The Astonishing Predictive Programming in ‘Alias’
By: Jay
It’s as if we have entered some kind of time rift, with Twin Peaks, X Files, and now possibly Alias making a comeback to TV. On top of that, The Prodigy has a new album, so I wonder if I should be heading to first period class tomorrow, as if it’s 1996. Although Alias isn’t 90s, it seems to fit roughly in that era for me.
Reviewing the series recently, I was struck by how much real-life, predictive programming conspirana was present in the series, and should it get a reboot, we can expect a good deal more. With that in mind, it is time for an analysis of the über conspiracy-laced J.J. Abrams classic, Alias.
Early on, as Sydney Bristow is recruited into a secretive section of what she believes is the CIA, her unit, SD-6, operates under the cover of a bank, Credit Dauphine. This interesting cover may have some basis in reality, since according to Stephen Dorril’s massive MI6, the Bank of England, “had a considerable intelligence staff of its own and was ready to use Thompson’s information [Joint Intelligence] information but was unwilling to pool its own. The JIO also had a coordinating role in respect of the work of its own security and intelligence agencies” (pg. 727). Dorril continues in regard to the Royal Bank of Scotland, according to Richard Tomlinson:
Years prior to mainstream knowledge of ECHELON and the NSA, the early episodes of Alias
make specific reference to these programs, demonstrating their vast
capabilities. While James Bamford had written about the abilities of
the NSA back in 1983 in his Puzzle Palace, few and far between were the movies that made explicit mention of them.
Films such as Sneakers, Enemy of the State and a handful of others had given mention to these programs, but with Alias we have a tremendous revelation of the scope of these programs and integration with other technological surveillance, as well as the cooperation of intelligence agencies trafficking in this data back in 2001, immediately following the 9/11 events.
While those revelations are striking, the most intriguing is the series’ focus on MKULTRA and mind control. Numerous episodes feature Sydney being subjected to various types of mind control programming that prepared her for her various field operation roles, all the way back to her youth.
The child of intelligence agents, Sydney showed exceptional abilities that resulted in her placement in special intelligence-run schools that would prepare her for everything from sexual swallow operations, to assassination missions. While these aspects of the show are certainly hyped and glamorized in Hollywood fashion, the degree of reality behind these is also stunning. MKULTRA was actually a name for numerous subprojects that involved every conceivable experimentation in wiping and programming prospective agents.
John Marks’ classic, The CIA and the Search for the Manchurian Candidate details these various projects, including ULTRA, NAOMI, ARTICHOKE, SERCH and DELTA. These projects involved drugging, experimentation, sensory deprivation, brainwashing and imprinting, the creation of alternate personalities, assassination programming, technological surveillance and RF manipulation, as well as much more. The scope of these projects is frightening, and involved major pharmaceutical companies, high level banking agents and military intelligence, United States universities, as well as cooperation with British intelligence and Canadian psychiatric institutions.
In regard to Alias, we see several episodes where Sydney is abducted, experiences time loss, demonstrates a number of alternate personas, is wiped and drugged, and engages in swallow operations. “Sydney” also calls to mind “cid,” or acid, or LSD, as well as Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, another major doctor involved in administering LSD to MKULTRA subjects. Marks gives an illustrative discussion of Lauren G., an early test subject of Dr. Ewan Cameron, a major figure in the MKULTRA program:
The enigmatic Italian Renaissance figure in the series known as
Milo Rambaldi (a kind of Leonardo Da Vinci) had discovered the secrets
of nature, and the series finale concludes with antagonist Arvin Sloane
discovering this occult secret, “this is the end of nature.” Sydney is
also the prophesied “rose” of Rambaldi, which hearkens again to alchemical ideas found in the Rosicrucians.
In reality, this is the great game of the transhumanists and the elite families who are busy seeking to end nature, and attain life extension and immortality through technology. On the website of transhumanist Dimitry Itskov, we find just this plan revealed, with the goal set for 2045. Transhumanism developed out of the older eugenics movement, and with Arvin Sloane, the series even reveals his NGO plan to vaccinate third world populations to sterilize them – something that has emerged in real life with the United Nations.
Alias ends with a massive L.A. subway bombing organized by Sloane, who has staged a coup to take over Prophet 5 (the Illuminati, for simplicity’s sake), before an attempt to provoke international war by releasing Russian ICBMs. The provoked war between Russia and the West by an international faction is something we’ve seen in fiction all the way back to From Russia with Love, where SPECTRE plans to do the same.
