting on its board (no pagination). In 1933, Flick’s father had given money hand over fist to the Nazi party after being assured by Hermann Goering, Hitler’s designated successor, that once the Nazis came to power, elections would cease for the rest of the decade and quite possibly the rest of the century (no pagination). It is no exaggeration to say that Grace had allowed his company to become a safe haven for Nazis after the war.
Vice President of Chase Manhattan Bank in charge of European affairs Joseph J. Larkin was also a SMOM member (no pagination). Larkin kept Chase Bank’s doors open in Paris after the Nazis occupied the city (no pagination). Larkin was not motivated by simple greed. His actions show a genuine flirtation with fascism. He was a dedicated supporter of General Francisco Franco (no pagination). Both the Franco account and Reichbank account were overseen by Larkin (no pagination).
There is also a very close relationship between SMOM and Opus Dei. This relationship was established in the summer of 1976 when Knight of Malta King Juan Carlos selected Opus Dei member Adolfo Suarez to be the chief of the Spanish government after the dictator Francisco Franco died (no pagination). SMOM member Francis X. Standard, led “Evenings of Conversation” at the Opus Dei Headquarters in New York (no pagination). Present at some of these “Evenings of Conversation” were William Simon and Frank Shakespeare, both CNP participants and SMOM members (no pagination). CNP participant Paul Weyrich is a member of Opus Dei (Brayton, no pagination). David Clark, an expert at rescuing people out of cults, has called Opus Dei “cult-like” (Koloff, no pagination). Clark also contends that Opus Dei’s Catholic disguise is “bait and switch” (no pagination). His accusations are backed up by the testimonies of former members who claim that their reading materials were censored, that their salaries were turned over to Opus Dei, and that they were isolated from their families (no pagination).
Apparently, Opus Dei is just as guilty of flirting with fascism as SMOM. Vladimir Felzmann, a former Opus Dei priest, claims that Opus Dei founder Josemaria Escriva once said to him, “Vlad, Hitler couldn’t have been such a bad person” (Thompson, no pagination). Escriva also engaged in Holocaust denial, telling Felzmann that there was no way Hitler could have exterminated six million people and that the number was more likely to be around four million (no pagination). In Spain, Opus Dei was very active in the government of dictator Francisco Franco, collaborating with the country’s premier, Admiral Luis Carrero Blanco (Lernoux 314). In Chile, Opus Dei backed the CIA-sponsored overthrow of Salvadore Allende (318). Opus Dei was represented in the government of dictator Augusto Pinochet by Hernan Cubillos, an Opus Dei member and Pinochet’s foreign minister (318).
By participating in the CNP, members of subversive organizations within the Catholic Church are able to extend their influence beyond the Catholic world. The tentacles of the superforce may reach farther than Father Martin realized. CNP participant Father Fiore was in a position to discover this.
The Kunz Murder
Kunz’s murder came shortly after he made it known that the format of his hour-long radio show called Catholic Family Hour was going to be modified (151). Malachi Martin, a former Vatican insider and expert on deviant sex rings within the Catholic Church, had become a regular guest on the show (151). The night Kunz was murdered was the exact same night that Kunz’s friend, Father Charles Fiore, took over the Catholic Family Hour show (151). Fiore planned to begin exposing satanic pedophile rings within the Catholic Church (151-52). Fiore was in a perfect position to collect intelligence on deviant sex rings both inside and outside the Catholic Church because of his participation in the Council for National Policy (CNP). Fiore had been on the CNP’s Board of Governors in 1982, and had been a CNP participant in 1984 and 1988 (“Council for National Policy: Selected Member Biographies,” no pagination). Fiore had also been a member of fellow CNP participant Ed McAteer’s Religious Roundtable Council (no pagination).
The CNP is a religious engineering project launched by Nelson Bunker Hunt, a board member and financier of the John Birch Society (JBS) (Aho, no pagination). JBS claims to be an organization opposed to the power elite and elitist machinations such as the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. However, upon closer inspection, one discovers that the JBS is actually connected to the very elitist machinations it claims to be fighting. For instance, JBS members such as William Grede, William Benton McMillan, Robert Waring Stoddard, J. Nelson Shepherd, and Spruille Braden were either directly or indirectly associated with the CFR (no pagination).
