January 13, 2013
“United we stand; divided we fall.”
This is a phrase nearly all of us have heard since childhood. The volume of wisdom contained within that simple sentence is utterly astounding and the war upon it has been as desperate as it has been insidious. In recent years many children have not been taught this simple phrase or its accompanying ideology.

The reason for this is easily understood by those who see the despicable truth about our government, leaders, and the hypocrisy with which many of them conduct their day-to-day business and live their lives. The layman though, is given and expected to believe that it is for the betterment of our children that they not be imprinted with such hateful dogma as national pride, mistrust of authority, and brotherhood. Such concepts are empowering to a people and encourage citizenship and philanthropy toward those less fortunate, quite simply; it makes them the equal of all others who share this ideal regardless of how high and mighty they are in the world.
Many of our leaders and others within the Western nations’ power structure would prefer the return of their own Golden Age though, a return to a more feudal society where they are the lords and we are their helpless serfs. They cannot accomplish this in a time and nation where the people are not only armed but united by the bonds of brotherhood and common cause. A physical attack would be suicide as it would not only unite the people against them but galvanize them in a common cause. Remember 9/11? Remember how many Americans were of one mind and purpose in the days and even years after that tragedy? No; no foreign power could ever take us in a straight fight so long as we still retained our Second Amendment rights and were of one mind about their trespass against us.
In order to facilitate the destruction of a nation as powerful as the United States of America then, they must attack like a thief in the night. They must attack the financial sector in order to neutralize the nation’s ability to pay for defense. They must attack the educational system as well because an educated people are nearly impossible to enslave whereas an uneducated people are more likely to obey blindly. Hand in hand with this is the designation of normal human behavior as mental defect and disease and the subsequent medication of the diagnosed individuals with dangerous drugs. In the case of Sodium Fluoride, which even the Food & Drug Administration lists as an unregulated drug, they administer it directly to the people without a doctor’s prescription or supervision. Sodium Fluoride is a confirmed psychoactive drug which induces in a person a state of apathy and when administered to young children, i. e. via formula, it has been proven to negatively impact a developing brain’s intellectual growth and capacity. Not only this, but to my knowledge no study has ever been conducted to ascertain the effect of interaction between Sodium Fluoride and any other drug.
The next column they must attack is the fabric of society itself. The promotion of ideas and behaviors which go directly against all accepted social mores and legal conventions will weaken the will of the people as successive generations grow up bewildered by the insistence of their elders for adherence to mores and laws which other authority figures, the self-same teachers and leaders they have been told by these adults to trust and obey, have told them are antiquated and that progress must and can only be made by leaving them in the past. One very good example of this is the lackadaisical approach teachers have taken to language. At one time a History teacher would knock points off for misspelling too, but now even the English teachers will forgive the occasional slip so long as the student tried his or her best. Rewarding mediocrity and failure serves only to reinforce and promote it. Artificially inflating the importance of self-esteem so that it is given priority over personal success is another method of doing this. Remember that while a man cannot knock a mountain flat several generations of them removing a few handfuls of earth and rock each day will eventually leave a level field where it once was. In this way successive generations can be inculcated into the Cult of Failure & Victimhood until eventually only no one is left who knows how to do anything except what they’re told and are too intellectually impaired to do anything more than specialize in the one career they will have until they retire or die. We are already seeing the first evidence of this now with the grossly restricted lateral mobility within the American employment markets.
Finally, they must attack the mind and heart of the people. This can only be accomplished after the other attacks have already been more or less successful and the tools used are no less than the very things the people will take for granted – TV, news, and the internet. This is accomplished by first saturating the people with information, usually via the news and easily retrieved content [Google]. If you saturate the mind with enough information then it becomes difficult to filter out the nonsense from the truth. Factor in the seduction of academic mediocrity and the ubiquity of addictive entertainment programming and very quickly people cease to desire the truth, not long after that they stop caring about the world around them and devolve into a near mindless junkie waiting for their next fix of ‘Honey Boo-Boo’ as they check their favorite social engineering website [FaceBook, Twitter, et. al.]. The Roman method of using free entertainment to maintain control during the final years before collapse is perhaps the best known historical occurrence. However it is in use today in the United States of America. If we consider just how far out of touch with reality the average United States citizen is then this method and the tools used to achieve it have been wildly successful. How many times have you or a loved one watched a video of a kitten or puppy doing something cute and think not once about why you’re watching such a video instead of getting something constructive done – regardless of where you are when you’re watching it? How many times have you played ‘Angry Birds’ or some ultra-violent game instead of going for a walk with your family, or reading a book to strengthen your mind? How many times have you entertained yourself by going into a forum or waded into the comments section of an online news article and battled valiantly to prove that your opinion was the one true fact and that all others were but pretenders to the throne?
