January 13, 2013
January 13, 2013
again, following yet another school massacre, the rabid dogs in the controlled
media, NYC Mayor Fascist Michael Bloomberg and the usual vermin in the
Outlaw Congress are pushing for something the global elite have wanted
since this republic was founded: disarm everyone except police, military.
calling for their own destruction (think Pol Pot, Mao, Lenin, Stalin,
Hitler, Idi Amin) are so mentally unstable, they can't even comprehend
their own stupidity:
50 years, the left-leaning columnist Donald Kaul has raged against guns,
but after the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, he says, it's time
for “anger,” killing gun owners and dragging legislators who
disagree with gun control behind pickup trucks until they get the message.
The Pulitzer Prize-nominated columnist penned an alarming screed published
in the Des Moines Register in which he further suggested the Second Amendment
be repealed and the National Rifle Association be declared a terrorist
I penned such a piece, the jack booted thugs at the Department of Fatherland
Security who have sold their soul for a paycheck would have kicked down
my door, probably shot my dogs and thrown me in some federal jail.
sure many have read the circus side show where Brit, Piers Morgan, and
talk show host Alex Jones, went at each other on CNN (Communist News Network).
Morgan consistently rates second to the bottom of cable network ratings;
only sexual deviant, Anderson Cooper, scores lower. Morgan's uber boring
show attracts less than a half million brain dead viewers five nights
a week. He's now enjoying what is called a 'bump' in the ratings because
of the Jones' interview, but it won't last. Intelligent people simply
don't waste their time watching parasites like Piers Morgan. For the sake
of research, I forced myself to watch Morgan's rant with his "all
star panel" of useful idiots and laughed when he blurted out AR-15's
are machine guns! Yes, he really did say that.
even individuals who supported the Second Amendment in the past, once
again demonstrate complete and total ignorance regarding the Second Amendment.
Former Congressional Band Aid pusher, Joe Scarborough, on another obscure
cable network (MSNBC) with dismal ratings and dominated by sexual deviants,
socialists and Marxists, ranted against gun manufacturers and the NRA
after Sandy Hook: "I say, good luck to the gun lobbyist. Good luck
to the Hollywood lawyer who tries to blunt the righteous anger of millions
of parents, by hiding behind twisted readings of our Bill of Rights."
readings of our Bill of Rights? We should not waste our time over useful
fools like Joe Scarborough or any of the other idiots out there who have
zero understanding of the Second Amendment. Old Joe has had too much coffee
or he would stand up like a real man and tell his cronies and listening
audience what Bob Greenslade wrote in his excellent piece: Repeal
of the 2nd Amendment would not Abolish any Right
VP, Joe Biden, has taken the spotlight to demonstrate "leadership"
with his usual and profound ignorance about the Second Amendment. Egged
on by the impostor squatting in the White House, Biden is basking in the
glow of stupidity. He's not the one to be concerned with despite all the
rhetoric. As for the usurper, Barry Soetoro, using an Executive Order
to ban any gun, well, I can only say go for it because before the ink
is dry, the lawsuits will fly. And, yes, EOs have been over turned by
the courts.
is a lot of dangerous talk out there about this latest effort to ban AR-15's
as setting off the next American Revolution. Americans armed to the teeth
and lines in the sand while everyone continues to ignore the only
explosion the past couple of weeks over banning AR-15's has caused the
predictable: The NRA under attack and people buying those rifles in record
numbers while everyone ignores the only solution.
written this too many times to count, but here it is again: Everyday I
get emails from organizations like CCRKBA (Citizens Committee for the
Right to Keep and Bear Arms) with the same non solutions and don't forget
to send your check so we can "fight for your Second Amendment rights!"
No different than the NRA which has spent decades compromising the Second
Amendment and don't forget to send your check today! Has it done any good
except prolong the problem? Be honest with yourself.
displayed by members of Congress inexcusable
Owners of America put out email for a new bill in the Outlaw Congress;
I must have received 50 emails with the message: Support this bill! I
will not.
