Beyond Obamacare: the Next US Health Care Monstrosity Takes Shape
David KERANS | 13.03.2013 | |
In broad terms, the spectacular diseconomies and immoralities of
health-care in the US have long been known to observers the world over.
Being in thrall to the monied interests that fund their election
campaigns, including health insurance companies, US political elites
have steadfastly resisted establishing government-delivered health
insurance for many decades (except for the elderly, who receive
insurance from a federal program known as Medicare). This has left the
population prey to the private insurance companies, who plunder enormous
profits off of healthy customers and avoid or cast aside as many of the
sick as they can get away with. This dynamic — hugely inflated prices
for insurance, and one sixth of the population left uninsured and
undertreated--goes far to explaining how the US spends about twice as
high a share of GDP on health-care as do other developed countries, yet
only achieves equal or inferior health outcomes. Thus, while health-care
currently accounts for 18 percent of US GDP, as compared to 6-12
percent in European countries, and an OECD average of 9.5 percent (1),
the US now ranks 22nd out of 24 OECD countries in children's health (2); it has fallen from 12th in the world in preventing infant mortality in 1960 to 38th place now; and US longevity has dropped from 7th in the world in 1987 to a position outside the top 20 now. (3)
Enter Obamacare (the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act”) in
2010. With great difficulty, the Obama administration persuaded Congress
to impose some restrictions on private sector health insurers. Most
importantly, insurers can no longer cap benefits over patients'
lifetimes, nor exclude customers from coverage on account of
pre-existing conditions. As well, Obamacare secured government subsidies
for people who cannot afford to purchase health insurance. And,
significantly, it is setting up health insurance “exchanges” in each
state, where consumers will be able to choose from a variety of
insurers, thus breaking the near monopolies private insurance companies
have carved out for themselves, region-by-region across the country.
Losing the Price War
“When we look across a broad range of hospital services (both
medical and surgical), the average price in the United States is 85
percent higher than the average in other OECD countries.”
- Mark Pearson, head of Division on Health Policy, OECD (4)
Alas, as rapacious, immoral, and inefficient as private sector
provision of health insurance has proven to be, recent research has
clarified that the biggest drivers of waste in the US health-care
ecosystem are not private insurers, but private hospitals and
pharmaceutical companies — whose wings Obamacare does nothing to trim.
These sub-sectors in the medical field have perfected levers to ratchet
up prices and profits on a captive and virtually helpless public. As we
shall see below, the conditions underlying their commercial triumphs
continue to solidify. This implies that their prices and profits will
rise still higher, absent reform, and the tribute the nation pays to the
health-care sector will escalate even further.
The core of hospitals' economic power is their obfuscation of pricing.
Hospitals intentionally and needlessly complicate billing, as cover for
astonishing mark-ups to every item of service they provide. These
mark-ups reach 100:1 in some cases (such as simple pain relief pills),
and can exceed $10,000 per dose in the case of advanced drugs. Insurance
companies do resist hospitals' price levels, and tend to secure
discounts of 50 percent or more for patients who are their customers.
But the hospitals' profits on services remain prodigious. Furthermore,
in keeping with their non-profit corporate status, which prohibits them
from distributing their profits to shareholders, hospitals deploy the
profits towards expansion, and acquisition of other hospitals. Over just
the last ten years, the percentage of “practice groups” (teams of
doctors and support staff) owned directly by hospitals has spiked from
22 to 54. Likewise, hospitals have set up their own internal test
processing centers, so as to keep those profits in-house (and sharply
raise the prices for processing tests). In consequence, the balance of
power regarding prices has been shifting away from insurance companies,
in favor of hospitals.5 And the hospitals will accrue even more leverage
over the foreseeable future, in part because the insurance exchanges
Obamacare establishes will serve to dilute the bargaining power of the
insurers vis-a-vis the hospitals (insurers will be fragmented), but
primarily because the hospitals will continue to channel their outsized
profits towards expansion and consolidation. Congress has the right to
pass anti-trust laws targeted at the emerging monopoly power of
hospitals, but does any observer of Congress anticipate that? As a
whole, the health care sector's trackable expenditures on lobbying
Washington are an awe-inspiring $5.4 billion since 1998, dwarfing the
lobbying of even the military and energy sectors ($1.5 and 1.3 billion
over the same time period, respectively). (6) Hospital lobbyists can buy
off Congress.