This brings me to the next point. Giving everyone’s opinion equal value cheapens everyone’s opinions and ideas. Not everyone is a George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, or Leonardo Da Vinci. To encourage this sort of egoism is to court disaster as all people suddenly cease to have meaningful discourse and instead rely on their own foundering opinion in spite of ample evidence that their opinion or idea is not only wrong but potentially dangerous. The net result of all of this is a generation so narcissistic that nothing penetrates into the vacuum that is their mind.
In addition to all of this is the impersonal nature of the internet. While anonymity is a good thing; human nature being what it is will encourage people to ‘troll’ their fellows, and attack them viciously, brow beating them with cherry-picked “facts” that, because they were taken out of context, have no real value.
These electronic beat downs have a very real effect on the psyche and serve to reinforce the negative trait of egoism. This quickly becomes a self-enforcing thought process – “I’m right. You’re wrong.” No amount of valid proof seems to dissuade the victim from their adherence to their self-proclaimed superiority.
No other invention in history is as effective at this as the internet. It operates under the guise of helping mankind while it slowly dissolves the very fabric that holds us together as a society. It destroys us by empowering us because by making every individual feel like they are indeed equal winners in life it devalues them and reduces their real contributions. We cannot be a society of leaders. There must be some followers or else everything will fall apart. The Global Elite know and understand this because they’ve handpicked the very best scientists in their respective fields for generations to devise the tools necessary to divide and conquer.
This is a game to them. A game whose consequences are quite a lot direr for us if we fail to recognize the warning signs before it’s too late than it is for them if we do succeed. Even if we do succeed it will not be over. The Elite will simply kick back and enjoy the fruits of our labor and wait a few generations and begin again; safe in their anonymity with the new generations who have never encountered them in anything more threatening than a history book.
Mr. Blank currently resides in the southeastern United States with his wife and pets and was raised by a father who had neither love of or trust in the government. Some of his past employment has given him a firsthand glimpse of what is considered criminal in today’s society and how government tends to operate when confronted with resistance. He hopes to lend his mind and authorial skills to the fight for freedom.
Is the Internet Really a Division Bell?
By Mr.
January 13, 2013
“United we stand; divided we fall.”
This is a phrase nearly all of us have heard since childhood. The volume of wisdom contained within that simple sentence is utterly astounding and the war upon it has been as desperate as it has been insidious. In recent years many children have not been taught this simple phrase or its accompanying ideology.
The reason for this is easily understood by those who see the despicable truth about our government, leaders, and the hypocrisy with which many of them conduct their day-to-day business and live their lives. The layman though, is given and expected to believe that it is for the betterment of our children that they not be imprinted with such hateful dogma as national pride, mistrust of authority, and brotherhood. Such concepts are empowering to a people and encourage citizenship and philanthropy toward those less fortunate, quite simply; it makes them the equal of all others who share this ideal regardless of how high and mighty they are in the world.
Many of our leaders and others within the Western nations’ power structure would prefer the return of their own Golden Age though, a return to a more feudal society where they are the lords and we are their helpless serfs. They cannot accomplish this in a time and nation where the people are not only armed but united by the bonds of brotherhood and common cause. A physical attack would be suicide as it would not only unite the people against them but galvanize them in a common cause. Remember 9/11? Remember how many Americans were of one mind and purpose in the days and even years after that tragedy? No; no foreign power could ever take us in a straight fight so long as we still retained our Second Amendment rights and were of one mind about their trespass against us.
In order to facilitate the destruction of a nation as powerful as the United States of America then, they must attack like a thief in the night. They must attack the financial sector in order to neutralize the nation’s ability to pay for defense. They must attack the educational system as well because an educated people are nearly impossible to enslave whereas an uneducated people are more likely to obey blindly. Hand in hand with this is the designation of normal human behavior as mental defect and disease and the subsequent medication of the diagnosed individuals with dangerous drugs. In the case of Sodium Fluoride, which even the Food & Drug Administration lists as an unregulated drug, they administer it directly to the people without a doctor’s prescription or supervision. Sodium Fluoride is a confirmed psychoactive drug which induces in a person a state of apathy and when administered to young children, i. e. via formula, it has been proven to negatively impact a developing brain’s intellectual growth and capacity. Not only this, but to my knowledge no study has ever been conducted to ascertain the effect of interaction between Sodium Fluoride and any other drug.
