Was Fainting Woman In Rose Garden Just Another Obama Fake, Kind Of Like His Birth Certificate Is Fake?
One of the inevitable consequences that flows from learning that someone is a chronic, compulsive liar is that you eventually don’t believe anything they say or do. President Barack Obama is distinguishing himself as, perhaps, the top liar ever to occupy the White House. We all know that politicians occasionally don’t tell the truth, just as we know that, for national security reasons, leaders occasionally can’t tell the truth. But Obama is truly the King of Lies. With his track record, people are doubting the Rose Garden fainting scene and resurrecting doubts about his birth certificate.
That Rose Garden faint proves either that the President has eyes in the back of his head, or that he’s faking it AGAIN
“No matter how we reform health care, we
will keep this promise: If you like your doctor, you will be able to
keep your doctor. Period.” (AMA Address, June 15, 2009.)
“No matter how we reform health care, we
will keep this promise: . . . If you like your health care plan, you
will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it
away.” (AMA Address, June 15, 2009.)
“Here’s what happened [in Benghazi on
September 11, 2012]. . . . You had a video that was released by somebody
who lives here, sort of a shadowy character who — who made an extremely
offensive video directed at — at Mohammed and Islam – [Letterman
clarifies “the Prophet Mohammed,” and Obama resumes]. Making fun of the
Prophet Mohammed. And so, this caused great offense in much of the
Muslim world. But what also happened, extremists and terrorists used
this as an excuse to attack a variety of our embassies, including the
one, the consulate in Libya.” (David Letterman Show, September 18,
“I said Benghazi was a terrorist attack from the beginning.”
“First of all, I didn’t set a red line.
The world set a red line.” (Speaking in Sweden, September 4, 2013. In
fact, on August 21, 2012, Obama stated “A red line for us is we start
seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being
utilized. That would change my calculus. That would change my
“Planned Parenthood provides mammograms.” (Presidential debate, October 16, 2012.)
“Under our plan, no federal dollars will
be used to fund abortions, and federal conscience laws will remain in
place.” (Speaking at the U.S. Capitol, September 9, 2009.)
You get the idea. Our President lies the way other people breathe – automatically and constantly.Because of the President’s reputation, people are coming forward to question the way Obama “rescued” the pregnant woman who allegedly “fainted” while he was giving his Informercial in the Rose Garden to sell people on the completely dysfunctional Obamacare exchange.
What was sold to the public was that a pregnant woman fainted and that Obama quickly reached slightly behind himself to rescue her while all others stood still. A lot of people asked themselves how it was that Obama, who stood about three feet directly in front of the woman was the one who suddenly saved her.
Two people have come up with interesting answers, both of which say the woman was a plant and the whole scene was intended to make Obama look good, while distracting from the Obamacare debacle. Watch the videos and see what you think, especially knowing Obama’s history of lying.
Incidentally, the second one is a genuinely funny video, with the narrator commenting on the sheer number of fainting events that happen around Obama. It makes one think that a significant number of health problems in the U.S. that involve fainting could be fixed if Obama would just go away:
It’s entirely possible that Barack Obama really does have eyes in the back of his head and extraordinary reflexes, and that what we saw was the real deal. It’s just that we’ve gotten to the point where intelligent, informed people are asking “Why should we trust this man?”.
Which brings us back to where it all started – the Obama birth certificate, the one that was never actually produced, but was only shown to a single reporter, with the rest of the world getting only a PDF to look upon. Given President Obama’s documented history of dishonesty, there are three questions every American should ask about his history. The only thing is, when you ask the questions, be sure not to expect any answers, because you definitely won’t be getting any. In lieu of honest answers, all you’ll get are insults
QUESTION ONE: Is the PDF file on the White House web site, which purports to be a genuine scan of Obama’s certified long-form birth certificate, a fraud?
President Obama claims that he was born in Kapiolani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital on August 4, 1961. His initial proof was a birth announcement in a local paper which, while certainly interesting, is something that Obama, a Harvard-credentialed lawyer, should have known has no evidentiary value. Finally, in response to endless requests for proof, in April 27, 2011 (more than two years after he took his first oath of office) Obama finally produced what he claimed was an officially-certified copy of his Hawaiian long-form birth certificate.
