H.P. Albarelli, Jr.’s journey into the strange
quirks and oddities he had discovered about the many people somehow
associated with the assassination of President John Kennedy on November
22, 1963 is referred to as “high strangeness and synchronicity”. Michael
Petro referred to it as “curious scraps of information”. Indeed, the
numerous references to the many
faces somehow connected to Kennedy (Lee Oswald, the Central Intelligence
Agency [CIA], the Mob, the Federal Bureau of Investigation [FBI], and
others) were often a bog of facts and comments, though tantalizing and
dramatic, still seemed to be a jungle of confusing loose ends.
The early part of the book was an attempt in tracing
the dawn of psychiatry in the 1940s and 1950s leading to Intelligence
Programs such as the CIA’s top-secret Projects MK/Naomi, MK/Ultra, and Project Artichoke.
“The CIA and the military, which were quickly drawn
to the Program,” said Abarelli, “were becoming intrigued with the
possibilities of creating what were then referred to as ‘aggressive
soldiers’ and now are called ‘super soldiers.’”
Albarelli outlined a number of covert Intelligence
Programs that could have been bedrock for “Manchurian Candidate”
experiments of young children and the populace in general. Fort
Detrick’s Special Operations (SO) Division is mentioned, the Office of
Strategic Operations (OSS), agent George Hunter White, and the Federal
Bureau of Narcotics (FBN).
The author suspected that Oswald could likely have been an early victim of such programs while at a detention center called Youth House. Oswald could have possibly entered into a psychotronic relationship with
psychiatrists and covert operations. Doctor Milton Kurian and Dr.
Renatus Hartogs were psychiatrists that connected with Oswald at Youth
House. Hartogs had previously worked at the Allen Memorial Institute,
Montreal, Canada, where Doctor D. Ewen Cameron, in the mid-1950s under a
covert MK/Ultra contract with the CIA, “conducted a series of horrific
drug and sensory deprivation experiments on unwitting patients.”
New York Post reporter Joseph Wershba questioned
Dr. Hartogs on December 14, 1967 as to if Oswald could have been a
Manchurian Candidate (referring to a 1962 film on controlled soldiers).
Although his log seemed to dismiss such an allegation, Hartogs moved in
circles of covert ML/Ultra and MK/Naomi and the “drug parties” of Dr.
Harold A. Abramson. Dr. Hartogs was an “aficionado” of magic and a
covert contractor for the CIA. He was acquainted with magician John
Mulholland who wrote a manual for CIA operatives containing instructions
on how to “surreptitiously dose unwitting people with drugs, and how to
perform other feats of slight-of-hand.” The Hartogs/Freeman book, The
Two Assassins, told of Oswald’s comments to his mother Marguerite
concerning his return from Russia: “Mother, not even Marina knows why I
Dr. Hartogs’s sexual scandal with his patient Julie
Roy seemed to coincide with the sexual scandal of Canadian psychiatrist
Dr. James Tyhurst. Tyhurst associated with neuropsychologist Dr. Donald
O. Hebb and “both attended a seminal 1951 meeting,” said Abarelli,
“which included participants from the CIA – to discuss early
advancements in sensory deprivation and brainwashing.”
Investigator Dick Russell noted Hartogs’s interest
in hypnotism (Page 53.), as told by Dr. Milton V. Kline, authority on
hypnotism and CIA cohort on Project Artichoke and MK/Ultra.
Kline also disclosed that Hartogs, along with Dr.
Sidney Malitz (a psychiatrist at the New York State Psychiatric
Institute [NYSPI]) and Dr. Paul Hoch (NYSPI research director) were
involved in a number of covert contracts with the CIA and the U.S Army
“to perform experiments with psychosurgery, electroconvulsive therapy,
LSD, mescaline, and other drugs.” Hartogs worked with Malitz on some of
these experiments. Dr. Malitz worked with Fort Detrick’s Special
Operations Division. These experiments were with unwitting patients,
“children and teenagers”. Harold Blauer died because of such
experiments. The CIA selected a group of 100 patients to join in these
episodes (Page 35.). Lee Harvey Oswald was absent from school for at
least 50 days while in New York City.
In the early 1950s, hypnotist George Estabrook wrote
to CIA director Allen Dulles about the merits of hypnosis in covert
operations. “The CIA, U.S Army Fort Detrick, the Edgewood Arsenal, and
the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) funded many of these contracts.
Chief among these physicians were: Drs. Bernard Withens, Harold
Esecover, and Harold A. Abramson.”
