A Major Development In The Vaccine Autism Link Exposes The CDC’s Cover Up
by Joe Martino
Watchung, New Jersey, April 16, 2014. In an April 8 interview on
AutismOne’s A Conversation of Hope radio show, Congressman Bill Posey’s
strong resolve and demands for transparency were evident as he
discussed the Center for Disease Control (CDC)’s handling of vaccine
safety studies which affect “our most precious resource in our nation –
our children.” The 30-minute interview, conducted by vaccine industry
watchdog, PhD biochemist Brian Hooker, delves into what Posey called
“the incestuous relationship between the public health community and the
vaccine makers and public officials.”
In a new development involving a
press release from congressman Bill Posey who has called out the CDC,
the link between autism and vaccines takes another step closer to truth.
To begin, and I truly believe this is
incredibly important to embrace, one of the biggest issues we have with
the vaccine debate and link to autism is the lack of level headedness on
both sides of the coin. Human ego has led us to fight each other on a
very serious and real issue as opposed to coming together and figuring
out what the best course of action is. On one side, anti-vaxers are
calling anyone who uses vaccines ‘stupid’ while on the other side
pro-vaxers are calling anyone who doesn’t stupid and conspiracy
theorists. This has to stop. Plain a simple.
Cooked Research
There have been a number of studies done
that conclude a link between autism and vaccines, and there have been
some that show no link. In this new development, we are finding out that
the studies that show no link may have been fabricated by one of the
CDC’s main individuals involved in research. As many who perform studies
know, it isn’t difficult to set up a study to get the result you are
looking for. Considering the CDC has failed to answer a direct question
about vaccines and autism, one that would involve a very basic study
comparing vaccines rates and autism rates, one could assume quite easily
that the CDC is refusing to do this research and answer these questions
because the research would reveal a link right away.
In the press release Posey also speaks of an individual named Thorsen who was involved in fishy financial arrangements with the CDC where he would be involved in ‘cooking’ the research to tell a certain story while avoiding another.“I asked her a very direct question. ‘Have you done a study comparing autism rates in vaccinated vs. unvaccinated children?…’ She started telling us about everything she’s done …After she wasted three minutes, I cut her off and I demanded that she answer the question. And then, only then, did she admit that the federal government has never done that very simple, fundamental, basic study.” U.S. Congressman Bill Posey
“He was closely tied to the CDC’s top vaccine safety researchers… as long as Thorsen was cooking the books to produce the results they wanted, they didn’t care whether the studies were valid or how much money was being siphoned off the top…”
Interestingly Bill Posey has revealed
that the CDC has also set up an orchestrated campaign to shape public
opinion about vaccines. One of their biggest moves is to go online where
information isn’t controlled and spin to fit the goals and agendas of
large corporations. The campaign attacks bloggers and websites, even
people who question vaccines at all, they intend to vilify them, make
them feel stupid, and turn others against them.
Instead of simply answering questions
and doing proper research, Posey’s claims suggest the CDC has chosen to
avoid real questions and simply attack those who question things while
turning the regular public on people who do question, creating fights
and arguments online. Something we have seen all too much here at CE.
Now given the mis-information people use to fight each other is part of a
CDC campaign, it really makes their attempt to keep this hidden seem
even more intense.
Below is a press release that was sent
out regarding Bill Posey’s statements as he spoke to Brian Hooker, PhD,
PE, about the CDC and their research practices. Please read this
U.S. Congressman Compares Corruption in CDC’s Vaccine Safety Studies to SEC’s Handling of Bernie Madoff Scandal
Congressman Bill Posey Has Strong Words for Government Agency. Concludes: “I think the CDC Should Be Investigated.”
The Florida legislator, known as “Mr.
