Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Rise of the Hydra – Cyber War in the 21st Century

Published On: Tue, Jan 15th, 2013

Rise of the Hydra – Cyber War in the 21st Century

In 1994 I was attending college to study computer programming.  For a couple of weeks in my Systems Analysis & Design class we had been studying the relatively new phenomena of computer viruses.
After a few indepth classes on how & why virii work so well on computers, our final project was to design a virus (only in theory, not actual code) to ensure maximum deployment rates.
I joined up with 3 other classmates and started working on the development.
That night me and another classmate had hunkered around my computer  tinkering with concepts, looking at other virus code and studying security holes that would allow us to deploy the payload.
Some where around midnight after a case of beer I suddenly had an epiphany ..  what if the virus wasn’t a single program residing on a single computer… what if pieces of the virus where loaded separately and the virus only became functional when multiple pieces of the virus combined on the same system?
The actual final theory went something like this…
#1 – The virus would be released in various stages, consisting of around 8 parts.   Each part by itself would be totally sterile, thus allowing the virus scanners to totally ignore the added on code.
#2 – Each payload virus would remain dormant until the master server signaled them to activate.
#3 – At this point the virus code would combine together with the other stray pieces of code to form a totally new virus.  In the process it would also disable any safety precautions such as virus scanners and firewalls.
#4 – Now each instance of the virus would start to seek out other instances and begin to work back and forth in order to use various methods to infect many more systems (think early distributed computing)
#5 – When critical mass was achieved (more instances of the virus than could possibly be dealt with) the virus would start to destroy every record on a physical level (our theory was to have the hard-drive voltage increased causing the destruction of the data platters).
#6…  well thats it… at this point nations would crumble and the world would descend into the dark ages.
Needless to say we got an “A+” on the assignment.

Fast forward to Today

These days I generally don’t have much to do with coding or hard core programming.  I lost interest when I started to become a web developer, and focused on systems integrations and what-not.
But the thought of the Hydra has been in the back of my head for the entire time.
I knew that if a couple of drunk college kids could come up with a project to destroy computing, someone else would come up with a similar concept sooner or later.
Today, I’m gathering its started to happen.
As most of you know I have been hot on the trail of World War 3 and the signs that China and the US are getting ready to rumble.  I also know that the Chinese have been the #1 infestation of hacking against Conspiracy HQ’s server.  Thus when I saw the following story, I became a bit concerned…
During the past five years, a high-level cyber-espionage campaign has successfully infiltrated computer networks at diplomatic, governmental and scientific research organizations, gathering data and intelligence from mobile devices, computer systems and network equipment.
Kaspersky Lab’s researchers have spent several months analyzing this malware, which targets specific organizations mostly in Eastern Europe, former USSR members and countries in Central Asia, but also in Western Europe and North America.
~ Source
While the above mentioned virus seems to be a singular entity, we can see from the data that the originator of the virus is using some pretty advanced techniques to mask who exactly is behind the Cyber attack.
If I had to guess, I would think it was the Chinese.   Every single day Conspiracy HQ is attacked from Chinese IP addresses.   We have even traced a few of them to the military college in Beijing.
We will continue to watch this story as it develops.

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