The CNP was created with the remnants of the domestic surveillance/intel-gathering arm of the JBS, the Western Goals Foundation (no pagination). Again, Nelson Bunker Hunt, who was also a principal character at Western Goals, provided the starter-up money for the CNP (no pagination). Hunt would go on to serve as the CNP’s president from 1983 to 1984 and also served on the CNP’s board of Governors (no pagination). As was the case with the JBS, the CNP was presented to the American public as an alternative to the CFR. ABC’s Marc J. Ambinder has even characterized it as “the conservative version of the Council on Foreign Relation” (no pagination). However, the CNP first Governing Board had three CFR members sitting on it: George F. Gilder, Dr. Edward Teller, and Guy Vander Jagt (Aho, no pagination). Later members of the CNP who were also CFR members included J. Peter Grace and Arnaud De Borchgrave (no pagination).
Several CNP participants have been close to or involved in deviant sex rings that litter the American political landscape.
The CNP and Deviant Sex Rings
A thread of sexual deviance within the CNP becomes evident with CNP member James Dobson promotion of Joseph Nicolosi’s reparative therapy. Ostensibly, this controversial psychotherapy is designed to facilitate the abatement of the same-sex affinities exhibited by homosexuals. To prevent homosexuality in young boys, Nicolosi recommends that fathers should accompany their sons into the shower, where boys discover that their dads have penises, “just like his, only bigger” (no pagination). Nicolosi never adequately demonstrates how such a bizarre practice could effectively prevent sexual confusion. Reparative therapy itself has never produced any viable results. So, why is it still embraced by people in the Evangelical establishment? Is reparative therapy designed to cure young boys, or seduce them?Another possible link between the CNP and organized groups of perverts is CNP participant Jack Abramoff and former Congressman Mark Foley. Foley became embroiled in scandal back in 2006 when it was discovered that the former congressman was sending questionable and sexually explicit e-mails to a sixteen year old former congressional page (Shwartz and Sauer, no pagination). The scandal led to the congressman’s resignation (Ross and Sauer, no pagination). A retired intelligence agency official with multiple Capitol Hill sources told investigative journalist Tom Flocco that federal agents linked Foley to GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff and GOP reporter/former male prostitute Jeff Gannon (no pagination). Flocco’s intelligence insider informed him that the sex / spy ring at the Watergate, Ritz-Carlton and Sheraton hotels in Washington, DC were operated by Abramoff (no pagination). The insider also told Flocco that Gannon and Abramoff acted as facilitators for the poker parties and an elaborate prostitution ring of pedophiles and extortion-friendly homosexuals-in-the-closet serving factions of the Republican leadership (no pagination). If Flocco’s sources are correct, the CNP is directly tied to network of deviant sex rings. Abramoff has been a member of the CNP (Council for National Policy: Selected Member Biographies, no pagination). Abramoff has collaborated with other CNP members, one being Grover Norquist. In June 2006, the Senate Indian Affairs Committee released an investigative report charging that CNP member Grover Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform provided a channel for money to “surreptitiously finance grass-roots lobbying campaigns” (Schmidt and Grimaldi, no pagination). According to E-mails, Norquist’s organization retained a small percentage of these funds (no pagination).
Norquist’s Council of Republicans for Environmental Advocacy was also involved in Abramoff operations. Susan Schmidt and James V. Grimaldi elaborates:
A second group Norquist was involved with, the Council of Republicans for Environmental Advocacy received about $500,000 in Abramoff client funds; the council’s president has told Senate investigators that Abramoff often asked her to lobby a senior Interior Department official on his behalf. The committee report said the Justice Department should further investigate the organization’s dealings with the department and its former deputy secretary, J. Steven Griles. (no pagination)Norquist and Abramoff have maintained a close friendship since they were leaders of the College Republicans (no pagination). CNP participants Jesse Helms and Alan Keyes also collaborated with Abramoff’s International Freedom Foundation, which was a Washington-based organization that received clandestine financing from the South African military to promote foreign advocates of apartheid (Ballenger, no pagination). Abramoff also arranged for CNP participant Tom DeLay’s sojourns to Saipan during the New Years of 1997 (Ross, no pagination). DeLay made at least three other expense-paid trips that were connected to Abramoff, including sojourns to Moscow in 1997, London and Scotland in 2000, and South Korea in 2001 (no pagination). At one time, CNP member Ralph Reed acted as an unpaid intern for Abramoff (“Jack Abramoff,” no pagination). Reed was invited to sleep on Abramoff couch and, in his book Active Faith, Reed even claims that Abramoff introduced him to his future wife (no pagination). Reed’s marketing company was also involved in Abramoff’s lobbying efforts (no pagination).This places the CNP very close to deviant sex rings, if Flocco’s allegations concerning Abramoff prove to be true and his intelligence source is legitimate.
