Post-Legal America and the World Order: Drone Killing Today, Cyber Bully Tomorrow?
David KERANS | 26.02.2013 | |
The president's
underlings compile their proposed lists of who should be executed, and
the president - at a charming weekly event dubbed by White House aides
as «Terror Tuesday» - then chooses from «baseball cards» and decrees in
total secrecy who should die. The power of accuser, prosecutor, judge,
jury, and executioner are all consolidated in this one man, and those
powers are exercised in the dark.
- Glenn Greenwald (1)
Even the most casual observer of international affairs since the turn
of the century is familiar with the willingness of the government of the
United States to bypass international law under circumstances it alone
determines. The war of aggression launched against Iraq under false
pretenses ten years ago this month may be the first example that comes
to mind, but there are numerous others… Even before the terrorist
attacks of 9/11, for instance, the George W. Bush administration
declined to be a party to the newly founded International Criminal
Court, and to this day the US will not permit extradition of its
officials to the ICC under any circumstances. Nor will the US allow
extradition of US officials to individual nations, even to long-standing
allies, even when that ally's courts have tried the officials in
absentia and found them guilty - which Italy found out over the last few
years as it was convicting 23 CIA operatives. (2) As we shall see
below, disaffection with America's disregard for international law has
intensified recently, enough to force discussion of some of the relevant
issues in official circles in Washington. At the same time, information
is now emerging about secret programs that not only promise to add new
and very dangerous instruments with which America can pressure other
countries, but are being framed in such a way as to bypass international
During the last few years of George W. Bush's presidency, awareness of
the hypocrisy of the US in trumpeting principles like «the rule of law»
around the world while it ran roughshod over those principles (most
sensationally by practicing torture on suspected terrorists at secret
«black sites» in foreign countries) percolated deeply into the American
population, and had a lot to do with President Obama's victory over the
Republican Party in 2008. Obama insisted that he would lift the veil of
secrecy from government and would honor the rule of law. More
specifically, he would shape foreign policy in accord with international
law, and would do more to enforce laws domestically as well, by holding
rogue US officials and corporations accountable for crimes. The
faintness of Obama's progress on all of these counts over the course of
his first four year term in office spurred dismay and outrage on the
critical Left, but until recently an alliance between the political
establishment, business interests, and the mass media has largely
suceeded in burying the issue. Big business craves power, after all, not
accountability before the law (just ask officers atop the leading
banks, flocks of whom would have faced criminal prosecution for their
transgressions if the Department of Justice, the FBI, et al. functioned
as they did as recently as the Reagan years). (3) The Republican
establishment, for its part, has plenty to fear from legal
accountability, given the behavior of the Bush regime, and has been
quick to single out Obama's continuation of The War on Terror in all its
extra-legal glory as its favorite feature of his leadership. (4)
Public debate concerning the sanctity of law has risen back to the fore on account of three developments. First, on January 22nd
a prominent television report summarized abundant evidence to damn
Obama's Department of Justice for declining to prosecute Wall Street
bigwigs for criminal transgressions contributing to the world financial
crisis of 2008. (5) Demonstration of the fact that the rich and powerful
are immune to prosecution struck an already raw nerve, and within one
day it emerged that the official who ought to have been leading such
prosecutions would be resigning (Lanny Breuer, Assistant Attorney
General of the Criminal Division, Department of Justice). (6) Second, an
NBC reporter posted online a memo that had leaked from the White House,
revealing that Obama's Department of Justice has secretly crafted legal
justification for fantastic assassination powers. (7) The president now
enjoys the right to order the assassination of anyone the government
merely suspects of involvement with terrorism (no proof or judicial
process required), even if the target might be capturable alive, even
absent any imminent threat, with no Congressional or judicial oversight,
with no accountability to anyone. Before he became president, Obama and
others in his administration, including new Secretary of State John
Kerry, explicitly rejected analogous arguments from the George W. Bush
administration, when it had its in-house lawyers construct convenient
«national security» justifications for the executive branch to eavesdrop
on, detain, and even torture anyone suspected of a relationship to
terrorism. (8) Third, the resignation of CIA Director David Petraeus at
the end of 2012 has forced Obama to nominate a replacement, and his
choice, John Brennan, is closely associated with CIA torture programs.
