
Friday, August 16, 2019

Epstein Dies: Long Live the New Mexico Connection?

The big bad wolf is dead.

On Friday, August 9, 2019,  new documents were unsealed in the case against Jeffrey Epstein that named several of the powerful men accused of sexually abusing minors procured for them by the disgraced financier. They included individuals such as former New Mexico governor and presidential candidate Bill Richardson; wealthy financier Glenn Dubin; former senator George Mitchell (who, like Richardson, is also a Democrat); MIT scientist Marvin Minsky; and Prince Andrew.

The very next day, Epstein allegedly committed suicide.

It was, in a sense, an apt end to saga that shares more than a few similarities with a British scandal from nearly six decades ago commonly known as the Profumo affair. As I've noted before here, at least half a dozen families linked to that particular sex scandal also appear in Epstein's black book. Elsewhere, President Donald Trump would later employ one the key American figures in the scandal.

The central figure in Profumo was an osteopath named Stephen Ward who also happened to procure girls for the British Establishment on the side. Like Epstein, Ward also allegedly committed suicide in the midst of legal proceedings deriving from his peculiar services to the Establishment. He expired on August 3, 1963, fifty-six years and a week to the day of Epstein's suicide.

The most recent suicide occurred at what is reportedly one of the most secure prisons in the nation and came on the heels of a prior suicide attempt on July 23rd. Naturally, Epstein had been taken off of suicide watch a mere six days after the prior attempt. No doubt some fascinating explanations will be forthcoming in the near future attempting to rationalize how such blatant bullshit could be so. Until then, another recent revelation concerning the convicted pedophile deserves some discussion.

One of the most truly striking aspects of the Epstein revelations (and that's saying something as even singling out one is a little difficult) are the strange doings-on at his New Mexico ranch located near Stanley, New Mexico. On the last day of July, Establishment organ The New York Times reported that the financier had sought to use his New Mexico residence to impregnate hundreds of women in an effort to seed the human race with his DNA. What's more, these plans were allegedly deeply seeded in notions of transhumanism and eugenics.

To this end, he appears to have courted many leading scientists for decades in an effort to locate potential candidate to aide him in these objectives. In addition to the above-mentioned Minsky, they included such luminaries as Stephen HawkingMurray Gell-MannStephen Jay GouldOliver SacksGeorge M. Church (a molecular engineer who works to identify genes that could be used to create "superior humans"), Frank WilczekSteven Pinker, and the arch skeptidick Lawrence Krauss. Krauss may have been a particularly good fit for Epstein, as he has reportedly been accused of sexual misconduct for over a decade. Of course, the Skeptics movement that Krause is so prominent in has its own curious ties to pedophilia.

But back to Stanley. The New York Times' revelations put Epstein's New Mexico Connection in the headlines after the sex offender's southwestern lair had avoided much scrutiny. While federal authorities recently reopened investigations into allegations of abuse at Epstein's residencies in New York City and Palm Beach, FL, his ranch at Stanley is presently only being looked at by New Mexico authorities. Nor did Epstein face any criminal charges in New Mexico, despite being accused of abusing a fifteen-year old girl there.

Clearly, there are some rather striking implications behind this most recent limited hangout. But before getting to the good stuff, a little more on the background of Epstein's ranch and the area surrounding it should noted. So, here you are:

Democrats, Underground Bases, and Another Maxwell Connection

Epstein purchased the property from the prominent Democrat Bruce King, a three term New Mexico governor, in 1993. King was born in Stanley and later died there. His family stills owns much of the land around Epstein's parcel. This would include King's son, Gary, a former attorney general in New Mexico and the Democratic candidate for governor there in 2014.

Bruce King
Another neighbor is the Cerro Pelon Ranch, currently owned by fashion designer Tom Ford. Naturally, Ford is one of the names that appears in Epstein's black book. He is also another Democrat. Given the presence of the King family and Epstein in Stanley, Ford's presence makes the small town something of southwestern base for various Democratic royalty. No doubt Cerro Pelon provided a further pipeline to Hollywood as well.