Introduces Legislation to Repeal School Gun Ban! Ask your Congressman
to Cosponsor H.R. 35
have one concern -- protecting children from dangerous predators. By disarming
qualified citizens and officials in schools we have created a dangerous
situation for our children. -- Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX)
told you that Rep. Steve Stockman would be the most aggressive defender
of our gun rights on Capitol Hill. He proved us right on Thursday, when
he introduced the Very First pro-gun bill in the Congress, in the face
of a tidal wave of anti-gun hysteria. Congressman Steve Stockman has introduced
H.R. 35, the Safe Schools Act of 2013 -- a bill to allow principals, teachers,
and staff to possess firearms in order to defend their students."
goody. Another bill. Stockman apparently has little understanding about
jurisdiction or a very important U.S. Supreme Court decision I cited in
a recent column:
No. 93-1260
on writ of certiorari to the united states court of appeals for the fifth circuit
No. 93-1260
on writ of certiorari to the united states court of appeals for the fifth circuit
26, 1995]
Justice Rehnquist delivered the opinion of the Court.
the Gun Free School Zones Act of 1990, Congress made it a federal offense
"for any individual knowingly to possess a firearm at a place that
the individual knows, or has reasonable cause to believe, is a school
zone." 18 U.S.C. § 922(q)(1)(A) (1988 ed., Supp. V). The Act
neither regulates a commercial activity nor contains a requirement that
the possession be connected in any way to interstate commerce. We
hold that the Act exceeds the authority of Congress "[t]o
regulate Commerce . . . among the several States . . . ." U. S. Const.,
Art. I, §8, cl. 3.
March 10, 1992, respondent, who was then a 12th grade student, arrived
at Edison High School in San Antonio, Texas, carrying a concealed .38
caliber handgun and five bullets. Acting upon an anonymous tip, school
authorities confronted respondent, who admitted that he was carrying the
weapon. He was arrested and charged under Texas law with firearm possession
on school premises. See Tex. Penal Code Ann. §46.03(a)(1) (Supp.
1994). The next day, the state charges were dismissed after federal agents
charged respondent by complaint with violating the Gun Free School Zones
Act of 1990. 18 U.S.C. § 922(q)(1)(A) (1988 ed., Supp. V). [n.1]"
do encourage you to read the whole decision.
has no jurisdiction for one thing and second, while this symbolic gesture
might pass the House of Representatives, it will not pass the socialist/communist
controlled U.S. Senate. The illegitimate president, usurper Barry Soetoro
aka Obama, would never sign it even if it did pass in the senate. Arming
school staff and teachers is a local matter for school boards to decide
as they've already done here in Texas.
up those petitions
First Amendment gives all Americans the right to petition and folks are
busy doing it by the dozens every day with zero results. A rash of them
have grown since the media frenzy about banning guns - primarily the AR-15.
is one example:
our petition, and we will add your voice to thousands of others when we
deliver our petition directly to Congress, saying we demand Congress Protect
the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution."
the Outlaw Congress protect the Second Amendment? Please. Can anyone still
be so naive?
I don't doubt the sincerity of the folks behind it, nothing will come
of it and it is the wrong message. As I wrote in a recent column, no one
likes to be called stupid. There is ignorance because you don't have the
facts and then there is willful ignorance - you refuse to get educated
about the issue because you know all the answers or the solution might
be harmful to drumming up donations.
me give you an example of willful ignorance for which I'm sure my email
box will be flooded with nasty notes. It has to do with the Dick Act.
I've received no less than a hundred emails all screeching the same thing:
Against Tyrannical Government!!!
Trump Card Enacted by the Congress Further Asserting the Second Amendment
as Untouchable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Dick Act of 1902 also known as
the Efficiency of Militia Bill H.R. 11654, of June 28, 1902 invalidates
all so-called gun-control laws. It also divides the militia into three
distinct and separate entities." While I normally don't trust Wikipedia,
they at least got
it right on the Dick Act.
those sending out those emails, have you read the Dick Act? Those who
think the Dick Act is the "Trump Card" making the Second Amendment
untouchable simply have no understanding of the Second Amendment or the
constitutional militia. And, I say this as I always do because no one
except God is perfect: I have always supported the Second Amendment my
entire life, but I never really understood the actual meaning
of that amendment until I began studying what Dr. Edwin Vieira has written
about it since 2005.
I can't
tell you how many rude emails I've received from men who belong to militia
groups who get mad when I tell them they are not the constitutional militia
and they have no legal authority to do anything. While I applaud them
for the work they do, they simply have no legal teeth. I have respectfully
urged them to read
Dr. Vieira's columns on the Second Amendment or listen
to some of them free on audio. I personally hand delivered the audio
CD with Edwin's columns to our sheriff; one of the good guys. And, please
remember: Sheriff is not mentioned anywhere in the Constitution, only
the militia. Not to say your sheriff can't be part of the constitutional
milita because he/she absolutely can as leadership.