The Senate hearings required to ratify Brennan's nomination have put a
spotlight on the usurpation of power in recent years by the executive
branch in general, and the CIA in particular (formally, the president is
not allowed to make war without authorization from Congress, and
assassination and torture are illegal).
A Post-Legal World?
What it means to be in such a post-legal world -- to know that, no
matter what acts a government official commits, he or she will never be
brought to court or have a chance of being put in jail -- has yet to
fully sink in. This is true even of critics of the Obama administration,
who, as in the case of its drone wars, continue to focus on questions
of legality, as if that issue weren’t settled. In this sense, they
continue to live in an increasingly fantasy-based version of America in
which the rule of law still applies to everyone. In reality, in the Bush
and Obama years, the United States has become a nation not of laws but
of legal memos, not of legality but of legalisms -- and you don’t have
to be a lawyer to know it. The result? Secret armies, secret wars,
secret surveillance, and spreading state secrecy, which meant a
government of the bureaucrats about which the American people could know
next to nothing. And it’s all «legal».
- Tom Engelhardt (9)
So, as debates over reining in executive power get underway in
Washington, can the world expect any tempering of what has come to be
called «the imperial presidency»? Well, to begin with, as these debates
have taken shape, it has become clear that no one is concerned about
holding the US to standards of international law. The discussion is
entirely confined to American law. Thus, drone assassinations conducted
in foreign nations are an issue in American politics merely because the
Constitution obliges the president to seek authorization from Congress
before making war, not because they violate the rights of other
countries. And even then, the drone attacks are only an issue in so far
as the targets are Americans, implying that non-Americans' lives are
less valuable (a point Archbishop Desmond Tutu hammered home in a recent
editorial (10)).
Despite Washington's lamentable indifference to the standards of
international law, Congress could still move to reestablish control over
the executive branch, to curb the power of the president to unleash
war, assassination, torture, etc. around the world. Unfortunately, the
prospects for modern US Congresses to undertake significant action on
any subject is remote (the intransigence of the Republican Party,
captive to the interests of its super-rich sponsors, is perhaps the
primary reason for this, but there are a number of others). Worse still,
the obsequiousness of US courts to the executive branch has reached an
alarming stage. Whenever Congress has been inclined to assert control
over the executive branch in recent years, however modestly, the federal
courts have blindly protected the executive. The atrophy of the
independence of the judicial branch of government in the US became
especially clear to observers when an Italian court convicted that
nation's former intelligence chief and sentenced him to 10 years in
prison for having played a role in a CIA kidnapping case inside Italy in
2003. As Glenn Greenwald put it: «The contrast {of Italy's judiciary}
with the US federal judiciary is stark. American federal judges have
proven themselves indescribably servile to the US government. It is
impossible to imagine American federal judges - except in the most
abberational and quickly-overturned instances -- defying the wishes of
the US government when it comes to claims of national security and
secrecy». (11)
It appears that the imperial presidency is here to stay, and that the
US has now entered a «post-legal world», in the phrasing of Tom
Engelhardt, cited above. This is a deplorable outcome for the American
experiment in republican government, and must be unsettling for the rest
of the world, since it leaves peace and stability subject to the
caprice of US Presidents. That conclusion may sound grandiose, at a time
when America has wound down hostilities in Iraq, and is preparing to
leave Afghanistan. But the world would be wise to pay attention to
accumulating evidence regarding the Pentagon's programs to develop
powerful means of conducting cyber war, and note that the Obama
administration has every intention of lodging the resulting weapons in
the hands of the president alone.
The Ultimate Weapon?