Accountabililty,” did not mince words when criticizing current and past
CDC officials including indicted fraudster Dr. Poul Thorsen; CDC
director turned Merck Vaccine President Dr. Julie Gerberding; and
the agency’s current spokesperson regarding autism and vaccines, Dr. Coleen Boyle.
the agency’s current spokesperson regarding autism and vaccines, Dr. Coleen Boyle.
On Thorsen, Posey said “If you read
through the emails and learned about the meetings and the financial
arrangement this crook had with the CDC, it will make you absolutely
sick to your stomach. This was no casual researcher way down the line.
This is the CDC’s key man in Denmark. He was closely tied to the CDC’s
top vaccine safety researchers… as long as Thorsen was cooking the books
to produce the results they wanted, they didn’t care whether the
studies were valid or how much money was being siphoned off the top…It’s
like the Security and Exchange Commission and Bernie Madoff. But it’s
worse because we’re talking about someone who basically stole money that
was supposed to be used to improve the health and safety of our most
vulnerable in our society – our young babies.”
Dr. Hooker remarked that Thorsen had
collaborated with the CDC on 36 papers, not just one paper as claimed by
Dr. Boyle, and that the agency refused to investigate studies
exonerating vaccines’ role in causing autism following his indictment on
wire fraud and money laundering. Posey described Boyle as
“intentionally evasive,” in his questioning of her at a Congressional
hearing. ”I asked her a very direct question. ‘Have you done a study
comparing autism rates in vaccinated vs. unvaccinated children?…’ She
started telling us about everything she’s done …After she wasted three
minutes, I cut her off and I demanded that she answer the question. And
then, only then, did she admit that the federal government has never
done that very simple, fundamental, basic study.”
About Boyle’s denial of a true increase
in autism, Posey said, “I know we have an autism epidemic. You know it.
She knows it. She knows we know it. But for some reason they refuse to
acknowledge it publicly.” Regarding Boyle’s assertion that the increase
is due to better diagnosing, Posey said, “I don’t think anybody that’s
intellectually honest with this issue can begin to fathom that lame
excuse that she uses.” He also described an orchestrated campaign on
behalf of the CDC and vaccine industry: “people who do all the blogging
and shredding anyone who dares question the unaccountable bureaucrats.”
He spoke of “their little media network [that will] twist the truth to
disparage, to malign, to vilify, to denigrate anybody who wants any kind
of accountability….”
Posey then discussed his co-sponsorship
with Rep. Carolyn Maloney of the Vaccine Safety Study Act. He said the
proposed legislation would compel the government to conduct a
retrospective vaccinated vs. unvaccinated study of health outcomes. He
felt it could be done with “accountability and direct oversight of the
In his closing remarks, Posey said, “The
CDC can’t be trusted regarding investigating vaccine safety. Huge
conflict of interest. I think the CDC should be investigated.”
Barry Segal, founder of Focus Autism, which sponsors Dr. Hooker’s investigative research, called the interview “a game changer.”
Representative Bill Posey is serving his
third term in Florida’s 8th Congressional District. He serves on the
Committee for Science, Space and Technology. He was instrumental in the
release of CDC documents regarding a link between vaccines and autism.
These papers are now being analyzed by several researchers, including
Dr. Brian Hooker.
Brian Hooker, PhD, PE, has 15 years
experience in the field of bioengineering and is an associate professor
at Simpson University where he specializes in biology and chemistry. His
over 50 science and engineering papers have been published in
internationally recognized, peer-reviewed journals. Dr. Hooker has a
son, aged 16, who developed normally but then regressed into autism
after receiving Thimerosal (mercury-containing) vaccines.
The Focus Autism Foundation
is dedicated to providing information that exposes the cause or causes
of the autism epidemic and the rise of chronic illnesses – focusing
specifically on the role of vaccinations. A Shot of Truth is an educational website sponsored by Focus Autism. AutismOne is
a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that provides education and
supports advocacy efforts for children and families touched by an autism
FDA Document Reports Autism Link After Tetanus, Pertussis & Diptheria Combination Vaccine
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