Here’s what your stockbroker and the media aren’t telling you: the world is more indebted now than it was at the height of the financial bubble in 2007. That’s right. Despite the extraordinary government intervention of the past six years. Despite continuing optimism of a recovery. Despite the reassuring words of central bankers. We’re worse off in debt terms.
From this, there are several inevitable conclusions that will be discussed in depth in this piece:
1) The policies pursued since the
financial crisis haven’t worked. Otherwise, debt to GDP ratios would
be decreasing, not increasing.
2) Interest rates can’t rise above GDP
rates, otherwise debt to GDP ratios will climb further. If they do, you
can expect more money printing, budget cuts and tax rises.
3) That means low interest rates are
likely to stay for many, many years. It’s the only way to bring the debt
down to more sustainable levels.
4) The startling thing about the past
six years is the almost total lack of reform to fix the problems which
led to the 2008 debt bust. It’s ironic that a paragon of communism,
China, may well be the one to soon lead the way on substantive
capitalist reforms.
5) Emerging markets, including my
neighbourhood of Asia, may be better off than the developed world when
it comes to debt, but rising asset and commodity prices have papered
over several problems. And these problems are now coming to light.
6) Debt crises happen because incomes
can’t support the servicing of the debt any longer. If there is any
drop-off in economic growth, a 2008 re-run could well be around the
corner. That’s not trying to be dramatic; it’s just the way the math
pans out.
Lashing central bankers
It’s been surreal to watch news of Detroit’s bankruptcy
this week. Once the bastion of a thriving American automobile industry,
the city is now on its knees. Meanwhile, U.S. stock market indices are
hitting all-time highs. Compare and contrast…
But it’s also been fascinating to see the commentary
around the bankruptcy. Much of this commentary blamed a sharply
declining population for the crisis and a host of other reasons. Less
mentioned though was the real reason for the bankruptcy: Detroit simply
spent far more than earned. And it went deeper into debt to finance the
spending, until it could no more.
It’s not entirely surprising that this has been largely
overlooked and that Detroit is being treated as an isolated case. That’s
what politicians in the U.S. and across the developed world want you to
believe. That debt isn’t a big deal and that they can help their cities
and countries grow their way out of indebtedness, but they just need a
bit more time to achieve this.
However, a recent report
by the Bank Of International Settlements (BIS) – often referred to as
the central banks’ bank – shows how difficult this task will be. The BIS
annual report outlines, in a clear and often confronting way, the
realities of the world’s indebtedness and how current money printing and
low interest policies won’t fix the problems emanating from 2008. The
BIS has credibility as it was one of the very few institutions to warn
of excesses in the lead up to the financial crisis. I can’t recommend
the report highly enough.
Let’s have a look at some of the report’s key passages.
First, the BIS details the extent of the world’s debt problem. It says
total debt in large developed market and emerging market countries is
now 20% higher as a percentage of GDP than in 2007. In total, the debt
in these countries is US$33 trillion higher than back then. Almost none
of the countries that it monitors are better off than 2007 in debt to
GDP terms.
The BIS describes the level of debt as clearly
unsustainable. The primary reason is that studies have repeatedly shown
that once debt to GDP rises above 80%, it retards economic growth.
Obviously, if money is being spent on servicing debt, then there’s less
to spend on investment etc. Most developed market economies now have
debt to GDP levels exceeding 100%.
The BIS says governments need to quickly get their
balance sheets in order and does some math to prove why. It says current
long-term bond yields for major advanced economies are around 2%, well
below the average of the two decades leading up to the crisis of 6%.
If yields were to rise just 300 basis points across the
maturity spectrum (and still be below average), the losses would be
enormous. Under this scenario, holders of U.S. Treasury securities would
lose more than US$1 trillion dollars, or almost 8% of U.S. GDP. The
losses for holders of debt in France, Italy, Japan and the U.K. would
range from 15% to 35% of GDP.
Being the primary holders of this debt, banks would be
the biggest losers and ultimately such losses would pose risks for the
entire financial system.
The BIS doesn’t let emerging countries off the hook
either. It suggests that while debt may be lower in these countries,
they’ve benefited from rising asset and commodity prices, which are
unlikely to be sustainable. And therefore caution is warranted here too.
But now we get to the juicy bit where the BIS calls the
extraordinary policies of developed market central banks into question.
For a conservative institution such as the BIS, the language is nothing
short of scathing:
“What central bank accommodation has done during the
recovery is to borrow time – time for balance sheet repair, time for
fiscal consolidation, and time for reforms to restore productivity
growth. But the time has not been well used, as continued low interest
rates and unconventional policies have made it easy for the private
sector to postpone deleveraging, easy for the government to finance
deficits, and easy for the authorities to delay needed reforms in the
real economy and in the financial system. After all, cheap money makes
it easier to borrow than to save, easier to spend than to tax, easier to
remain the same than to change.”
And then this:
“Governments hope that if they wait, the economy will
grow, driving down the ratio of debt to GDP. And politicians hope that
if they wait, incomes and profits will start to grow again, making the
reform of labour and product markets less urgent. But waiting will not
make things any easier, particularly as public support and patience
The BIS recommends urgent, broad-based reforms which
principally involve cutting back on regulation to allow
high-productivity sectors to flourish and for growth to return. It also
says households need to makes further cuts to their debts while
governments also need to get their balance sheets in order. And
regulators need to make sure banks have the capital to absorb any risk
of potential losses of the type mentioned above.
