Ladies It’s Finally Time To Take off That Bra… For Good!
by Alanna Ketler.//
According to the American Cancer
Society, there is absolutely no evidence that leads to the correlation
between wearing a bra and contracting breast cancer. The reasoning
behind this is that there have been no conclusive studies done to show
that there is a link. But doesn’t that mean that there have been no
studies done to show the opposite either? To dismiss something because
there is no information to prove it, is extremely silly, to say
the least. In the 1930’s there was no link that proved that cigarettes
caused lung cancer either, in fact, doctors were still promoting
cigarette smoking in the 1950’s. It wasn’t until 1964 when the American
Cancer Society finally mentioned that there was a direct link between
cigarette smoking and lung cancer. Perhaps someday in the future, this
will be the story of the bra, and people will say “I can’t believe they
didn’t realize that there was a link between wearing bras and breast
Another noteworthy piece of information
is that much like the cancer industry, there is a huge bra industry as
well. When you think about how many bras each woman is buying every
year, this is a multi-billion dollar industry in the US alone.
Right now, we do not know for sure that
wearing bras causes cancer, but at least we can look at some of the
evidence, and from there make an informed decision for ourselves.
Evidence To Support The Claim
Wearing a bra can restrict the extremely
thin lymphatic vessels, by compressing the vessels, which then can lead
to a build up of toxic fluid, which would otherwise be drained through
this system. When these vessels are closed there is less oxygen and
nutrients delivered to the cells while toxic waste materials are not
being flushed away. Is it possible that this build up of toxins is
linked to fibrocystic cysts? Fibrocystic cysts are fluid filled sacks
that can appear as hard lumps in the breasts, medical research connects
these cysts with increased risk of breast cancer.
In a study that was conducted by Syd and
Soma Singer in May of 1991, 4000 women in 5 major U.S. cities were
interviewed. All of the women who were studied were of Caucasian descent
and mostly of “medium income,” their age ranged from 30 to 79, almost
half had been diagnosed with breast cancer. The majority of the women
who were interviewed said that they were unhappy with the shape and size
of their breasts and wore a bra for appearance only. 3 out of 4 of
these women who wore their bras to sleep contracted breast cancer, and 1
in 7 women who wore their bras for more than 12 hours a day did too.
This study concluded that just 1 in 168 women who did not wear a bra
contracted breast cancer, which is the same amount as men (who do not
wear a bra. :P)
While keeping this in mind, what can you do to potentially minimize your risk of developing breast cancer?
Minimize Your Risk
For me personally, on a day-to-day basis
I do not wear a bra. I haven’t for about 4 years now. However, I will
wear one for certain occasions and depending on what I am wearing, but
this is very minimal. Up until about a year ago I had no idea of this
potential link to breast cancer, but I stopped wearing one for the mere
fact that it was extremely uncomfortable. I know a lot of women with big
breasts are thinking that this just isn’t possible for them, but did
you know that when you wear a bra all the time you are actually
weakening the ligaments of the breasts? If you keep your breasts free of
support for a period of time, these ligaments will grow stronger and
then your breasts will support themselves a bit better. A French study
done by Professor Jean-Denis Roullion used calipers to measure changes
in the breasts of 330 women over a 15-year period. He found that bras
didn’t do anything that they were purported to do, and they didn’t
alleviate back-pain, but rather intensified it! Also, they didn’t do
anything to prevent breast tissue from sagging. In his opinion the bra
is a “false need.” The findings of the study suggest that breasts would
gain more tone and support themselves if no bra were used because as
researchers explain, bras limit the growth of supporting breast tissue
leaving the breast to wither and degrade quicker. Further, the study
found that women who took off their bras experience an average of 7mm
lift in their nipples from each year they didn’t wear a bra- amazing! An
important thing to note is that Roullion suggests that if you are over
the age of 45 not wearing a bra would do very little, if anything to
lift the breasts.
If you must wear a bra, consider ones
with no underwire and aren’t too tight. Try to wear the bra for as short
of a time as possible, and give your breasts a good rub and massage
after they’ve been released! By no means should you ever be sleeping in
your bra. If you are worried about your nipples showing, maybe consider
wearing a camisole under your shirt, but even if they do show, it’s not
the end of the world.
Much Love
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