Bizarrely, the state of New Mexico itself owns a considerable chunk of land right in the middle of Epstein's parcel. Nothing is present on this tract save for a structure built into the ground at the southern end. This brings to mind the longstanding allegations that New Mexico is one location for a series of massive underground bases spread across these United States and beyond. The New Mexico local is often referred to a Dulce Base, and is supposedly located underneath the Archuleta Mesa at the Colorado/New Mexico border. In some more dubious accounts, the facility is said to be controlled by extraterrestrials. The Delta Force even allegedly engaged in a firefight with the Greys at some point down there.

the bizarre structure located on New Mexico's tract of land in the middle of Epstein's ranch
As should come as little surprise, the allegations concerning Dulce originate with a disinformation campaign run by the Air Force Office of Special Investigation (AFOSI) against an eccentric inventor and businessman named Paul Bennewitz. During the late 1970s, the town of Dulce had become a hotspot for cattle mutilations. Against this backdrop, Bennewitz became convinced that he was witnessing UFOs flying over nearby Kirkland Air Force Base, which actually is used to test experimental aircraft and the like at the Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center. It has been proposed that, in an effort to steer Bennewitz away from Kirkland, where he may have exposed real classified project, the AFOSI cooked up the Dulce mythos. Probably the best account of these shenanigans can be found in Greg Bishop's Project Beta. This researcher has also addressed the co-called "Bennewitz Affair" before here and here.

Despite the dubious origins of the claims concerning the Dulce facility, allegations of underground bases still persist. And it is rather inexplicable that the state of New Mexico would have a tract of land possessing what appears to be the entrance to an underground facility smack dab in the middle of Epstein's land.

What isn't speculative is the presence of the highly secretive Los Alamos National Laboratory less than an hour away. So far, the specter of nearby Los Alamos doesn't seem to have drawn much scrutiny from the conspiracy theorists, which is odd considering its connection to the Maxwell family.

As many of you are no doubt aware, a woman named Ghislaine Maxwell has been closely linked to Epstein's misadventures. Indeed, she is often described as the financier's "madam." Ghislaine also happens to hail from a family with a rather deep background, most notably her father Robert, who is alleged to have spied for the KGB, Mossad, and MI6 at various points. Nor is this a complete list of the intelligence services Maxwell was linked to over the course of his flamboyant life. To the public at large, however, he was principally known as a former Labour MP and publishing tycoon, something along the lines of a left wing Rupert Murdoch (who was a frequent rival of Maxwell's).

Much like Epstein, Robert Maxwell cultivated the scientific community, both in the East and West. Indeed, his ties to Soviet scientists appear to have lead to a decades-spanning relationship with various Eastern and Western intelligence agencies. His first publishing house, Pergamon Press, specialized in scientific journals. It had been set up by MI6 with an eye towards enabling Maxwell to cultivate the Soviet scientific community for the sake of espionage. This was briefly addressed by this researcher before here.

It wasn't until Maxwell began spying for Israel, however, that he set his sights on Los Alamos. During the early 1980s the Israelis had managed to acquire a version of PROMIS, a controversial piece of software developed by Inslaw. Inslaw had developed PROMIS on behalf of the Department of Justice to create a searchable database for files in the federal court system. In a sense, it was a kind of early search engine and as such, would be of great interest to both government agencies and multinational corporations that were trying to digitize their records.

As such, both the CIA and the Mossad separately created alternative versions of PROMIS with a "backdoor" inserted that would enable these intelligence agencies to view the files in the PROMIS databases without the users being aware of the eavesdropping. When the Mossad set out to market this "enhanced" version of PROMIS, Maxwell was tapped to serve as a kind of salesman.

One particular target the Israelis had in mind was Los Alamos, home of various US nuclear secrets and other cutting edge technology related to defense. Naturally, Maxwell took the lead on selling Los Alamos on this "enhanced" version of PROMIS. He parlayed his contacts in the Republican Party into a meeting with officials at the Sandia National Laboratory facility, located on Kirkland Air Force Base, in 1984. Sandia is a part of the Los Alamos network, and one especially close to American nuclear research.

