L. A. Marzulli
A report has revealed that the former BBC host Jimmy Savile happened to be part of a satanic ring besides being recognized as Britain’s worst sex offender, who preyed on at least 450 victims. Disclosures show that Savile beat and raped a 12-year-old girl during a secret satanic ritual at Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Buckinghamshire. The perverted star wore a hooded robe and mask as he abused the victim in a candle-lit basement. It is said that Savile also chanted “Hail Satan” in Latin as other paedophiles joined in and assaulted the girl. Savile was a volunteer porter and fundraiser at the hospital between 1965 and 1988 and had his own quarters there. The attack, which took place in 1975, shines a sinister new light on the former BBC star’s 54 years of sex abuses. Savile, who died aged 84 in October 2011, is now known to be Britain’s worst sex offender after police discovered that he preyed on at least 450 victims aged 8 to 47. Moreover, an investigation on the BBC’s Newsnight into the revelations of child sex abuse by Savile was abandoned in December 2011. The corporation found itself surrounded by a crisis after an ITV Exposure Savile documentary blew the lead off the issue in October 2012.
Jimmy Savile Satanic Sex Ring Claim: Star ‘Worshipped Devil’ – IBTimes UK
Jimmy Savile was a Satanist in an Establishment-run anal paedophile ring
Jimmy Saville
In Russ Dizdar’s book, The Black Awakening, he
warns us that SRA, Satanic Ritual Abuse, is on the rise. He also
admonishes us that there are thousands upon thousands of rituals done to
children, so by the time they reach puberty, they are firmly controlled
and manipulated by the coven, or Satanic ring, which abuses them. You
will notice I have four links to stories about Savile. I’m try ing to
Vet this as much as I possibly can. Does this one story validate
Dizdar’s work? Not entirely, as it is but one snap shot of abuse in a
very big world. However, what it does do, is to shed light on the
grisly fact that Pedophiles and Satanic Ritual Abuse is real. Some of
the articles I linked to point to a deliberate cover up by police and
government officials.
Recently there was a paper released which claimed Dizdar’s stance was exaggerated and SRA was greatly overblown. The authors of the paper should perhaps think again, as the stories about Savile seem to indicate otherwise. I wonder how many other pedophile rings exist and go for decades undetected?
We know from scripture the AntiChrist will arise and at some point rule the world. Do we think he just arrives on the scene by himself, or does he have followers who are awaiting his manifestation? I would choose the later, and here’s why. In Nazi Germany we know the higher-up’s in the Third Reich were occultists. They were emerged in the dark arts. I have stated openly in my books, the term Holocaust, means a burnt offering on an altar. The Nazi’s were engaged in ritualistic, Luciferian, blood sacrifice. The Nazi’s knew who they served and they hoped to manifest the Superman. The people, who like Savile engage in this perverted behavior have covered their tracks well. However, it now appears some of what has been hidden is finally seeing the light of day.
In closing todays post: I believe SRA is all to very real. Perhaps millions of children have been ritually abused. Dizdar should be applauded for his work in this area. I have shared the platform with him at numerous conferences, in the last several years, and I regard him in the highest esteem. He’s the real deal, as he’s always ready to pray for someone, to minister, and set the captives free. He is outraged by the abuse!
A few months after Jared Loughner went on his demented killing spree, one of his former teachers was arrested for “meditating” at the crime scene. Officers said the man was chanting: we are the chosen ones, we are the ones you’ve been waiting for. Russ has heard those words many times before and they are a warning by the victims of SRA of what is coming.
PCC reviewing teacher arrested at mass shooting site – This link should serve as a wakeup call as this teacher was hiding in plain sight.
As Dizdar claims, there may be millions of these victims, who are programmed to kill and cause mayhem just waiting to be triggered in the black awakening.
SRA – Satanic Ritual Abuse
Posted by lamarzulli on January 14, 2013
Commentary & Analysis
byL. A. Marzulli
A report has revealed that the former BBC host Jimmy Savile happened to be part of a satanic ring besides being recognized as Britain’s worst sex offender, who preyed on at least 450 victims. Disclosures show that Savile beat and raped a 12-year-old girl during a secret satanic ritual at Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Buckinghamshire. The perverted star wore a hooded robe and mask as he abused the victim in a candle-lit basement. It is said that Savile also chanted “Hail Satan” in Latin as other paedophiles joined in and assaulted the girl. Savile was a volunteer porter and fundraiser at the hospital between 1965 and 1988 and had his own quarters there. The attack, which took place in 1975, shines a sinister new light on the former BBC star’s 54 years of sex abuses. Savile, who died aged 84 in October 2011, is now known to be Britain’s worst sex offender after police discovered that he preyed on at least 450 victims aged 8 to 47. Moreover, an investigation on the BBC’s Newsnight into the revelations of child sex abuse by Savile was abandoned in December 2011. The corporation found itself surrounded by a crisis after an ITV Exposure Savile documentary blew the lead off the issue in October 2012.
Jimmy Savile Satanic Sex Ring Claim: Star ‘Worshipped Devil’ – IBTimes UK
Jimmy Savile was a Satanist in an Establishment-run anal paedophile ring
Jimmy Saville
Recently there was a paper released which claimed Dizdar’s stance was exaggerated and SRA was greatly overblown. The authors of the paper should perhaps think again, as the stories about Savile seem to indicate otherwise. I wonder how many other pedophile rings exist and go for decades undetected?
We know from scripture the AntiChrist will arise and at some point rule the world. Do we think he just arrives on the scene by himself, or does he have followers who are awaiting his manifestation? I would choose the later, and here’s why. In Nazi Germany we know the higher-up’s in the Third Reich were occultists. They were emerged in the dark arts. I have stated openly in my books, the term Holocaust, means a burnt offering on an altar. The Nazi’s were engaged in ritualistic, Luciferian, blood sacrifice. The Nazi’s knew who they served and they hoped to manifest the Superman. The people, who like Savile engage in this perverted behavior have covered their tracks well. However, it now appears some of what has been hidden is finally seeing the light of day.
In closing todays post: I believe SRA is all to very real. Perhaps millions of children have been ritually abused. Dizdar should be applauded for his work in this area. I have shared the platform with him at numerous conferences, in the last several years, and I regard him in the highest esteem. He’s the real deal, as he’s always ready to pray for someone, to minister, and set the captives free. He is outraged by the abuse!
A few months after Jared Loughner went on his demented killing spree, one of his former teachers was arrested for “meditating” at the crime scene. Officers said the man was chanting: we are the chosen ones, we are the ones you’ve been waiting for. Russ has heard those words many times before and they are a warning by the victims of SRA of what is coming.
PCC reviewing teacher arrested at mass shooting site – This link should serve as a wakeup call as this teacher was hiding in plain sight.
As Dizdar claims, there may be millions of these victims, who are programmed to kill and cause mayhem just waiting to be triggered in the black awakening.
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