If This Isn't a National Security Issue, Then What Is?
UFOs and Nuclear Technology: A Serious IssueRichard M. Dolan September 18, 2010 |
2010 is turning out to be a very good year
for the cause of UFO research and awareness. Despite the traditional
blinders exhibited by ossified mainstream media sources such as the New York Times, there have been some encouraging developments.
Certainly, the publication of Leslie Kean’s very fine work has been a key breakthrough. Carefully written and solid as stone, UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go On the Record, is a new tool with which to broach the topic one must never discuss in polite society. Leslie Kean found a way.
Now comes another important ufological event: the press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. Organized by UFO researcher and author (UFOs and Nukes)
Robert Hastings and UFO witness USAF Captain Robert Salas, it takes
place on Monday, September 27, 2010. As Hastings put it on his website,
the conference’s purpose was “to address the vital issue of UFO
incursions at U.S. nuclear weapons sites over the past six decades.”
If you think this is hyperbole, think
again. One of the most noteworthy aspects of the UFO phenomenon is its
relationship to nuclear weapons and technology. From the beginning of
the modern phenomenon, unknown and unusual aerial objects have been seen
in the vicinity of the nuclear weapons and storage sites around the
Even during the late 1940s, when “flying
saucers” burst upon the public consciousness, people began to wonder if
“they” appeared because mankind had just entered the Atomic Age.
Certainly, the crash of something near
Roswell Army Air Field during the summer of 1947 is suggestive of a
connection. People often forget that, in 1947, there was exactly one
military base in the world with operational nuclear weapons.
That place was in Roswell, New Mexico.
What many also forget, or never even knew,
is that immediately after the Roswell event, UFOs -- really strange and
bizarre UFOs -- were invading sensitive airspace and generally making a
nuisance of themselves throughout the U.S. Much of their activity was
centered around the leading nuclear centers in the nation.
For instance, in 1948 and 1949, strange
“green fireballs” flew over Los Alamos, the place where the first atomic
weapon was built, and where the nation’s leading nuclear scientists
continued to do their work. Typically, they would be observed as large
green objects flying in horizontal flight, but often arching upward or
downward, or dodging to the left or right, then becoming horizontal
again. They were seen by pilots and observed by scientists at Los
Alamos, and were subject to a great deal of discussion and classified
correspondence. To this day, there is no official conclusion as to what
they were.
Then there were the events at Oak Ridge,
Tennessee, one of the leading atomic research centers in the world since
the 1940s. During late 1950, there were many intrusions of the air
space around Oak Ridge, and these were documented in a series of memos
from the F.B.I., declassified many years later. An astonishing object
was seen by an Oak Ridge scientist in 1953. He reported a black object
coming out of clouds, stopping, rapidly reversing direction, then
joining with two other similar objects, all of which took off at
“tremendous speed” to the east.
At the Atomic Energy Commission’s
facility in Hanford, Washington, more of the same took place. Intrusions
were common and very much a matter of concern. We have a declassified
memo from August 4, 1950, stating that:
During great wave of sightings in 1952,
four pilots reported seeing a flying saucer hovering above the Hanford
atomic works on July 5. They said the object took off, then reversed
course and quickly disappeared.
In late October, or possibly very early
November in 1957, there was an important UFO sighting in the Australian
outback country of Maralinga. It followed three nuclear detonations that
had taken place the month before. A scientific team from the U.K. was
ready to return to Britain, when a man rushed in to report a UFO. After
the initial laughter, the men went outside to see a silvery object with a
flat base and dome on top. According to one of the witnesses, they had
an extremely clear view of it. The object hovered at a 45 degree tilt,
“perched there,” according to the witness, “like a king on his high
throne looking down on his subjects.” It was, he said, “a magnificent
sight.” For fifteen minutes, the astonished scientists observed the
object, which then shot upward and out of sight.
It is not hard to see why aliens would be
interested in our nuclear weapons. The nuclear policies of the U.S. and
Soviet Union were certainly terrifing to Earthly citizens -- why not to
presumed visitors from elsewhere?