The math of debt
It’s worth elaborating on why the current path appears
unsustainable, as the BIS alludes too. Put simply, debt is a promise to
deliver money. If debt rises faster than money and income, it can do
this for a while but there comes a cut-off point when you can’t service
the debt. When that happens, you have to cut back on the debt, or
deleverage in economic parlance.
There are four ways to deleverage:
1) You can transfer money (Germany transfers money to Cyprus)
2) You can write down the debt. Note though, that one country’s debt is another’s asset.
3) You can cut back on the debt. These days, that’s looked down upon and consequently called austerity.
4) You can print money to cover the debt.
Since 2008, we have seen countries employ all four of these methods.
But the real key is to make sure that interest rates
remain below GDP rates. If that happens, debt to GDP levels will
gradually fall. If not, they’ll inevitably rise. So say bond yields rise
to the post war average of 6% in the U.S., and interest rates increase
to comparative levels, nominal GDP would have to be above 6% for debt to
GDP levels to decline.
If you understand this, then you’ll realise that talk of
“tapering” in the U.S. is likely a load of baloney. Real U.S. GDP
growth is expected to be close to 1% in the second quarter, with
inflation at around 1.1%, resulting in nominal GDP growth of 2.1%. Many
expect this nominal GDP to rise to +3% over the next 12 months. But even
at those levels, bond yields can’t be allowed to rise much further
(with 10-year yields at close to 2.5%). Otherwise, debt to GDP ratios
will rise, impeding future growth and making budget cuts, tax rises and
more money printing inevitable.
If the U.S. does taper and bond yields there rise, this
would put upward pressure on bond yields in Europe. With GDP growth near
zero and still exorbitant debt levels, higher bond yields would quickly
crush the Eurozone.
This is why central banks can’t allow higher bond yields
and interest rates. Of course, central banks don’t control long-term
bond yields; markets do. If central banks want low bond yields, markets
will comply until they don’t. That is until they don’t trust that the
current strategies of central banks are working. Given that investors
are still enamoured with the every word and hint of Ben Bernanke and his
ilk, it would seem that the time when bond markets do turn ugly is
still a way off.
Dreaded reform
As the BIS points out though, reform is also critical
to better economic growth for the developed world and lower debt
burdens. On this front, it’s amazing how little restructuring has
actually occurred in the U.S. and Europe.
In the U.S. for instance, can you name one piece of
significant reform which has reduced regulation and led to growth in new
prospective sectors? I can’t, but maybe I’ve missed something.
The trend of the U.S. results season seems to bear this
out. U.S. banks have killed it, while many other sectors such as tech
haven’t. It’s hardly surprising that current policies are
benefiting banks at the expense of the real economy. After all, not only
did banks get massive bailouts in 2008 but they’ve been given almost
free money from the Federal Reserve via QE ever since. The banking
sector is not back to 2007 levels but it’s gradually getting there. Who
would have thought this would happen just six years after the biggest
debt bust in more than 70 years?
It’s somewhat ironic that instead of the U.S. or Europe,
it’s Asia which may be about to lead the way on the reform front. Late
on Friday, China announced that it would scrap controls on lending rates
and let banks price their loans by themselves. This means cash-strapped
companies may have access to cheaper loans. This cheaper credit could
further spur the current debt bubble. But the move is likely to have an
adverse impact on the profitability of the state-owned banks, thereby
making them more reluctant to lend.
It’s expected that the move will foreshadow a later,
more important policy to remove controls on deposit rates. Higher
deposit rates would increase household income and go some way towards
the government’s goal to increase consumption and re-balance the
These financial reforms are likely to be only a small
part of a plethora of reforms that China will announce over the next 3
months. As I’ve said previously, I think investors are underestimating
the pragmatism of the new leadership and their willingness to take
short-term pain to reap later benefits. It won’t be enough to prevent a
serious economic downturn but it bodes well for the long-term. The one
risk to this scenario is if growth slows enough for unemployment to
rise. If that happens, stimulus may again become the got-to tool at the
expense of reform. But we’re nowhere near that point yet.
Japan is the other country which may go through with
some significant reform. This weekend’s parliamentary elections should
solidify Shinzo Abe’s power and give him the platform to pursue more
deep-seated reforms. However, the big question remains whether any
reform can prevent the country from being overwhelmed by its enormous
debt. I’m in the minority suggesting that the debt is simply too large
and reform will do little to prevent Japan from going insolvent, if it
isn’t already.
Risk of another debt bust?
Which brings me to the key conclusion of this piece.
That is, it’s hard to see the U.S, Europe, Japan and other developed
world countries implementing reform in time to prevent their debts from
rising further and possibly imploding. In other words, many of the fears
of the BIS may well come true.
That may sound pessimistic and, to some, melodramatic.
But the reality is that little has been done in the past six years to
restructure economies and cut debt ie. learning the lessons of
2008. Because we’ve partially recovered from that traumatic
period, that’s led to complacency. All the while, the debt that caused
the bust in the first place has compounded and threatens to undo the
world again.
Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.
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