Maxwell closed the deal less than a year later, giving the Israelis unparalleled access to American nuclear secrets in the process.

"In early February 1985, once more accompanied by an assistant and a secretary from IOD, Robert Maxwell returned to Sandia laboratories. He had come to sign the contract for Sandia to purchase the exclusive rights to the Promis software. He initialled each page of the document and signed his name with flourish on the last page. He gave as his title president and chief executive officer of Information on Demand. When it had been countersigned, he placed a copy of the contract in his briefcase. Snapping it shut, he handed the valise to the assistant, dismissing him and the secretary with the familiar wave of his hand. 
"Maxwell was then given a celebratory luncheon in the Sandia boardroom. Then he and his entourage drove back to the waiting private jet. As it flew out over the desert, it once more passed the township with the prophetic name of Truth and Consequences. 
"For unsuspecting Sandia, the truth was that Israel now had an electronic spy in the midst of, until now, the most secure of all nuclear facilities. 
"It was a significant triumph for the Jewish state, for its prime intelligence service, Mossad, and for Rafi Eitan. It meant Israel would be able to depend less on the United States to ensure that its nuclear arsenal out in the Negev desert would remain at the cutting edge of developments. It would ensure that Israel would also still remain the only nuclear power in the Middle East."
(Robert Maxwell, Israel's Superspy, Gordon Thomas & Martin Dillon, pg. 101) 
Did Epstein pick up on the value of scientific espionage from Ghislaine, who in turn had learned it from her father? It is certainly possible, but Epstein does not appear to have been principally working for a foreign intelligence service. While Epstein is reputed to have had ties to the US intelligence community (briefly noted before here), this researcher suspects that his activities in Stanley were of a much more private nature. But what was ultimately driving these efforts?

Eugenics, Transhumanism, Neo-liberalism, and Neo-reaction

There can be little dispute that Epstein had wholeheartedly embraced eugenics by the early twenty-first century, if not sooner. The New York Times story noted that Epstein opposed efforts to reduce starvation and improve healthcare for the poor on the basis that it would further overpopulation. His plot for creating a master race based upon his DNA was reportedly based upon the Repository for Germinal Choice, a sperm bank that allegedly only accepted donations from Nobel Prize winners in an effort to "strengthen" the human gene pool. The only known donor to the Repository was William Shockley, the alleged inventor of the transistor who dedicated much of the latter part of his life to the continuation of eugenics. More on Shockley can be found here.

Even more curious are Epstein's links to the transhumanist movement, which seeks to improve the human condition through science. These efforts involve life extension, genetic manipulation, merging with AI, and potentially uploading human consciousness. At its core is an obsession with breaking free from the confines of mortality. As should come as little surprise, transhumanism has often been likened to a modern form of eugenics.
Transhumanists have largely rejected these allegations on the basis that transhumanism has a broader aim than eugenics, which is largely based on genetic modification associated with reproduction. Transhumanism is concerned with improving the human stock by any means necessary. By rejecting the racialist and classist notions underlining "traditional" eugenics, transhumanists see a brave new world driven by a "humanist" world view. What becomes of those who either do not wish to be "improved," or can not afford to be, is generally vague.  

Transhumanism traces it origins back to the late nineteenth century musings of the Russian Cosmists, but did not begin to emerge in its present form until the 1980s. By the late 1990s. much of the movement had become organized around the banner of the World Transhumanist Association, now known as Humanity +. Unsurprisingly, Epstein was a backer of this outfit. 

A curious figure linked to Humanity+ is Patri Friedman, the grandson of Noble Prize winning economist Milton Friedman. Friedman is most well known for being at the vanguard of the vaunted Chicago School of economics, but he was also a part of broader movement that helped spawn the postwar neoliberal movement.The foundation of this movement was laid with the highly influential and secretive Mont Pelerin Society. In addition to Friedman, members included several of the guiding lights of the modern American libertarian movement such as Ludwig von Mises (he of the even more radical Austrian school) and Friedrich Hayek.