In the U.S., President Eisenhower had
effectively lost control over the nuclear arsenal by the late 1950s
--even the sole ability to authorize a strike. In 1957, the U.S. Air
Force Chief of Staff, General Thomas White, sent a memorandum to
Strategic Air Command, giving it the authority to launch the nuclear
arsenal in an emergency “if time or circumstances would not permit a
decision by the President.” It wasn’t until his final year in the White
House that Ike finally obtained a meeting with SAC to see its “order of
battle,” that is, the full extent of its nuclear arsenal. This was
roughly 23,000 nuclear warheads.
Less than three years later, the world
was led to the brink of nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis. For
one tense week in October 1962, billions of people in the world had no
idea whether they, their cities, their nations, or their world, would
even be there the next day.
Of course, then, any intelligent observer
would want to monitor the world’s nuclear arsenal. According to Paul
Stonehill, expert in the history of Soviet UFOs, the Supreme Commander
of the Soviet Air Defense Forces decided in 1965 to forbid shooting at
UFOs. The problem was that UFOs were present during Soviet tests of
nuclear bombs, missiles, rockets, and other new technologies.
On March 16, 1967, the best known, one of
the best documented, and certainly one of the most extraordinary
UFO-nuclear events took place at Malmstrom Air Force Base, in Montana.
Under a clear and dark sky, an airman at one of the launch centers saw a
star-like object zigzagging above him. Another light soon appeared,
acting similarly. He called his supervisor, and the two men watched the
lights maneuvering around the sky. They then phoned their commander,
Lieutenant Robert Salas, who was below ground in the launch control
center. Salas was not impressed. Keep watching them, he said, “and let
me know if they get any closer.”
They did get closer. Just minutes later,
Salas received a second call. This time the witness was shouting that a
red, glowing UFO was hovering outside the front gate. Salas woke his
commander, Lieutenant Fred Meiwald. As he briefed Meiwald, an alarm went
off in their capsule, and both men saw a “No-Go” light turn on for one
of the missiles. Within seconds, several more missiles went down in
Salas has recounted his story many times,
but it is very good that he says it again at the National Press Club.
Honestly, in today’s world, in which UFO sightings do not receive the
serious attention they deserve, one cannot tell this story enough.
It is worth adding, by the way, that
elsewhere at Malmstrom Air Force, another launch facility was
experiencing the same scenario. As a UFO hovered above, ten or more ICBM
Minuteman Missiles went off line in rapid succession.
Keep in mind that this was during the
heart of the Cold War. It goes without saying that any interference with
the nuclear arsenal of either the U.S. or Soviet Union was going to be
taken very seriously. Undoubtedly it was because of such encounters that
a few years later, in 1971, the two nations inserted an unusual clause
in their nuclear treaty. It read:
That is, “unidentified objects” were
clearly stated to be the cause of a potential risk of war, and the
strong implication is that both nations needed to recognize the
difference between interference by a UFO and an attack by the other
For good reason. Incidents like the one
at Malmstrom continued to happen. In 1973, both sides again experienced
the kindly attentions of unknown objects in the vicinity of their
nuclear sites. The soviet incident is undated, but involved a UFO
hovering for several hours over a secret nuclear facility in Dubna,
Russia. According to Paul Stonehill, the General in Charge panicked and
told Moscow that a metallic apparatus of unknown origin remained
immovable in the air over the main building. He demanded instructions
and received the reply that ‘those who are authorized’ know what to do
to control the situation.
The American incident that year involved
American Navy personnel stationed in Western Australia. On October 25,
1973, a large, black object was seen in the air by two personnel from
entirely different vantage points. This was during the major diplomatic
and military crisis of the Yom Kippur War. The Australian base was
actually operated by the NSA through the U.S. Navy, and although there
were no known nukes there, it was widely understood to be a nuclear
target in the event of war.
During 1975 and 1976, an inexplicable
series of violations of U.S. and Canadian airspace occurred by unknown
and extraordinary objects. Several of these are known to have involved
bases with nuclear weapons, such as Loring Air Force Base in Maine and –
once again – Malstrom Air Force Base in Montana. To this day, we have
no official explanation for these astonishing events. The only thing
that the official organs of power in our society can do about them is to
keep silent. Usually, that works just fine.