Flocco’s contentions are strengthened by the fact that CNP participant Abramoff’s lobbying team was involved in writing Republican Representative Ralph Hall’s statements on the House floor. Hall’s presentation questioned the claims of a teenage girl purporting to be a victim of the sex trade in the Northern Marianas Islands (Kiel, no pagination). CNP participant DeLay was Abramoff’s strongest Congressional supporter on the Marianas issue, and Hall even accepted money from DeLay while he was still a democrat (no pagination). CNP participant Diana Weyrich was also Ralph Hall’s former staff assistant (Council for National Policy: Selected Member Biographies, no pagination). Evidently, these CNP-aligned parties had a vested interest in obfuscating specific details about the Marianas sex slave trade.
Covenant House also ties the CNP to deviant sex rings. According to John DeCamp, Covenant House was used to acquire children for the purposes of pedophilia. The former Nebraska senator provides the following description:
Lauded by the Reagan and Bush Administrations as a showcase for the privatization of social service, Covenant House had expanded into Guatemala as a gateway to South America. According to intelligence community sources, the purpose was procurement of children from South America for exploitation in a pedophile ring. The flagship Guatemalan mission of Covenant House was launched by a former business partner of Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza, Roberto Alejos Arzu, who had ties to the CIA, according to the Village Voice of Feb. 20, 1990. The Voice quoted Jean-Marie Simon, author of Guatemala: Eternal Spring, Eternal Tyranny: “It’s like having Idi Amin on the board of Amnesty International.” (180)Robert Macauley, the founder of Americares, has been one of Covenant House’s major benefactors (180). CNP member J. Peter Grace helped found Americares (Collins, “Order of Malta valuable to church in Zaire,” no pagination). One of Americare’s largest contributors is none other than CNP participant Pat Robertson (no pagination). In February of 1989, when Covenant House director, Father Bruce Ritter, was accused to of having molested children at the youth organization, the powerful PR firm Hill and Knowlton dispatched Charles Perkins to help with Covenant House public relations dilemma (DeCamp 180). Perkins rushed from New York and gave aid to Covenant House for a fraction of Hill and Knowlton’s regular fee (180).
In 1986, one the Hill and Knowlton’s former employees, Robert Keith Gray, became chairman and CEO of the PR giant after his own firm was bought out by Hill and Knowlton (178). According to DeCamp, Gray is also reportedly a specialist in homosexual blackmail operations for the CIA (178). John DeCamp also reveals Gray’s relationship with two major covert operators, Edwin Wilson and Frank Terpil. DeCamp states:
During the Watergate era, Robert Keith Gray served on the board of Consultants International, founded by CIA agent Edwin Wilson. When Wilson and fellow agent Frank Terpil got caught running guns abroad, Gray tried to deny his connection with Wilson. “Yet ten years before,” according to Peter Maas’ book Manhunt, “in a top secret Navy review of Wilson’s intelligence career, Gray described Wilson as a person of ‘unqualified trust,’ with whom he’d been in contact ‘professionally two or three times a month’ since 1963.” (179)Gray’s connection to Wilson is significant. Fugitive ex-CIA officer Frank Terpil has claimed that sexual blackmailing operations directed by the CIA were intensive in Washington during the Watergate era (DeCamp 179). Terpil also asserts that his former partner, Ed Wilson, was coordinating one of these sexual blackmail operations (179). In a letter to author Jim Hougan, Terpil revealed Wilson modus operandi:
Historically, one of Wilson Agency jobs was to subvert members of both houses [of Congress] by any means necessary Certain people could be easily coerced by living out their sexual fantasies in the flesh A remembrance of these occasions [was] permanently recorded via selected cameras The technicians in charge of filming [were] TSD [Technical Services Division of the CIA]. The unwitting porno stars advanced in their political careers, some of [whom] may still be in office. (Qtd. in DeCamp 179)DeCamp asserts that the Wilson/Terpil/Gray operations were merely continuations of sexual blackmail operations ran by the infamous Roy Cohn:
Gray’s associate Wilson was apparently continuing the work of a reported collaborator of Gray from the 1950 -McCarthy committee counsel Roy Cohn, now dead of AIDS. According to the former head of the vice squad for one of America’s biggest cities, Cohn’s job was to run the little boys. Say you had an admiral, a general, a congressman, who did not want to go along with the program. Cohn’s job was to set them up, then they would go along. Cohn told me that himself. The first president of Tong Sun Park George Town Club, where Wilson sexual blackmail operations were reportedly run, was Robert Keith Gray. (179-80)Cohn’s sexual blackmail operation may have even included the cult that Maury Terry alleges was behind the Son of Sam killings. Terry conducted a meticulous investigation into the Son of Sam murders and gathered compelling evidence that David Berkowitz was only one participant in what was, in fact, a string of cult killings. The cult behind these crimes was the satanic group known as the Process Church of the Final Judgement. According to David Berkowitz, the Process provided children for sex at parties held by wealthy people in Westchester, Manhattan, Connecticut, and Long Island (Terry 534). Berkowitz informed Terry that one of these parties were held at Cohn house in Connecticut and Berkowitz even got to meet the infamous McCarthy aide during the party (534). This may explain the satanic aspects of the deviant sex rings being exposed by Fiore, Martin, and Kunz. It may also explain why there were so many satanic features to the Kunz murder.