Dr. Lauretta Bender, a child neuropsychistrist at
the New York City Bellevue Hospital, experimented extensively on
children using electroshock treatment,
“DE patterning” and “annihilation”. Also involved was Dr. D. Ewen
Cameron, who would eventually head the MK/Ultra subproject 68. Dr. Leon
Eisenberg spoke of Bender’s patients in these experiments as “…psychotic
and perhaps worse off than before the treatment.”
Allbarelli ventured through several interesting
episodes that the reader would best explore. One such incident concerned
Marguerite Oswald’s interview by Davis Eugene Boster, a life-long
Foreign Service officer and covert CIA operative within the State
Department. At one point, he was a staff assistant to Secretary of State
John Foster Dulles. The interview also included State Department
employees Denman F. Stanfield and Edward J. Hickey. Part of the
conversation went:
Marguerite: “Now I know you are not going to answer me gentlemen, but I am under the impression that my son is an agent.”
Boster: “Do you mean a Russian agent?”
Marguerite: “No, working for our Government, a U.S agent.”
Marguerite also explained to the Warren Commission:
“And this is the way I think, because I happen to know all of the other
things that you don’t know - the life and everything…And I can almost
back it up with things…yes, sir, I think my son was an agent. I
certainly do.” (Page 64.)
Oswald was stationed at Atsugi Naval Air Base,
Japan, a huge underground 50-acre CIA Field Installation, 1957-1958, at a
time when Operation Artichoke physicians and technicians conducted
“enhanced interrogations” at the base.
Albarelli told of Oswald’s appearances at East
Louisiana State Hospital. He also went through episodes involving
psychiatrists Dr. Robert G. Heath, Dr. Frank Silva and Dr. Alfred T.
Butterworth and their contributions to psychotronics. Albarelli told
about the further mysterious workings of Archcha Smith, David Ferrie,
Ferrie’s Civilian Air Patrol (CAP), detective Jack S. Martin, CIA
operative June Cobb, and a mysterious Rose Cherami who also had been a
patient at the East Louisiana State Hospital in 1961.
“The Oswald sighting at the East Louisiana State
Hospital seems cut and dry, but as with most events concerning Oswald,”
said Albarelli, “the facts surrounding dwell in another realm of
ambiguity and interconnectedness, an alternate universe clouded by high
strangeness where everything has multidimensions of meaning and truth.”
Albarelli had an interesting chapter on Rose Cherami
(Melba Christine Marcades), mystery woman, hooker, and drug addict, who
was committed to the East Louisiana State Hospital in Jackson,
Mississippi following an auto accident on Highway 190. The state
hospital was infamous in the annuals of the Kennedy assassination. Rose
Cherami seemed to have been housed in several CIA-infiltrated facilities
over the years. Louisiana detective Lt. Francis Paul Fruge investigated
Cherami the day before the Kennedy assassination. While in the
hospital, Cherami told Dr. Don Bowers that Kennedy was going to be
murdered in Dallas.
Cherami had once worked for Jack Ruby in Dallas as a
stripper and “drug courier.” She said he had seen Oswald with Ruby. She
also contended that Ruby was involved in the planned assassination.
Rose Cherami died from another auto accident on September 4, 1965.
Dallas police were not interested in Cherami’s
testimony (Page 97.), but Rose had quite a bit to say about drug
trafficking in Texas. Albarelli continued into her career that connected
“to yet another unsolved murder – that of Houston police detective
Martin A. Billnitzer – and therefor to the Federal Bureau of Narcotics,
George Hunter White, and the CIA…”
The Texas drug-trafficking scenario involved
corruption throughout the state, CIA “Executive Action” contractor Jean
Pierre Lafittie, CIA officials in “hypnotism training”, MK/Ultra, the
findings of New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison, and the criminal
involvement of Sergio Arcacha Smith and Emilio Santana.
“Billnitzer apparently committed suicide (shot
himself twice) in his office the morning after being interviewed (by
police investigators)…” (Page 115.) “…drugs put back on the street
through the back door of the Houston Police Department but Billnitzer
expanded his chief objective was to get these drugs off the streets
permanently…” (Page 103.)
The book was filled with bits, pieces and history of
Intelligence operations and spies galore: a kaleidoscope of faces and
bodies merged into each other as mingled smoke from the lanterns of
crime: Drug dealers, corrupt law enforcement, CIA contract assassins,
mafia mercenaries, and “shadow government agents”:
· CIA operative David Sanchez Morales.
· CIA operative Charles William Thomas.
· Dr. Sidney Gottlieb.
· Operative Vida June Cobb.
· Project Bluebird.
· Operative David Atlee Phillips.
· JM/Wave CIA station in Miami, Florida.
· ZR/Alert and ZR/Awake (hypnotically-controlled operations).
· Operative Nicholas Deak.
· Others.
Part II of this article continues tomorrow Sunday, May 18, 2014!
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