Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Leon Foucault Google Doodle Pendulum Terror

Posted by George Freund on September 18, 2013

Prepare yourselves with this one. We discussed Foucault in the Mother's Day Google doodle. The point of the story was a possible date of September 22nd which is still on the horizon. Being a doubling of the 11 in the classic 9/11, the Satanists double the power of the event. 
The Paris clock is an exact image of the doodle
There are controls to the pendulum. It can be swung in a manner that knocks over all the yellow pegs like dominoes. Whether these are the nations or the banks the effects will be felt. In our Mother's Day dissertation we observed the swinging pendulum. We noted one of the most popular uses of same today was found in clocks the most popular of which is Big Ben in London a classic NWO target city. If the clock is the key, there are a limited number of pendulum clocks in the world. As this pendulum is adjusted with the control mechanisms at the upper right, it can be made to strike any of the pegs. That allows the plan flux to strike at any target. However, we have been advised that one target city, Ottawa, was having a three day emergency drill. The National Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosives (CBRNE) Response Team composed of the RCMP and Ottawa Police are engaged in such for three days. There are thirteen such clocks in Canada. Of course one is in Ottawa at Carleton University. If that is the concealed message of the doodle, the false flag may be raised to the north of the Union. The effect will be the same I would suspect.
The clock at the Herzberg Physics Building at Carleton University is a model of the French experiment. If there is more to the drill than we are told, then you heard it here first. Drills are commonly used as cover for covert ops. The complexity of movement of the doodle pendulum means they could strike almost anywhere there is a Foucault clock. If you are in such a location, watch out for suspicious police or military activity. Stephen Harper's government has been in league with false flag terror from the start. Remember it is his government not yours. He works for the Queen.
There is an unexpected element to this reading of the Google doodle. The pressure point that jives with the 'drill' is in Ottawa. Carleton University has a pendulum clock like the one featured in the doodle. Around the corner from the University yesterday occurred one of the most bizarre accidents in Canadian history. An Ottawa transit bus approached a level rail crossing with a speeding VIA train crossing. The barriers were down the lights were flashing. The train would be blasting it's horn; and the bus driver, David Woodard a ten year veteran, drove directly into the approaching train while the terrified passengers screamed for him to STOP! He didn't. He was killed along with five other people. It is an awesome error. Buses are required by law to stop at all rail crossings. It should be second nature. Was there something more sinister afoot? Was the NWO taking care of business? There is no rational explanation for the driver to kill himself. There are allegation of systemic brake problems with that type of bus. There is the possibility the driver had a medical problem at the wheel. It will takes months to determine.
In the link at the top of the page to our Mother's Day doodle, we introduce the prolific writer Edgar Allan Poe and his stories with pendulums. The pendulum bore dark omens in that genre of writing. There is a lot of pressure on the western governments to start a war with Syria. Their poison gas operation failed public scrutiny. They need another domestic false flag black operation. The United States has not proven to be fertile ground as of late. Too many Americans are on to the trick. Canada has always been a good back door to get secret agendas across. Our Prime Minister is totally committed to the secret societies. They haven't had a kick at the can since the attempted Toronto terror attack. My boots were on the ground tailing the perpetraitors, and they weren't the patsies. Is it time for the next? Our doodle on trains was timely and detailed on a potential plot to terrorize a train. The twilight language is unseen. It is a shadow from a higher dimension. It can be read by those who attune their skills. A higher dimension casts a visible shadow to the one below. We see that shadow. Whether on purpose or by unexpected consequences, the doodles reveal the unseen. It is the pendulum. It can swing in infinite directions. I wait and watch for the movements. 
Foucault pendulum
Foucault discovered that a copper disc held between the poles of a magnet requires more force to rotate. The disc became heated by eddy currents called Foucault currents. Like our hidden meanings, they are unseen. We exist between the poles of the Earth's magnetic fields. So same currents can affect the things within the fields. That may very well include us. Slowly the victims names are being released. We wait to see if there was a prime target in this tragedy. The first was a Carleton University student. The pendulum is a cruel master of fate. It swings at the behest of forces we cannot yet fully understand. We try to reason with what we know of the seen world and yet are under the influence of the unseen one. Perhaps this event prevented the curtain from rising on the stage Foucault's pendulum swings upon.
I wasn't going to specifically name the first victim identified in the bus crash. His name was Connor Boyd as established in the above link. However, Connor played water polo at school with the Ravens. Edgar Allan Poe's classic is of course The Raven. It would not be difficult to assume he traversed near the pendulum as a student. It is at the bottom of the stairs in a 'pit.' Poe's other classic The Pit and the Pendulum. The twilight language can only lead you in a direction that cannot be controlled in this one. Foucault's other great feat was to name the GYROSCOPE a means of gaining orientation of direction. We see clearly now the course and where it lead.

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