If you missed Part I of this article click here:
These subjects appear to be, at times, a confusing conglomeration that often seemed contradictory to each other.
Journalist Dale E. Basye promulgated that Oswald was
hypnotized in Russia; Eric Ritzek claimed he used hypnotism on Oswald
in America. There were many loose ends in the book.
By the time a reader got to the end of the book,
much of it appeared to be confetti. It would take some extra research by
the reader to make further steps and further trails. Alberelli had
certainly gathered a lot of information, but he had done nothing to make
sense of the chips as they lay.
An example of this quizzical magic involved in the
Kennedy tales was the question as to whether Oswald was at a house party
at the Ruben Duran home in Mexico City on October 1 or 2, 1963. There was always a question if it was really Oswald. Multiple descriptions seemed to indicate that it might be Oswald.
Adventurer and criminal Robert Clayton Buick claimed
to have met Oswald at the Hotel Luma in late September, 1963. Oswald
supposedly referred to himself as Alex Hidell (which was said in another
assassination book as an accepted code-name for CIA operatives). Oswald
spoke of Kennedy as “going to get hit” and that “ultimate morality is
to remove the head of the creature and replace it with another.”
While these statements seemed to indict Oswald as a
knowing criminal in the planned assassination, we also knew that
Intelligent Operatives hid behind fallacious “cover” stories at times in
their “directives”; if, indeed, this person ‘was’ Oswald and not a doppelganger or “body double.”
In the notes on page 452, Albarelli quoted an email
messages from Robert Clayton Buick on this matter: “…Oswald was
seemingly more revealing (in a sense) trying to tell me (in reality)
to stop this plot to kill the President and I truly believe this after I
have reviewed this encounter over and over again and researched his
specific intent throughout the many years.”
This quote seemed to fit accurately the undercover
aspirations of a covert Intelligence Operative trying to be a hidden spy
in the plot.
During Oswald’s alleged trip to Mexico City in
September-October, 1963 he met CIA operative June Cobb and Eunice Odio. A
former intelligence operative told Albarelli to heed the Rosicrucian
Order. Odio had been Second Grade Superior of the Temple. Albarelli
found significance in the fact that the last book Oswald had read before
the assassination of Kennedy was The Shark and the Sardines by Juan
Jose Arevelo and translated by June Cobb and Raul Osequeda. The reason
why Oswald, speculated Albarelli, held the book out of the library so
long was Oswald’s prospective meeting with CIA Operative June Cobb and
her Rosicrucian friends in Mexico City. The book was issued to Oswald on
November 6, 1963 but not returned until February 1964.
The Rosicrucian Order was a secret society from the
early 1600s and the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis was founded
in 1915. An esoteric order, the religion was said to have influenced the
Freemasons. The Rosicrucians were followers of the Brethren of the Rose
Cross, with origins that date back to the early seventeenth century.
Well-known Mexican and Latin American people helped fill the ranks, as
well as a history of secret societies in the world of spies and spooks. Alberelli saw this as another synchronism.
(“The beliefs of the Rosicrucian Order were
described as Gnostic, occult and cabalistic in nature. This is due to
the fact that members of the Rosicrucian Order believed that true
knowledge of the universe can only be known by the elite, who in turn
had a responsibility to share this knowledge with the masses.”
(From a Christian anti-occult viewpoint, Uncommon Sense Media (2011, 01490383, gave a thorough history of the Order.)
The plans to
create a mind controlled worker society have been in place for a long
time. The current technology grew out of experiments that the Nazis
started before World War II and intensified during the time of the Nazi
concentration camps when an unlimited supply of children and adults were
available for experimentation. We have heard about the inhumane medical
experiments performed on concentration camp prisoners, but no word was
ever mentioned by the media and the TV documentaries of the mind control experiments.
Investigator Paul Dale Roberts, who was working in
the Criminal Investigation Division (CID) and the Drug Suppression Team
(DST) in May 1975, also held a Top Secret clearance in Special Background Investigation
(SBI) as an Intelligence Analyst, and later received an H-Identifier
with Opposing Forces (OPFOR). Roberts discovered a Rosicrucian
connection with infamous killers.
In an interview with the
cousin (nicknamed by Roberts as Texas Slinger) of the nefarious killer
Richard Munoz Ramirez (The Night Stalker), the cousin divulged that
Ramirez was a member of the Rosicrucian’s. Roberts additionally
uncovered that Sirhan Sirhan, the murderer of Robert Kennedy, was also a
member. Sirhan allegedly had been a Manchurian Candidate assassin-tool.
Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, M.D., scientist,
author, investigator and former Chief Medical Officer of Finland spoke
of the mysterious history of psychotronics and mind control:
“Mind control techniques can be used for political
purposes. The goal of mind controllers today is to induce the targeted
persons or groups to act against his or her own convictions and best
interests. Zombified individuals can even be programmed to murder and
remember nothing of their crime afterward.
“This ‘silent war’ is being conducted against
unknowing civilians and soldiers by military and Intelligence agencies,”
continued Luukanen-Kilde, “Since 1980, electronic stimulation of the
brain (ESB) has been secretly used to control people targeted without
their knowledge or consent. All international human rights agreements
forbid nonconsensual manipulation of human beings – even in prisons, not
to speak of civilian populations.”
After all the meanderings in the book, perhaps the
most interesting depiction was in the front of the book; this scene was
from another assassination tome altogether, D.M. Thomas, Flying into
Love, 1992:
“He thought he would go down to the lunch-room and
have a coke. They must be in the building by now. It was so easy to
hide, with such confusion, so many stacks of crates here, there and
everywhere. They might even be hiding in a crate, with the rifles.
Including his Mannlicher-Carcano and three of four bullets they’d fired
from it. He had no idea who ‘they’ were, only that one of them looked
like him, as it happened.”
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