
Monday, August 31, 2015

“Crisis Actors” Alison Parker and Adam Ward    ~ hehe we's STILL b'ing ..."played" & u's just keep "watch~in" that lame~stream~media~whore's ~psy~ops~cia~prop~a~gam~ya ~bull~shit  ...clap trap HUH & it looks like the "rest" of the World IS catch~ing a lil faster Oops ... what's say ...guys

The “journalistic” duo were prone to elaborate get-ups and antics both on and off the air –  UK paper says

Photographs obtained from the social media accounts of slain reporters Alison Parker and Adam Ward posted by the Daily Mail on August 26 indicate the pair greatly enjoyed dressing up at work and play. At one point they are even photographed in a dressing room preparing “fake injuries” as combination crisis actor/reporters.
“The reporter and cameraman shared this photo of them being painted with fake injuries for a news segment,” the Mail remarks.

A photo comparison of Alison Parker and image of a person unknown captured seconds after the initial blast of the April 15, 2013 Boston Marathon bombing event. (Courtesy of Allan Powell)
“Ward and Parker are pictured in fancy dress in a photo posted on Facebook,” the Daily Mail muses. 2BAE47A100000578-3211613-image-a-18_1440615445472
“The pair were also snapped joshing around while filming a feature for WDBJ7 in an evening-wear store.”2BAD0C6B00000578-3211613-image-a-10_1440618382633 2BAD0C6400000578-3211613-image-m-9_1440618372867
“In the poignant album was this photo of Hurst and Parker enjoying themselves at a fancy dress party,” notes the Daily Mail.

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