A start
in the right direction
* Utah
town makes arming every household a top priority
* Kentucky Sheriff to Obama: No Gun Disarmament in My County
* Wyoming Lawmakers Propose 'Gun Protection' Legislation
* Kentucky Sheriff to Obama: No Gun Disarmament in My County
* Wyoming Lawmakers Propose 'Gun Protection' Legislation
only solution which scares the shadow government
National Guard is not the constitutional militia. A State Guard is not
the constitutional militia. Local militia are not the constitutional militia.
Do take the time to read: True
Vs. False Militia & Why the Difference Matters.
meal efforts are NOT going to stop the assault on the Second Amendment.
groups: Our 'backs are against the wall' - "“Our backs
are against the wall,” said Scott Wilson, president of the Connecticut
Citizens Defense League, a pro-gun rights group. “We are in for
the fight of our lives. I have never seen anything like it.”
Your back is against the wall because you have allowed this to fester
over the decades instead of pursuing the only solution.
me put it this way: Gun owners (who by the way, voted in droves for the
impostor president, Barry Soetoro and are now squealing like pigs) possess
roughly 100 MILLION guns. The gun grabbers in the U.S. Congress and even
state capitols know they are out gunned. This really is a stupid fight
for them to pick, but it's necessary to appease the ignorant. To make
matters worse, gun owners are being egged on by irresponsible, splashy
headlines on the Internet about "martial law to be declared in weeks"
making the climate even more volatile. How many even know the legal basis
for declaring martial law? Few, including me until I read this column:
Primer on Martial Law several years ago.
only solution is for states to pass a bill to reconstitute the constitutional
militia and the people of each state demand their governor sign it into
law. THAT will stop the tyrants in Washington, DC., once and for all.
Yet, the NRA, GOA and gun groups all across this country ignore the only
solution. Why? What is their problem? Yeah, the word militia has been
demonized by hate groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center, but that's
not excuse to ignore the real solution. I understand groups need donations
to stay afloat, but what good is a pro-Second Amendment organization if
they chase more Band Aids instead of going after the cure?
NRA and GOA have roughly 5 million members. That doesn't count all the
other gun organizations in this country. I know for a fact the NRA knows
all about Dr. Vieira's efforts to get one state to reconstitute the constitutional
militia. So does Larry Pratt (who I like and respect) at GOA. Why have
they not joined together to pursue the solution? Why the silence on the
militia? If you belong to the NRA, GOA or any other gun organization,
ask their leadership: Why will you not make the Second Amendment a priority?
I mean the real meaning of the Second Amendment by supporting efforts
in any state to reconstitute the constitutional militia? Ask them.
I covered
the militia bill Arizona passed last year that was correctly vetoed by
Gov. Jan Brewer in another column. It wasn't a good bill; hopefully, a
new one will be forthcoming in that state. I wrote a column about what
we are doing here in Texas. The
working paper I wrote and all exhibits were given to certain members
of our state legislature here to reconstitute the constitutional militia.
Once committee assignments have been finished, we intend to go after the
members on the Homeland Security Committee to push to get a bill written
so we can put the heat on Gov. Perry to sign it into law.
do you think would happen if tens of thousands of gun owners planned
rallies at their state capitols with the message: Reconstitute
the militia? I mean serious rallies. In Texas (as with Nevada, Montana
and North Dakota) we are hampered by the fact our legislature just opened
for business, but will be gone in May and doesn't come back until January
2015. Many legislatures go out of session long before the end of the year.
Most will not allow a new bill after December 31st. But, this IS an emergency
because the evil doers in Washington and their henchmen are going for
blood this time.
petitions to the Red House (formerly known as the White House) and to
the gutless cowards in the U.S. Congress who have been selling you down
the road on the Second Amendment for decades. Knowledge is no good if
not followed by action. If you do nothing, nothing gets done.
you had enough of this fight that should never even be an issue? Are you
ready for a sensible, cold revolution by getting boots on the ground at
your state capitols? Are you ready to really fight for YOUR Second Amendment
rights or are you going to sit back and see how successful the NRA is
at more compromise? Haven't you sent enough money to all the big gun groups
to fight for the Second Amendment and look where we are? Instead of sending
the NRA more donations, buy the CD below and really learn, as I have,
the only solution instead of more Band Aids because the gun grabbers are
not going away.
to say, since Dr. Vieira has been relentless on this issue going on eight
years, seeing is believing. All I see is more of the same. Oh, and don't
forget to send your donation for someone else to fight for your Second
Amendment rights! Send it today!
