
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Sergei Lavrov, German-Russian relations, The Ukraine, Ukrainian crisis, Sevastopol, Russian Black Sea Fleet, Crimean War, Helmut Kohl, Mikhail Gorbachev, German reunification, Nazi International, The Ukraine and GMOs

Ever since the USA-sponsored coup and crisis in the Ukraine began, I've been suspicious that there was much more at stake than simply to cause trouble and distraction in Russia's backyard. There was, of course, the obvious if unplausibly-denied attempt to deny Russia's Black Sea Fleet of its traditional home port of Sevastopol, scene of two bloody sieges from the Crimean War to World War Two. Then it emerged that American "agribusiness" corporations like I.G. Farbensanto had bougth port facility access and were planning on introducing GMOs into the Ukraine's agriculture.
But I also suspected that the American moves were as much about the USA repositioning its forward bases in the old Versailles-era cordon sanitaire, M. Clemenceau's "buffer zone" between Germany and the Soviet Union consisting of the Baltic States, Poland, and Romania, a buffer zone not only to keep Russian communism out of the heart of Europe, but to hedge in Germany on her eastern frontiers. It was, in effect, an attempt to keep the two powers apart, an attempt that, let it be noted, ultimately failed with the advent of the Treaty of Rapallo, and failed even more spectacularly with the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. And we know what the result of that was...
All of which is why I find the following article in RT rather interesting:
US uses Ukraine crisis to derail Russia-Germany partnership – Lavrov
Here the headline says it all: US Uses Ukraine (sic) Crisis to Derail Russia-Germany partnership." But what I find even more intriguing, and highly suggestive, is this quotation from Mr. Lavrov:
The Ukrainian crisis is used by the US to derail Russia’s partnership with the EU and particularly Germany, Lavrov stressed.
“An open partnership between Russia and Germany is necessary to rattle the European Union, to make the lane of pursuing national interests of [EU] member states prevailing, not to give up the EU policies to marginal politicians acting on orders from across the ocean,” Lavrov explained.
Not only is Mr. Lavrov suggesting that American leverage of the Ukrainian crisis has been used to drive a rift between Moscow and Berlin, but that only by doing so will it be able to keep Germany thoroughly under its thumb, and, through Germany, keep the rest of Europe firmly in Washington's lap... for now.
What intrigues me here, however, are the hidden, high octane speculation possibilities. Readers of my most recent book The Third Way will instantly recognize what may be at stake, for in that book I reveal that it was a very long term geopolitical strategy objective of the German corporate interests to play both sides of the fence until a longer-term deal could be brokered with Moscow to open up Russian and Asian markets to German exports. Indeed, as I also point out in that book, eastern European, and particularly Czech, media sources made no secret of the fact that they believed there was a kind of Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact Version 2.0 between Mr. Gorbachev and Herr Kohl, not only to open up those Russian and Asian markets, but, essentially, to carve up the Ukraine and unmake the provisions of the Treaty of Trianon, the "Versailles" Treaty between the Allied And Associated Powers and Austria and Hungary.
According to the Czech news sources of the period of the German reunification, Hungary was to be given a mediating role in any case where ethnic problems of the old Ciscarpathian region of Galicia were ever to recur... an event that is occurring even as I write these words.
Time will tell, of course, if all that occurs, but the real point here is that Mr. Lavrov appears to be verifying or corroborating my high octane geopolitical speculations. And if that's the case, then given the context of those Czech media revelations from the 1990s, then perhaps American foreign policy in the region isn't as crazy on deeper analysis than it looks on the surface. But the USA cannot admit what that deeper agenda might be, for that implies that the real nature of its concerns have little to do with Russia, or Germany, but with much deeper interests burrowed much more deeply into the fabric of postwar European economic and military power.

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