And just like the Bond film, Alias portrays the international syndicate with Sloane planning a staged nuclear crisis, preceded by terror attacks. Worth mentioning here in terms of predictive programming that recalls 9/11, the series finale subway bombing in Alias that aired in 2006 foreshadows the 7/7 subway bombings in London a year later, which bears all the signatures of a false flag event.
To top it all off, in blending the realms of fact and fiction I’ve highlighted so often, Jennifer Garner had a close connect to the CIA on set, afterwards being recruited by the CIA to be a kind of PR face. In one article, we even read the CIA noting that Garner was a perfect image of a recruit, suggesting that the agency may have had much more to do with the show than appearances suggest. Indeed, Garner’s former hubby, Ben Affleck has also mentioned the fact that Hollywood is “probably” full of CIA agents, according to the Guardian (ya think?).
I’ve detailed this in the past, in regard to Angelina Jolie and the cast of the 2003 Al Pacino film, The Recruit. Regular readers of JaysAnalysis will not be surprised by any of this, but for newcomers, the patterns in Alias
are astounding, and Garner’s public relation to the CIA is a striking
example of the entire thesis of this site – that fiction is a primary
mode of revelation for the deep state’s real cloak and dagger
It’s as if we have entered some kind of time rift, with Twin Peaks, X Files, and now possibly Alias making a comeback to TV. On top of that, The Prodigy has a new album, so I wonder if I should be heading to first period class tomorrow, as if it’s 1996. Although Alias isn’t 90s, it seems to fit roughly in that era for me.
Reviewing the series recently, I was struck by how much real-life, predictive programming conspirana was present in the series, and should it get a reboot, we can expect a good deal more. With that in mind, it is time for an analysis of the über conspiracy-laced J.J. Abrams classic, Alias.
Early on, as Sydney Bristow is recruited into a secretive section of what she believes is the CIA, her unit, SD-6, operates under the cover of a bank, Credit Dauphine. This interesting cover may have some basis in reality, since according to Stephen Dorril’s massive MI6, the Bank of England, “had a considerable intelligence staff of its own and was ready to use Thompson’s information [Joint Intelligence] information but was unwilling to pool its own. The JIO also had a coordinating role in respect of the work of its own security and intelligence agencies” (pg. 727). Dorril continues in regard to the Royal Bank of Scotland, according to Richard Tomlinson:
“MI6 passes on such sensitive intelligence
to several clearing and merchant banks, including Midland, alleged by
Tomlinson to be a ‘complete MI6 bank,’ the Royal Bank of Scotland and
Kleinwort Benson. Tomlinson adds that ‘the primary intelligence
requirement against Germany…is economic intelligence,’ and such spying
is ‘accorded the same level of secrecy and need-to-know indoctrination
as highly sensitive Russian casework” (pg. 779)
We can think as well of the BCCI scandal from the 80s, which functioned as a CIA shell bank that diverted funding to cartels and terror networks. It also recalls scandals involving Credit Suisse, which recently plead guilty to tax evasion and appeared in the midst of a ‘dark pool’ trading scandal.
Sydney Bristow’s cover operation Credit Dauphine thus mimics reality
far more than most would assume. While Alias is full of assassinations
and shell companies that result in numerous deaths, the real global
banking world has seen a plethora of suspicious banker deaths in the last couple years that defies belief. (See my analysis of Tykwer’s film The International as possibly foreshadowing this phenomenon).
The mysterious Meuller Device in Alias,
developed by an alchemist that alters the structure of objects near
it. Note the similarity to the “red matter” in Abrams’ 2009 Star Trek. Hints at secret technology?
Films such as Sneakers, Enemy of the State and a handful of others had given mention to these programs, but with Alias we have a tremendous revelation of the scope of these programs and integration with other technological surveillance, as well as the cooperation of intelligence agencies trafficking in this data back in 2001, immediately following the 9/11 events.
While those revelations are striking, the most intriguing is the series’ focus on MKULTRA and mind control. Numerous episodes feature Sydney being subjected to various types of mind control programming that prepared her for her various field operation roles, all the way back to her youth.
The child of intelligence agents, Sydney showed exceptional abilities that resulted in her placement in special intelligence-run schools that would prepare her for everything from sexual swallow operations, to assassination missions. While these aspects of the show are certainly hyped and glamorized in Hollywood fashion, the degree of reality behind these is also stunning. MKULTRA was actually a name for numerous subprojects that involved every conceivable experimentation in wiping and programming prospective agents.
