
Sunday, April 10, 2016


“I Was Literally Surrounded By Them When I Was 14” – Corey Feldman Exposes Hollywood Pedophilia

by .

feldmanFor those who haven’t already heard, Corey Feldman (arguably the biggest child actor of the 80’s) went public about being sexually abused by Hollywood moguls many times over the course of his childhood. He describes how he and fellow former child star Corey Haim were constantly fed drugs and taken advantage of. Feldman started speaking out after the death of his friend, explaining that the trauma Haim experienced as a child played a large role in his death.
This isn’t the first time an actor or actress has come out; Allison Arngrim, the former “Little House on the Prairie” star, also wrote about her own experiences in the book Confessions of a Prairie Bitch, revealing how she was abused multiple times.
Sex abuse charges have been laid many times against Hollywood employees. Martin Weiss is one of them, a 47-year-old Hollywood manager who represented several child actors. Another one is Jason James Murphy, 35, a casting agent who frequently worked with young clients.
On a personal note, based on everything I have looked at over the years I have no doubt in my mind that Hollywood is filled with pedophiles and occultists. The same group of corporations that own Hollywood also own major oil, energy, pharmaceutical companies, and more. This group controls the entire military industrial complex, including Hollywood. You can read more about that here, in an article which examines one major shareholder of the few corporations that control the entertainment industry, among others as mentioned above.
I’d also like to mention that Randy Quaid went on record saying that there are a group of “star whackers”  in Hollywood. He said that actors are killed and many others are being tampered with, and expressed his belief that Hollywood is controlled by the big bankers. This isn’t a conspiracy, I provide some links to that information in the article linked above. I also echo Roseanne Barr’s words that MK Ultra rules in Hollywood, that children within the entertainment industry are constantly subjected to trauma-based mind control on multiple levels, that they are controlled, abused, and used their entire lives.
For anybody who has researched ancient philosophy, occultism, and history, you will be aware of the disturbing practices of these secret societies. Sexual rituals described by Corey are one of many ritualistic tendencies of secret societies that still exist today.

Former Child Star Corey Feldman: Paedophilia Rampant in Hollywood

I can tell you that the number one problem in Hollywood was, and is, and always will be pedophilia. That’s the biggest problem, for children in this industry… It’s all done under the radar … it’s the big secret. I was surrounded by them when I was 14 years old … they were everywhere, like vultures. – Corey Feldman
There was a circle of older men that surrounded themselves around this group of kids, and they all had either their own power or connections to great power in the entertainment industry. – Corey Feldman

I’d like to leave you with some of these pictures taken from Disney movies. I have seen many of them, and have noticed various uses of symbolism and sexual innuendo. This is just a look at a select few. So ask yourself, what’s really going on in Hollywood? Hollywood moguls are molesting children, and they have also been using this type of imagery in many children’s movies, and continue to do so today.
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