 "... in the spring of 1947... a group of intellectuals gathered at the other end of the lake at the base of Mont Pelerin. Taking their name from the location, the Mont Pelerin Society (MPS) became the germ of what it's organizer Hayek called 'the neoliberal movement.' Among those gathered were Mises, Ropke, Robbins, and two future Nobel Memorial Prize winners, Milton Friedman and George Stigler.... 
"In Hayek's words, the intention of the MPS was to allow for 'personal contact among the proponents of neoliberalism,' to 'erect a coherent edifice of... neoliberal thought, and to work out its practical application to the problems of different countries.' This involved personal contact as well as translation and distribution of key texts to stimulate the 'flow of neoliberal ideas.' Like the meetings in Geneva and Paris in the 1930s, the MPS was global in both its mandate and its objective of study. Hayek felt that socialists had too long monopolized the language of internationalism. Neoliberals needed to have the courage of their convictions and exhibit the boldness to do what socialists had done for half a century: dream of utopia. They must conceive of the world they wanted to see, even if that seemed impractical or implausible."
(Globalists: The End of Empire and the Birth of Neoliberalism, Quinn Slobodian, pgs. 126-127) 
Milton Friedman
Sadly, the world these men dreamed of was more often than not dystopian in nature. As has been detailed in works such as Naomi Klein's classic The Shock Doctrine, neoliberalism has frequently reduced nations to a feudal state and kept in a perpetual state of terror by the security services. In other words, quite Darwinistic, which no doubt would appeal greatly to the Jeffrey Epsteins of the world. As such, it should come as little surprise that this MPS-derived ideology underpins much of both the "globalist" and "nationalistic" ideology of the early twenty-first century.

Case in point, Friedman's grandson. Patri is considered to be at the vanguard of a far right ideology variously known as "neo-reaction" (sometimes abbreviated as NRx) or the more elegant "Dark Enlightenment." Other leading thinkers include the likes of Nick Land and Curtis Yarvin, who are often credited as the founders. Both Land and Yarvin have paid tribute to the influence of billionaire tech investor Peter Thiel on their thinking. Neo-reaction has been described as a post-libertarian futurism, with a strong fetish for authoritarian and/or monarchist social structures. I've briefly addressed this ideology before here. A far more substantive account can be found here.

While often depicted as a highly fringe movement, much of its inspiration hails from elite ideologies such as neo-liberalism and transhumanism. As such, it is hardly surprising to find Milton Friedman's grandson among the ranks. But even more curious is that Patri's most notable contribution to neo-reaction appears to have been inspired by Epstein. Shuja Haider writing for Viewpoint Magazine notes:

"But the most utopian (dystopian?) wing of NRx literally aims to build Lovecraftian cities in the sea. This project, called Seasteading, is championed by Yarvin’s on-and-off co-conspirator Patri Friedman, whose grandfather Milton Friedman happens to be the economist responsible for the most extreme free market policies in the modern world. Peter Thiel was once Seasteading’s principal backer, as well as an investor in Urbit.
"It’s not hard to see why floating sovereign states, out of any existing nation’s jurisdiction, would appeal to the super-rich. At their most innocuous, they might serve as an extension of an offshore bank, allowing for evasion of any type of redistributive tax policy. They also bring to mind the activities of wealthy men like Jeffrey Epstein, who used his private Caribbean island to throw bacchanalian parties for his millionaire and billionaire friends, allegedly revolving around the sexual assault of minors."
Patri Friedman
Epstein had used his island, located between Great Saint James (Epstein's island is known as Little Saint James) and Saint Thomas in the Virgin Islands, to avoid national laws, years before Friedman and other neo-reactionary devised the scheme of building their own sovereign states at sea. Of course, both Epstein and Friedman were involved in Humanity+ together, but it is unknown if they have ever met.

