Thursday, July 18, 2013

VIDEO: Was Journalist Michael Hastings Murdered? Police and Firefighters on the Scene Told not to Comment


hastings car crash
The Political Blind Spot reports:
Mercedes Benz debunks the theory that the car of Wikileaking journalist Michael Hastings “just blew up” upon impact. Journalists have consulted leading University Physics professors in the Los Angeles area, who all agreed that the placement of the engine defied expectations of a normal crash scenario.
Police and reporters on the scene confirm there were NO skid marks, both explaining the videos of the speeding car. (Gag order issued for Police and Firefighters responders to scene of Wikileaking Journalist assassination,  The Political Blind Spot July 11, 2013)
The crime scene has made investigative journalists as well as former military doubt Hastings’ car crash was an accident and claim that Michael Hasting’s car could have been manipulated through remote control. Adding to the murder suspicions is an email Hastings wrote to his coworkers only a few hours before he died:
Subject: FBI Investigation, re: NSA Hey (redacted names) — the Feds are interviewing my “close friends and associates.” Perhaps if the authorities arrive “BuzzFeed GQ,” er HQ, may be wise to immediately request legal counsel before any conversations or interviews about our news-gathering practices or related journalism issues.
Also: I’m onto a big story, and need to go off the rada[r] for a bit.
All the best, and hope to see you all soon. (Melissa Jeltsen,  Michael Hastings Sent Email About FBI Probe Hours Before Death, Huffington Post, June 23, 2013)
WhoWhatWhy published a lengthy article on July 14 in which author Michael Krikorian quotes ”Terry Hopkins, a former U.S. Navy military policeman who served in Afghanistan”:
“I’ve never seen an explosion like that… I’ve seen military vehicles explode, but never quite like that. Look, here’s a reporter who brought down a general. He’s sending out emails saying he’s being watched. It’s four in the morning and his car explodes? Come on, you have to be naïve not to at least consider it wasn’t an accident.” (Michael Krikorian and David J. Krajicek, The Michael Hastings Wreck–Video Evidence Only Deepens the Mystery, WhoWhatWhy, July 14, 2013)
The Political Blind Spot states further:
The most traditional explanation is that the breaks were cut, but the “remote control” hacking of the vehicle has proven exceedingly easy in recent years.
More disturbing still, perhaps is that a gag order has also been placed on cops and firefighters who both responded to and investigated the crash, which occurred in the early hours of June 18 in the Hancock Park neighborhood of Los Angeles.
‘Police and firefighters in Los Angeles have been ordered not to speak to the media about the deadly crash involving Rolling Stone journalist Michael Hastings, fueling speculation that some form of cover-up could be underway.’
Find out more in the video report below…

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