At least, that’s what the press said Obama produced. What he actually did was to allow a single reporter to look at a piece of paper. Then the piece of paper vanished and what took its place was a PDF image posted on the White House website. The White House claims that this image is a true and correct scanned copy of the actual paper birth certificate.
What no one in the Obama administration seemed to have realized at the time is that scans of paper documents have different electronic histories and appearances than do digitally created documents. Back in the day, it was a little bizarre that an administration that ran the most technically-sophisticated campaign in American history could be that ignorant. Since the Obamacare exchange debacle, though, it’s pretty clear that, while Obama may have had smart people on the internet campaign, generally he and his staff are computer ignoramuses.
That ignorance explains why people instantly, and with a lot of irrefutable technical evidence, called the PDF a fraud. Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, relying heavily on their own expertise, the expertise from outside authorities, and on on 1200 tests, concluded that the White House PDF cannot possibly be the scan of an original document.
At this moment, at lot of readers are saying “Aha! That means Obama was born in Kenya and is not qualified under the constitution as a natural born American.” Sorry to say it, folks, but that is too extreme a leap. While we know that Obama’s purported birth certificate is a fake, we don’t know yet what the fake was meant to hide. Currently, we have theories and supposition, but no one of them is stronger than any other one.
The remainder of this article will detail the possible reasons Obama might have tried so hard to fake his birth certificate. Only one of these possibilities would disqualify him from being president. The rest bespeak a peculiar, secretive, rather pathetic upbringing, but do nothing to knock him out of the White House. Since Obama’s alleged Kenyan birth is the most beloved of those who have doubted his bona fides, we’ll start with that one.
QUESTION TWO: Was Obama born in Kenya?
One of the strongest pieces of evidence to support the contention that Obama was born in Kenya is Obama himself. In 1991, when he was a young man attempting to break into the publishing world, he was picked up by a literary agency, Acton & Dystel. That agency put together a little booklet describing its stable of writers. For Barack Obama’s bio, the agency boasted that Obama was “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.”
There are only two ways this could have happened. Either Obama voluntarily provided this information or, when the literary agents made an assumption about him, Obama didn’t correct it. It’s inconceivable that he never saw the brochure.
The blurb is either true or false. That is, he was either Kenyan born, or not. The question is why? If it’s true, that explains Obama volunteering or agreeing with the information. If it’s false, Obama must have participated in that falsehood. He may very well have lied to give himself a more romantic past, thereby increasing his cachet as an author. Understandably, Obama has never addressed this flyer. If it was a lie, it goes to his character; if it was the truth, he’s just done himself out of his job at the White House.
There are several other uncorroborated stories that indicate a Kenyan birth. Most recently, American missionaries reported that the Kenyans in the village they visited boasted frequently and in great detail about the fact that Obama was born in their village. Village boasts, however, are not evidence. They may just be signs of wishful thinking. After all, everybody likes to claim as their own someone who is famous.
Kenyans have long been proud of the man they claim as their native son. Back in 2004, when Obama appeared on the national scene as a United States senator hopeful, The Sunday Standard, a Kenyan publication, boasted proudly that
Kenyan-born US Senate hopeful, Barrack Obama, appeared set to take over the Illinois Senate seat after his main rival, Jack Ryan, dropped out of the race on Friday night amid a furor over lurid sex club allegations.
The article indicates that its source is the Associated Press (the same one that the Obama administration has been spying on). However, digging in the archives reveals that it was the Kenyan publication that amended the AP report to add that line about Obama’s being “Kenyan-born.” We do not know how The Sunday Standard reached the conclusion that Obama was Kenyan-born, but a good guess would be that Acton & Dystel flyer introducing Obama to potential book publishers.
Finally, there’s a story that has been simmering and bubbling under the surface, but is slowly coming to light: a citizen journalist named Dan Crosby claims to have seen in the British National Archives a handwritten notation from 1961 confirming that Barack Obama, Sr., registered in Kenya the birth of a son. Although Barack Obama Sr. was a polygamist, he did not record any other births in or around the time Obama would have been born.
Crosby’s statement, while intriguing, is not evidence. Even the fact that Obama, Sr., made no mention of a wife or American-born child at the end of August 1961, when he was attempting to extend his Visa to stay in the United States, is not evidence. It’s all very interest, but it proves nothing.
Bottom line: the Kenya birth narrative is fascinating but not proven. There is currently insufficient evidence to believe that Barack Obama was not born in Hawaii, precisely as he said he was. Of course, that still leaves unanswered the important question: If Barack Obama was born in Hawaii, why would he produce a forged PDF birth certificate?