The Great Pharma Gouge
Aware of the leverage that drug companies — especially those with
unique life-saving products — have on the market, most developed
countries regulate what drugmakers can charge, limiting them to certain
profit margins. In fact, the drugmakers' securities filings repeatedly
warn investors of tighter price controls that could threaten their high
margins — though not in the U.S.
- Steven Brill, “Bitter Pill” (7)
While hospitals have been building their market positions under the
radar, pharmaceutical and medical device companies have gouged the
American people quite openly. These companies are paying thousands of
doctors (at least 6,500, where drugs are concerned) to prescribe their
wares as much as possible. They have suborned Congress to forgo imposing
the profitability caps described in the quotation above, and they have
lobbied state-level legislatures to prevent Medicare from requiring
prescription of less expensive drugs that studies have found to be just
as effective as costly ones. Most scandalously, in the Part D of the
Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 the pharmaceutical industry persuaded
Congress to prohibit Medicare from negotiating on the prices it pays
for drugs prescribed to its patients. Medicare must simply pay 6 percent
above a reported average selling price (itself routinely inflated) to
non-Medicare patients. This is a giveaway of at least $50 billion per
year, and it helps pharmaceutical companies generate operating margins
above 90 percent on many drugs (by way of comparison, Apple Inc.
achieves an operating margin of only 33 percent these days). Fully one
third of the $280 billion America will spend this year on prescription
drugs is attributable to prices in excess of those obtaining in other
developed countries, and the trend is getting worse. The cost of a
typical cancer drug jumped from $4,500 per month in 2002 to more than
$10,000 already by 2010, and is still higher now. (8)
From the foregoing, it is no stretch to conclude that the burden of
health-care on the US economy will continue to rise. Insurance premiums
will ascend, and provisioning of care will be ever more unequal as
between the well-off and the lower classes. Furthermore, the stress will
affect the federal budget, as Obamacare subsidizes ever more costly
premium payments for the low-grade policies the growing layer of poorer
Americans will be selecting.
Salvation via SmartPhone?
Inevitably, over the last couple of decades analysts of the American
health-care morass have composed a broad menu of intelligent suggestions
for reform. Just as inevitably, the prospects for intelligent reform
have receded in the shadow of billions of lobbying dollars. The gloom of
this realization accounts to some degree for the enthusiasm now
surrounding technological breakthroughs which might revolutionize the
delivery of health-care. Sensors, monitoring devices, internet
connectivity, individual DNA mapping, and artificial intelligence for
medical diagnoses could make care more scientifically accurate,
immediate, and personalized, all while minimizing hospital visits and
reducing our reliance on high-paid physicians. The technologies involved
are astonishing, and, it must be said, the federal government is
helping to facilitate the transition to this form of medicine (the 2009
Recovery Act commenced standardization of electronic medical records,
e.g.). This revolution will not arise overnight, however, nor is it
clear that it will deliver monumental cost savings. Estimates of the
savings do not reach $100 billion per year, while the US is overpaying
for medical care by $750 billion or more now. (9) So there is no
salvation in sight on the health-care front, only a deeper discrediting
of the whole American system.
(1) Jason Kane, “Health Costs: How the U.S. Compares With Other Countries”,, October 22nd, 2012; “health-care statistics”,
(2) “The Children Left Behind”, UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre, 2010. (3) Arthur Goldwag, “'The Measure of a Nation' Challenges Illusions of American Superiority”,, October 7th, (2012. (4) Interview with PBS NewsHour, October 22nd, 2012. (5) On all this, see Steven Brill, “Bitter Pill: Why Medical Bills are Killing Us”, Time, February 20th, 2013. (6) Brill, op. cit. (7) Brill, op. cit. (8) Data from Brill, op. cit. (9) An informative overview of the subject is Jonathan Cohn, “The Robot Will See You Now”, The Atlantic, March 2013. |
Tags: US Obama |
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