But Epstein certainly seems like the kind of man neo-reaction would have a certain appeal for.

Into the Labyrinth

One of the most unsettling aspects of both Epstein's Zorro Ranch and Little Saint James is the presence of labyrinths. As to the latter, the bizarre temple located on Little Saint James was surrounded by a line of palm trees and a terrace in the shape of a labyrinth (which can be viewed here). There is also an enormous labyrinth behind Epstein's mansion that appears to have been painted on to the tops of rocks and shrubs.

the top image is the current state of the labyrinth at Zorro Ranch. It can be seen in the top left hand corner of the bottom image during better days
Labyrinths were of course quite popular in the ancient world. Easily the most well known was the one located at Knossos on Crete. It is this labyrinth from which the legend of the Minotaur derived. It is likely that this myth was inspired by especially grizzly rites. 
"The confusing maze of corridors, moreover, is an inept design for a residence. But a maze is what one finds at Knossos. A labyrinth, to use its real name, a word assimilated into Greek from the pre-Greek language, as is the name of Knossos itself. A labyrinth is the 'place of the labrys.' A 'labrys' is a double axe, an axe with edges that cut in both directions. It was a symbol of the religion practiced at Knossos, like the crucifix in Christianity. Ornamental exemplars have been found, as well as much sturdier implements for actual use. 
"And like the cross, it was the symbol of the sacrificial death. The labrys was used to slaughter the bull, and the bull was the taurine manifestation of the bovine Queen's consort. Originally not a bull, but the consort himself, was the victim. Between the two edges of an axe that cuts in both directions is the sharp divide, the razor's edge, the midmost point – beyond which lies another world. The labrys symbolizes renewal through death, and when kings became less expendable, other humans came to be substituted in the king's role, supposedly as willing sacrificial victims, uniting the living with the dead to revitalize the fertility of the Goddess and of the mortal women who joined as a trinity of sisters in her worship. The labyrinth itself, with its contorted and confusing passageways, was emblematic of the Goddess, like a maze of entrails leading to the womb, which is the gateway for life and death. 
"At the center of the labyrinth of Knossos was a courtyard, where the offering of human victims was performed as an acrobatic dance with a real bull. Both males and females were afforded this deadly honor, two groups of seven each year, at the time of Theseus, before he put an end to this practice. As the bull lunged, the dancers were expected to grasp the bull's horns and attempt to flip themselves in a somersault through the horns and over the bull's back, to land gracefully upright behind the bull. A difficult task, and more often, no doubt the dancer failed, but even a close brush with death might satisfy the need, or demonstrate the deity's moment of benevolence. The narrow and dangerous passageway through the horns was another way that these people symbolized the point where life and death convened."
 (The World of Classical Myth, Carl A.P. Ruck & Danny Staples, pg. 28)
the labrys
For obvious reasons, seeing this symbol at two of Epstein's residences is quite ominous, to put it mildly. Even more curious is the fact that both labyrinths can only be seen properly from the sky.

Which begs the question, who exactly is meant to be seeing this symbol, with all its sinister implications, projected by Epstein?


What then are we to make of all of this? Was Epstein's Zorro Ranch meant to be the site of some type of covert experiment? Consider: there is much mystery surrounding both the size of Epstein's fortune and where it comes from. But possibly a more prudent question is where is it all going? 

While Epstein was often described as a hedge fund manager, he doesn't appear to have done much investing in recent years, if not decades. It is of course quite plausible Epstein had made considerable sums of money from sex trafficking and money laundering, but was he just sitting on all of it? While no doubt his legal fees and maintaining his properties are quite expensive, he was still believed to be a billionaire, or close to it. 

Epstein is known to have provided funding for researchers such as George M. Church, who has proposed that genetic modification could be used to create superior humans. But before this type of research could even be conducted, it would have to clear a host of legal hurdles that could take years if not decades to be resolved.

