Sunday, July 21, 2013

Massive Fire JPMorgan Gold Depot – False Flag? (Video)

Sunday, July 21, 2013 4:42

What better way to make sure there is no longer any gold than to ‘destroy the lack of evidence’? A massive fire has struck JPMorgan’s gold depot. Does the FACT that JPMorgan’s gold inventory plunged 66% on Friday have ANYTHING at all to do with this fire? When will American’s learn the bankers have looted us all? At least all of us still doing business with the bankers….something I gave up long ago… 

A journalist on scene on Wall Street this evening has just sent us footage of a massive fleet of Firetrucks and ambulances in front of JP Morgan’s former headquarters at 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza, with fire-fighters stating they are responding to a COMMERCIAL VAULT FIRE IN THE BASEMENT of JPM’s headquarters at 15 Broad St!
With JPM’s gold inventory plunging 66% Friday to an all-time low of 46,000 ounces, and with reportedly over 502,000 ounces still standing against JPM for the JUNE gold contract, is the long anticipated force-majeure event in progress? *UPDATE: FDNY tweet confirms fire is in a commercial vault!            

BREAKING NEWS - "Massive Fire" JP MORGAN gold depo!!!

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