«From his first months in office, President Obama secretly ordered increasingly sophisticated attacks
on the computer systems that run Iran's main nuclear enrichment
facilities, significantly expanding America's first sustained use of
cyberweapons.... Mr. Obama, according to participants in the many
Situation Room meetings on Olympic Games {the code name for the cyber
attack on Iran}, was acutely aware that with every attack he was
pushing the United States into new territory, much as his predecessors
had with the first use of atomic weapons in the 1940s, of
intercontinental missiles in the 1950s and of drones in the past
- David E. Sanger, in a New York Times expose of Obama's cyber warfare operations against Iran (12)
Three weeks ago, it emerged that the Department of Defense is committed
to quintupling the resources assigned to its Cyber Command Unit over
the next several years. (13) The stated goals are defense-related,
naturally, but no one should have any doubts that the Cyber Command Unit
will be perfecting numerous methods of cyber aggression. The US has not
demonstrated that it is facing credible cyber threats, and it is the
first nation (together with Israel) to have conducted cyber aggression
(against Iran, with the complex of computer worms called Stuxnet).
Already in 2003 the Pentagon set itself an explicit goal to «...provide
maximum control of the entire electromagnetic spectrum», so as to have
the capability to «disrupt or destroy the full spectrum of globally
emerging communications systems, sensors, and weapons systems dependent
on the electromagnetic spectrum». (14)
While the US is developing ever more potent cyber weapons that can
instantly cripple foes anywhere in the world, President Obama is fast at
work on ensuring that the prerogative to use such weapons shall lie in
the hands of the president alone, with no transparency, and no oversight
or accountability from any branch of the US government, nor any
international entity. (15) Information has leaked confirming that secret
in-house White House legal memos allow the president to unleash cyber
strikes whenever and wherever he chooses, whether or not the US is
formally at war with the target, whether or not the US is in any
immediate danger. Further, the legal memos and the rules they set forth
to regulate cyber warfare will not be released to the public, nor even
to Congress. And, as an anonymous official revealed, «There are levels
of cyber-warfare that are far more aggressive than anything that has
been used or recommended to be done». (16) Is it a good idea for the
world order to have unaccountable US presidents possessing the option to
paralyze instantly anyone they choose?
(1) Glenn Greenwald, «Chilling Legal Memo From Obama DOJ Justifies Assassination of US Citizens», The Guardian, February 5th, 2013.
(2) See, e.g., Rachel Donadio, «Judge Ties Italy Secret Service to Cleric's Abduction», New York Times, February 1st, 2010.
(3) William K. Black's many works on this subject are likely the most authoritative
(4) See, e.g. an interview with Ann Coulter adduced to «Sticks, Drones,
and Company Men: The Selective Outrage of the Liberal Caste»,, January 14th, 2013.
(5) PBS Frontline, «The Untouchables».
(6) Danielle Douglas, «Lanny Breuer, Justice Department criminal division chief, is stepping down», Washington Post, January 23rd, 2013.
Strong, detailed rumors of White House lawyers' machinations along
these lines date from October 2011, we should add (Charlie Savage,
«Secret U.S. Memo Made Legal Case to Kill a Citizen», New York Times,
October 8th, 2011).
(8) One discussion is Glenn Greenwald, «Attorney General Holder defends execution without charges»,, March 6th, 2012.
(9) Tom Engelhardt, «The American Lockdown State», February 5th, 2013.
(10) Lauren McCauley, «Desmond Tutu Blasts US Drones: American or Not, All Victims are Human»,, February 14th, 2013.
(11) Glenn Greenwald, «Italy's Ex-Intelligence Chief Given 10-Year
Sentence for Role in CIA Kidnapping», The Guardian, February 13th, 2013.
(12) David E. Sanger, «Obama Order Sped Up Cyberattacks Against Iran», New York Times, June 1st, 2012.
(13) Ellen Nakashima, «Pentagon to boost cybersecurity force», Washington Post, January 27th, 2013.
(14) From the «Information Operations Roadmap», cited in Adam Brookes,
«US plans to 'fight the net' revealed»,, January 27th, 2006.
(15) See, e.g., Glenn Greenwald, «Pentagon's New Massive Expansion of
'Cyber Security' Unit is About Everything But Defense», The Guardian,
January 28th, 2013.
(16) See, e.g., Jacob Chamberlain, «Obama Granted Sweeping Power is 'Secret' Cyber-Wars»,, February 4th, 2013.
Tags: CIA FBI US Bush Obama |
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