In the history of UFOs and Nukes is the
encounter that, over the course of three decades, is the case that keeps
giving: the Rendlesham Forest case, sometimes known as the Bentwaters
case. This is because we continue to learn more and more about it as
time passes. It involved American military personnel stationed at a base
in the U.K. which secretly contained nuclear weapons. To this day the
British government refuses openly to admit that nukes were stored there,
but in fact this was confirmed by the Deputy Commander of the base, Lt.
Colonel Charles Halt, along with many other servicemen and servicewomen
who were stationed there. There were events during several nights
during late December of 1980. On one occasion, an object directed a beam
of light that penetrated several layers of concrete and dirt to the
bunker where the nuclear weaspons were stored. In Halt’s words, this
“adversely affected the ordnance.” Draw your own conclusions.
On July 24, 1984 another incident took
place in which a UFO was seen hovering over a nuclear site, this time
the commercial nuclear at Indian Point, in the State of New York. This
was a giant object, according to the security personnel who later spoke
with an investigator. For more than ten minutes, it hovered directly
over one of the reactors, less than 300 feet above the exhaust tower.
The shift commander nearly ordered the guards to shoot the object down,
and just before he called the national guard, it moved away. One wonders
how effective shotguns from the security personnel would have been.
And so it goes. There are many more of
these stories, and there is no point in banging you over the head with
them all. Presumably, you get the idea. However, it’s worth noting that,
as far as we can tell, these types of encounters continue to the
For instance, on December 9, 1997, we
have a report of a UFO hovering over the CARB French nuclear waste
facility. This plant was about 100 miles east of Paris, near
Brienne-le-Chateau. The security guard who saw it described it as a
“luminous object” that seemed to halt briefly, then emitted a series of
light beams, and then moved off to the southwest. Four days later, two
employees at the plant reported two unusual luminous objects over the
plant. This was reported at the time in UFO Roundup, a news service
managed by Joseph Trainor.
The July 1999 triangular UFO seen over
the Israeli cities of Tsfat and Yokneam, which was videotaped from
several locations, is also interesting because they were near the
Israeli special Air Force Base at Palmachim-Yavne, south of Tel Aviv,
which has been subject to speculation of being a secret nuclear base.
In 2004 and 2005 there were several
reports of UFOs in the Himalayas, which is believed to have large
numbers of nuclear missiles from India and China. In recent years, a
number of UFO reports have come from near Iranian nuclear installations,
many of which are seen at low altitudes.
It’s certainly possible that some of
these UFOs are secret aircraft, perhaps unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)
that are probing such sensitive areas to gain information. But judging
from the behaviors described of UFOs from earlier eras, derived from
U.S. military reports, it would seem a reasonable guess that some of the
recent UFOs are also “not ours.”
By its very nature, nuclear power has
transformed our world. It has given us the ability to extinguish our
species and destroy the global environment for millennia to come. If
harnessed safely – such as through the Holy Grail of safe, controlled
nuclear fusion – it would be a source of energy that might well put us
on the intergalactic map in a big way. For controlled nuclear fusion
would not only vastly increase our energy availability, but would be
Therefore, knowing that UFOs are real,
and assuming that some of them are “not us,” how could they not be
interested in our nuclear technology? The fact that they can disable it,
possibly at will, indicates that they are showing a great deal of
restraint. After all, there are roughly 23,000 nuclear warheads in the
world today, according to the Federation of American Scientists.
Although that is about the same total that the U.S. had by itself fifty
years ago, it’s still a frightening total. We are lucky that there has
also been restraint by the nations controlling these nukes. We are,
after all, still here.
Nevertheless, the issue of UFOs and Nukes
is central not only to the history of the UFO phenomenon, but to our
world today. Future historians will undoubtedly be studying this issue
with great care. We would do well to study it today.
Copyright 2010 by Richard M. Dolan. all rights reserved.Richard Dolan is author of UFOs and the National Security State (2 volumes) and co-author of A.D. After Disclosure: The People's Guide to Life After Contact. He has made numerous television and radio appearances. Visit his website at |
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