Well, there is another theory. . . .
QUESTION THREE: Is Obama hiding the fact that his real father was an ardent Communist (and pornographer and pedophile) named Frank Marshall Davis
When he “wrote” Dreams From My Father, Obama referred twenty-two times to a mentor named “Frank.” Frank was a very important figure in Obama’s life, at least according to his “autobiography.” Indeed, Obama says that Frank was the last person he visited before leaving Hawaii for Occidental college. Contemporary recollections from people who knew Obama’s Dunham grandparents confirm that Frank was a very close friend of Stanley Dunham, Obama’s grandfather.
Intriguingly, when Obama hit the national political scene, and made the audio recording for Dreams From My Father, Frank Marshall Davis disappeared, as effectively as if a Soviet censor had ripped painted him out of a picture (something Soviets were known to do when pictures showed inconveniently purged people hanging around Stalin).
Not only was Davis a proud communist, which most Americans will concede is not an admirable political ideology, he was also a pornographer and, at least according to his own autobiography, a pedophile. Back in August 2008, The Telegraph, a reputable British newspaper has a great deal to say about Davis’ obsessive and deviant sexual practices, including a predilection for white women:
It has also been established that Mr Davis, who divorced in 1970, was the author of a hard-core pornographic autobiography published in San Diego in 1968 by Greenleaf Classics under the pseudonym Bob Greene.Ick. This is not someone an aspiring politician wants to claim as his social and political mentor.
In a surviving portion of an autobiographical manuscript, Mr Davis confirms that he was the author of Sex Rebel: Black after a reader had noticed the “similarities in style and phraseology” between the pornographic work and his poetry.
“I could not then truthfully deny that this book, which came out in 1968 as a Greenleaf Classic, was mine.” In the introduction to Sex Rebel, Mr Davis (writing as Greene) explains that although he has “changed names and identities…all incidents I have described have been taken from actual experiences”.
He stated that “under certain circumstances I am bisexual” and that he was “ a voyeur and an exhibitionist” who was “occasionally mildly interested in sado-masochism”, adding: “I have often wished I had two penises to enjoy simultaneously the double – but different – sensations of oral and genital copulation.”
The book, which closely tracks Mr Davis’s life in Chicago and Hawaii and the fact that his first wife was black and his second white, describes in lurid detail a series of shockingly sordid sexual encounters, often involving group sex.
One chapter concerns the seduction by Mr Davis and his first wife of a 13-year-old girl called Anne. Mr Davis wrote that it was the girl who had suggested he had sex with her. “I’m not one to go in for Lolitas. Usually I’d rather not bed a babe under 20.
“But there are exceptions. I didn’t want to disappoint the trusting child. At her still-impressionistic age, a rejection might be traumatic, could even cripple her sexually for life.”
He then described how he and his wife would have sex with the girl. “Anne came up many times the next several weeks, her aunt thinking she was in good hands. Actually she was.
“She obtained a course in practical sex from experienced and considerate practitioners rather than from ignorant insensitive neophytes….I think we did her a favour, although the pleasure was mutual.”
On other occasions, Mr Davis would cruise in Hawaii parks looking for couples or female tourists to have sex with. He derived sexual gratification from bondage, simulated rape and being flogged and urinated on.
He boasted that “the number of white babes interested in at least one meeting with a Negro male has been far more than I can handle” and wished “America were as civilised as, say, Scandinavia”. He concluded: “I regret none of my experiences or unusual appetites; for me they are normal.”
But what does the sordid Frank Marshall Davis have to do with Obama’s birth certificate? It turns out that he also fits the bill quite nicely as Obama’s too-embarrassing-to-acknowledge real father.
Obama’s grandparents, Stanley and Madelyn Dunham, might have been happy socializing in a cool, Progressive way with such a disreputable character – one, moreover, who shared their far-Left political ideology – but that didn’t mean that they wanted to acknowledge him as their grandchild’s father. Back in 1960, no matter how ardent Progressives were, it was still a bridge too far to have ones daughter pregnant out-of-wedlock with a black, communist pornographer.
If this was indeed the case – that Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, had gotten herself knocked up by a black communist pornographer – her parents quickly needed to find a more reputable black father to claim for Stanley Ann. Enter Barack Hussein Obama, Sr.
