
Friday, July 17, 2015


This article was shared with us by Mr. John Casey, and I have to pass it along, because it gives at least partial confirmation to my own high octane speculations about what might be the possible pattern behind them. If you're a regular reader here, you'll remember that I have been pointing out that, contrary to the theory that has all these bankers jumping in front of trains, or off high raise buildings in order to collect on their bank-owned life insurances policies (or BOLIs as they're known), I have been arguing the following possibility:
  1. Since many of the murdered bankers (and there's no doubt in my mind that it's murder) worked in areas having to do with the use of computers to monitor and track data, that these individuals may have come across information related either to
  2. the possibility of using computer trading algorithms to manipulate markets through High Frequency Trading, or that they
  3. uncovered the possibilities of the existence of a huge hidden system of finance, or
  4. both.
Well, now it seems that some people within the  well-known JP Morgan circles are themselves entertaining very similar - but not entirely identical - scenarios:
JPMorgan Tech Workers Have New Conspiracy Theories
The essence of the new theory occurs only in one short paragraph, though there is a hint of my wider scenario in the same article. The new theory, however, occurs in this context, and I am citing a great deal in order to highlight the unusual nature of the statement concerning the "new theory" being bandied about in the banking business:
"A noteworthy number of the deaths have been among technology workers. With the exception of Julian Knott, who was a high level technology expert for JPMorgan in both London and later at the firm’s high tech Global Network Operations Center in Whippany, New Jersey, all of the individuals were under 40. (See names and incidents below.)
Last Thursday, 29-year old Thomas Hughes allegedly took his life by jumping from a luxury apartment building at 1 West Street in Manhattan. According to Hughes’ resume at the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), he had previously interned at JPMorgan Chase, as well as held jobs at Citigroup and UBS after graduation from Northwestern University. Hughes was employed at investment bank, Moelis & Company LLC, at the time of his death. JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup and UBS pleaded guilty to criminal felony charges for conspiring to rig markets the week prior to Hughes’ alleged leap from the building.
The fact that JPMorgan Chase holds an estimated $179 billion in life insurance on its workers, and in some cases, prior workers, whose death benefit pays to the bank not the family of the employee, has raised concerns of more than just trading conspiracies at JPMorgan Chase.  (Emphasis added)
That's the old "Bank Owned Life Insurance policy" theory. Here comes the new theory:
Now, according to Sarah Butcher at EFinancialCareers, at least two executives at JPMorgan have forbidden their technology workers from explaining exactly what they do at the bank on their LinkedIn profiles. One tech worker imagines that it’s a plot to restrict their ability to market their skills to prospective competitors as JPMorgan moves tech workers from the glitter of London to cheaper corporate digs in Bournemouth, England or Glasgow, Scotland. Says one worker, according to Butcher, “We’ve been joking that the plan is to make us technologists invisible in the market and then forcing us to move to Bournemouth or Glasgow.”
JPMorgan Chase could have other reasons for restricting information as to just what its tech workers are up to. There are ongoing lawsuits and investigations across Wall Street into the use of computerized trading to rig markets.
In his annual shareholders’ letter in 2014, Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase, said the firm had “nearly 30,000 programmers, application developers and information technology employees who keep our 7,200 applications, 32 data centers, 58,000 servers, 300,000 desk-tops and global network operating smoothly for all our clients.” (Emphasis added)
Now, as many of you are aware, in my version of the hidden financial system-trading rigging theory, I posit that the banks themselves are really not at the uppermost or innermost tier of what is going on, but rather, are involved at a lower and secondary level in this system. The real culprits on my view lie in the various western intelligence agencies, and in particular with the American (and by implication, German and potentially even the Japanese) intelligence services, which were put into the banking business by a controversial and far-reaching decision that President Truman took in 1947, to recover Japanese plunder from Asia, and to keep it top secret, and entirely off the books and directly under the administration of his national security council (See my book Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations). Again, on my view, this decision did two things: (1) it put the intelligence agencies directly into the banking business and (2) required the participation of certain prime banks of the west in order to make the scheme work. The purpose of all of this secret finance - with all of its implications of secret bond markets and a very hidden medium of exchange (in the form of unusual bearer bonds) - was ostensibly to create a slush fund to fight and roll back Communism. However, given the vast sums involved and the amount of time from 1947 until now, I have also speculated that this system was, more importantly, a vast system to fund black projects research and technologies, for the simple reason that the amounts of money involved simply overwhelm any financing needs for merely covert political operations.
A hint of these possibilities is supplied at the end of this article in the review of the suspicious banker deaths connected with JP Morgan:
Thomas J. Hughes, age 29, was found dead on May 28, 2015 outside his residence at 1 West St., Manhattan. A spokeswoman for the NYPD said his injuries were “consistent with a fall from an elevated location.” Hughes’ death came the week after JPMorgan Chase, Citi, and UBS each pleaded guilty to criminal felony charges of engaging in a conspiracy to rig markets. Hughes had worked for all three firms previously. He was currently employed at the investment bank, Moelis & Company LLC.
It is the mention of UBS, Union Bank of Switzerland, that interests us here, for this bank has been at the center of those strange bearer bond stories that have repeatedly appeared for a brief moment, and then equally as mysteriously, just as suddenly disappeared from mainstream media reporting. In UBS' case, there are the connections to Nazi gold and other strange aspects, that might indicate that at least in Mr. Hughes' unfortunate demise, he might have seen indicators of this hidden system at work.
All of this brings us to that strange "short circuit" in the New York Stock Exchange that occurred last week. But for those parts of the high octane speculation, we have to wait until tomorrow.

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