
Sunday, April 10, 2016

Isaac Newton’s Lost Alchemy Recipe Discovered: Are ‘Magic’ & ‘Superpowers’ Just Science We Have Yet To Understand?  by ISSAC
Speaking seriously about either ‘magic’ or ‘superpowers’ will get you branded as a quack by the majority of mainstream scientists today. This is unfortunate for several reasons, most notably for the simple fact that what we perceive to be ‘superpowers’ — phenomena like telepathy, distant healing, psychokinesis, mental control over our own biology, and more — have been tested and researched, and have yielded a number of statistically significant results. The sheer volume of credible research which has been published in various peer-reviewed scientific journals on the subject is actually a bit overwhelming. Those who dismiss findings in this field as pseudoscience do not seem to be doing any research before arriving at this conclusion.
A statistics professor at the University of California, Irvine, for example, published a paper regarding mind mater research which demonstrated that the evidence of Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) is significantly stronger than the statistics showing that a daily dose of aspirin helps prevent heart attack. The study also showed how parapsychological (psi) studies produced stronger results compared to the effectiveness of antiplatelets, which are a group of medicines that stop blood cells from sticking together and forming a blood clot.
There are many examples and strong results in psi. For a short list of a few (out of many) downloadable peer-reviewed journal articles reporting studies of psychic phenomena, mostly published in the 21st century, you can click HERE,
Another fact you might not be aware of is that most of our pioneering scientists were all mystics. Issaac Newton is a great example; most of his published works were classified as occult studies, but this is never mentioned in the mainstream scientific literature.

Isaac Newton And Alchemy

A 17th century document that has been held in a private collection for decades is now in the hands of the Chemical Heritage Foundation, a nonprofit group situated in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In February, they purchased the document and are now working on uploading digital images and transcripts to an online database so more people can study Newton’s take on alchemy.
According to science historian William Newman of Indiana University:
While there’s no evidence that Newton actually made sophick mercury, the manuscript will help scholars understand how he interpreted alchemy’s often deeply encoded recipes. The document also underscores the fact that Newton—a father of modern physics and co-discoverer of calculus—was greatly influenced by alchemy and his collaborations with alchemists. (source)
National Geographic goes on to emphasize how “Newton wrote more than one million words about alchemy throughout his life, in the hope of using ancient knowledge to better explain the nature of matter. . . .”
Alchemy is considered to be a philosophical tradition which has been practiced by various cultures throughout human history. Its aim was to purify, mature, perfect, and transmute certain substances like lead and precious metals into gold. It’s commonly associated with ‘the Philosopher’s Stone,’ an alchemical substance that was also capable of turning base material into gold.
The document provides details on how to make “sophick mercury,” a substance seen as a main ingredient for the Philosopher’s Stone. The stone in turn could supposedly change base metals like lead into other substances, like gold. Newton copied the recipe by hand from a text by American-born alchemist George Starkey, but there is no evidence that he was actually successful in his experiments.
Again, this type of phenomenon is well documented throughout history, which is why scientists like Isaac Newton were so interested in it. He studied alchemy in depth, and it seems he had no doubts about its merit. Unfortunately, many of his writings on alchemy have been lost, apparently burned in a laboratory accident. Further complicating matters is the fact that much of his work on the subject was actually forbidden at the time, as scientists faced punishment and censure for pursuing occult topics. The English crown even feared the discovery of the Philosopher’s Stone because it would make gold — the substance they used (and still use) to control the monetary system — less valuable. All these facts are well documented. If you want to learn more or to confirm these findings for yourself, a great place to start is a documentary done by NOVA PBS, which you can access here.

Alchemy Is No Joke

Newton invented calculus, and is known (obviously) for many other things, but he is one of a long list of scientists throughout history to be heavily interested in what we often consider to be “occult studies.”
Evidence shows that alchemy may have more merit than we believe, however. Even in recent history we’ve seen heavy interest in the subject, with science historians working to decipher alchemical texts. Their task is not an easy one, however, as alchemists were obsessed with secrecy, and they would purposefully describe their experiments in figurative language.
Smithsonian Magazine tells us more about modern historical attempts to decipher these texts:
This painstaking process of decoding allowed researchers, for the first time, to attempt ambitious alchemical experiments. Lawrence Principe, a chemist and science historian at Johns Hopkins University, cobbled together obscure texts and scraps of 17th-century laboratory notebooks to reconstruct a recipe to grow a “Philosophers’ Tree” from a seed of gold. Supposedly this tree was a precursor to the more celebrated and elusive Philosopher’s Stone, which would be able to transmute metals into gold. The use of gold to make more gold would have seemed entirely logical to alchemists, Principe explains, like using germs of wheat to grow an entire field of wheat.
Again, there are multiple examples throughout ancient and modern history; even Robert Boyle, one of the 17th-century founders of modern chemistry, scavenged the work of German physician and alchemist Daniel Sennert.
I am going to leave you with this little excerpt from a book titled The Secret Teachings of All Ages, written by Manly P. Halla scholar of occult studies and a 33rd degree Mason:
The alchemical philosophers used the symbols of salt, sulphur, and mercury to represent not only chemicals but the spiritual and invisible principles of God, man and the universe. The three substances existing in four worlds, with the sum adding up to the sacred number 12. These 12 are the foundation stones of the sacred city.  In line with the same idea Pythagoras asserted that the dodecahedron, or twelve-faved symmetrical geometric solid, was the foundation of the universe.  Maybe there not be a relation also between this mysterious 3 times 4 and the four parties o three which in the legend of the third degree of Freemasonry go forth to the four angels of the cherubim, the composite creature of four parts?
As one of the great alchemists fittingly observed, man’s quest for gold is often his undoing, for he mistakes the alchemical processes, believing them to be purely material. He does not realize that the Philosopher’s Golf, the Philosopher’s Stone, and the Philosopher’s Medicine exist in each of the four worlds and that the consummation of the experiment cannot be realized until it is successfully carried on in four worlds simultaneously according to one formula. Furthermore, one of the constituents of the alchemical formula exists only within the nature of man himself, without which his chemicals will not combine, and though he spend his life and fortune in chemical experimentation, he will not produce the desired end. The paramount reason why the material scientist is incapable of uplifting the achievements of the mediaeval alchemists – although he follow every step carefully and accurately – is that the subtle element which comes out of the nature of the illuminated and regenerated alchemical philosopher is missing in his experimentation
This is the strength of all powers. This is a very strong figure, that does positively posses all the powers concealed in Nature, not for destruction but for exaltation and regeneration of matter, in the three departments of nature. With all this thous wilt be able to overcome all things, and to transmute all what is fine and what is corse. It will conquer every subtle thing, of course, as it refixes the most subtle Oxygen into its own fiery Nature and that with more power, penetration and virtue
The Philosophers stone is really the philosopher’s stone, for philosophy is truly likened to a magic jewel whose touch transmutes base substances into priceless gems like itself. Wisdom is the alchemist’s powder of projection which transforms which transforms many thousand times its own weight of gross ignorance into the precious substance of enlightenment
The Philosophers stone contains all the powers of nature, it is established by the harmony of the four elements

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