But if Mr. Epstein was determined enough, could he have potentially sponsored this type of research underground? His own attorney has acknowledged Epstein had an interest in genetic manipulation. The financier certainly had the financial means available, and he possessed several isolated properties, most notably Zorro Ranch. This particular location is also located near one of the leading scientific institutions in these United States. And then there's the bizarre tract of land the state of New Mexico owns in the center of Epstein's property that appears to house some type of underground facility. 

Was Epstein an agent of some aspect of the (private) intelligence community engaged in "rogue" research? As outlandish as such a possibility may seem, it can not be dismissed out of hand. The great Gordon White of Rune Soup has compellingly demonstrated how illicit funds generated by drug trafficking has been used to fund black projects for decades now. But drug money was surely not the only source of revenue. Both sex trafficking and money laundering can be equally lucrative.

And what of the labyrinth symbolism? Is this a glimpse into an elite belief system, one of which also appears to incorporate "ancient astronauts"? Certainly, this would be an obvious explanation for who is intended to see these labyrinths from the sky. 

But at this point I should caution as to how much should be read into these revelations. They were made by The New York Times, after all. Indeed, the source of these revelations is one of the most puzzling aspects of the New Mexico Connection as many of the players surrounding Zorro Ranch are firmly in the Liberal Establishment. 

As such, nothing in concrete can be surmised from these revelations beyond the fact that they're incredibly weird, and that they will provide further fuel to the more unhinged conspiracy theorists out there. Or perhaps that was the intention all along?
Or perhaps not. In Robert Maxwell, Israel's Super Spy Gordon Thomas and Matt Dillon propose that Robert Maxwell's sudden death in 1991 via falling off his yacht into the ocean was in fact a hit carried out by Israel. With Maxwell's empire unraveling at the time, the Israelis would have had numerous reasons to kill him, but certainly his knowledge of the Jewish state's theft of US nuclear secrets surely would have been high on the list.

Maxwell's yacht, which was naturally named "Ghislaine" after his favorite daughter
Was their a similar concern among the deep private over Epstein's knowledge of black projects? Was the New York Times hang out spurred by Epstein himself or someone close to him? While The Times does its best to cast Epstein's eugenics obsession in a comical light, the implications behind what the article reveals are quite staggering and cut to the reputed heart of the shadow government.
No doubt the August 9th revelations were concerning in certain quarters as well. But many of the names such as Bill Richardson (another New Mexico Democrat) and Prince Andrew had already been linked to Epstein for years now. And the Jimmy Savile revelations made the notions of elite pedophile rings far less taboo than they've ever been.

But the implications of The New York Times piece --that the sex trafficking of minors may be providing funds for black research centered on eugenics --is something else entirely. Make light of Epstein's desire to freeze his penis all you want, but these revelations are on an entirely different level. Did Epstein or someone close to him (like, say, Robert Maxwell's daughter, Ghislaine) leak this high weirdness to The Times as part of an insurance policy in the aftermath of Epstein's first reputed "suicide" attempt?

Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell
Obviously, it didn't do the trick, as he was dead ten days later. But his death coming after documents from his legal woes were unsealed rather than after The Times piece hit may constitute an expert slight of hand. And this is assuming Epstein was the leak. A certain former madam of his is still alive at present and has largely avoided any legal entanglements up to this point for her role in his operation. Did Ghislaine learn from her father about what type of insurance policies to keep on hand? Certainly, she was the only family member to insist that her father was murdered in the immediate aftermath of his death, per Thomas and Dillon. 

Unlike my prior writings on Epstein, this post is highly speculative (and a little tongue in cheek, in case you were wondering why I mentioned the Delta Force dueling the Greys). But I thought it was warranted in an effort to make sense of the New Mexico Connection and all it implies. With Epstein now dead we will likely never know how relevant the connection was. But it is clearly a part of Epstein's legacy and must be accounted for to gather a complete picture of this travesty. Hopefully, this post has contributed in some meaningful way to that picture.

And with that, I shall sign off for now dear readers. Stay tuned until next time.

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