Not only was Obama Sr. black, which was a necessity to explain a half black baby, he also had the cachet of being an internationally born intellectual. If Obama Sr. was willing, whether for money or as a favor, to marry, or pretend to marry Stanley Ann, Obama’s birth would be a nice, tidy affair, with the eccentric Stanley marrying an exotic African, instead of a sordid pornographer.
If this was the case, the original birth certificate may still have identified Davis as the father – or claimed that there was no father. The Dunhams, who couldn’t have imagined that Barry Obama, Jr., would go on to become president of the United States, must have figured that no one would ever look at the birth certificate carefully enough to notice that it named Frank Marshall Davis – or no one at all – as little Barry’s daddy. It was enough, they thought, in the eyes of the world for Stanley Ann to marry, or pretend to marry Obama Sr., and to claim him as her son’s father.
This is all conjecture, of course. The most compelling evidence – which would have minimal weight in a court of law — is photographic: Obama looks very like his mother. He looks nothing like Barack Obama, Sr., or any of his alleged Kenyan relatives. And, coincidentally, he looks surprisingly like a watered-down version of Frank Marshall Davis:
So where does this leave us?
As of today, we have no facts at all about our President’s birth. We only have supposition, some of which is more reasonable and compelling than others.
At this point, based upon the evidence that Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse collected, it is not just reasonable, but probable, that the long-form birth certificate that Obama posted as a PDF on the White House website is a forgery. Not only does it have all the indicators of a layered, electronically created PDF document, Obama has allowed only one person to see the alleged original paper copy. Just as importantly, Obama’s supporters have been unable to offer credible reasons explaining why what is purported to be a paper scan is, in fact, proven to be a lawyered PDF with manipulated data.
In the absence of a genuine birth certificate, people have advanced two primary alternative theories. Although both are interesting, neither is provable beyond a reasonable doubt.
The first theory – the “Birther theory” – is that Obama was born in Kenya. The evidence is (1) that Obama claimed he was; (2) that there is a purported birth certificate in his name, although Obama’s supporters contend it’s a fraud; (3) that one man claims to have seen, but not photographed or photocopied, documentary evidence in the British National Archives proving that Barack Obama, Sr. had a son in 1961; and (4) that Kenyans like to claim Obama as their native son.
All of the “Kenyan birth” evidence is interesting. None meets a “burden of proof” standard. For people to assert, based upon this evidence, that Obama is Kenyan and therefore cannot be president, makes them look credulous, rather than wise.
The second theory – “the Frank Marshall Davis theory” – theory is even more impossible to prove. The facts and conjecture go like this: (1) Obama’s family had a close connection to Davis, (2) Obama looks like Davis, (3) Davis was a close family friend, and (4) Davis was a very embarrassing figure, both in 1961, when Obama was born, and after 2000, when Obama began to move towards the national political stage.
We’ll almost certainly never know the truth behind the Davis narrative – and it doesn’t matter. If Davis was Obama’s father, Obama meets the constitutional criterion for a natural born American. Moreover, if Davis’ Communism infected Obama, that is again irrelevant. Obama is what he is, no matter what led him to this point. His genetic roots and his upbringing make for an interesting story, but they don’t affect what’s currently on the political table in America.
Bottom line: our President continues to remain a cipher. We know that the narrative he’s asserted is false, but we have no credible evidence to advance with surety any other narrative about Obama. Based on what we know now, there are only two documents that would conclusively prove one way or another what Obama is hiding: (1) The original paper-copy of his long-form birth certificate, which might show Barack Obama Sr. as his official father, Frank Marshall Davis as is official father, or an unknown person as his official father. (2) Irrefutable evidence that the British National Archive contains contemporary Kenyan documents from 1961 stating that Barack Obama, Sr. fathered, in Kenya, a baby boy given the name “Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.”
Other helpful evidence would be his applications for admission to Occidental College, Columbia University, and Harvard law school; any financial aid applications he made during those years; and his pass port information immediately before, during, and after his sojourn in Indonesia. All of these documents might have attached to them actual copies of Obama real birth certificate or they could contain Obama’s statements under oath about his country of origin.
Until then . . . Americans are in a factual limbo, waiting for the truth. The only thing they know with certainty is that they really don’t know who their president is. He’s a man proven to have wrapped his past and present in a cloud of lies and fakery.
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