Cohn is important because of his connection to the CNP. After the mysterious death of Larry MacDonald, Cohn ran Western Goals Foundation for a short time ( “Western Goals Foundation,” no pagination). CNP participant John Singlaub was a joint-founder of Western Goals (no pagination). CNP participant J. Peter Grace had the CNP major funder, Roger Milliken, on the board of Directors of his W.R. and Grace Company (no pagination). One of Western Goals major contributors, Nelson Bunker Hunt, was a CNP participant (no pagination). Two other CNP participants, Daniel Graham and Mildred Jefferson, were also involved in Western Goals (no pagination). As stated earlier, the CNP was created with the remnants of Western Goals. It is also possible the CNP participant Abramoff sex/blackmail ring is yet another continuation of the Cohn/Wilson operation.
Is the CNP some monolithic conspiracy of sexual deviants? Of course not. However, it does seem to be part of a network where a sexually deviant subculture has flourished hiding under a cloak of family values.
According to researcher William H. Kennedy, Kunz and Fiore collaborated with former Vatican insider Malachi Martin in gathering intelligence on deviant sex rings within the Catholic Church (146). In Keys of this Blood, Martin wrote about the existence of what he called a “superforce” within the Catholic Church (82). Martin claimed that “this superforce is a sort of ecclesiastical version of a hostile corporate takeover team” (83). He also claimed that the superforce was made up of “Churchmen of such rank and power within the Vatican and at key points of the hierarchic structure that they controlled the most vital organs and sinews of that structure, worldwide” (82). Several CNP participants are members of groups that may constitute the superforce. For instance, CNP participants William Simon and Frank Shakespeare are members of the Sovereign Military Order of the Knights of Malta (SMOM) (“Council for National Policy: Selected Member Biographies,” no pagination). Deceased CNP participant J. Peter Grace was actually a President of the American Association of the Knights of Malta (no pagination). Ostensibly a traditional Catholic organization, the Knights of Malta are, in fact, major players in the realm of criminal politics. The group has major connection with the Nazis, both before and after the Second World War.Knight of Malta Franz von Papen acted as a frontman for the Nazis when he became German Chancellor in 1932 (“Nazis, the Vatican, and CIA,” no pagination). That very same year, von Papen dissolved the Reichstag and began promoting new elections. When the new election were carried out, the Nazis became the dominant party in the new Reichstag (no pagination). In 1933, von Papen convinced President von Hindenberg to make Hitler Chancellor (no pagination). Hilter rewarded the Knight of Malta with the Vice-Chancellorship (no pagination). That same year, von Papen climbed the ranks of the Knights of Malta to become Knight Magistral Grand Cross (no pagination). One year later, von Papen assumed the role of Hitler’s Ambassador to Austria (no pagination). Von Papen also served as the Nazi Ambassador to Turkey from 1939 to 1944 (no pagination). His punishment for all of this was an acquittal at the Nuremburg trials and a munificent pension from Konrad Adenauer, the Chancellor after the war. Apparently, it pays to be Knight of Malta.
SMOM was also instrumental in establishing the postwar Nazi apparatus. SMOM member and West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer established Nazi chief of intelligence Reinhard Gehlen as the first head of the German secret service, the Bundesnachtrichtdienst (BND) (no pagination). When Otto Ambros, the chemist and Director of I.G. Farben who was responsible for the death of hundreds of people used as slave labor at Auschwitz, required assistance gaining entry into the United States, it was SMOM member and CNP participant J. Peter Grace who came to his aid (no pagination). Ambros went on to become a consultant for Grace’s chemical company, W.R. Grace and Company (no pagination). W.R. Grace and Company also had Friedrich Karl Flick sitting on its board (no pagination). In 1933, Flick’s father had given money hand over fist to the Nazi party after being assured by Hermann Goering, Hitler’s designated successor, that once the Nazis came to power, elections would cease for the rest of the decade and quite possibly the rest of the century (no pagination). It is no exaggeration to say that Grace had allowed his company to become a safe haven for Nazis after the war.