John Marks’ classic, The CIA and the Search for the Manchurian Candidate details these various projects, including ULTRA, NAOMI, ARTICHOKE, SERCH and DELTA. These projects involved drugging, experimentation, sensory deprivation, brainwashing and imprinting, the creation of alternate personalities, assassination programming, technological surveillance and RF manipulation, as well as much more. The scope of these projects is frightening, and involved major pharmaceutical companies, high level banking agents and military intelligence, United States universities, as well as cooperation with British intelligence and Canadian psychiatric institutions.
In regard to Alias, we see several episodes where Sydney is abducted, experiences time loss, demonstrates a number of alternate personas, is wiped and drugged, and engages in swallow operations. “Sydney” also calls to mind “cid,” or acid, or LSD, as well as Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, another major doctor involved in administering LSD to MKULTRA subjects. Marks gives an illustrative discussion of Lauren G., an early test subject of Dr. Ewan Cameron, a major figure in the MKULTRA program:
“When Lauren G.’s husband delivered her to
Cameron, the psychiatrist told him she would receive some electroshock,
a standard treatment at the time. Besides that, states her husband,
“Cameron was not very communicative, but I didn’t think she was getting
anything out of the ordinary.” The husband had no way of knowing that
Cameron would use an unproved experimental technique on his wife—much
less that the psychiatrist intended to “depattern” her. Nor did he
realize that the CIA was supporting this work with about $19,000 a year
in secret funds.
Cameron defined “depatterning” as breaking
up existing patterns of behavior, both the normal and the
schizophrenic, by means of particularly intensive electroshocks, usually
combined with prolonged, drug-induced sleep. Here was a psychiatrist
willing—indeed, eager—to wipe the human mind totally clean. Back in
1951, ARTICHOKE’s Morse Allen had likened the process to “creation of a
vegetable.” Cameron justified this tabula rasa approach because
he had a theory of “differential amnesia,” for which he provided no
statistical evidence when he published it. He postulated that after he
produced “complete amnesia” in a subject, the person would eventually
recover memory of his normal but not his schizophrenic behavior. Thus,
Cameron claimed he could generate “differential amnesia.” Creating such a
state in which a man who knew too much could be made to forget had long
been a prime objective of the ARTICHOKE and MKULTRA programs.” (pg.
The striking discovery Sydney makes after a few seasons is that the
various operations she has been infiltrating and exposing are part of a
global power structure ruled by 12 elites who control black markets,
technology and banking. A vague reference to the top bloodlines of the
so-called “Illuminati,” the various fronts of SD-6, the Alliance, the
Covenant and Prophet 5 are revealed to be an international, SPECTRE-style organization with its octopus tentacles in every major field.
Transcending an initial Cold War dialectic where Sydney believed she
was being manipulated by Russian agents, the Alliance and Prophet 5 are
actually a secretive transnational organization interested in life extension and immortality through the occult secrets of nature.
Esoteric and alchemical technology from Rambaldi sketches.
In reality, this is the great game of the transhumanists and the elite families who are busy seeking to end nature, and attain life extension and immortality through technology. On the website of transhumanist Dimitry Itskov, we find just this plan revealed, with the goal set for 2045. Transhumanism developed out of the older eugenics movement, and with Arvin Sloane, the series even reveals his NGO plan to vaccinate third world populations to sterilize them – something that has emerged in real life with the United Nations.
Alias ends with a massive L.A. subway bombing organized by Sloane, who has staged a coup to take over Prophet 5 (the Illuminati, for simplicity’s sake), before an attempt to provoke international war by releasing Russian ICBMs. The provoked war between Russia and the West by an international faction is something we’ve seen in fiction all the way back to From Russia with Love, where SPECTRE plans to do the same.
And just like the Bond film, Alias portrays the international syndicate with Sloane planning a staged nuclear crisis, preceded by terror attacks. Worth mentioning here in terms of predictive programming that recalls 9/11, the series finale subway bombing in Alias that aired in 2006 foreshadows the 7/7 subway bombings in London a year later, which bears all the signatures of a false flag event.
To top it all off, in blending the realms of fact and fiction I’ve highlighted so often, Jennifer Garner had a close connect to the CIA on set, afterwards being recruited by the CIA to be a kind of PR face. In one article, we even read the CIA noting that Garner was a perfect image of a recruit, suggesting that the agency may have had much more to do with the show than appearances suggest. Indeed, Garner’s former hubby, Ben Affleck has also mentioned the fact that Hollywood is “probably” full of CIA agents, according to the Guardian (ya think?).
Image from Garner’s CIA recruitment video.

All Seeing Eye of the Order of Rambaldi.
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