Sunday, January 13, 2013
Law & Disorder / Civilization & Discontents Internet pioneer and information activist takes his own life
Aaron Swartz was easy to pick out of a crowd. I met him only once,
at a 2010 gathering of legal academics organized by Larry Lessig at
Harvard. In a room full of suits Aaron wore a Google App Engine T-Shirt.
Unfortunately, Aaron's penchant for defying social convention may have been his undoing. He was arrested in 2011
for scraping articles from the academic archive JSTOR. Facing hacking
charges that could put him in prison for decades, Aaron took his own
life on Friday.
Aaron accomplished more in his 26 years than most of us will
accomplish in our lifetimes. At the age of 14, Aaron helped develop the
RSS standard. He was an early member of the team that created reddit,
which was sold to Condé Nast (Ars' parent company) before Aaron turned
20. Now independently wealthy, Aaron threw himself into political
Aaron had long been acquainted with legal scholar and Creative
Commons founder Larry Lessig. When Lessig shifted his focus from
copyright reform to institutional corruption, Aaron became an
enthusiastic supporter of Lessig's new cause. He joined the Safra Center
for Ethics, which Lessig directed, as a fellow.
In late 2010, Aaron became incensed about a copyright proposal that
would eventually become the Stop Online Piracy Act. He founded a group
called Demand Progress, which became a key rallying point in the fight
against SOPA. He and the team he assembled spent 2011 raising awareness
about the problems with the legislation, building momentum for the January 18, 2012 protest that decisively killed it.
Guerilla open access
Aaron was passionate about public access to information and offended
by public information being locked behind paywalls. One paywall that
particularly irked Aaron was on PACER, the website the US judiciary uses
to distribute public court records. The courts charged seven cents
(eventually raised to 10) per page to access legal briefs, judicial
opinions, scheduling orders, and other documents essential to
understanding the judicial process.
So when the courts started a pilot program to allow free access to
PACER from 17 libraries around the country, Aaron sprung into action. He
visited one of the libraries and reverse-engineered the authentication
process the library's computers used to bypass the paywall. Then he spun
up some cloud servers and, using credentials purloined from one of the
libraries, began scraping documents from PACER. He got more than 2
million documents before the courts noticed what was happening and shut
the pilot program down. When I was in grad school at Princeton, some
colleagues and I used the documents Aaron obtained as the foundation of RECAP, a Firefox extension to liberate court documents and store them in a public archive.
Aaron was also outraged about the high prices charged for access to scholarly publications. In a 2008 manifesto,
he denounced the legacy system of academic publishing in which
scholarly knowledge is locked up behind paywalls. "We need to download
scientific journals and upload them to file sharing networks. We need to
fight for Guerilla Open Access," he wrote.
In the fall of 2010, Swartz engaged in a bit of Guerilla Open Access
himself, logging onto MIT's network to scrape millions of academic
papers from the JSTOR database. When MIT administrators booted his
laptop off the Wi-Fi network, he entered an MIT network closet and
plugged his laptop directly into the campus network.
The stunt got the attention of federal prosecutors, who arrested him and charged him with multiple counts of computer hacking, wire fraud, and other crimes. The feds ratcheted up the charges further in September. If convicted on all charges he could have spent more than 50 years in prison.
We don't know the details of Aaron's death or why he might have taken his own life. In a comment
on hacker news, Aaron's mother wrote, "thank you all for your kind
words and thoughts. Aaron has been depressed about his case/upcoming
trial, but we had no idea what he was going through was this painful."
It's hard to imagine his looming prosecution wasn't a factor. In an anguished Saturday blog post,
Lessig describes Aaron's predicament. He was facing a million-dollar
trial in April, "his wealth bled dry, yet unable to appeal openly to us
for the financial help he needed to fund his defense, at least without
risking the ire of a district court judge."
Whether or not it contributed to his suicide, the federal
government's prosecution of Swartz was a grotesque miscarriage of
justice. Aaron shouldn't have plugged his laptop into MIT's network
without permission, but that's not the sort of crime that deserves a
multi-year, to say nothing of multi-decade, prison sentence. We should
pay tribute to Aaron's memory by reforming the Computer Fraud and Abuse
Act to prevent such disproportionate prosecutions from happening in the
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