Vice President of Chase Manhattan Bank in charge of European affairs Joseph J. Larkin was also a SMOM member (no pagination). Larkin kept Chase Bank’s doors open in Paris after the Nazis occupied the city (no pagination). Larkin was not motivated by simple greed. His actions show a genuine flirtation with fascism. He was a dedicated supporter of General Francisco Franco (no pagination). Both the Franco account and Reichbank account were overseen by Larkin (no pagination).
There is also a very close relationship between SMOM and Opus Dei. This relationship was established in the summer of 1976 when Knight of Malta King Juan Carlos selected Opus Dei member Adolfo Suarez to be the chief of the Spanish government after the dictator Francisco Franco died (no pagination). SMOM member Francis X. Standard, led “Evenings of Conversation” at the Opus Dei Headquarters in New York (no pagination). Present at some of these “Evenings of Conversation” were William Simon and Frank Shakespeare, both CNP participants and SMOM members (no pagination). CNP participant Paul Weyrich is a member of Opus Dei (Brayton, no pagination). David Clark, an expert at rescuing people out of cults, has called Opus Dei “cult-like” (Koloff, no pagination). Clark also contends that Opus Dei’s Catholic disguise is “bait and switch” (no pagination). His accusations are backed up by the testimonies of former members who claim that their reading materials were censored, that their salaries were turned over to Opus Dei, and that they were isolated from their families (no pagination).
Apparently, Opus Dei is just as guilty of flirting with fascism as SMOM. Vladimir Felzmann, a former Opus Dei priest, claims that Opus Dei founder Josemaria Escriva once said to him, “Vlad, Hitler couldn’t have been such a bad person” (Thompson, no pagination). Escriva also engaged in Holocaust denial, telling Felzmann that there was no way Hitler could have exterminated six million people and that the number was more likely to be around four million (no pagination). In Spain, Opus Dei was very active in the government of dictator Francisco Franco, collaborating with the country’s premier, Admiral Luis Carrero Blanco (Lernoux 314). In Chile, Opus Dei backed the CIA-sponsored overthrow of Salvadore Allende (318). Opus Dei was represented in the government of dictator Augusto Pinochet by Hernan Cubillos, an Opus Dei member and Pinochet’s foreign minister (318).
By participating in the CNP, members of subversive organizations within the Catholic Church are able to extend their influence beyond the Catholic world. The tentacles of the superforce may reach farther than Father Martin realized. CNP participant Father Fiore was in a position to discover this.
Father Kunz may have been murdered to scare Fiore out of conducting a deeper investigation of deviant sex rings. If that was the objective, then the culprits were successful. The Kunz murder made Fiore begin to fear for his life and he backed off his previous plans to take Catholic Family Hour in a new direction (Kennedy 152). It was not too long until Father Kunz was joined by his friends and fellow crusaders for the truth. Malachi Martin died in July 1999 after years of cardiac problems (154). Father Fiore passed away in January 2002 (154). All three men stepped off into eternity without seeing the Catholic Church wake up to the danger that existed within its very midst. The superforce is still very much intact and active among the faithful, both in the Catholic and Protestant world.Sources Cited
- Aho, Barbara. “The Council for National Policy.” Watch Unto Prayer
- Ambinder, Marc J. “Inside the Council for National Policy.” ABC 25 November 2006
- Ballenger, Josey. “Marc Rich Inquiry Highlights Strange Bedfellows.” Center for Public Integrity 9 March 2001
- Brayton, Ed. “Paul Weyrich Expose.” Dispatches From the Culture Wars 10 August 2004
- Collins, Carole. “Order of Malta valuable to church in Zaire.” National Catholic Register 9 February 1996
- “Council for National Policy: Selected Member Biographies.” Seek God
- DeCamp, John. The Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska. 1992. Lincoln, Nebraska: AWT Inc., 1996.
- Flocco, Tom. “Agents Say Foley Scandal Tip Of Iceberg.” 6 October 2006
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- “Jack Abramoff.” Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia 11 February 2007
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