The next column they must attack is the fabric of society itself. The promotion of ideas and behaviors which go directly against all accepted social mores and legal conventions will weaken the will of the people as successive generations grow up bewildered by the insistence of their elders for adherence to mores and laws which other authority figures, the self-same teachers and leaders they have been told by these adults to trust and obey, have told them are antiquated and that progress must and can only be made by leaving them in the past. One very good example of this is the lackadaisical approach teachers have taken to language. At one time a History teacher would knock points off for misspelling too, but now even the English teachers will forgive the occasional slip so long as the student tried his or her best. Rewarding mediocrity and failure serves only to reinforce and promote it. Artificially inflating the importance of self-esteem so that it is given priority over personal success is another method of doing this. Remember that while a man cannot knock a mountain flat several generations of them removing a few handfuls of earth and rock each day will eventually leave a level field where it once was. In this way successive generations can be inculcated into the Cult of Failure & Victimhood until eventually only no one is left who knows how to do anything except what they’re told and are too intellectually impaired to do anything more than specialize in the one career they will have until they retire or die. We are already seeing the first evidence of this now with the grossly restricted lateral mobility within the American employment markets.
Finally, they must attack the mind and heart of the people. This can only be accomplished after the other attacks have already been more or less successful and the tools used are no less than the very things the people will take for granted – TV, news, and the internet. This is accomplished by first saturating the people with information, usually via the news and easily retrieved content [Google]. If you saturate the mind with enough information then it becomes difficult to filter out the nonsense from the truth. Factor in the seduction of academic mediocrity and the ubiquity of addictive entertainment programming and very quickly people cease to desire the truth, not long after that they stop caring about the world around them and devolve into a near mindless junkie waiting for their next fix of ‘Honey Boo-Boo’ as they check their favorite social engineering website [FaceBook, Twitter, et. al.]. The Roman method of using free entertainment to maintain control during the final years before collapse is perhaps the best known historical occurrence. However it is in use today in the United States of America. If we consider just how far out of touch with reality the average United States citizen is then this method and the tools used to achieve it have been wildly successful. How many times have you or a loved one watched a video of a kitten or puppy doing something cute and think not once about why you’re watching such a video instead of getting something constructive done – regardless of where you are when you’re watching it? How many times have you played ‘Angry Birds’ or some ultra-violent game instead of going for a walk with your family, or reading a book to strengthen your mind? How many times have you entertained yourself by going into a forum or waded into the comments section of an online news article and battled valiantly to prove that your opinion was the one true fact and that all others were but pretenders to the throne?
This brings me to the next point. Giving everyone’s opinion equal value cheapens everyone’s opinions and ideas. Not everyone is a George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, or Leonardo Da Vinci. To encourage this sort of egoism is to court disaster as all people suddenly cease to have meaningful discourse and instead rely on their own foundering opinion in spite of ample evidence that their opinion or idea is not only wrong but potentially dangerous. The net result of all of this is a generation so narcissistic that nothing penetrates into the vacuum that is their mind.
In addition to all of this is the impersonal nature of the internet. While anonymity is a good thing; human nature being what it is will encourage people to ‘troll’ their fellows, and attack them viciously, brow beating them with cherry-picked “facts” that, because they were taken out of context, have no real value.
These electronic beat downs have a very real effect on the psyche and serve to reinforce the negative trait of egoism. This quickly becomes a self-enforcing thought process – “I’m right. You’re wrong.” No amount of valid proof seems to dissuade the victim from their adherence to their self-proclaimed superiority.
No other invention in history is as effective at this as the internet. It operates under the guise of helping mankind while it slowly dissolves the very fabric that holds us together as a society. It destroys us by empowering us because by making every individual feel like they are indeed equal winners in life it devalues them and reduces their real contributions. We cannot be a society of leaders. There must be some followers or else everything will fall apart. The Global Elite know and understand this because they’ve handpicked the very best scientists in their respective fields for generations to devise the tools necessary to divide and conquer.
This is a game to them. A game whose consequences are quite a lot direr for us if we fail to recognize the warning signs before it’s too late than it is for them if we do succeed. Even if we do succeed it will not be over. The Elite will simply kick back and enjoy the fruits of our labor and wait a few generations and begin again; safe in their anonymity with the new generations who have never encountered them in anything more threatening than a history book.
Mr. Blank currently resides in the southeastern United States with his wife and pets and was raised by a father who had neither love of or trust in the government. Some of his past employment has given him a firsthand glimpse of what is considered criminal in today’s society and how government tends to operate when confronted with resistance. He hopes to lend his mind and authorial skills to the fight for freedom.
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