Sunday, July 21, 2013

WATCH: Trayvon Martin ‘Fight Club’ Video Scrubbed From YouTube

Sunday, July 21, 2013 5:05
Trayvon, ‘Fight Club’ referee
Excerpted from The Conservative Treehouse, September 15, 2012: Early on we fully expected the “fight club” videos and all of Trayvon’s™ U-Tube account to be scrubbed by the hired media consultant Ryan Julison. Obviouosly the risk of seeing Trayvon engaged in actual, and intentional, violent conduct was, and still is, significant because it does not support the false image of an innocent angelic child who “majored in cheerfulness“.
We were right, and they did scrub. But not before we captured screen shots to reflect the factual reality. Here is a screen shot of Trayvon’s original U-Tube account (which is not disputed) from March before it was scrubbed of the fight video:
Here is the video he was proud of between “anthony and curtis“. Trayvon is the one in the white ball cap with the striped shirt. You can hear Trayvon called by name, as well as clearly identify his right arm tattoo (seen below). Read the whole thing


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