Vieira has put out his latest scholarly book on CD for those who want
to learn what I have about the real meaning of the Second Amendment and
the solution:
Sword and Sovereignty - The Constitutional Principles of "The Militia
of the Several States". As with his other books, this one should
be a best seller across this country. Even though I am well versed on
this subject, I read a portion of the book everyday over lunch and will
do so until I finish. It's another piece of amazing work.
cannot solve a problem until you know how it started and where things
went wrong. It takes time to read Sword and Sovereignty. It took Edwin
YEARS to write it so that all of us will have the facts and tools to implement
the solution. Instead of sending more donations to "fight for the
Second Amendment", purchase an incredible teaching tool so we can
all fight together effectively:
Sword and Sovereignty: The Constitutional Principles of "the Militia
of the several States" is a comprehensive study-2,304 pages in length,
with 6,544 footnotes and endnotes-of the constitutional and statutory
history of America's Militia, which gives special emphasis to the unique
and indispensable rôle of the Militia as the institutions through
which WE THE PEOPLE themselves ultimately provide, or withhold, "the
consent of the governed" upon which this country's form of government
depends for its legitimacy. The Sword and Sovereignty derives the basic
legal and practical principles of the Militia from a detailed study of
the pre-constitutional Militia statutes of Rhode Island and Virginia (selected,
for reasons the book makes clear, as exemplars of what happened throughout
America in that era). It explains how these principles are embodied in
the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, and how they should
be applied in the operation of America's true "federal" system
of government-indeed, why it is Congress's and every State's duty to see
to the organization of, and every American's personal duty to participate
in, the Militia, more imperatively now than ever before. It exposes the
dangerous fallacy in the contemporary "individual-rights" misinterpretation
of the Second Amendment, and explains how the Supreme Court's Heller decision
reduced Americans' "right * * * to keep and bear Arms" to a
level far below what their forebears enjoyed when the Constitution and
Bill of Rights were ratified. And it examines ways in which revitalized
"Militia of the several States" could, should, and if they were
properly revitalized would deal with many of the most pressing contemporary
problems this country faces-such as the correction of rogue public officials;
the supervision of the "the military-industrial complex"; the
conduct of honest elections; the provision of an alternative currency,
is no need to start a shooting war with the feds. Once something like
that starts, it will be ugly beyond what most people realize. Gun
Owners join together, plan your rallies at your state capitols. He who
shouts the loudest wins. You can use
my working paper and exhibits for your state rep and senator. Just
print them out. Go to the capitol and start respectfully telling your
state representative that it's fine to do what they're doing in Wyoming,
but the real solution is a properly written bill to reconstitute
the militia which requires citizens be armed.
to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts!
other big problem I see are gun owners themselves. Edwin wrote a column
about homeland security and our individual responsibility.
That doesn't sit well with too many men. I get emails: "I don't have
time, Devvy." I guess that's why gun owners send their money to the
NRA, but they haven't stopped more and more gun "laws" over
the years. If you're too busy to protect your homeland from foreign and
domestic enemies, how do you call yourself a patriot? Fair question, I
think. Let me repeat: The ONLY thing the power elite in Washington, District
of Crimials fear is a bunch of states reconstituting the militia.
Am I
just wasting my time again or are you ready to take the lead in your state?
Honestly, I'm sick and tired of all the whining about "taking our
guns", yet few are working towards the only solution that will get
rid of the gun grabbers once and for all.
Owners Voted For The Gun Grabbers
2- The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S.
3- Obama’s Gun Task Force Member Has Son Convicted Of Planning School Mass Murder
4- One of my earlier investigative pieces for NWS. Joe Scarborough and the death of Lori Klausutis
5- 18 Facts That Prove That Piers Morgan Is Flat Out Lying About Gun Control
2- The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S.
3- Obama’s Gun Task Force Member Has Son Convicted Of Planning School Mass Murder
4- One of my earlier investigative pieces for NWS. Joe Scarborough and the death of Lori Klausutis
5- 18 Facts That Prove That Piers Morgan Is Flat Out Lying About Gun Control
© 2013
- and Devvy - All Rights Reserved
Kidd authored the booklets, Why A Bankrupt America and Blind Loyalty;
2 million copies sold. Devvy appears on radio shows all over the country.
She left the Republican Party in 1996 and has been an independent voter
ever since. Devvy isn't left, right or in the middle; she is a constitutionalist
who believes in the supreme law of the land, not some political party.
regularly posted new columns are on her site at:
You can also sign up for her free email alerts.
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