
Friday, August 16, 2019


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This article is one to ponder carefully for a number of reasons, which we'll get to. But the basic story is - surprise surprise! - scientists in the US Rocky Mountains region have been finding microscopic plastic filaments and globules in the rain (say it isn't so!!!), according to this story shared by S.D.:
What's interesting about the article isn't so much its statement of the obvious - that "there's plastic in that thar rain!" - but how it got there:
Plastic was the furthest thing from Gregory Wetherbee’s mind when he began analyzing rainwater samples collected from the Rocky Mountains. “I guess I expected to see mostly soil and mineral particles,” said the US Geological Survey researcher. Instead, he found multicolored microscopic plastic fibers.
The discovery, published in a recent study (pdf) titled “It is raining plastic”, raises new questions about the amount of plastic waste permeating the air, water, and soil virtually everywhere on Earth.
“I think the most important result that we can share with the American public is that there’s more plastic out there than meets the eye,” said Wetherbee. “It’s in the rain, it’s in the snow. It’s a part of our environment now.”
“My results are purely accidental,” he said, though they are consistent with another recent study that found microplastics in the Pyrenees, suggesting plastic particles could travel with the wind for hundreds, if not thousands, of kilometers. Other studies have turned up microplastics in the deepest reaches of the ocean, in UK lakes and rivers and in US groundwater.
A major contributor is trash, said Sherri Mason, a microplastics researcher and sustainability coordinator at Penn State Behrend. More than 90% of plastic waste is not recycled, and as it slowly degrades it breaks into smaller and smaller pieces. “Plastic fibers also break off your clothes every time you wash them,” Mason said, and plastic particles are byproducts of a variety of industrial processes.
It’s impossible to trace the tiny pieces back to their sources, Mason said, but almost anything that’s made of plastic could be shedding particles into the atmosphere. “And then those particles get incorporated into water droplets when it rains,” she added, then wash into rivers, lakes, bays and oceans and filter into groundwater sources. (Emphasis added)
There you have it: it's all the plastic waste we're producing, which breaks down into small particles, then combines in the atmosphere in water droplets, to fall to earth again in the rain. Case closed, message received: we've got to curb human activity to save the planet. (This is, after all, The Guardian we're dealing with.)
Now, don't get me wrong, I have no difficulty that this is true, but not nearly to the extent that is being carefully alleged here. What disturbs me about the article is its blatant material omission, i.e., the complete absence of any mention of the chemtrail-spraying phenomenon, and this after Bill Gates and Harvard were recently caught "red handed" (pun intended) talking about how to spray stuff into the atmosphere to "dim the sun." For those of us who've been following the geoengineering phenomenon, or for that matter, the strange case of Morgellon's disease and its plastic fibers growing in the lesions of its sufferers, it is this spraying itself, not the normal human activity and use of plastics, that is the real culprit: spray a bunch of gunk into the atmosphere, and it's going to fall to the earth and cause environmental problems.
Which brings me, not to my speculation of the day, but to my rant of the day: until these so-called environmentalists show genuine concern about the geoengineering phenomenon and its environmental effects, then I turn a jaundiced and cynical eye on their so-called concern for the environment. I'm back to the basic proposition: if you are unwilling to acknowledge and discuss the very plans of the "sprayers and spewers" like Mr. Gates and its effects on the environment, then you're simply not to be taken seriously.
Or to put it country simple: it is the geoengineers who are behind the bulk of the problem, not us.
And sadly, in the interim, the plastic rains down on the Colorado Rockies...

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